161 research outputs found

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    Zukunftsorientierte Anforderungen an Bibliotheksinformationssysteme in wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken

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    Das Bibliothekswesen befindet sich in einem erheblichen Umwandlungsprozeß. Damit verbunden sind auch Veränderungen an der dort benutzten Software, den Bibliotheksinformationssystemen, durchzuführen. Aufgrund dieser Überlegung wurde eine Umfrage durchgeführt, die Systemanbieter befragte, was sie an ihrem System für zukunftsorientiert halten. In Zusammenhang mit den Antworten der Softwarehersteller wurden Empfehlungen in der bibliothekarischen Fachliteratur überprüft. Die einzelnen Funktionen eines Bibliotheksinformationssystems wurden mit eigenen Worten beschrieben, daneben die Meinung von Systemanbietern und die Empfehlungen aus den Bibliotheken eingebracht. Daraus erfolgend sind abschließend Empfehlungen entstanden, die zeigen, welche Funktionen ausgebaut werden sollten, so daß das Informationssystem in Zukunft weiterhin attraktiv ist. Die Arbeit bezieht sich nur auf die inhaltlichen Funktionen einer Software, vor allem auf solche Anforderungen, die im Sinne der Benutzerfreundlichkeit ausgebaut werden sollten

    Empirical Lagrangian parametrization for wind-driven mixing of buoyant particles at the ocean surface

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    Turbulent mixing is a vital component of vertical particulate transport, but ocean global circulation models (OGCMs) generally have low-resolution representations of near-surface mixing. Furthermore, turbulence data are often not provided in OGCM model output. We present 1D parametrizations of wind-driven turbulent mixing in the ocean surface mixed layer that are designed to be easily included in 3D Lagrangian model experiments. Stochastic transport is computed by Markov-0 or Markov-1 models, and we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of two vertical profiles for the vertical diffusion coefficient Kz. All vertical diffusion profiles and stochastic transport models lead to stable concentration profiles for buoyant particles, which for particles with rise velocities of 0.03 and 0.003 m s−1 agree relatively well with concentration profiles from field measurements of microplastics when Langmuir-circulation-driven turbulence is accounted for. Markov-0 models provide good model performance for integration time steps of Δt≈30 s and can be readily applied when studying the behavior of buoyant particulates in the ocean. Markov-1 models do not consistently improve model performance relative to Markov-0 models and require an additional parameter that is poorly constrained

    Концепция разработки программного обеспечения для повышения эффективности ведения финансового учета на предприятии

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    Considered commonly used software for conducting financial activities in the enterprise. Analyzed the main disadvantages of the product. The concept of software development, enhancing the efficiency of financial accounting in the company on the platform "1C: Enterprise"

    Quantum field theories of relativistic Luttinger fermions

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    We propose relativistic Luttinger fermions as a new ingredient for the construction of fundamental quantum field theories. We construct the corresponding Clifford algebra and the spin metric for relativistic invariance of the action using the spin-base invariant formalism. The corresponding minimal spinor has 32 complex components, matching with the degrees of freedom of a standard-model generation including a right-handed neutrino. The resulting fermion fields exhibit a canonical scaling different from Dirac fermions and thus support the construction of novel relativistic and perturbatively renormalizable, interacting quantum field theories. In particular, new asymptotically free self-interacting field theories can be constructed, representing first examples of high-energy complete quantum field theories based on pure matter degrees of freedom. Gauge theories with relativistic Luttinger fermions exhibit a strong paramagnetic dominance, requiring large nonabelian gauge groups to maintain asymptotic freedom. We comment on the possibility to use Luttinger fermions for particle physics model building and the expected naturalness properties of such models.Comment: 5+7 pages, 1 figur

    Implementierungsmöglichkeiten der integrativen Wissensakquisitionsmethode des ARC-TEC-Projektes

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    Die Implementation der Wissensakquisitionsmethode des ARC-TEC-Projektes als Software-System soll einerseits ihre VerifIkation durch den Einsatz als rechnergestütztes Tool ermöglichen. Sie muß andererseits dem experimentellen Charakter der Anwendung durch hohe Flexibilität und Änderungs-/Erweiterungsfreudigkeit Rechnung tragen. Um beide Anforderungen zu erfüllen, werden hier verschiedenener Möglichkeiten zur Implementation der ARC-TEC-Methode unter Berücksichtigung vorhandener Hard- und Software-Resourcen untersucht. Ziel dabei ist es nicht, völlig unterschiedliche, inkompatible Implementationsmöglichkeiten zu vergleichen. Vielmehr wird ein portables Basissystem postuliert, das in aufeinander aufbauenden Varianten an Kapazität und Effizienz, aber auch an Entwicklungsaufwand zunimmt

    Light-dependent grazing can drive formation and deepening of deep chlorophyll maxima

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    © The Author(s), 2019. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Moeller, H. V., Laufkötter, C., Sweeney, E. M., & Johnson, M. D. Light-dependent grazing can drive formation and deepening of deep chlorophyll maxima. Nature Communications, 10(1), (2019):1978, doi:10.1038/s41467-019-09591-2.Deep Chlorophyll Maxima (DCMs) are subsurface peaks in chlorophyll-a concentration that may coincide with peaks in phytoplankton abundance and primary productivity. Work on the mechanisms underlying DCM formation has historically focused on phytoplankton physiology (e.g., photoacclimation) and behavior (e.g., taxis). While these mechanisms can drive DCM formation, they do not account for top-down controls such as predation by grazers. Here, we propose a new mechanism for DCM formation: Light-dependent grazing by microzooplankton reduces phytoplankton biomass near the surface but allows accumulation at depth. Using mathematical models informed by grazing studies, we demonstrate that light-dependent grazing is sufficient to drive DCM formation. Further, when acting in concert with other mechanisms, light-dependent grazing deepens the DCM, improving the fit of a global model with observational data. Our findings thus reveal another mechanism by which microzooplankton may regulate primary production, and impact our understanding of biogeochemical cycling at and above the DCM.We thank the Sea Education Association and the students and crew of SEA Cruise S272 for collecting and sharing CTD cast data from the South Pacific. We also thank M. Lepori-Bui for assistance in assembling grazing data, A. Mignot for sharing global DCM estimates, J.G. John for providing the COBALT control simulations, E.B. Olson, M.G. Neubert, C.A. Stock, and J.P. Dunne for advice on model formulation, and B.E. Harden for valuable discussion. We thank members of the UCSB EEMB Department for helpful feedback on earlier versions of this manuscript. H.V.M. gratefully acknowledges an NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship (DBI-1401332) and a UBC Biodiversity Center Postdoctoral Fellowship

    Emerging risks from marine heat waves

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    Recent marine heat waves have caused devastating impacts on marine ecosystems. Substantial progress in understanding past and future changes in marine heat waves and their risks for marine ecosystems is needed to predict how marine systems, and the goods and services they provide, will evolve in the future