1,011 research outputs found

    The emergence of galaxies in the epoch of reionization

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    The field of high-redshift galaxy observation has seen incredible progress in the last decade and the recent launch of JWST is already providing us with data with unprecedented precision. In order to interpret this flood of data and understand the nature of the first galaxies in our Universe, we need to simulate a large number of galaxies to ensure statistically significant results with a mass resolution high enough to study the properties of low-mass sources and their assembly into massive systems. I use the ASTRAEUS framework, which couples a start-of-the-art N-body simulation with a galaxy formation semi-analytical model and a semi-numerical reionization scheme. ASTRAEUS includes all the key processes of galaxy evolution such as mergers, accretion, supernova, and reionization feedback. has three key strengths to tackle this challenge, (i) the simulation box is large enough to investigate the role of the environment; (ii) it tracks galaxies in a wide mass range; and (iii) it accounts for the radiative feedback from reionization and allows us to explore different scenario. Using this simulation, I address the following questions: What is the form of the star formation history of galaxies? What is the respective role of accretion and mergers, both minor and major, in the mass assembly? How is galaxy growth affected by their environment? I also outline a method to further improve the mass resolution of simulations at a low cost, by combining a machine learning algorithm with analytically generated merger trees

    Diffractive orbits in the length spectrum of a 2D microwave cavity with a small scatterer

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    In a 2D rectangular microwave cavity dressed with one point-like scatterer, a semiclassical approach is used to analyze the spectrum in terms of periodic orbits and diffractive orbits. We show, both numerically and experimentally, how the latter can be accounted for in the so-called length spectrum which is retrieved from 2-point correlations of a finite range frequency spectrum. Beyond its fundamental interest, this first experimental evidence of the role played by diffractive orbits in the spectrum of an actual cavity, can be the first step towards a novel technique to detect and track small defects in wave cavities.Comment: 14 pages, format IO

    Negative reflection of elastic guided waves in chaotic and random scattering media

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    The propagation of waves in complex media can be harnessed either by taming the incident wave-field impinging on the medium or by forcing waves along desired paths through its careful design. These two alternative strategies have given rise to fascinating concepts such as time reversal or negative refraction. Here, we show how these two processes are intimately linked through the negative reflection phenomenon. A negative reflecting mirror converts a wave of positive phase velocity into its negative counterpart and vice versa. In this article, we experimentally demonstrate this phenomenon with elastic waves in a 2D billiard and in a disordered plate by means of laser interferometry. Despite the complexity of such configurations, the negatively reflected wave field focuses back towards the initial source location, thereby mimicking a phase conjugation operation while being a fully passive process. The super-focusing capability of negative reflection is also highlighted in a monochromatic regime. The negative reflection phenomenon is not restricted to guided elastic waves since it can occur in zero-gap systems such as photonic crystals, chiral metamaterials or graphene. Negative reflection can thus become a tool of choice for the control of waves in all fields of wave physics.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Localized Modes in a Finite-Size Open Disordered Microwave Cavity

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    We present measurements of the spatial intensity distribution of localized modes in a two-dimensional open microwave cavity randomly filled with cylindrical dielectric scatterers. We show that each of these modes displays a range of localization lengths and successfully relate the largest value to the measured leakage rate at the boundary. These results constitute unambiguous signatures of the existence of strongly localized electromagnetic modes in two-dimensionnal open random media

    Approximate equivalence between guided modes in a low-contrast photonic bandgap fiber and Maxwell TM modes of a high-contrast two-dimensional photonic structure

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    We present a formal analogy between the eigenvalue problem for guided scalar modes in a low-contrast photonic bandgap fiber and quasi-stationary TM modes of a two-dimensional (2D) photonic structure. Using this analogy, we numerically study the confinement losses of disordered microstructured fibers through the leakage rate of an open 2D system with high refractive index inclusions. Our results show that for large values of the disorder, the confinement losses increase. However, they also suggest that losses might be improved in strongly disordered fibers by exploring ranges of physical parameters where Anderson localization sets in

    Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte – Cours de la Douve

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    Date de l'opération : 2007 (PR) Inventeur(s) : Le Guyader Laurent (BEN) ; Legrand Sébastien ; Giacchetti Laurent Cette prospection subaquatique s’est déroulée sur la commune de Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte. Place stratégique au sein du « Clos du Cotentin », elle joua un rôle important dans la guerre de Cent ans. Malgré de nombreuses restaurations, elle reste marquée par les bombardements de la seconde guerre mondiale. La Douve traverse le site et relie sur 800 m l’abbaye au château médiéval (dont..

    Astraeus - III. The environment and physical properties of reionization sources

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    In this work, we use the {\sc astraeus} (seminumerical rAdiative tranSfer coupling of galaxy formaTion and Reionization in N-body dArk mattEr simUlationS) framework which couples galaxy formation and reionization in the first billion years. Exploring a number of models for reionization feedback and the escape fraction of ionizing radiation from the galactic environment (fescf_\mathrm{esc}), we quantify how the contribution of star-forming galaxies {(with halo masses Mh>108.2M_h>10^{8.2}M_\odot)} to reionization depends on the radiative feedback model, fescf_\mathrm{esc}, and the environmental over-density. Our key findings are: (i) for constant fescf_\mathrm{esc} models, intermediate-mass galaxies (with halo masses of Mh10911M_h\simeq10^{9-11}M_\odot and absolute UV magnitudes of MUV15M_{UV} \sim -15 to 20-20) in intermediate-density regions drive reionization; (ii) scenarios where fescf_\mathrm{esc} increases with decreasing halo mass shift the galaxy population driving reionization to lower-mass galaxies (Mh109.5M_h\lesssim10^{9.5}M_\odot) with lower luminosities (MUV16M_{UV} \gtrsim-16) and over-densities; (iii) reionization imprints its topology on the ionizing emissivity of low-mass galaxies (Mh109M_h\lesssim10^{9}M_\odot) through radiative feedback. Low-mass galaxies experience a stronger suppression of star formation by radiative feedback and show lower ionizing emissivities in over-dense regions; (iv) a change in fescf_\mathrm{esc} with galaxy properties has the largest impact on the sources of reionization and their detectability, with the radiative feedback strength and environmental over-density playing a sub-dominant role; (v) JWST-surveys (with a limiting magnitude of MUV=16M_{UV} = -16) will be able to detect the galaxies providing 6070%\sim 60-70\% (10%\sim 10\%) of reionization photons at z=7z=7 for constant fescf_\mathrm{esc} models (scenarios where fescf_\mathrm{esc} increases with decreasing halo mass).Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Negative refraction of Lamb modes: A theoretical study

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    This paper provides a theoretical investigation of negative refraction and focusing of elastic guided waves in a free-standing plate with a step-like thickness change. Under certain conditions, a positive phase velocity (forward) Lamb mode can be converted into a negative phase velocity (backward) mode at such interface, giving rise to negative refraction. A semi-analytical model is developed in order to study the influence of various parameters such as the material Poisson's coefficient, the step-like thickness, the frequency and the incidence angle. To this end, all the Lamb and shear horizontal propagating modes, but also a large number of their inhomogeneous and evanescent counterpart,s are taken into account. The boundary conditions applied to the stress-displacement fields at the thickness step yields an equation system. Its inversion provides the transmission and reflection coefficients between each mode at the interface. The step-like thickness and Poisson's ratio are shown to be key parameters to optimize the negative refraction process. In terms of material, Duralumin is found to be optimal as it leads to a nearly perfect conversion between forward and backward modes over broad frequency and angular ranges. An excellent focusing ability is thus predicted for a flat lens made of two symmetric thickness steps. Theoretical results are confirmed by a numerical FDTD simulation and experimental measurements made on an optimized Duralumin flat lens by means of laser interferometry. This theoretical study paves the way towards the optimization of elastic devices based on negative refraction, in particular for cloaking or super-focusing purposes.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure