4,508 research outputs found

    Targeting the Structural Balance

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    This paper discusses whether a country should conduct fiscal policy by targeting a structural (or cyclically adjusted) fiscal balance. The paper is divided into three sections. The first section discusses the concept of cyclically adjusted balance (CAB) and points out practical and conceptual problems related to the interpretation and the measurement of a CAB. The second section discusses the theoretical rationale for having a fiscal rule in general and a rule defined in terms of a cyclically adjusted balance in particular. The third section discusses conceptual and practical problems with adopting fiscal rules and rules that target the structural balance.

    Quando não se morre como nas óperas de Verdi : reflexÔes histórico-filosóficas sobre suicídio e o suicídio racional na Antiguidade Clåssica

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    Neste artigo, abordam-se questĂ”es terminolĂłgicas acerca dos termos da Antiguidade clĂĄssica que significavam ‘suicĂ­dio’ e ‘eutanĂĄsia’; fala-se da posição adoptada por certas escolas e certos autores Antigos perante a morte voluntĂĄria; contextualiza-se, historicamente, o conhecido Juramento de HipĂłcrates e analisa-se a posição particular de SĂ©neca sobre o suicĂ­dio racional, a partir de duas das suas Cartas a LucĂ­lio.This article addresses: the terminological questions concerning the terms that signified ‘suicide’ and ‘euthanasia’ in classic Antiquity; the positions adopted by certain philosophical schools and authors in the context of the Greeks about voluntary death; the historical context of the Hippocratic Oath; and, finally, the particular ideas on rational suicide witnessed by two of Seneca’s Letters to Lucilius

    VariaçÔes sobre o entre-dois

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    Partindo-se do princĂ­pio que todas as situaçÔes cruciais que nos sĂŁo dadas viver sĂŁo sustentadas por uma posição de entre-dois, este artigo visa fundamentalmente cumprir dois objectivos: numa primeira parte, apresentar situaçÔes em que esse entre-dois Ă© vivido sob uma forma bloqueada e crispada; numa segunda parte, apoiando-se sobretudo no pensamento de Daniel Sibony, mostrar de que modo a abertura do entre-dois Ă© possĂ­vel e como ela nos remete para a temĂĄtica da “origem” e da “identidade”, podendo-se a partir daqui repensar a educação e a filosofia da educação.Assuming that all the crucial situations we may be involved in are sustained by a between-two position, this article intends to fulfil two main purposes: in a first part, to present some situations where this between-two is lived in a blocked and tense way; in a second part, taking above all support in the thought of Daniel Sibony, it aims at showing in what way it is possible to open the between-two and how this will lead us to the question of the “origin” and “identity”, thus making it possible to rethink education and the philosophy of education.En partant du principe que toutes les situations cruciales que nous vivons sont sous-tendues par une position d’entre-deux, cet article vise fondamentalemente accomplir deux objectifs: dans une premiĂšre partie, prĂ©senter des situations oĂč l’entre-deux est vĂ©cu sous une forme bloquĂ© et crispĂ©; dans une seconde partie, et s’appuyant surtout sur la pensĂ©e de Daniel Sibony, montrer de quelle façon l’ouverture de l’entre-deux est possible et comment elle nous renvoye Ă  la thĂ©matique de l”origine” et de l’”identitĂ©â€, en Ă©tant possible de repenser Ă  partir d’ici aussi bien l’éducation que la philosophie de l’éducation

    A recusa de tratamento em Portugal : questĂ”es de filosofia, direito, saĂșde e educação

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    A importĂąncia do princĂ­pio de autonomia e autodeterminação no plano da Ă©tica e do direito traduziu-se, no campo da saĂșde, no respeito pelo princĂ­pio do consentimento informado, livre e esclarecido, por parte do doente capaz, em relação Ă s intervençÔes mĂ©dicas a que seria eventualmente sujeito. No entanto, faltava saber se haveria alguma forma de continuar a assegurar Ă s pessoas algum modo de poderem ou nĂŁo consentir nos tratamentos mĂ©dicos quando jĂĄ se encontrassem incapazes de dar o seu consentimento ou recusa. Neste contexto, o artigo tenta estudar a recusa de tratamento Ă  luz de um enquadramento abrangente que tem que ver com questĂ”es de filosofia, direito, saĂșde e educação.As the respect for the principle of autonomy and self-determination has been given an increased importance in ethics and law, more importance has also been given to the respect for informed consent on the part of a competent patient in what concerns medical interventions. However, people wondered if there could be a way of keeping on assuring this right to incompetent patients, that means, those who were unable to give an actual informed consent. Within this context, this article tries to develop the question of the refusal of treatment – especially in what Portugal is concerned -, in a comprehensive perspective where questions of philosophy, law, healthcare and education will be addressed

    Storie di fine vita : veritĂ  e conseguenza

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    Migratory Context and Ethnicity in the Entrepreneurial Behavior of Immigrants in their Destination: A Case Study about Okinawans in Brazil

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    This study arose from the interest in better understanding the correlations between ethnicity inherent in the contexts of origin migratory processes and places of destination to explain the challenges faced and resources used by immigrants to undertake in a sustainable way in the places of destination Thus the general objective of the research was to identify among the Okinawan immigrants in Campo Grande Brazil on the one hand the ethnic context given by the historical origin conditions provided by the migratory process and territory of residence and on the other the nature of resources they use in their entrepreneurial practices This is an exploratory research supported by collection procedures regarding the researched object and the research subjects The analysis and interpretation was carried out in a triangulation of contextual objective and subjective data The study points to the importance of the culture of origin family and ethnic social networks in the immigrant s entrepreneurial behavior at the time of their arrival at the destination as well as the role played by the policies previously planned by countries of origin and destination in expanding opportunities to the greatest extent sustainability of its venture

    Dante Quinterno and Mauricio de Sousa: for a study between Argentina and Brazil

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    Este texto resulta de dos investigaciones realizadas en Argentina y otra en Brasil, para identificar las formas de producciĂłn industrial en los cĂłmics de Dante Quinterno y Mauricio de Sousa. Para lograr ese objetivo se realizaron levantamientos de documentaciĂłn bibliogrĂĄfica, revisiĂłn bibliogrĂĄfica y anĂĄlisis de contenido de los cĂłmics de los dos artistas. En el marco conceptual, se procurĂł definir los conceptos de historietas y cĂłmics comerciales y alternativos y reflexionar sobre sus caracterĂ­sticas y alcances.Este texto resulta de duas pesquisas, uma realizada na Argentina e outra no Brasil, que procuram identificar as caracterĂ­sticas da produção industrial nos quadrinhos de Dante Quinterno e de Mauricio de Sousa. Para cumprir esse objetivo foram feitos levantamentos documentais, revisĂŁo bibliogrĂĄfica e anĂĄlise de conteĂșdo dos quadrinhos de ambos os artistas. No Ăąmbito conceitual, procurou-se definir os conceitos de quadrinho comercial e de quadrinho alternativo e refletir sobre suas caracterĂ­sticas e sua abrangĂȘncia.This text results from two surveys, one conducted in Argentina and other in Brazil, that seeks to identify the characteristics of industrial production in comics created by Dante Quinterno and Mauricio de Sousa. To accomplish this goal, a documentary research, a literature review and a content analysis of both comic artists have been made. In the conceptual framework, we tried to define the concepts of commercial and alternative comics and reflect on their characteristics and scope.Fil: Santos, Roberto ElĂ­sio dos. Universidade Municipal de SĂŁo Caetano do Sul ; BrasilFil: Vazquez, Laura Vanesa. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; Argentin

    Carotid Intima-Media Thickness and Cardiovascular Risk Factors

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    Albers SS et al. reviewed carotid artery variation in the development of atherosclerotic carotid artery disease (Int J Med Students. 2019 Sep-Dec;7(3):82-91) commenting on changes from birth to older ages that can contribute to disorders of intramural elastin even in absence of disease. Considering the coexistence of traditional risk factors of atherosclerosis, additional comments are posed about measurements of carotid intima-media thickness in patients with obesity, chronic renal failure, and secondary hyperparathyroidism. The authors emphasized the need for further research to validate preventive procedures initiating since prenatal
