308 research outputs found


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    The aim of the present paper is to identify and comment on the existing relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the current economic crisis, by focusing on the experience of the Romanian companies. After briefly defining the concept of CSR, the article presents the above mentioned relationship from a triple perspective: the lack of ethics as a cause of the economic crisis, the threat of CSR in periods of crisis and the opportunity of CSR in periods of crisis, considering that the last perspective could be maximized if companies are going to approach CSR from a strategic point of view. Finally, the second part of the paper presents what Romanian companies really do, but, more important, what they should do in order to increase their effectiveness in terms of CSR implementation when social budgets seem to remain constant or even decrease.Corporate Social Responsibility, Economic Crisis, Stakeholders, Risk Management


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    Considering that the E.U. based (re)insurance companies are increasingly active within the segment of alternative risk transfer market, the aim of the present paper is to emphasize the impact of issuing cat bonds on the shareholders’ value for highlighting the competitive advantages of the analysed (re)insurance companies while pursuing the consolidation of their resilience in a turbulent economic environment.Eminently an applicative research, the analysis employs an event study methodology whereas adjusting the market model residuals with the aim of accounting for generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (GARCH) effects through advanced econometric procedures. To account for the shareholders’ value, the research employs high frequency financial data (daily returns of stoc k-exchange listed (re)insurance companies) and the cat bonds’ announcement dates as economic events

    Ragweed and birthwort - antimicrobial evaluation

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    Due to continuous increasing concerns regarding the use of synthetic products in almost all industries, the scientific world puts more and more attention on ecofriendly solutions in several areas like agriculture, pharmacology or foods and feeds. In this context, this article is focused on the use of two indigenous plants, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (ragweed) and Aristolochia clematitis L. (birthwort) from Romanian spontaneous flora in order to identify several possible applications in agricultural sector and also in pharmaceutical industry. The aim of the experiments was to characterize the biochemical content of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. and Aristolochia clematitis L. extracts and to evaluate their influence on the development of several microorganisms. The ragweed and birthwort extracts were tested in three concentrations antimicrobial activity. The microorganisms used were Bacillus cereus, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans. Only the activity of the microorganisms belonging to Bacillus spp. was affected by the extracts. The strongest influence was attributed to the extract from birthwort with the highest concentration and the susceptibility was directly proportional with the concentration. Compared with birthwort, the influence of the ragweed extracts was reduced and the most efficient concentration was not the highest one

    Gastric cancer; actualities and perspectives of early diagnosis and targeted therapy

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    Gastric cancer is an extremely aggressive form of malignancy that, if left untreated, is life-threatening. Improved survival rates depend on early detection of the disease, as well as on the combination of different forms of treatment (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, etc.). Screening methods have brought real benefit in early detection of malignancies, but many cases are still diagnosed at advanced stages. The current study is a review related to actualities and perspectives of early diagnosis and targeted therapy of gastric cancer. After an extensive review of the literature, epidemiological, diagnostic and treatment data are presented. The open surgical approach is used in emergency centers or with a low surgical activity, while the minimally invasive approach (laparoscopic, robotic) is possible in large centers dedicated to the treatment of gastric cancer. In the near future, new diagnostic and therapeutic tools are expected to appear, not only to cure cancer definitively, but also to be able to prevent it, if possible, without radically changing the lifestyle of the population

    Diagnostic and classification pitfalls in systemic scleroderma

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    Generalităţi. Sclerodermia este o boală cronică, multisistemică, de etiologie incertă, caracterizată prin alterarea, indurarea și îngroșarea tegumentului, și prin modificări de tip fibrotic, inflamator și vascular ale unor organe interne (tub digestiv, pulmon, cord, rinichi), însoţită de anomalii imune, celulare și umorale. Prezentare de caz. Prezentăm cazul unei paciente în vârstă de 62 de ani, cunoscută din 2015 cu o importantă patologie cardio-respiratorie (fibroză pulmonară difuză, bronșiectazii bilateral, bronhopneumopatie obstructivă cronică, stadiul III, cord pulmonar cronic compensat, ateroscleroză aortică și mitrală, insuficienţă mitrală forma ușoară), gastroenterologică (reflux gastro-esofagian, steatohepatită cronică, colecistopatie cronică alitiazică), endocrinologică (gușă polimicronodulară, lob tiroidian stâng). Pacienta relatează debutul insidios în urmă cu 1 an a unor fenomene respiratorii – dispnee, tuse iritativă, asociate cu fatigabilitate, astenie fizică, scădere ponderală 17 kg în 6 luni (ianuarie-iunie 2015), pirozis, epigastralgii, disfonie. Se adresează iniţial medicului pneumolog, ulterior fiind direcţionată către diverși specialiști datorită simptomatologiei persistente și rebele la tratament. În ianuarie 2016, ajunge în departamentul de dermatologie, la indicaţia medicului alergolog, acesta găsindu-se în imposibiliatatea realizării testelor cutanate din cauza modificărilor tegumentare. Clinic: se obiectivează tegumente infiltrate și indurate la nivelul mâinilor și feţei, modificări instalate progresiv, însoţite de prurit generalizat. Din anamneza activă reiese că leziunile au fost precedate cu aproximativ 20 de ani de un fenomen Raynaud repetitiv. Pacienta prezintă, de asemenea, macule acromice suborbitar bilateral. Aspectul clinic și patologiile asociate orientează diagnosticul spre sclerodermie sistemică forma acrosclerotică și vitiligo, iar prin corelaţie cu modificările bioumorale se ridică suspiciunea de tiroidită autoimună. S-a instituit corticoterapia sistemică cu Methilprednisolon 16mg/zi, medicaţie vasoactivă, antifibrozantă, bronhodilatator, iar topic se asociază dermatocorticoid și pomadă cu heparină. Evoluţia a fost lent favorabilă, cu diminuarea induraţiei la nivelul membrelor superioare după o lună de tratament. Menţionăm faptul că pacienta s-a adresat serviciului de reumatologie pentru explorări suplimentare în vederea instituirii terapiei cu antagoniști ai receptorilor endotelinei. Astfel, medicul reumatolog decide suprimarea în doze descrescânde a corticoterapiei sistemice, pacienta acuzând, după administrarea ultimei doze, alterarea bruscă a stării generale, cu exacerbarea simptomatologiei pulmonare. S-a indicat reiniţierea corticoterapiei, dar, prin suprapunerea unei viroze respiratorii, evoluţia a fost nefastă, conducând la exitus. Rezultate și concluzii. Particularitatea cazului constă în asocierea, rar raportată în literatura de specialitate, a acestor patologii autoimune, în tipologia/ atipia atingerii pulmonare precoce și amplă, caracteristică pentru sclerodermia sistemica difuză și în nerecunoașterea sclerodermiei sistemice de către serviciile clinice în evidenţa cărora se afl a pacienta. Un alt aspect important ar fi rolul corticoterapiei sistemice în controlul atingerii viscerale și cutanate. Având în vedere heterogenitatea sclerodermiei sistemice, este importantă colaborarea interdisciplinară în vederea diagnosticării corecte și a stabilirii conduitei terapeutice adecvate, pentru îmbunătăţirea calităţii vieţii pacientului.Overview. Scleroderma is a chronic disease, affecting multisystem, of uncertain etiology. It is characterized by alteration, increased hardness and thickness of the skin and by fibrotic, inflammatory and vascular type changes of internal organs (gastrointestinal tract, lungs, heart, kidneys), accompanied by immunological, cellular and humoral abnormalities. Case report. We present a patient aged 62 years, known from 2015 with grave cardio-respiratory (diffuse lung fibrosis, bilateral bronchiectasis, chronic obstructive lung disease stage III, compensated chronic pulmonary heart disease, atherosclerosis, aortic and mitral stenosis, mild form of mitral regurgitation), gastroenterological (gastro-esophageal reflux, chronic steatohepatitis, chronic alithiasic gallbladder), endocrine (multimicronodular left lobe thyroidian goiter) problems. Th e patient relates insidious onset 1 year ago to respiratory phenomenon – dyspnea, irritant cough, associated with fatigue, asthenia, 17 kg weight loss within six months (January-June 2015), gastro-esophageal reflux, epigastric pain, dysphonia. The patient had initially been seen by a pulmonologist doctor, then directed to various medical specialists due to persistent rebelious symptoms refractory to treatment. In January 2016 the patient arrived in the dermatology department, sent by an allergist (allergy skin testing could not be performed because of the hardness of the skin). Clinic: infiltration and induration of the skin of the hands and face, changes progressively installed, accompanied by generalized pruritus. Repetitive Raynaud’s phenomenon has preceded skin lesions for about 20 years. The patient also presents achromic patches suborbital bilaterally. Clinical and biohumoral changes oriented the diagnosis to systemic acrosclerotic form of scleroderma associated with vitiligo and autoimmune thyroiditis. Systemic corticosteroid therapy was instituted (methylprednisolone 16 mg/day), vasoactive, antifibrotic, bronchodilator medication associated with topic dermatocorticoid and heparin ointment was applied as well. Favorable evolution has been slow, with the decrease of upper limb skin induration after one month of treatment. We note that the patient was addressed to the rheumatology service for additional examination and to switch to endothelin receptor antagonist therapy. The rheumatologist decides suppression of systemic corticosteroid therapy, decreasing doses. The patient complained of sudden alteration of general condition, with exacerbation of pulmonary symptoms aft er the last corticosteroid dose. Initiation of corticosteroid therapy was indicated, but by superimposing respiratory viruses, evolution was unfortunate, leading to exitus. Results and conlcusions. The particularity of the case lies: in the rarely reported in the literature combination of these autoimmune diseases, in typology/ atipia of early and wide lung achieving (diffuse systemic scleroderma feature) and in the inability of recognizing this disease (systemic scleroderma) by the other clinical services. Another important aspect is the role of systemic corticosteroid therapy to achieve the control of visceral and cutaneous changes. Considering the heterogeneity of systemic scleroderma, interdisciplinary collaboration is important in establishing the correct diagnosis and appropriate therapeutic management, to improve patient’s quality of life

    Efficient Recruitment of Lymphocytes in Inflamed Brain Venules Requires Expression of Cutaneous Lymphocyte Antigen and Fucosyltransferase-VII

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    Abstract Lymphocyte migration into the brain represents a critical event in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis and its animal model, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). However, the mechanisms controlling the recruitment of lymphocytes to the CNS via inflamed brain venules are poorly understood, and therapeutic approaches to inhibit this process are consequently few. In this study, we demonstrate for the first time that human and murine Th1 lymphocytes preferentially adhere to murine inflamed brain venules in an experimental model that mimics early inflammation during EAE. A virtually complete inhibition of rolling and arrest of Th1 cells in inflamed brain venules was observed with a blocking anti-P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 Ab and anti-E- and P-selectin Abs. Th1 lymphocytes produced from fucosyltransferase (FucT)-IV−/− mice efficiently tethered and rolled, whereas in contrast, primary adhesion of Th1 lymphocytes obtained from FucT-VII−/− or Fuc-VII−/−FucT-IV−/− mice was drastically reduced, indicating that FucT-VII is critical for the recruitment of Th1 cells in inflamed brain microcirculation. Importantly, we show that Abs directed against cutaneous lymphocyte Ag (CLA), a FucT-VII-dependent carbohydrate modification of P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1, blocked rolling of Th1 cells. By exploiting a system that allowed us to obtain Th1 and Th2 cells with skin- vs gut-homing (CLA+ vs integrin β7+) phenotypes, we observed that induced expression of CLA on Th cells determined a striking increase of rolling efficiency in inflamed brain venules. These observations allow us to conclude that efficient recruitment of activated lymphocytes to the brain in the contexts mimicking EAE is controlled by FucT-VII and its cognate cell surface Ag CLA