788 research outputs found

    Direct Observation of Trapping Motion in Elongated Fourier-Transform Mass Spectrometry Trapped Ion Cells

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    AbstractMeasurements by Fourier-transform mass spectrometry (FTMS) have been used to measure trapping oscillation profiles in elongated trapped ion cells of length 10–43 cm. Trapping periods extracted from these profiles are found to vary linearly with cell length of elongated cells. This is in contrast with the prediction based on a quadrupolar approximation of the electric field that trapping period should increase exponentially with increased cell length. An alternate analytical expression for trapping motion is derived that better accounts for the motion of ions with sufficient energy to approach the trap plates. Calculated trapping frequencies are within a few percent of values determined from ion trajectory simulations for any combination of cell length, trap potential, ion mass, and ion kinetic energy. The new expression also explains the experimentally determined trapping data obtained in elongated cells. This expression predicts an average axial energy near 0.6 eV for the ions that are preferentially detected by FTMS with the specific pulse sequence employed

    Seeding hESCs to achieve optimal colony clonality

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    Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have promising clinical applications which often rely on clonally-homogeneous cell populations. To achieve this, it is important to ensure that each colony originates from a single founding cell and to avoid subsequent merging of colonies during their growth. Clonal homogeneity can be obtained with low seeding densities; however, this leads to low yield and viability. It is therefore important to quantitatively assess how seeding density affects clonality loss so that experimental protocols can be optimised to meet the required standards. Here we develop a quantitative framework for modelling the growth of hESC colonies from a given seeding density based on stochastic exponential growth. This allows us to identify the timescales for colony merges and over which colony size no longer predicts the number of founding cells. We demonstrate the success of our model by applying it to our own experiments of hESC colony growth; while this is based on a particular experimental set-up, the model can be applied more generally to other cell lines and experimental conditions to predict these important timescales

    Correlated random walks of human embryonic stem cells in vitro

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    We perform a detailed analysis of the migratory motion of human embryonic stem cells in two-dimensions, both when isolated and in close proximity to another cell, recorded with time-lapse microscopic imaging. We show that isolated cells tend to perform an unusual locally anisotropic walk, moving backwards and forwards along a preferred local direction correlated over a timescale of around 50 min and aligned with the axis of the cell elongation. Increasing elongation of the cell shape is associated with increased instantaneous migration speed. We also show that two cells in close proximity tend to move in the same direction, with the average separation of m or less and the correlation length of around 25 μm, a typical cell diameter. These results can be used as a basis for the mathematical modelling of the formation of clonal hESC colonies

    Functional Liftings of Vectorial Variational Problems with Laplacian Regularization

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    We propose a functional lifting-based convex relaxation of variational problems with Laplacian-based second-order regularization. The approach rests on ideas from the calibration method as well as from sublabel-accurate continuous multilabeling approaches, and makes these approaches amenable for variational problems with vectorial data and higher-order regularization, as is common in image processing applications. We motivate the approach in the function space setting and prove that, in the special case of absolute Laplacian regularization, it encompasses the discretization-first sublabel-accurate continuous multilabeling approach as a special case. We present a mathematical connection between the lifted and original functional and discuss possible interpretations of minimizers in the lifted function space. Finally, we exemplarily apply the proposed approach to 2D image registration problems.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures; accepted at the conference "Scale Space and Variational Methods" in Hofgeismar, Germany 201

    Modulation of the extraordinary optical transmission by surface acoustic waves

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    International audienceThe numerical study of periodically nanostructured metallic films exhibiting extraordinary optical transmission (EOT) deposited onto the top of a piezoelectric material is reported. Surface acoustic waves are generated in the piezoelectric substrate and their influence in the transmission spectrum of the EOT structure is studied. It is shown that low frequency acoustic waves can significantly tune the resonance frequency of the EOT structure

    Technical and economic feasibility of the capture and geological storage of CO2 from a bio-fuel distillery: CPER Artenay project

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    AbstractThis paper first focuses on the environmental benefits of the CCS system applied to a bio-ethanol distillery before estimating its feasibility under geological and economic constraints.First, the calculation of CO2 balance in this application shows that the introduction of CO2 capture and sto rage in biomass energy systems (B-CCS) can si gnificantly increase the CO2 abat ement potential of the system and even leads to negative carbon emissions. Besides, a preliminary geological investigation reveals that the studied area has a good storage potential although the presence of major faults, while the low capture costs of CO2 from biomass fermentation emphasize the economic potential o f such a solution

    Material anisotropy unveiled by random scattering of surface acoustic waves

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    We consider launching a monochromatic surface acoustic wave packet on a large set of random scatterers. The interference of the multiple scatteredwaves creates a random pattern of ripples on the crystal surface that is recorded by optical interferometry. The Fourier transform of the amplitude and phase data of the measured wave field unveils the complete slowness curve, i.e., the wave-vector as a function of the propagation angle. A simple acoustic speckle model is proposed to explain this observation.Peer reviewe

    Improving surface acousto-optical interaction by high aspect ratio electrodes

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    International audienceThe acousto-optical interaction of an optical wave confined inside a waveguide and a surface acoustic wave launched by an interdigital transducer (IDT) at the surface of a piezoelectric material is considered. The IDT with high aspect ratio electrodes supports several acoustic modes that are strongly confined to the surface, causing a significant increase in the strain underneath the surface. A finite element method is employed to model the surface acoustic waves generated by a finite length IDT with 12 electrode pairs and subsequently to study their interaction with an optical wave propagating in a waveguide buried in the lithium niobate substrate supporting the electrodes. The interaction can be increased up to 600 times using these new types of surface acoustic waves as compared to using a conventional IDT with thin electrodes. This result could find applications in improved acousto-optical integrated modulators

    Influence du développement vertical du massif facial supérieur sur les différents composants palatins

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    We put the vertical rotations of the premaxilla and of the hard palate in relation with the vertical development of the maxillary fied. The latter has been evaluated by the changes of length of the right segment that was defined by the prof. Delaire point and its MH1 projection of the hard palate.The vertical variations of the maxillary fields, evaluated from the M-MH1, have an influence on the orientation of the hard palate and the premaxilla in relation to the angle of the pterygoclivian compass.This action is very perceptible at the level of the premaxilla-palatinal junction. It is lower at the level of the hard palate and of the premaxilla when these are separately studied.We got the impression that the front and the back nasal thorns are relatively steady zones during the growth compared to the premaxillo-palatinal junction.Nous avons mis en relation les rotations dans le sens vertical du prémaxillaire et des lames palatines avec le développement vertical du champ maxillaire. Celui-ci a été évalué par les changements de longueur du segment de droite défini par le point M. de DELAIRE et sa projection MH1 sur les lames palatines.Les variations verticales du champ maxillaire, évaluées à partir de MMH1 influencent l'orientation des lames palatines et du prémaxillaire par rapport au compas ptérygo-clivien. Cette action est fort sensible au niveau de la jonction prémaxillo-palatine. Elle est moindre au niveau des lames palatines et du prémaxillaire lorsque ceux-ci sont étudiés séparément.Nous avons tiré l'impression que les épines nasales antérieure et postérieure sont des zones relativement fixes par rapport à la jointure prémaxillopalatine

    Etude télécrânienne des mouvements cervicaux et palatins au cours de la croissance

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    The sagittal and anterior position of the hyoid bone is at the origin of the changes in orientation of the palatine laminae. A posterior-anterior movement of this bone allows the tongue to liberate the posterior part of the oral cavity; the palatine laminae rotate forwards and downwards. The opposite case is verified in the same way; the naso-palatine canal is a very malleable area, allowing a lowering of the anterior part of the palatine laminae. The vertical variations of the hyoid bone have little effect on the palate.La position sagittale de l’os hyoïde est à l’origine des modifications d’orientation des lames palatines. Ceci a été montré à partir de télécrânes sagittaux. Un mouvement postéro-antérieur de cet os permet à la langue de libérer la partie postérieure de la cavité buccale: les lames palatines font une rotation vers le bas et l’avant. Le contraire se vérifie de la même façon. Le canal naso-palatin est une zone très plastique; il permet un abaissement de la partie antérieure de la lame palatine. Les variations verticales hyoïdiennes influencent peu le palais
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