2,338 research outputs found

    Supporting Youth Employment: A Guide for Community Groups

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    Although public money is available for education, job training and youth programs throughout the nation, many young people in low-income communities do not acquire the skills and credentials necessary to get high paying jobs. This Guide is a resource for parents, youth workers, educators and young people who want to take action. It details three major public funding sources that can support job-related training for youth: the WIA, TANF and State Education Assistance. The Guide also offers information on how to recognize effective programs, activities and supports, highlighting successful youth initiatives. A long list of youth-oriented resources is provided

    A Critical Interpretation of Study Abroad, Participant Identity, and Second Language Learning

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    In this study I explore the history of study abroad as a sojourn for the privileged, notions of whiteness, institutional racism and inequality, and nationality and linguicism, and apply theory from critical applied linguistics and post-colonialism to analyze and interpret data collected from five participants of either a semester or year-long study abroad at the Centre International d’Études Françaises (CIDEF) in Angers, France. The principal research questions are: What is the nature of how students negotiate their identities (racial, national, and gender), L2 learning, and engagement (or lack of) with various communities of practice while studying abroad in a non-English dominant country? How can an understanding of study abroad students’ identities and participation in communities of practice abroad inform administration and implementation of study abroad programs to encourage L2 learning? Findings include that study abroad participants’ approach to their experience is highly influenced by socially learned and accepted understanding of nationality, race, language, and gender, and most choose communities of practice and language based on investment in reifying these identities

    E-Waste Recycling: The Dirty Trade Between the United States and China

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    This thesis explores the environmental and public health damages associated with the informal e-waste recycling industry in China and provides an overview of Chinese policies regulating e-waste. Furthermore, the thesis examines how the United States has contributed to these ecological and human health damages by exporting e-waste to China and failing to regulate the US e-waste recycling industry

    “The Peace,” Domestic Violence, and Firearms in the New Republic

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    Evaluating multiagency interventions for children living with intimate partner violence in Birmingham

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    This research endeavour was born out of the need for a systematic evaluation of the efficacy of the multiagency Domestic Abuse Risk Assessment tool, which necessitates that all incidents of ‘domestic abuse’ (any incident within the family domain) reported to West Midlands Police, where a child or unborn child resides within that home, are scrutinised by Police and Social Care (and partners from Health, Education and the voluntary sector where possible) using a joint protocol. The primary purpose of the protocol is to promote safeguarding and provide a timely and appropriate response to children at risk following domestic abuse. The protocol incorporates the Banardos’ Multiagency Domestic Violence Risk Identification Threshold Scales (MDVRITS), which aids decision making about appropriate interventions based on predicted risk to children using a four level scale

    Dynamical pattern formation during growth of a dual-species Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We simulate the growth of a dual species Bose-Einstein condensate using a Gross-Pitaevskii equation with an additional gain term giving rise to the growth. Such growth occurs during simultaneous evaporative cooling of a mixture of two gases. The ground state of a dual condensate is normally either a miscible mixture, or an immiscible phase with two spatially separated components. In a cigar trap the ground state typically consists of one component in the center, and the other component flanking it. Our simulations show that when the condensates are formed in a cigar trap and the mixture is phase separated, then the final state upon the end of the growth is generally far from the true ground state of the system. Instead it consists of multiple, interleaved bubbles of the two species. Such a pattern was observed recently in an experiment by Wieman's group at JILA, and our simulations are in good qualitative agreement with the experiment. We explain the pattern formation as due to the onset of modulation instability during growth, and study the dependence of the final state pattern on various parameters of the system

    Textiles: Popular Culture and the Law

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