1,076 research outputs found

    Climate variability and El Niño Southern Oscillation: implications for natural coastal resources and management

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    The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) significantly influences marine ecosystems and the sustained exploitation of marine resources in the coastal zone of the Humboldt Current upwelling system. Both its warm (El Niño: EN) and cold (La Niña: LN) phase have drastic implications for the ecology, socio-economy and infrastructure along most of PaciWc South America. Local artisanal fisheries, which especially suffer from the effects of EN, represent a major part for the domestic economy of Chile and Peru and in consequence a huge amount of published and unpublished studies exists aiming at identifying effects of EN and LN. However, most processes and underlying mechanisms fostering the ecology of organisms along Pacific South America have not been analyzed yet and for the marine realm most knowledge is traditionally based on rather descriptive approaches. We herein advocate that small-scale comparative and interdisciplinary process studies work as one possible solution to understand better the variability observed in EN/LN effects at local scale. We propose that differences in small-scale impacts of ENSO along the coast rather than the macro-ecological and oceanographic view are essential for the sustainable management of costal ecosystems and the livelihood of the people depending on it. Based on this, we summarize the conceptual approach from the EU-funded International Science and Technology Cooperation (INCO) project “Climate variability and El Niño Southern Oscillation: Implications for Natural Coastal Resources and Management (CENSOR)” that aims at enhancing the detection, compilation, and understanding of EN and LN effects on the coastal zone and its natural resources. We promote a multidisciplinary avenue within present international funding schemes, with the intention to bridge the traditional gap between basic and applied coastal research. The long-term aim is an increased mitigation of harm caused by EN as well as a better use of beneficial effects, with the possibility to improve the livelihood of human coastal populations along Pacific South America and taking differences between local socio-economic structures of the countries affected by EN into consideration. The success of such an approach however, does finally rely upon a willingness of the recourse users and the various political and economic stakeholders involved to taking on the message as part of sustainable management strategies

    Environmental stress and parasitism as drivers of population dynamics of Mesodesma donacium at its northern biogeographic range

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    Abstract Riascos, J. M., Heilmayer, O., Oliva, M. E., and Laudien, J. 2011. Environmental stress and parasitism as drivers of population dynamics of Mesodesma donacium at its northern biogeographic range. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 68: 823–833. Mesodesma donacium is a commercially important bivalve in Chile and Peru. During strong El Niño events, populations at the northern end of its geographic distribution are wiped out, so to understand its threshold responses to biotic and abiotic factors, the population dynamics of one of the northernmost population remnants was analysed between 2005 and 2007. Strong interannual differences were found in abundance, body mass, growth rate, somatic production, and the prevalence of the parasite Polydora bioccipitalis. A Spearman rank correlation analysis showed that changes in beach slope, seemingly linked to repeated storm surges, negatively affected the clam's abundance and seemingly also affected growth, mortality, body mass somatic production, and parasite prevalence. Infestation by P. bioccipitalis was restricted to adult clams. Juvenile clams suffered high mortality because they inhabit the intertidal zone, where wave action is strong. Larger clams also showed high mortality, which seemed best explained by a synergistic effect of parasite load and environmental stress. This parasite-climate-driven mortality of larger clams had a strong impact on somatic production and implied a dramatic loss of fecundity (82%), which may significantly affect the ability of the species to recover its former abundance and distribution.</jats:p

    Supporting climate risk management in tropical agriculture with statistical crop modelling

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    Die Anzahl der unterernährten Menschen in der Welt steigt seit 2017 wieder an. Der Klimawandel wird den Druck auf die Landwirtschaft und die Ernährungssicherheit weiter erhöhen, insbesondere für kleinbäuerliche und von Subsistenzwirtschaft geprägte Agrarsysteme in den Tropen. Um die Widerstandsfähigkeit der Ernährungssysteme und die Ernährungssicherheit zu stärken, bedarf es eines Klimarisikomanagements und Klimaanpassung. Dies kann sowohl die Antizipation als auch die Reaktion auf die Auswirkungen der globalen Erwärmung ermöglichen. Eine zentrale Rolle spielen in dieser Hinsicht landwirtschaftliche Modelle. Sie können die Reaktionen von Pflanzen auf Veränderungen in den Klimabedingungen quantifizieren und damit Risiken identifizieren. Diese Dissertation demonstriert anhand dreier in Peru, in Tansania und in Burkina Faso durchgeführten Fallstudien, wie statistische Ertragsmodelle das Klimarisikomanagement und die Anpassung in der tropischen Landwirtschaft unterstützen können. Während die erste Studie zeigt, wie Klimaanpassungsbestrebungen unterstützt werden können, werden in Studie zwei und drei statistische Modelle genutzt, um Ertrags- und Produktionsvorhersagen zu erstellen. Die Ergebnisse können dazu beitragen, Frühwarnsysteme für Ernährungsunsicherheit zu unterstützen. In den drei Veröffentlichungen werden neue Ansätze statistischer Ertragsmodellierung auf verschiedenen räumlichen Ebenen vorgestellt. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt hierbei auf der Weiterentwicklung von bisherigen Ertragsvorhersagen, insbesondere in Bezug auf unabhängige Modellvalidierungen, eine stärkere Berücksichtigung von Wetterextremen und die Übertragbarkeit der Modelle auf andere Regionen.The number of undernourished people in the world has been increasing since 2017. Climate change will further exacerbate pressure on agriculture and food security, particularly for smallholder and subsistence-based farming systems in the tropics. Anticipating and responding to global warming through climate risk management is needed to increase the resilience of food systems and food security. Crop models play an indispensable role in this regard. They allow quantifying crop responses to changes in climatic conditions and thus identify risks. This dissertation demonstrates how statistical crop modelling can inform climate risk management and adaptation in tropical agriculture in the case studies of Peru, Tanzania and Burkina Faso. While the first study shows how statistical crop models can support climate adaptation, studies two and three provide yield and production forecasts. The results can contribute to supporting early warning systems on food insecurity. The three publications present novel approaches of statistical yield modelling at different spatial scales. A particular focus is on further developing existing yield forecasts, especially with regard to independent rigorous model validations, improved consideration of weather extremes, and the transferability of the models to other regions

    Complex, Dynamic Combination of Physical, Chemical and Nutritional Variables Controls Spatio-Temporal Variation of Sandy Beach Community Structure

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    Sandy beach ecological theory states that physical features of the beach control macrobenthic community structure on all but the most dissipative beaches. However, few studies have simultaneously evaluated the relative importance of physical, chemical and biological factors as potential explanatory variables for meso-scale spatio-temporal patterns of intertidal community structure in these systems. Here, we investigate macroinfaunal community structure of a micro-tidal sandy beach that is located on an oligotrophic subtropical coast and is influenced by seasonal estuarine input. We repeatedly sampled biological and environmental variables at a series of beach transects arranged at increasing distances from the estuary mouth. Sampling took place over a period of five months, corresponding with the transition between the dry and wet season. This allowed assessment of biological-physical relationships across chemical and nutritional gradients associated with a range of estuarine inputs. Physical, chemical, and biological response variables, as well as measures of community structure, showed significant spatio-temporal patterns. In general, bivariate relationships between biological and environmental variables were rare and weak. However, multivariate correlation approaches identified a variety of environmental variables (i.e., sampling session, the C:N ratio of particulate organic matter, dissolved inorganic nutrient concentrations, various size fractions of photopigment concentrations, salinity and, to a lesser extent, beach width and sediment kurtosis) that either alone or combined provided significant explanatory power for spatio-temporal patterns of macroinfaunal community structure. Overall, these results showed that the macrobenthic community on Mtunzini Beach was not structured primarily by physical factors, but instead by a complex and dynamic blend of nutritional, chemical and physical drivers. This emphasises the need to recognise ocean-exposed sandy beaches as functional ecosystems in their own right

    In situ growth evaluation of scleractinian corals using underwater photography and 3D modeling applications

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    In order to gain accurate information on coral growth increments, the buoyant weight technique (BWT) is a commonly employed technique. However, this method is not readily applicable for in situ studies, as individual coral fragments need to be retrieved regularly to be measured in the lab. The use of 3D photogrammetry on the basis of underwater photography eliminates both of these issues. The pictures as a source for the data can be directly taken from the in situ setup with underwater photography. Consequentially, no transfer of specimen to the lab is required, stress is limited for the coral specimen. This new digital tool further enables data acquisition in remote places without laboratory access. The process turning underwater pictures into 3D models involves three steps, including the creation of a 3D model, and the subsequent calculation of its respective volume. Potential pitfalls of this application are discussed. This non-invasive method is beneficial not only for coral reef research but also applicable for projects with other sessile animals
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