57 research outputs found

    Percepción de la creatividad en niños, padres y pares: efectos en la producción creativa

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    Objetivo. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la percepción de la creatividad en niños, padres ypares, y el efecto de estas percepciones sobre la producción creativa de los niños en actividades de papel ylápiz. Método. Participaron 359 alumnos de 9 a 13 años de diferentes escuelas y colegios de la provincia deEntre Ríos de la República Argentina. Para conocer la producción creativa, los niños completaron la pruebade figuras del Test de Pensamiento Creativo de Torrance Forma B. Para estudiar la valoración de los pares,padres y niños sobre la creatividad se aplicó el Sociograma “Compañero creativo”, la Escala de PersonalidadCreadora (versión heteroevaluación a los padres o tutores) y la versión autoevaluación a los niños de 11 a 13años. Resultados. Los resultados mostraron que tanto la percepción parental (F (2, 356) = 6.55, p = 0.002),así como la evaluación que realizan los pares (F (2, 356) = 4.90, p = 0.008) sobre la creatividad mejoran laproducción creativa del niño en las tareas de papel y lápiz. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en laproducción creativa según la evaluación del niño sobre su propia creatividad. Conclusión. Los datos muestranla importancia cardinal de los factores contextuales, particularmente, la percepción de los padres y de lospares en los procesos de formación del yo en cuanto a las competencias y habilidades que son necesarias pararealizar una actividad creadora.

    Gambogic Acid, a Natural Product Inhibitor of Hsp90

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    A high-throughput screening of natural product libraries identified (−)-gambogic acid (1), a component of the exudate of Garcinia harburyi, as a potential Hsp90 inhibitor, in addition to the known Hsp90 inhibitor celastrol (2). Subsequent testing established that 1 inhibited cell proliferation, brought about the degradation of Hsp90 client proteins in cultured cells, and induced the expression of Hsp70 and Hsp90, which are hallmarks of Hsp90 inhibition. Gambogic acid also disrupted the interaction of Hsp90, Hsp70, and Cdc37 with the heme-regulated eIF2α kinase (HRI, an Hsp90-dependent client) and blocked the maturation of HRI in vitro. Surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy indicated that 1 bound to the N-terminal domain of Hsp90 with a low micromolar Kd, in a manner that was not competitive with the Hsp90 inhibitor geldanamycin (3). Molecular docking experiments supported the posit that 1 binds Hsp90 at a site distinct from Hsp90s ATP binding pocket. The data obtained have firmly established 1 as a novel Hsp90 inhibitor and have provided evidence of a new site that can be targeted for the development of improved Hsp90 inhibitors

    Divisions, Areas, and Ensembles - Opera - UNT Opera onstage

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    Photograph from a UNT Opera stage production. A man wearing a blue coat over a pale vest and blue pants raises an arm while moving. Behind the man, large red cloths with shapes cut out of them hang above the stage

    Divisions, Areas, and Ensembles - Opera - UNT Opera onstage

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    Photograph from a UNT Opera stage production. A man wearing a black tricorn, a blue coat over a yellow vest, a white shirt, and pale pants stands next to a man who is dressed in a striped vest worn over a white shirt and dark pants. The man in the blue coat stands stiffly while the man wearing the long vest raises his left hand and puts his right hand on the other man's shoulder

    Divisions, Areas, and Ensembles - Opera - UNT Opera onstage

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    Photograph from a UNT Opera stage production. A woman sitting on a patterned couch wears a dark vest over a white shirt and striped skirt, a small string instrument held in her arms as she looks off to the side. Next to her sits a woman wearing a pink dress, her head turned to face a man dressed in a black tricorn, blue coat, and white pants who leans down towards her while holding onto the couch