207 research outputs found

    What should the detection rates of cancers be in breast screening programmes?

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    Minimum detection rates at screening are sometimes laid down as standards for breast cancer screening programmes, based on underlying incidence of the disease in the age group screened. Detection rates should also depend on desired sensitivity, mean sojourn time, interscreening interval and the screening round – that is, prevalent (first) or incident (second or subsequent). In this paper, we use these quantities to derive expected, minimum and maximum detection rates proportional to the underlying incidence as well as estimated underlying incidence rates from extrapolation of prescreening trends in England and Wales to derive alternative standard minimum, expected and maximum detection rates per 1000 women screened for the UK Breast Screening Programme, as follows: minimum detection rates should be 4.1 and 4.3 at prevalence screen and incidence screens, respectively; expected rates should be 6.9 and 4.8 and maximum rates of 9.6 and 5.5. These are consistent with observed detection rates in the UK programme

    Colorectal cancer after a negative Haemoccult II® test and programme sensitivity after a first round of screening: the experience of the Department of Calvados (France)

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    Colorectal cancers emerging after a negative Haemoccult II® are described in the context of a first round of mass screening in the Department of Calvados (France), from April 1991 to the end of December 1994. People with a cancer occurring after a negative test until 31 December 1995 were identified by a local cancer registry. Incidence was calculated and the programme sensitivity was estimated. The incidence of cancer emerging after a negative test was 57.7 per 100 000, i.e. half of the calculated incidence in the reference group (141.6 per 100 000). These cancers did not differ from those of either the non-responder or reference groups, in particular for the stage of extension. The programme sensitivity was globally higher than that estimated in European trials: 77.2, 66.3 and 55.9%, 1, 2 and 3 years after the test respectively. Programme sensitivity was higher for distal colon cancer 1 year after the test, which is probably due to the relatively slow growth of this subsite. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Functional forms of socio-territorial inequities in breast cancer screening – A French cross-sectional study using hierarchical generalised additive models

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    To reduce the breast cancer burden, the French National Organised Breast Cancer Screening Programme (FNOBCSP) was implemented in 2004. The recommended participation rate has never been achieved and socio-territorial inequities in participation have been reported on several occasions. We investigated the functional forms and consistency of the relationships between neighbourhood deprivation, travel time to the nearest accredited radiology centre and screening uptake. We used two-level hierarchical generalised additive models in 8 types of territories classified by socio-demographic and economic factors. The first level was 368,201 women aged 50–72 invited to the 2013–2014 screening campaign in metropolitan France. They were nested in 41 départements, the level of organisation of the FNOBCSP. The effect of travel time showed two main patterns: it was either linear (with participation decreasing as travel time increased) or participation first increased with increasing travel time to a peak around 5–15 min and decreased afterward. In nearly all types and départements, the probability of participation decreased linearly with increasing deprivation. Territorial inequities in participation were more context-dependent and complex than social inequities. Inequities in participation represent a loss of opportunity for individuals who already have the worst cancer outcomes. Evidence-based public health policies are needed to increase the effectiveness and equity of breast cancer screening

    Does community deprivation determine longevity after the age of 75? A cross-national analysis

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    Objectives: Analyze the association between socioeconomic deprivation and old-age survival in Europe, and investigate whether it varies by country and gender. Methods: Our study incorporated five countries (Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, and England). A 10-year survival rate expressing the proportion of population aged 75–84 years who reached 85–94 years old was calculated at area-level for 2001–11. To estimate associations, we used Bayesian spatial models and a transnational measure of deprivation. Attributable/prevention fractions were calculated. Results: Overall, there was a significant association between deprivation and survival in both genders. In England that association was stronger, following a dose–response relation. Although lesser in magnitude, significant associations were observed in Spain and Italy, whereas in France and Portugal these were even weaker. The elimination of socioeconomic differences between areas would increase survival by 7.1%, and even a small reduction in socioeconomic differences would lead to a 1.6% increase. Conclusions: Socioeconomic deprivation was associated with survival among older adults at ecological-level, although with varying magnitude across countries. Reasons for such cross-country differences should be sought. Our results emphasize the importance of reducing socioeconomic differences between areas.This work was supported by Portuguese funds through FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia in the framework of project UID/BIM/04293/2013. AIR and MFP would also like to thank to FC—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia for the Grants PTDC/SAU-EPI/113424/2009 and SFRH/BD/82529/2011. MSC was supported by CNpQ (309692/2013-0) and FAPERJ (E-26/203.557/2014).We are very grateful to the National Statistic Offices for sending us the required data and to all the members of the European Deprivation Index (EDI) team. The authors would like to thank Rogério Ribeiro for the help in preparing visual supports, Alexandra Guttentag for her work as language editor, and the anonymous reviewers for their highly valuable corrections and suggestions

    TP53 mutations, amplification of P63 and expression of cell cycle proteins in squamous cell carcinoma of the oesophagus from a low incidence area in Western Europe

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    In Europe, high incidence rates of oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma (SCCE) are observed in western France (Normandy and Brittany) and in north-eastern Italy. Analysis of TP53 mutations in tumours from these regions has shown a high prevalence of mutations at A:T basepairs that may result from DNA damage caused by specific mutagens. However, the spectrum of TP53 mutations in regions of low incidence is unknown. We report here TP53 mutation analysis in 33 SCCE collected in Lyon, an area of low incidence. These tumours were also examined for MDM2 and P63 amplification, and for expression of p16INK4a/CDKN2a, cyclin E, p27Kipland Cox2. TP53 mutations were detected in 36% of the cases (12/33). In contrast with regions of high incidence, the mutation spectrum did not show a high prevalence of mutations at A:T base pairs. P63 was amplified in 5/32 cases tested (15.5%). No amplification of MDM2 was found. Expression studies revealed frequent loss of p16INK4a/CDKN2a(46%) and p27Kipl(25%) expression, and frequent overexpression of Cyclin E (70%) and Cox2 (42%). Overall, these results indicate that in Europe, SCCE from areas of high and low incidence present a similar pattern of molecular alterations but differ by the type of TP53 mutations. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Is cancer mortality increasing in France?

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    Long-term trends in cancer mortality are reported by site. Overall, cancer mortality has been decreasing in France since 1987 in the male population and since 1968 in the female population. Improvement in treatments and diagnosis should lead to persistently declining mortality rates, unless the tobacco epidemic reverses the trend in female mortality. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Socioeconomic and geographic determinants of survival of patients with digestive cancer in France

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    Using a multilevel Cox model, the association between socioeconomic and geographical aggregate variables and survival was investigated in 81 268 patients with digestive tract cancer diagnosed in the years 1980–1997 and registered in 12 registries in the French Network of Cancer Registries. This association differed according to cancer site: it was clear for colon (relative risk (RR)=1.10 (1.04–1.16), 1.10 (1.04–1.16) and 1.14 (1.05–1.23), respectively, for distances to nearest reference cancer care centre between 10 and 30, 30 and 50 and more than 90 km, in comparison with distance of less than 10 km; P-trend=0.003) and rectal cancer (RR=1.09 (1.03–1.15), RR=1.08 (1.02–1.14) and RR=1.12 (1.05–1.19), respectively, for distances between 10 and 30 km, 30 and 50 km and 50 and 70 km, P-trend=0.024) (n=28 010 and n=18 080, respectively) but was not significant for gall bladder and biliary tract cancer (n=2893) or small intestine cancer (n=1038). Even though the influence of socioeconomic status on prognosis is modest compared to clinical prognostic factors such as histology or stage at diagnosis, socioeconomic deprivation and distance to nearest cancer centre need to be considered as potential survival predictors in digestive tract cancer

    In Trauma Patients, the Occurrence of Early-Onset Nosocomial Infections is Associated With Increased Plasma Concentrations of Chromogranin A:

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    In previously healthy persons suffering from acute illnesses, nosocomial infections (NIs) are frequent. Their prevalence suggests the existence of as yet unknown conditions that may promote care-related infection. This study assessed whether the measurement of plasma chromogranin A, a stress-related protein involved in innate defense, is related to NI risk, and whether any chromogranin A-derived fragment included in vasostatin-I displays immunosuppressive activities related to AP-1 or NF-kappa B downregulation. At the clinical level, trauma patients and healthy controls were recruited to be eligible. Clinical histories were recorded, and standard biological tests (including plasma chromogranin A) were performed. For 9 randomly chosen patients and 16 controls, the time-dependent concentrations of chromogranin A (CGA) were assessed twice a day over 66 h. The data show that trauma patients present a higher value of CGA concentration during 66 h in comparison with healthy controls. In addition, patients maintaining this significant increase in CGA readily develop NIs. We therefore studied the effects of chromogranin A-derived peptides on monocytes, focusing on transcription factors that play a central role in inflammation. In vitro assay demonstrated that a chromogranin A-derived fragment (CGA47-70) displays a significant inhibition of NF-kappa B and AP-1 transcriptional activities in these cells. In conclusion, the occurrence of NI in trauma patients is associated with significantly increased plasma CGA concentrations. Downregulation of the two transcription factors by CGA47-70 might induce early acquired immune defect after a serious medical stress
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