2,032 research outputs found

    Comparing Emotion Recognition Skills among Children with and without Jailed Parents

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    Approximately five million children in the United States have experienced a co-resident parent’s incarceration in jail or prison. Parental incarceration is associated with multiple risk factors for maladjustment, which may contribute to the increased likelihood of behavioral problems in this population. Few studies have examined early predictors of maladjustment among children with incarcerated parents, limiting scholars’ understanding about potential points for prevention and intervention. Emotion recognition skills may play a role in the development of maladjustment and may be amenable to intervention. The current study examined whether emotion recognition skills differed between three- to eight-year-old children with and without jailed parents. We hypothesized that children with jailed parents would have a negative bias in processing emotions and less accuracy compared to children without incarcerated parents. Data were drawn from 128 families, including 75 children (53.3% male, M = 5.37 years) with jailed parents and 53 children (39.6% male, M = 5.02 years) without jailed parents. Caregivers in both samples provided demographic information. Children performed an emotion recognition task in which they were asked to produce a label for photos expressing six different emotions (i.e., happy, surprised, neutral, sad, angry, fearful). For scoring, the number of positive and negative labels were totaled; the number of negative labels provided for neutral and positive stimuli were totaled (measuring negative bias/overextension of negative labels); and valence accuracy (i.e., positive, negative, neutral) and label accuracy were calculated. Results indicated a main effect of parental incarceration on the number of positive labels provided; children with jailed parents presented significantly fewer positive emotions than the comparison group. There was also a main effect of parental incarceration on negative bias (the overextension of negative labels); children with jailed parents had a negative bias compared to children without jailed parents. However, these findings did not hold when controlling for child age, race/ethnicity, receipt of special education services, and caregiver education. The results provide some evidence for the effect of the context of parental incarceration in the development of negative emotion recognition biases. Limitations and implications for future research and interventions are discussed

    Imaging Synapse Formation during Thymocyte Selection Inability of CD3ζ to Form a Stable Central Accumulation during Negative Selection

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    AbstractTCR signaling can result in cell fates ranging from activation to tolerance to apoptosis. Organization of molecules in an “immunological synapse” between mature T cells and APCs correlates with the strength of TCR signaling. To investigate synapse formation during thymic selection, we have established a reaggregate system in which molecular recruitment of GFP fusion proteins to thymocyte:stromal cell interfaces can be visualized in real time. We demonstrate that negative selection is associated with efficient conjugate formation and rapid recruitment of p56lck and CD3ζ to an immunological synapse. Interestingly, CD3ζ-GFP does not accumulate at the center of the synapse, as in mature T cells, but at the periphery across a wide range of ligand densities. This implicates differences in synapse geometry in initiation of alternate signals downstream of the TCR

    Development and Application of an Interdisciplinary Rapid Message Testing Model for COVID-19 in North Carolina

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    Introduction From the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, public health officials have sought to develop evidence-based messages to reduce COVID-19 transmission by communicating key information to media outlets and the public. We describe the development of an interdisciplinary rapid message testing model to quickly create, test, and share messages with public health officials for use in health campaigns and policy briefings. Methods An interdisciplinary research team from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill assembled in March 2020 to assist the state health department in developing evidence-based messages to influence social distancing behaviors in the state. We developed and iteratively executed a rapid message testing model; the components of the 4-step model were message creation, survey development, survey administration, and analysis and presentation to health department officials. The model was executed 4 times, each during a 7-day period in April and May, and each subsequent survey included new phrasing and/or messaging informed by the previous week’s survey. A total of 917 adults from North Carolina participated in the 4 surveys. Results Survey participants rated messages focused on protecting oneself and others higher than messages focused on norms and fear-based approaches. Pairing behaviors with motivations increased participants’ desire to social distance across all themes and subgroups. For example, adding “Protect your grandmother, your neighbor with cancer, and your best friend with asthma,” to messaging received a 0.9-point higher score than the base message, “Stay 6 feet apart from others when out in public.” Practice Implications Our model to promote social distancing in North Carolina during the COVID-19 pandemic can be used for rapid, iterative message testing during public health emergencies

    The Cardiac TBX5 Interactome Reveals a Chromatin Remodeling Network Essential for Cardiac Septation

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    Human mutations in the cardiac transcription factor gene TBX5 cause Congenital Heart Disease (CHD), however the underlying mechanism is unknown. We report characterization of the endogenous TBX5 cardiac interactome and demonstrate that TBX5, long considered a transcriptional activator, interacts biochemically and genetically with the Nucleosome Remodeling and Deacetylase (NuRD) repressor complex. Incompatible gene programs are repressed by TBX5 in the developing heart. CHD missense mutations that disrupt the TBX5-NuRD interaction cause depression of a subset of repressed genes. Furthermore, the TBX5-NuRD interaction is required for heart development. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the TBX5-NuRD interaction domain evolved during early diversification of vertebrates, simultaneous with the evolution of cardiac septation. Collectively, this work defines a TBX5-NuRD interaction essential to cardiac development and the evolution of the mammalian heart, and when altered may contribute to human CHD

    Single-cell RNA sequencing identifies a paracrine interaction that may drive oncogenic notch signaling in human adenoid cystic carcinoma

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    Salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is a rare, biologically unique biphasic tumor that consists of malignant myoepithelial and luminal cells. MYB and Notch signaling have been implicated in ACC pathophysiology, but in vivo descriptions of these two programs in human tumors and investigation into their active coordination remain incomplete. We utilize single-cell RNA sequencing to profile human head and neck ACC, including a comparison of primary ACC with a matched local recurrence. We define expression heterogeneity in these rare tumors, uncovering diversity in myoepithelial and luminal cell expression. We find differential expression of Notch ligands DLL1, JAG1, and JAG2 in myoepithelial cells, suggesting a paracrine interaction that may support oncogenic Notch signaling. We validate this selective expression in three published cohorts of patients with ACC. Our data provide a potential explanation for the biphasic nature of low- and intermediate-grade ACC and may help direct new therapeutic strategies against these tumors

    The Adolescent Cardio-Renal Intervention Trial (AdDIT): retinal vascular geometry and renal function in adolescents with type 1 diabetes

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    Aims/hypothesis We examined the hypothesis that elevation in urinary albumin creatinine ratio (ACR) in adolescents with type 1 diabetes is associated with abnormal retinal vascular geometry (RVG) phenotypes. Methods A cross-sectional study at baseline of the relationship between ACR within the normoalbuminuric range and RVG in 963 adolescents aged 14.4 ± 1.6 years with type 1 diabetes (median duration 6.5 years) screened for participation in AdDIT. A validated algorithm was used to categorise log10 ACR into tertiles: upper tertile ACR was defined as ‘high-risk’ for future albuminuria and the lower two tertiles were deemed ‘low-risk’. RVG analysis, using a semi-automated computer program, determined retinal vascular calibres (standard and extended zones) and tortuosity. RVG measures were analysed continuously and categorically (in quintiles: Q1–Q5) for associations with log10 ACR and ACR risk groups. Results Greater log10 ACR was associated with narrower vessel calibres and greater tortuosity. The high-risk group was more likely to have extended zone vessel calibres in the lowest quintile (arteriolar Q1 vs Q2–Q5: OR 1.67 [95% CI 1.17, 2.38] and venular OR 1.39 [0.98, 1.99]) and tortuosity in the highest quintile (Q5 vs Q1–Q4: arteriolar OR 2.05 [1.44, 2.92] and venular OR 2.38 [1.67, 3.40]). The effects of retinal vascular calibres and tortuosity were additive such that the participants with the narrowest and most tortuous vessels were more likely to be in the high-risk group (OR 3.32 [1.84, 5.96]). These effects were independent of duration, blood pressure, BMI and blood glucose control. Conclusions/interpretation Higher ACR in adolescents is associated with narrower and more tortuous retinal vessels. Therefore, RVG phenotypes may serve to identify populations at high risk of diabetes complications during adolescence and well before onset of clinical diabetes complications.This work was supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (NHMRC 632521), JDRF (08-2007-902), Diabetes UK (DUK PO NO 2177 BDA:RD06/003341) and the British Heart Foundation

    Rare Copy Number Variants in \u3cem\u3eNRXN1\u3c/em\u3e and \u3cem\u3eCNTN6\u3c/em\u3e Increase Risk for Tourette Syndrome

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    Tourette syndrome (TS) is a model neuropsychiatric disorder thought to arise from abnormal development and/or maintenance of cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical circuits. TS is highly heritable, but its underlying genetic causes are still elusive, and no genome-wide significant loci have been discovered to date. We analyzed a European ancestry sample of 2,434 TS cases and 4,093 ancestry-matched controls for rare (\u3c 1% frequency) copy-number variants (CNVs) using SNP microarray data. We observed an enrichment of global CNV burden that was prominent for large (\u3e 1 Mb), singleton events (OR = 2.28, 95% CI [1.39–3.79], p = 1.2 × 10−3) and known, pathogenic CNVs (OR = 3.03 [1.85–5.07], p = 1.5 × 10−5). We also identified two individual, genome-wide significant loci, each conferring a substantial increase in TS risk (NRXN1 deletions, OR = 20.3, 95% CI [2.6–156.2]; CNTN6 duplications, OR = 10.1, 95% CI [2.3–45.4]). Approximately 1% of TS cases carry one of these CNVs, indicating that rare structural variation contributes significantly to the genetic architecture of TS

    No Evidence for Emotional Empathy in Chickens Observing Familiar Adult Conspecifics

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    The capacity of animals to empathise is of high potential relevance to the welfare of group-housed domestic animals. Emotional empathy is a multifaceted and multilayered phenomenon which ranges from relatively simple processes such as emotional matching behaviour to more complex processes involving interaction between emotional and cognitive perspective taking systems. Our previous research has demonstrated that hens show clear behavioural and physiological responses to the mild distress of their chicks. To investigate whether this capacity exists outside the mother/offspring bond, we conducted a similar experiment in which domestic hens were exposed to the mild distress of unrelated, but familiar adult conspecifics. Each observer hen was exposed to two replicates of four conditions, in counterbalanced order; control (C); control with noise of air puff (CN); air puff to conspecific hen (APC); air puff to observer hen (APH). During each test, the observer hens' behaviour and physiology were measured throughout a 10 min pre-treatment and a 10 min treatment period. Despite showing signs of distress in response to an aversive stimulus directed at themselves (APH), and using methodology sufficiently sensitive to detect empathy-like responses previously, observer hens showed no behavioural or physiological responses to the mild distress of a familiar adult conspecific. The lack of behavioural and physiological response indicates that hens show no basis for emotional empathy in this context

    Seed-shattering phenology at soybean harvest of economically important weeds in multiple regions of the United States. Part 3: Drivers of seed shatter

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    Seed retention, and ultimately seed shatter, are extremely important for the efficacy of harvest weed seed control (HWSC) and are likely influenced by various agroecological and environmental factors. Field studies investigated seed-shattering phenology of 22 weed species across three soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]-producing regions in the United States. We further evaluated the potential drivers of seed shatter in terms of weather conditions, growing degree days, and plant biomass. Based on the results, weather conditions had no consistent impact on weed seed shatter. However, there was a positive correlation between individual weed plant biomass and delayed weed seed-shattering rates during harvest. This work demonstrates that HWSC can potentially reduce weed seedbank inputs of plants that have escaped early-season management practices and retained seed through harvest. However, smaller individuals of plants within the same population that shatter seed before harvest pose a risk of escaping early-season management and HWSC
