85 research outputs found

    Management of spontaneous septic hypothermia in intensive care. A national survey of French intensive care units

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    The benefit of temperature control in sepsis or septic shock is still under debate in the literature. We developed a national survey to assess the current state of knowledge and the practical management of spontaneous septic hypothermia in French intensive care units. Out of more 764 intensivists who were contacted, 436 responded to the survey. The majority of doctors (52.4%) considered spontaneous septic hypothermia to be a frequently encountered situation in intensive care, and 62.1% were interested in this problem. Definition of spontaneous septic hypothermia among French intensivists was not consensual. More than half of the doctors questioned (57.1%) stated that they did not actively rewarm patients suffering from spontaneous septic hypothermia

    Empiric antimicrobial therapy for ventilator-associated pneumonia after brain injury

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    International audienceIssues regarding recommendations on empiric antimicrobial therapy for ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) have emerged in specific populations.To develop and validate a score to guide empiric therapy in brain-injured patients with VAP, we prospectively followed a cohort of 379 brain-injured patients in five intensive care units. The score was externally validated in an independent cohort of 252 brain-injured patients and its extrapolation was tested in 221 burn patients.The multivariate analysis for predicting resistance (incidence 16.4%) showed two independent factors: preceding antimicrobial therapy ≄48 h (p\textless0.001) and VAP onset ≄10 days (p\textless0.001); the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) was 0.822 (95% CI 0.770-0.883) in the learning cohort and 0.805 (95% CI 0.732-0.877) in the validation cohort. The score built from the factors selected in multivariate analysis predicted resistance with a sensitivity of 83%, a specificity of 71%, a positive predictive value of 37% and a negative predictive value of 96% in the validation cohort. The AUC of the multivariate analysis was poor in burn patients (0.671, 95% CI 0.596-0.751).Limited-spectrum empirical antimicrobial therapy has low risk of failure in brain-injured patients presenting with VAP before day 10 and when prior antimicrobial therapy lasts \textless48 

    Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med

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    PURPOSE: To provide recommendations for the anaesthetic and peri-operative management for thrombectomy procedure in stroke patients DESIGN: A consensus committee of 15 experts issued from the French Society of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine (SociĂ©tĂ© Française d'AnesthĂ©sie et RĂ©animation, SFAR), the Association of French-language Neuro-Anaesthetists (Association des Neuro-AnesthĂ©sistes RĂ©animateurs de Langue Francaise, ANARLF), the French Neuro-Vascular Society (SociĂ©tĂ© Francaise de Neuro-Vasculaire, SFNV), the French Neuro-Radiology Society (SociĂ©tĂ© Francaise de Neuro-Radiologie, SFNR) and the French Study Group on Haemostasis and Thrombosis (Groupe Français d'Études sur l'HĂ©mostase et la Thrombose, GFHT) was convened, under the supervision of two expert coordinators from the SFAR and the ANARLF. A formal conflict-of-interest policy was developed at the outset of the process and enforced throughout. The entire guideline elaboration process was conducted independently of any industry funding. The authors were required to follow the principles of the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) system to guide their assessment of quality of evidence. METHODS: Four fields were defined prior to the literature search: (1) Peri-procedural management, (2) Prevention and management of secondary brain injuries, (3) Management of antiplatelet and anticoagulant treatments, (4) Post-procedural management and orientation of the patient. Questions were formulated using the PICO format (Population, Intervention, Comparison, and Outcomes) and updated as needed. Analysis of the literature was then conducted and the recommendations were formulated according to the GRADE methodology. RESULTS: The SFAR/ANARLF/SFNV/SFNR/GFHT guideline panel drew up 18 recommendations regarding anaesthetic management of mechanical thrombectomy procedures. Due to a lack of data in the literature allowing to conclude with high certainty on relevant clinical outcomes, the experts decided to formulate these guidelines as "Professional Practice Recommendations" (PPR) rather than "Formalized Expert Recommendations". After two rounds of rating and several amendments, a strong agreement was reached on 100% of the recommendations. No recommendation could be formulated for two questions. CONCLUSIONS: Strong agreement among experts was reached to provide a sizable number of recommendations aimed at optimising anaesthetic management for thrombectomy in patients suffering from stroke

    Utilization of mechanical power and associations with clinical outcomes in brain injured patients: a secondary analysis of the extubation strategies in neuro-intensive care unit patients and associations with outcome (ENIO) trial

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    Background: There is insufficient evidence to guide ventilatory targets in acute brain injury (ABI). Recent studies have shown associations between mechanical power (MP) and mortality in critical care populations. We aimed to describe MP in ventilated patients with ABI, and evaluate associations between MP and clinical outcomes. Methods: In this preplanned, secondary analysis of a prospective, multi-center, observational cohort study (ENIO, NCT03400904), we included adult patients with ABI (Glasgow Coma Scale ≀ 12 before intubation) who required mechanical ventilation (MV) ≄ 24 h. Using multivariable log binomial regressions, we separately assessed associations between MP on hospital day (HD)1, HD3, HD7 and clinical outcomes: hospital mortality, need for reintubation, tracheostomy placement, and development of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Results: We included 1217 patients (mean age 51.2 years [SD 18.1], 66% male, mean body mass index [BMI] 26.3 [SD 5.18]) hospitalized at 62 intensive care units in 18 countries. Hospital mortality was 11% (n = 139), 44% (n = 536) were extubated by HD7 of which 20% (107/536) required reintubation, 28% (n = 340) underwent tracheostomy placement, and 9% (n = 114) developed ARDS. The median MP on HD1, HD3, and HD7 was 11.9 J/min [IQR 9.2-15.1], 13 J/min [IQR 10-17], and 14 J/min [IQR 11-20], respectively. MP was overall higher in patients with ARDS, especially those with higher ARDS severity. After controlling for same-day pressure of arterial oxygen/fraction of inspired oxygen (P/F ratio), BMI, and neurological severity, MP at HD1, HD3, and HD7 was independently associated with hospital mortality, reintubation and tracheostomy placement. The adjusted relative risk (aRR) was greater at higher MP, and strongest for: mortality on HD1 (compared to the HD1 median MP 11.9 J/min, aRR at 17 J/min was 1.22, 95% CI 1.14-1.30) and HD3 (1.38, 95% CI 1.23-1.53), reintubation on HD1 (1.64; 95% CI 1.57-1.72), and tracheostomy on HD7 (1.53; 95%CI 1.18-1.99). MP was associated with the development of moderate-severe ARDS on HD1 (2.07; 95% CI 1.56-2.78) and HD3 (1.76; 95% CI 1.41-2.22). Conclusions: Exposure to high MP during the first week of MV is associated with poor clinical outcomes in ABI, independent of P/F ratio and neurological severity. Potential benefits of optimizing ventilator settings to limit MP warrant further investigation

    Sepsis Liver dysfunction : role of catecholamines

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    Le sepsis sĂ©vĂšre est un problĂšme majeur de santĂ© publique mondiale. Sa mortalitĂ© Ă©levĂ©e rĂ©sulte d’une rĂ©ponse dĂ©rĂ©gulĂ©e de l’hĂŽte au sepsis, associant hyper inflammation et immunodĂ©pression. Le choc septique est la forme la plus grave du sepsis, impliquant une dĂ©faillance cardiovasculaire Ă  laquelle peuvent se surajouter d’autres dĂ©faillances d’organes. Le foie, organe majeur impliquĂ© dans la dĂ©fense et la rĂ©ponse au stress induit par la septicĂ©mie peut ĂȘtre victime de cette rĂ©ponse inflammatoire exagĂ©rĂ©e. Une dysfonction hĂ©patocellulaire (DHC) peut survenir et Ă©voluer jusqu’à la dĂ©faillance d’organe. Dans ce cas, l’existence d’une insuffisance hĂ©patique est associĂ©e Ă  un mauvais pronostic dans le choc septique Ă  court terme. A partir d’une grande cohorte prospective de patients en choc septique, nous avons montrĂ© dans ce travail que cette DHC Ă©tait associĂ©e Ă  une surmortalitĂ© Ă  long terme. MalgrĂ©, une meilleure connaissance de la physiopathologie du sepsis et en particulier des altĂ©rations du foie, l’impact des thĂ©rapeutiques utilisĂ©es au cours du choc septique, telles que les catĂ©cholamines (adrĂ©naline, noradrĂ©naline), reste indĂ©terminĂ©. Les travaux prĂ©liminaires de notre Ă©quipe avaient permis de montrer l’effet pro-inflammatoire de l’adrĂ©naline sur un modĂšle de culture hĂ©patocytaire. Dans ce travail, nous avons cherchĂ© Ă  Ă©valuer l’influence des cellules de KĂŒpffer acteur de l’environnement pĂ©ri-hĂ©patocytaire. Pour cela nous avons utilisĂ© un modĂšle de co-culture d’hĂ©patocytes (HepaRG) et de macrophages (THP1 diffĂ©renciĂ©s par PMA), stimulĂ© par le lipopolysaccharide (LPS) et/ou l’adrĂ©naline. L’analyse de la rĂ©ponse d’expression gĂ©nique et de production de cytokines a permis d’identifier l’adrĂ©naline comme facteur capable de modifier la rĂ©ponse immune vers un Ă©tat pro-inflammatoire mĂȘme en prĂ©sence d’un mĂ©canisme anti-inflammatoire dĂ©veloppĂ© par les macrophages, indiquant ainsi un rĂŽle potentiellement dĂ©lĂ©tĂšre de l’adrĂ©naline sur les mĂ©canismes de dĂ©fenses du foie.Severe sepsis is a major health problem. Its high mortality rate over the world is the result of a dysregulated host response to sepsis including an exaggerated inflammation response and immune suppression. Septic shock is the most severe expression of sepsis, including cardiovascular failure and other organ failure. The liver, a major organ involved in the defense and stress response induced by sepsis may also be a victim of this inflammatory response to infection. A hepatocellular dysfunction (HCD) can develop and evolve to the organ failure. In this case, the liver failure is associated with poor prognosis in septic shock in the early course of sepsis. Here, we have shown in a large prospective cohort of patients with septic shock that the HCD was associated with long-term mortality. Despite a better understanding of the pathophysiology of sepsis, especially liver changes, the impact of treatment used during septic shock, such as catecholamines (epinephrine, norepinephrine), remains unknown. The preliminary work of our team had demonstrated the proinflammatory effect of adrenaline on a hepatocyte culture model. In this work, we studied the influence of hepatocyte environment especially KĂŒpffer cells. Thus, we used a co-culture model including hepatocytes (HepaRG) and macrophages (differentiated THP1 PMA) stimulated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and / or adrenaline. The gene expression and the cytokine profile analysis allowed to identify adrenaline as a factor able to shift the immune response to a proinflammatory state even if macrophages developed an anti-inflammatory response, indicating a deleterious effect of adrenaline on liver defense mechanisms

    RĂŽle modulateur de la neurokinine B et de la somatostatine sur le systĂšme cholinergique bronchique

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    Le contrĂŽle de l analgĂ©sie au cours de la chirurgie thoracique lourde chez les patients BPCO est un point majeur dans le bon dĂ©roulement des suites post-opĂ©ratoires. Souvent, chez ces patients, les deux phĂ©nomĂšnes hyperrĂ©activitĂ© et inflammation bronchique sont cause de complication. Or, en dehors des analgĂ©siques habituels, qu ils soient d administration systĂ©mique ou pĂ©ridurale, le panel thĂ©rapeutique Ă  visĂ©e anti-inflammatoire et broncho-dilatatrice reste limitĂ© et parfois peu efficace. Par ce travail, nous avons voulu approfondir l exploration du rĂŽle du systĂšme nerveux bronchique non adrĂ©nergique non cholinergique (NANC) sur le contrĂŽle cholinergique de la bronchomotricitĂ©, en vue de faire apparaĂźtre des voies d application clinique et thĂ©rapeutique. Au moyen d un modĂšle de stimulation Ă©lectrique de champ (EFS) des fibres cholinergiques sur des bronches humaines, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© le rĂŽle de la Neurokinine B et de la somatostatine sur la contraction cholinergique. Ainsi, nous n avons pu mettre en Ă©vidence de rĂŽle significatif de la neurokinine B dans la transmission cholinergique bronchique. Nous avons aussi montrĂ© d autre part, la possibilitĂ© de facilitation de la transmission cholinergique bronchique par les analogues de la somatostatine et la mise en jeu probable de deux rĂ©cepteurs Ă  la somatostatine : SST3 et SST5. Au total, le rĂŽle de la voie de la neurokinine B semble mineur. Mais, la voie de la somatostatine semble avoir un rĂŽle facilitateur et broncho-constricteur. L identification des rĂ©cepteurs en cause peut constituer une cible pharmacologique pour de contrĂŽle de la contraction et de l hyperrĂ©activitĂ© bronchique des patients BPCO.PARIS6-Bibl.PitiĂ©-SalpĂȘtrie (751132101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Atrial fibrillation is not just an artefact in the ICU

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is common in the intensive care unit (ICU) and is particularly frequent (46%) in septic shock patients. Inflammation favours AF in the general population, and there is a growing body of evidence that inflammation also plays a role in AF occurring after cardiac surgery but also in the general ICU. How such a finding could modify the therapeutic approach remains elusive. The impact of AF on mortality is not clearly demonstrated in the ICU, with AF reflecting essentially the severity of the underlying disease

    ƒsophagectomies au CHU de Rennes (Ă©tude de la morbi-mortalitĂ© post-opĂ©ratoire)

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    Introduction: la chirurgie de l Ɠsophage est reconnue Ă  risque Ă©levĂ© de morbi-mortalitĂ© postopĂ©ratoire, notamment respiratoire. L'objectif principal de cette Ă©tude est d'identifier les facteurs de risque de morbi-mortalitĂ© pots-opĂ©ratoires au CHU de Rennes, pour amĂ©liorer nos pratiques. MatĂ©riel et mĂ©thodes: notre Ă©tude rĂ©trospective a inclus 37 patients opĂ©rĂ©s de fĂ©vrier 2010 Ă  fĂ©vrier 2011. Les donnĂ©es collectĂ©es concernaient la pĂ©riode pĂ©ri-opĂ©ratoire, de la chirurgie jusqu'Ă  la sortie de rĂ©animation. Les patients ont Ă©tĂ© divisĂ©s en deux groupes selon la survenue d'un Ă©vĂ©nement respiratoire grave (ERG), dĂ©fini par l'apparition en postopĂ©ratoire d'une insuffisance respiratoire aiguĂ« (IRA) avec rĂ©-intubation et/ou une pneumopathie acquise sous ventilation mĂ©canique (PAVM). RĂ©sultats: quatorze patients avaient prĂ©sentĂ© un ERG. En analyse multivariĂ©e, le nombre total de concentrĂ© de globules rouges (CGR) Ă©tait l'unique facteur associĂ© Ă  la survenue d'un ERG. L'amĂ©lioration devra porter sur: la sĂ©lection et l'Ă©valuation prĂ©-opĂ©ratoire des patients, la gestion hĂ©modynamique et la ventilation mĂ©canique per-opĂ©ratoire, l'analgĂ©sie pĂ©ridurale thoracique.RENNES1-BU SantĂ© (352382103) / SudocSudocFranceF
