334 research outputs found

    Employment of Mothers After Childbirth: French-German Comparison

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    This paper compares the work attachment of French and German women after childbirth. Both fertility and employment of mothers are higher in France than in Germany. Since the sample of mothers deciding on employment after a child is born might not be representative for all women, we take account of selectivity by explicitly modelling the childbirth decision of women. Furthermore, it proved essential to distinguish between part-time and full-time employment. Background characteristics appear to affect both the birth and the employment decisions in a different way in France and Germany. Some of the impacts can be related to different family policy regulations. --fertility,labour supply

    A Multi-Systemic Analysis of Infant Stress Reactivity

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    Understanding the human stress response is important because individual differences in stress response have been linked with psychological outcomes (Allwood et al., 2011). Theorists have suggested that simultaneously examining the two main components (the locus-coeruleus, norepinephrine/sympathetic nervous system (LC-NE/SNS) and the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis) of the stress response system would be the most appropriate approach to further our understanding (Bauer et al., 2002). Yet most research has focused on only one component of the stress response. Further, although behavioral reactivity has been conceptualized as an important component of the overall stress response, few investigations include markers of behavioral reactivity. The purpose of the present study was to 1) identify homogenous patterns of stress reactivity across both the HPA axis and the LC-NE/SNS, 2) identify homogenous patterns when including a behavioral marker, and 3) examine whether patterns of reactivity are linked with later socio-emotional outcomes. Participants included 219 infants and their mothers who participated in a larger study of maternal caregiving. When the infants were approximately 6 months old, provided saliva samples shortly after arriving in the lab and then again, following a stressor task. Saliva samples were assayed for Cortisol (HPA) and Alpha Amylase (sAA). Infants were 37.4% Black/African American, 24.2% as biracial/multi-racial, 16.4% as White/European American, 14.6% as Latino/Hispanic, 1.4% as Asian/Asian American. Fit statistics of a Latent Profile Analysis supported a three-class solution for the LE-NE/SNS and HPA only model. Most salient was the identification of two classes with reactivity in only one system. A large heterogeneous class, with reactivity in both systems, was also identified. An additional, exploratory LPA was conducted on the infants identified as having reactivity on both systems. Again, three classes emerged, two of which were again characterized by asymmetrical reactivity. The addition of a behavioral marker for stress reactivity did not result in significant changes to infant classification. No statistically significant class differences on socio-emotional outcomes emerged, although class differences in externalizing behaviors approached significance

    Qualitative Marketing Research: The State of Journal Publications

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    Qualitative methods in marketing have become essential not only for their classical advantage in consumer behavior, but also for their benefits in dealing with big data and data Qualitative methods in marketing have become essential not only for their classical advantage in consumer behavior, but also for their benefits in dealing with big data and data mining. Research from International Data Corporation (IDC) shows that when it comes to online data, unstructured content accounts for 90% of all digital information. Under these circumstances, this study provides a literature review and analysis on the role and relation of qualitative methods with quantitative methods in marketing research. The paper analyzes research articles that include qualitative studies in the top marketing journals during the last decade and focuses on their topic, domain, methods used and whether they used any triangulation with quantitative methods. Starting from this analysis, the study provides recommendations that can help better integrate qualitative methods in marketing research, academics and practice.mining. Research from International Data Corporation (IDC) shows that when it comes to online data, unstructured content accounts for 90% of all digital information. Under these circumstances, this study provides a literature review and analysis on the role and relation of qualitative methods with quantitative methods in marketing research. The paper analyzes research articles that include qualitative studies in the top marketing journals during the last decade and focuses on their topic, domain, methods used and whether they used any triangulation with quantitative methods. Starting from this analysis, the study provides recommendations that can help better integrate qualitative methods in marketing research, academics and practice

    Employment of Mothers After Childbirth : A French-German Comparison

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    This paper compares the work attachment of French and German women after childbirth. Both fertility and employment of mothers are higher in France than in Germany. Since the sample of mothers deciding on employment after a child is born might not be representative for all women, we take account of selectivity by explicitly modelling the childbirth decision of women. Furthermore, it proved essential to distinguish between part-time and full-time employment. Background characteristics appear to affect both the birth and the employment decisions in a different way in France and Germany. Some of the impacts can be related to different family policy regulations

    Anti-inflammatorische pulmonale Therapie von CF-Patienten mittels Amitriptylin und Placebo : eine prospektive, randomisierte, doppel-verblindete, placebo-kontrollierte, multizentrische Phase IIb-Studie

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    Zystische Fibrose (CF), auch bekannt als Mukoviszidose, ist die in den westlichen Ländern am häufigsten vorkommende autosomal rezessiv vererbte Erkrankung, ausgelöst durch Mutationen im CFTR-Gen (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator). Neben weiteren Symptomen ist CF vor allem charakterisiert durch eine im Verlauf der Erkrankung immer wiederkehrende und schließlich chronisch verlaufende Infektion der Lunge. Die daraus resultierende progressive Einschränkung der Lungenfunktion stellt nach wie vor die Hauptursache für den letalen Verlauf der Krankheit dar. Während die bislang etablierte Mukoviszidosetherapie auf rein symptomatischen Behandlungsmethoden beruht, zeichnet sich durch CF-Tiermodelle und die vorliegende klinische Studie eine neue, kausal ansetzende Therapieoption mittels des trizyklischen Antidepressivums Amitriptylin ab. Erstmals wurde das entzündungshemmende Wirkungspotential von Amitriptylin und damit seine hemmende Wirkung auf den fortschreitenden Prozess der Lungeninsuffizienz bei Menschen mit CF getestet. Die molekularen Mechanismen, welche bei Mutationen innerhalb des CFTR-Gens zu einer gesteigerten Infektanfälligkeit des Respirationstraktes führen, sind bislang noch nicht ausreichend geklärt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass das CFTR-Molekül neben seiner Funktion als Anionenkanal maßgeblich an der Aufrechterhaltung des sauren pH-Milieus intrazellulärer Vesikel im Respirationsepithel beteiligt ist. Eine eingeschränkte Funktion von CFTR hat schließlich über ein resultierendes Konzentrations-Ungleichgewicht zweier für den Sphingolipidstoffwechsel wesentlicher pH-abhängiger Enzyme, der sauren Sphingomyelinase (ASM) und der sauren Ceramidase, eine Alkalisierung dieser Vesikel mit konsekutiver Ceramid-Anreicherung zur Folge. In vorangegangen Untersuchungen wurde die Hypothese generiert, dass die Akkumulationen von Ceramid innerhalb des Respirationsepithels eine erhöhte Zellapoptose, eine gestörte mukoziliäre Clearance, die Förderung des chronischen proinflammatorischen Status, die hohe Infektanfälligkeit gegenüber des Hauptinfektionserregers Pseudomonas aeruginosa und die Ausbildung von Lungenfibrose bewirkt. Das in unserer Studie verwendete Prüfpräparat Amitriptylin agiert neben seiner Wirkung auf das zentrale Nervensystem als funktioneller Inhibitor der ASM und ist damit nach unserer Hypothese in der Lage die Ceramidkonzentration im Respirationsepithel zu senken. Nach der erfolgreichen Durchführung einer Pilot- und Phase IIa-Studie überprüften wir im Rahmen einer placebo-kontrollierten, prospektiven, randomisierten, doppelverblindeten Studie an 40 erwachsenen CF-Patienten anhand diverser Surrogatparameter die Wirkung von Amitriptylin. Gegenstand der Untersuchung waren dabei die Veränderung der Lungenfunktion (gemessen als FEV1 mittels Spirometrie), der Einfluss auf die epitheliale Ceramidexpression (fluoreszenzmikroskopisch gemessen in nasalen Mukosazellen), auf abgestorbenes Zellgewebe (gemessen als DNAKonzentration im Trachealsekret), auf die proinflammatorische Immunlage (Leukozyten-Konzentration und Konzentration pro- sowie anti-inflammatorischer Zytokine gemessen in Trachealsekret und Serum) und auf die pulmonale Bakterienlast (gemessen als P. aeruginosa-Kolonienzahl). Unter der Therapie von täglich 2x25 mg Amitriptylin lässt sich eine statistisch und klinisch relevante Veränderung der Lungenfunktionswerte bestätigen. Eine zeitgleich signifikante Abnahme der epithelialen Ceramidkonzentrationen unterstützt das zugrunde liegende Therapiekonzept. Die weiteren sekundären Zielparameter ergaben zwar positive Tendenzen, jedoch keine statistisch signifikanten Veränderungen. Durch das ursächliche Eingreifen in den Progress der Lungeninsuffizienz könnte durch die Medikation mit Amitriptylin eine neue Mukoviszidose-Therapie etabliert werden, welche sowohl zu einer deutlichen Steigerung der Lebensqualität als auch der Lebenserwartung führen könnte. Eine klinische Phase III-Studie an insgesamt 102 CF-Patienten mit dem Ziel der Verifizierung des Wirkmechanismus von Amitriptylin im Einsatz bei CF ist zwischenzeitlich im Gange

    Maml1 acts cooperatively with Gli proteins to regulate Sonic hedgheog signaling pathway

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    Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling is essential for proliferation of cerebellar granule cell progenitors (GCPs) and its misregulation is linked to various disorders, including cerebellar cancer medulloblastoma. The effects of Shh pathway are mediated by the Gli family of transcription factors, which controls the expression of a number of target genes, including Gli1. Here, we identify Mastermind-like 1 (Maml1) as a novel regulator of the Shh signaling since it interacts with Gli proteins, working as a potent transcriptional coactivator. Notably, Maml1 silencing results in a significant reduction of Gli target genes expression, with a negative impact on cell growth of NIH3T3 and Patched1−/− mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs), bearing a constitutively active Shh signaling. Remarkably, Shh pathway activity results severely compromised both in MEFs and GCPs deriving from Maml1−/− mice with an impairment of GCPs proliferation and cerebellum development. Therefore Maml1−/− phenotype mimics aspects of Shh pathway deficiency, suggesting an intrinsic requirement for Maml1 in cerebellum development. The present study shows a new role for Maml1 as a component of Shh signaling, which plays a crucial role in both development and tumorigenesis

    Photo-mediated and advanced oxidative processes applied for the treatment of effluents with drugs used for the treatment of early COVID-19 : review

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is proving to be one of the most challenging health and social crises ever faced by humanity. Several drugs have been proposed as potential antiviral agents for the treatment of COVID-19 since the beginning of the health crisis. Among them are chloroquine (CQ), hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), ivermectin (IVM), and the combination of QC or HCQ and azithromycin (AZI). The use of these and several other drugs has grown sharply, even if there is proof of ineffectiveness in the early treatment or mild cases of COVID-19. Thus, there is great concern about the potential environmental impacts of the effluents released with the presence of these drugs. Therefore, this work aimed to carry out a literature review on wastewater treatment processes, focusing on removing these substances through advanced oxidation process. As the conventional effluent treatment processes do not have high efficiency for removal, it was concentrated in the literature that had as scope advanced and photo-mediated techniques to remove CQ, HCQ, IVM, and AZI. It is expected,with this work, to highlight the importance of conducting research that contributes to the control of pollution and contamination

    O que os pais falam sobre a mesada: Função da mesada para pais de diferentes rendas econômicas

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    The practice of giving allowance is used by several parents in different parts of the world and can contribute to the economic education of children. This study aimed to investigate the purposes of the allowance with 32 parents of varying incomes. We used the focus group technique and Alceste software to analyze the data. The results involved two classes related to the process of using the allowance. These classes have covered aspects of the role of socialization and education allowance, serving as an instrument of reward, but sometimes encouraging bad habits in children. The justification of the fathers concerning the amount of money to be given to the children and when to stop giving allowance were also highlighted.   Keywords: allowance; economic socialization; parenting practices. A prática de dar mesada é utilizada por vários pais em diferentes partes do mundo e pode contribuir na educação econômica de crianças. Este estudo objetivou investigar os propósitos da mesada com 32 pais de rendas variadas. Utilizou-se a técnica de grupo focal e o software Alceste para analisar os dados. Os resultados envolveram duas classes relacionadas ao processo de utilização da mesada. Essas classes abarcaram aspectos relacionados a função socializadora e educativa da mesada, servindo como instrumento de recompensa, mas algumas vezes fomentando maus hábitos nos filhos. A justificativa dos pais sobre a quantia de dinheiro que se deve dar aos filhos e quando devem parar de dar mesada também foram destacados.   Palavras-chave: mesada; socialização econômica; práticas parentais.

    Regionalizações dos ovidutos em Boophilus microplus (Canestrini, 1887) (Acari:Ixodidae) e seu possível significado na fecundação

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    The structural analysis of oviducts in Boophilus microplus (Canestrini, 1887) in different stages of ingurgitation has indicated that they are constituted primarily of an internal cylinder and an external cylinder with different cell types being found between them. Copulated females in active ingurgitation process show typical variations along the internal cylinder, and three regions can be defined: anterior, ring-like and transitional. Based on such regionalization, hypotheses were raised about where and how fertilization takes place, a process yet to be clarified for the acari.Uma análise estrutural dos ovidutos de Boophilus microplus (Canestrini, 1887) em diferentes fases de ingurgitamento permitiu detectar que eles estão constituídos basicamente por dois cilindros celulares, um interno e outro externo; entre os quais foram encontrados diferentes tipos celulares. Fêmeas copuladas e em processo ativo de ingurgitamento mostram variações típicas ao longo do cilindro interno podendo ser definidas três regiões: anterior, anelar e de transição. Com base em tal regionalização, hipóteses sobre onde e como ocorre a fecundação, processo ainda não elucidado até o momento para ácaros, são levantadas