850 research outputs found

    Elaboration of integrated microelectrodes for the detection of antioxidant species

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    (Pt–Pt–Ag/AgCl) and (Au–Pt–Ag/AgCl) electrochemical microcells (ElecCell) were developed for the detection of redox species by cyclic voltammetry. A special emphasis was placed on the SU-8 waferlevel passivation process in order to optimize the electrochemical properties of the different “thin film” metallic layers, i.e. gold or platinum for the working electrode, platinum for the counter electrode and silver/silver chloride for the reference electrode. (Au–Pt–Ag/AgCl) microcells were applied for the detection of antioxidant species such as ascorbic and uric acids in phosphate buffer solution, evidencing high sensitivity but low selectivity. Works were extended to skin analysis, demonstrating that a good electrical contact with the skin hydrolipidic film allowed the effective evaluation of the skin global antioxidant capacity

    Unexpected effect of copper ions on electrochemical impedance behaviour of self-assembled alkylaminethiol monolayer

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    Effect of copper ions on the electrochemical behaviour of an alkylaminethiol monolayer has been studied by electrochemical impedance spectrosocpy. RAMAN experiment shows the effective adsorption of receptor onto the gold surfaces. The study of Nyquist plot shows that the gold/monolayer/electrolyte interface can be described by a serial combination of two R, CPE electrical circuits. In the presence of increasing amounts of copper, the Nyquist plots at low frequencies were modified showing an increase of the resistance of the second R, CPE electrical circuit. Moreover, this increase of resistance varies linearly with the amounts of copper ions added in solution from 10−8 mol·L−1 to 10−5 mol·L−1

    Modélisation centrée sur les processus métier pour la génération complète de portails collaboratifs

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    International audienceLes entreprises collaborent pour saisir des opportunités, échanger des documents, des idées, ou toute autre ressource. Cela se fait en suivant des processus métiers pouvant évoluer. Les portails collaboratifs sont une solution orientée web à ce besoin de collaboration. Cependant, la conception et la maintenance d'un portail collaboratif métier n'est pas trivial. La société Ecréall conçoit, génère et maintient des portails collaboratifs à partir d'une modélisation centrée sur les processus métier en suivant une approche IDM. Cet article présente la solution proposée par Ecréall à travers son métamodèle MACoP et sa chaîne de transformation, et compare la solution proposée à d'autres approches

    Exploration de l'écoulement dans un échangeur de chaleur tubulaire par vélocimétrie par images de particules

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    8 pagesL'étude du champ de vitesse à l'intérieur d'une maquette d'échangeur de chaleur en eau à l'échelle 1 est réalisée par vélocimétrie par images de particules. La géométrie tridimensionnelle de l'installation, ses faibles dimensions et la nature fortement instationnaire de l'écoulement imposent le choix de ce moyen de mesure. Un filtrage est appliqué aux images enregistrées, avant traitement par un algorithme de flot optique utilisant une programmation dynamique. Les déformations dues à la présence de dioptres optiques sont corrigées. Les mesures mettent en évidence de fortes variations de débit à travers les différents tubes de l'échangeur et un caractère non établi de l'écoulement. L'analyse des champs turbulents confirme ce comportement

    Graphene in silicon photovoltaic cells

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    Graphene is an allotrope of carbon. Its structure is one-atom-thick planar sheets of carbon atoms that are densely packed in a honeycomb crystal lattice [1]. The richness of optical and electronic properties of graphene attracts enormous interest. Its true potential seems to be in photonics and optoelectronics, where the combination of its unique optical and electronic properties can be fully exploited. The optical absorption of graphene layers is proportional to the number of layers, each absorbing A=1-T=πα=2.3% over the visible spectrum [2].The rise of graphene in photonics and optoelectronics is shown by several recent results, ranging from solar cells and light emitting devices, to touch screens, photodetectors and ultrafast lasers. Current photovoltaic (PV) technology is dominated by Si cells, with an energy conversion coefficient up to 25% [3]. Such an inorganic PV consists in a current transparent conductor (TC) replacing one of the electrodes of a PIN photodiode. The standard material used so far for these electrodes is indium-tinoxide, or ITO. But indium is expensive and relatively rare, so the search has been on for a suitable replacement. A possible substitute made from inexpensive and ubiquitous carbon is graphene. Being only constituted of carbon, it will become cheap and easily recyclable. But at the moment, the major difficulty consists in its fabrication and/or transfer. Our project consists in synthetizing graphene by CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) on Cu and in transferring the obtained layer on silicon PV cells, and then in testing their energy conversion efficiency

    Neutropenia as an adverse event following vaccination : results from randomized clinical trials in healthy adults and systematic review

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    Background : In the context of early vaccine trials aimed at evaluating the safety profile of novel vaccines, abnormal haematological values, such as neutropenia, are often reported. It is therefore important to evaluate how these trials should be planned not to miss potentially important safety signals, but also to understand the implications and the clinical relevance. Methodology : We report and discuss the results from five clinical trials (two with a new Shigella vaccine in the early stage of clinical development and three with licensed vaccines) where the absolute neutrophil counts (ANC) were evaluated before and after vaccination. Additionally, we have performed a systematic review of the literature on cases of neutropenia reported during vaccine trials to discuss our results in a more general context. Principal Findings : Both in our clinical trials and in the literature review, several cases of neutropenia have been reported, in the first two weeks after vaccination. However, neutropenia was generally transient and had a benign clinical outcome, after vaccination with either multiple novel candidates or well-known licensed vaccines. Additionally, the vaccine recipients with neutropenia frequently had lower baseline ANC than non-neutropenic vaccinees. In many instances neutropenia occurred in subjects of African descent, known to have lower ANC compared to western populations. Conclusions : It is important to include ANC and other haematological tests in early vaccine trials to identify potential safety signals. Post-vaccination neutropenia is not uncommon, generally transient and clinically benign, but many vaccine trials do not have a sampling schedule that allows its detection. Given ethnic variability in the level of circulating neutrophils, normal ranges taking into account ethnicity should be used for determination of trial inclusion/exclusion criteria and classification of neutropenia related adverse events

    Heterogeneity of logistics facilities: an issue for a better understanding and planning of the location of logistics facilities

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    International audience; In the last few years, the issue of the location of logistics activities emerged in the literature, in Europe and in the United States, especially from the perspective of logistics spatial dynamics as logistics sprawl. These issues of spatial dynamics question urban policies, because they underline the lack of interest in freight in the planning process. Indeed, one of the major issues in planning logistics facilities is the lack of a good understanding of the logistics sector: it is difficult to guide public action in the absence of detailed and precise data. The great heterogeneity of logistics facilities is often underestimated by public policies. The visibility of some sectors in public policies or academic literature, as parcel industry or e-commerce, hides other sides of logistics as an industry sector. With this paper we underline differences in the location of facilities, which translates into a difficult implementation of public policies to regulate logistics sprawl in the case of the Paris region. This paper studies precisely the location of the warehouses and terminals, and their place in the spatial organization of logistics facilities in the Paris Region. In particular, we compare the location of mass retail and wholesale trade facilities, logistics provider's facilities and parcel's industry facilities. Document type: Articl

    Silencing mutated β-catenin inhibits cell proliferation and stimulates apoptosis in the adrenocortical cancer cell line H295R

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    Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is a rare and highly aggressive endocrine neoplasm, with limited therapeutic options. Activating β-catenin somatic mutations are found in ACC and have been associated with a poor clinical outcome. In fact, activation of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway seems to play a major role in ACC aggressiveness, and might, thus, represent a promising therapeutic target. Similar to patient tumor specimen the H295 cell line derived from an ACC harbors a natural activating β-catenin mutation. We herein assess the in vitro and in vivo effect of β-catenin inactivation using a doxycyclin (dox) inducible shRNA plasmid in H295R adrenocortical cancer cells line (clone named shβ). Following dox treatment a profound reduction in β-catenin expression was detectable in shβ clones in comparison to control clones (Ctr). Accordingly, we observed a decrease in Wnt/βcatenin-dependent luciferase reporter activity as well as a decreased expression of AXIN2 representing an endogenous β-catenin target gene. Concomitantly, β-catenin silencing resulted in a decreased cell proliferation, cell cycle alterations with cell accumulation in the G1 phase and increased apoptosis in vitro. In vivo, on established tumor xenografts in athymic nude mice, 9 days of β-catenin silencing resulted in a significant reduction of CTNNB1 and AXIN2 expression. Moreover, continous β-catenin silencing, starting 3 days after tumor cell inoculation, was associated with a complete absence of tumor growth in the shβ group while tumors were present in all animals of the control group. In summary, these experiments provide evidences that Wnt/β-catenin pathway inhibition in ACC is a promising therapeutic target

    Mast Cells as Cellular Sensors in Inflammation and Immunity

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    Mast cells are localized in tissues. Intense research on these cells over the years has demonstrated their role as effector cells in the maintenance of tissue integrity following injury produced by infectious agents, toxins, metabolic states, etc. After stimulation they release a sophisticated array of inflammatory mediators, cytokines, and growth factors to orchestrate an inflammatory response. These mediators can directly initiate tissue responses on resident cells, but they have also been shown to regulate other infiltrating immune cell functions. Research in recent years has revealed that the outcome of mast cell actions is not always detrimental for the host but can also limit disease development. In addition, mast cell functions highly depend on the physiological context in the organism. Depending on the genetic background, strength of the injurious event, the particular microenvironment, mast cells direct responses ranging from pro- to anti-inflammatory. It appears that they have evolved as cellular sensors to discern their environment in order to initiate an appropriate physiological response either aimed to favor inflammation for repair or at the contrary limit the inflammatory process to prevent further damage. Like every sophisticated machinery, its dysregulation leads to pathology. Given the broad distribution of mast cells in tissues this also explains their implication in many inflammatory diseases

    Modélisation centrée sur les processus métier pour la génération complète de portails collaboratifs

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    International audienceLes entreprises collaborent pour saisir des opportunités, échanger des documents, des idées, ou toute autre ressource. Cela se fait en suivant des processus métiers pouvant évoluer. Les portails collaboratifs sont une solution orientée web à ce besoin de collaboration. Cependant, la conception et la maintenance d'un portail collaboratif métier n'est pas trivial. La société Ecréall conçoit, génère et maintient des portails collaboratifs à partir d'une modélisation centrée sur les processus métier en suivant une approche IDM. Cet article présente la solution proposée par Ecréall à travers son métamodèle MACoP et sa chaîne de transformation, et compare la solution proposée à d'autres approches