10 research outputs found

    Drug epidemiology, interactions and pharmacogenetics : A post-mortem database study

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    Use of adverse drug combinations, abuse of medicinal drugs and substance abuse are considerable social problems that are difficult to study. Prescription database studies might fail to incorporate factors like use of over-the-counter drugs and patient compliance, and spontaneous reporting databases suffer from underreporting. Substance abuse and smoking studies might be impeded by poor participation activity and reliability. The Forensic Toxicology Unit at the University of Helsinki is the only laboratory in Finland that performs forensic toxicology related to cause-of-death investigations comprising the analysis of over 6000 medico-legal cases yearly. The analysis repertoire covers most commonly used drugs and drugs of abuse, and the ensuing database contains also background information and information extracted from the final death certificate. In this thesis, the data stored in this comprehensive post-mortem toxicology database was combined with additional metabolite and genotype analyses that were performed to complete the profile of selected cases. The incidence of drug combinations possessing serious adverse drug interactions was generally low (0.71%), but it was notable for the two individually studied drugs, a common anticoagulant warfarin (33%) and a new generation antidepressant venlafaxine (46%). Serotonin toxicity and adverse cardiovascular effects were the most prominent possible adverse outcomes. However, the specific role of the suspected adverse drug combinations was rarely recognized in the death certificates. The frequency of bleeds was observed to be elevated when paracetamol and warfarin were used concomitantly. Pharmacogenetic factors did not play a major role in fatalities related to venlafaxine, but the presence of interacting drugs was more common in cases showing high venlafaxine concentrations. Nicotine findings in deceased young adults were roughly three times more prevalent than the smoking frequency estimation of living population. Contrary to previous studies, no difference in the proportion of suicides was observed between nicotine users and non-nicotine users. However, findings of abused substances, including abused prescription drugs, were more common in the nicotine users group than in the non-nicotine users group. The results of the thesis are important for forensic and clinical medicine, as well as for public health. The possibility of drug interactions and pharmacogenetic issues should be taken into account in cause-of-death investigations, especially in unclear cases, medical malpractice suspicions and cases where toxicological findings are scarce. Post-mortem toxicological epidemiology is a new field of research that can help to reveal problems in drug use and prescription practises.Haitallisten lääkeyhdistelmien käyttö, lääkkeiden väärinkäyttö ja päihteiden käyttö ovat yhteiskunnallisesti merkittäviä, mutta hankalasti tutkittavia ongelmia. Reseptitietokantojen perusteella tehdyissä tutkimuksissa saattaa jäädä huomioon ottamatta esimerkiksi käsikauppalääkkeiden käyttö ja potilaiden hoitomyöntyvyys, lisäksi lääkehaittarekisterien ongelmana on aliraportointi. Päihteiden käytön ja tupakoinnin tutkimuksen taas tekee vaikeaksi muun muassa kyselytutkimusten heikko osallistumisaktiivisuus ja vastausten luotettavuus. Helsingin yliopiston oikeuslääketieteen osaston toksikologian laboratoriossa analysoidaan vuosittain yli 6000 vainajan näytteet kuolemansyynselvityksen tarkoituksessa ainoana laboratoriona Suomessa. Tutkimukset kattavat yleisimmät lääkeaineet ja päihteet, ja tuloksista syntyvä tietokanta käsittää myös tapahtumatiedot ja lopullisen kuolintodistuksen. Väitöstutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin tätä rekisteriaineistoa ja sitä täydennettiin kokeellisella tutkimuksella lääkeaineanalytiikan ja farmakogenetiikan osalta. Tutkittujen haitallisten lääkeaineyhdistelmien esiintyvyys post-mortem aineistossa oli yleisesti melko alhaista (0,71%), mutta verenohennuslääke varfariinia ja uuden sukupolven masennuslääke venlafaksiinia käyttäneiden kohdalla esiintyvyys oli korkeaa (33% ja 46%). Verenvuotojen määrän peruskuolinsyynä havaittiin olevan kohonnut varfariinia ja parasetamolia samanaikaisesti käyttäneillä. Venlafaksiinilöydöksiä tarkasteltaessa haitallisilla lääkeaineyhdistelmillä vaikutti olevan suurempi rooli kohonneissa venlafaksiinipitoisuuksissa kuin perinnöllisellä metabolia-aktiivisuudella (CYP2D6-entsyymi). Nikotiinilöydökset olivat nuorten aikuisten vainajien joukossa noin kolme kertaa yleisempiä kuin voitiin odottaa yleisen tupakointifrekvenssin perusteella. Vastoin aiempia tutkimuksia itsemurhien määrä ei ollut kohonnut nikotiinia käyttäneiden keskuudessa. Kuitenkin alkoholi, muut päihteet ja väärinkäytetyt reseptilääkkeet olivat huomattavasti yleisempiä löydöksiä nikotiinia käyttäneiden keskuudessa kuin verrokkiryhmässä. Saadut tulokset ovat tärkeitä sekä kuolemansyynselvityksen, kliinisen lääketieteen että kansanterveyden kannalta. Tutkimus nostaa esille lääkeaineiden yhteisvaikutusten ja farmakogenetiikan merkityksen kuolemansyynselvityksessä ja erityisesti tapauksissa, jotka ovat epäselviä, löydöksiltään vähäisiä, tai joissa epäillään hoitovirhettä. Post-mortem toksikologinen epidemiologia on uusi tutkimusala, joka auttaa näkemään ongelmakohtia lääkkeiden käytössä ja määräämiskäytännössä

    Effect of High-Dose Esomeprazole on CYP1A2, CYP2C19, and CYP3A4 Activities in Humans : Evidence for Substantial and Long-lasting Inhibition of CYP2C19

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    In vitro, esomeprazole is a time-dependent inhibitor of CYP2C19. Additionally, racemic omeprazole induces CYP1A2 and omeprazole and its metabolites inhibit CYP3A4in vitro. In this 5-phase study, 10 healthy volunteers ingested 20 mg pantoprazole, 0.5 mg midazolam, and 50 mg caffeine as respective index substrates for CYP2C19, 3A4, and 1A2 before and 1, 25, 49 (pantoprazole only), and 73 hours after an 8-day pretreatment with 80 mg esomeprazole twice daily. The area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) ofR-pantoprazole increased 4.92-fold (90% confidence interval (CI) 3.55-6.82), 2.31-fold (90% CI 1.85-2.88), and 1.33-fold (90% CI 1.06-1.68) at the 1-hour, 25-hour, and 73-hour phases, respectively, consistent with a substantial and persistent inhibition of CYP2C19. The AUC of midazolam increased up to 1.44-fold (90% CI 1.22-1.72) and the paraxanthine/caffeine metabolic ratio up to 1.19-fold (90% CI 1.04-1.36), when the index substrates were taken 1 hour after esomeprazole. Based on the recovery ofR-pantoprazole oral clearance, the turnover half-life of CYP2C19 was estimated to average 53 hours. Pharmacokinetic simulation based on the observed concentrations of esomeprazole and its metabolites as well as their published CYP2C19 inhibitory constants was well in line with the observed changes inR-pantoprazole pharmacokinetics during the course of the study. Extrapolations assuming linear pharmacokinetics of esomeprazole suggested weak to moderate inhibition at 20 and 40 mg twice daily dosing. In conclusion, high-dose esomeprazole can cause strong inhibition of CYP2C19, but only weakly inhibits CYP3A4 and leads to minor induction of CYP1A2. The enzymatic activity of CYP2C19 recovers gradually in similar to 3-4 days after discontinuation of esomeprazole treatment.Peer reviewe

    UGT1A3 and Sex Are Major Determinants of Telmisartan Pharmacokinetics-A Comprehensive Pharmacogenomic Study

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    To investigate how variability in multiple pharmacokinetic genes associates with telmisartan exposure, we determined telmisartan single-dose (40 mg) pharmacokinetics and sequenced 379 genes in 188 healthy volunteers. IntronicUGT1Avariants showed the strongest associations with the area under the plasma concentration-time curve from zero hours to infinity (AUC(0-infinity)) and peak plasma concentration (C-max) of telmisartan. These variants were strongly linked with the increased functionUGT1A3*2allele, suggesting that it is the causative allele underlying these associations. In addition, telmisartan plasma concentrations were lower in men than in women. TheUGT1A3*2was associated with a 64% and 63% reduced AUC(0-infinity)of telmisartan inUGT1A3*2heterozygous and homozygous men, respectively (P = 1.21 x 10(-16)and 5.21 x 10(-8)). In women,UGT1A3*2heterozygosity and homozygosity were associated with 57% (P = 1.54 x 10(-11)) and 72% (P = 3.31 x 10(-15)) reduced AUC(0-infinity), respectively. Furthermore, a candidate gene analysis suggested an association ofUGT1A3*3and theSLCO1B3c.767G>C missense variant with telmisartan pharmacokinetics. A genotype score, which reflects the effects of sex and genetic variants on telmisartan AUC(0-infinity), associated with the effect of telmisartan on diastolic blood pressure. These data indicate that sex and UGT1A3 are major determinants and suggest a role for OATP1B3 in telmisartan pharmacokinetics.Peer reviewe

    Effect of High-Dose Esomeprazole on CYP1A2, CYP2C19, and CYP3A4 Activities in Humans: Evidence for Substantial and Long-lasting Inhibition of CYP2C19

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    In vitro, esomeprazole is a time-dependent inhibitor of CYP2C19. Additionally, racemic omeprazole induces CYP1A2 and omeprazole and its metabolites inhibit CYP3A4in vitro. In this 5-phase study, 10 healthy volunteers ingested 20 mg pantoprazole, 0.5 mg midazolam, and 50 mg caffeine as respective index substrates for CYP2C19, 3A4, and 1A2 before and 1, 25, 49 (pantoprazole only), and 73 hours after an 8-day pretreatment with 80 mg esomeprazole twice daily. The area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) ofR-pantoprazole increased 4.92-fold (90% confidence interval (CI) 3.55-6.82), 2.31-fold (90% CI 1.85-2.88), and 1.33-fold (90% CI 1.06-1.68) at the 1-hour, 25-hour, and 73-hour phases, respectively, consistent with a substantial and persistent inhibition of CYP2C19. The AUC of midazolam increased up to 1.44-fold (90% CI 1.22-1.72) and the paraxanthine/caffeine metabolic ratio up to 1.19-fold (90% CI 1.04-1.36), when the index substrates were taken 1 hour after esomeprazole. Based on the recovery ofR-pantoprazole oral clearance, the turnover half-life of CYP2C19 was estimated to average 53 hours. Pharmacokinetic simulation based on the observed concentrations of esomeprazole and its metabolites as well as their published CYP2C19 inhibitory constants was well in line with the observed changes inR-pantoprazole pharmacokinetics during the course of the study. Extrapolations assuming linear pharmacokinetics of esomeprazole suggested weak to moderate inhibition at 20 and 40 mg twice daily dosing. In conclusion, high-dose esomeprazole can cause strong inhibition of CYP2C19, but only weakly inhibits CYP3A4 and leads to minor induction of CYP1A2. The enzymatic activity of CYP2C19 recovers gradually in similar to 3-4 days after discontinuation of esomeprazole treatment

    An automated cocktail method for in vitro assessment of direct and time-dependent inhibition of nine major cytochrome P450 enzymes-application to establishing CYP2C8 inhibitor selectivity

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    We developed an in vitro high-throughput cocktail assay with nine major drug-metabolizing CYP enzymes, optimized for screening of time-dependent inhibition. The method was applied to determine the selectivity of the time-dependent CYP2C8 inhibitors gemfibrozil 1-O-beta-glucuronide and clopidogrel acyl-beta-D-glucuronide. In vitro incubations with CYP selective probe substrates and pooled human liver microsomes were conducted in 96-well plates with automated liquid handler techniques and metabolite concentrations were measured with quantitative UHPLC-MS/MS analysis. After determination of inter-substrate interactions and Km values for each reaction, probe substrates were divided into cocktails I (tacrine/CYP1A2, bupropion/CYP2B6, amodiaquine/CYP2C8, tolbutamide/CYP2C9 and midazolam/CYP3A4/5) and II (coumarin/CYP2A6, S-mephenytoin/CYP2C19, dextromethorphan/CYP2D6 and astemizole/CYP2J2). Time-dependent inhibitors (furafylline/CYP1A2, selegiline/ CYP2A6, clopidogrel/CYP2B6, gemfibrozil 1-O-beta-glucuronide/CYP2C8, tienilic acid/CYP2C9, ticlopidine/ CYP2C19, paroxetine/CYP2D6 and ritonavir/CYP3A) and direct inhibitor (terfenadine/CYP2J2) showed similar inhibition with single substrate and cocktail methods. Established time-dependent inhibitors caused IC50 fold shifts ranging from 2.2 to 30 with the cocktail method. Under time-dependent inhibition conditions, gemfibrozil 1-O-beta-glucuronide was a strong (90% inhibition) and selective (<< 20% inhibition of other CYPs) inhibitor of CYP2C8 at concentrations ranging from 60 to 300 mu M, while the selectivity of clopidogrel acyl-beta-D-glucuronide was limited at concentrations above its IC80 for CYP2C8. The time-dependent IC50 values of these glucuronides for CYP2C8 were 8.1 and 38 mu M, respectively. In conclusion, a reliable cocktail method including the nine most important drug-metabolizing CYP enzymes was developed, optimized and validated for detecting timedependent inhibition. Moreover, gemfibrozil 1-O-beta-glucuronide was established as a selective inhibitor of CYP2C8 for use as a diagnostic inhibitor in in vitro studies.Peer reviewe

    An automated cocktail method for in vitro assessment of direct and time-dependent inhibition of nine major cytochrome P450 enzymes-application to establishing CYP2C8 inhibitor selectivity

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    We developed an in vitro high-throughput cocktail assay with nine major drug-metabolizing CYP enzymes, optimized for screening of time-dependent inhibition. The method was applied to determine the selectivity of the time-dependent CYP2C8 inhibitors gemfibrozil 1-O-beta-glucuronide and clopidogrel acyl-beta-D-glucuronide. In vitro incubations with CYP selective probe substrates and pooled human liver microsomes were conducted in 96-well plates with automated liquid handler techniques and metabolite concentrations were measured with quantitative UHPLC-MS/MS analysis. After determination of inter-substrate interactions and Km values for each reaction, probe substrates were divided into cocktails I (tacrine/CYP1A2, bupropion/CYP2B6, amodiaquine/CYP2C8, tolbutamide/CYP2C9 and midazolam/CYP3A4/5) and II (coumarin/CYP2A6, S-mephenytoin/CYP2C19, dextromethorphan/CYP2D6 and astemizole/CYP2J2). Time-dependent inhibitors (furafylline/CYP1A2, selegiline/ CYP2A6, clopidogrel/CYP2B6, gemfibrozil 1-O-beta-glucuronide/CYP2C8, tienilic acid/CYP2C9, ticlopidine/ CYP2C19, paroxetine/CYP2D6 and ritonavir/CYP3A) and direct inhibitor (terfenadine/CYP2J2) showed similar inhibition with single substrate and cocktail methods. Established time-dependent inhibitors caused IC50 fold shifts ranging from 2.2 to 30 with the cocktail method. Under time-dependent inhibition conditions, gemfibrozil 1-O-beta-glucuronide was a strong (90% inhibition) and selective (<< 20% inhibition of other CYPs) inhibitor of CYP2C8 at concentrations ranging from 60 to 300 mu M, while the selectivity of clopidogrel acyl-beta-D-glucuronide was limited at concentrations above its IC80 for CYP2C8. The time-dependent IC50 values of these glucuronides for CYP2C8 were 8.1 and 38 mu M, respectively. In conclusion, a reliable cocktail method including the nine most important drug-metabolizing CYP enzymes was developed, optimized and validated for detecting timedependent inhibition. Moreover, gemfibrozil 1-O-beta-glucuronide was established as a selective inhibitor of CYP2C8 for use as a diagnostic inhibitor in in vitro studies