144 research outputs found

    The Impact of Alternative Livestock Market Choice, Constraints and Opportunities: A Case of Smallholder Farmers in the Southern Communal Area of Namibia

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    This paper used Regression Adjustment (RA), Inverse-Probability Weighted (IPW) and the Inverse-Probability Weighted (IPW) Regression Adjustment (IPWRA) estimators to estimate the treatment effects of marketing livestock at the informal market relative to other alternative market choices on the farmers’ gross margin. Estimation is based on survey data obtained by interviewing livestock farmers in the Southern Communal Area of Namibia. Four treatment levels representing market channels are the informal market, the permit sale, auction market, and abattoir. The estimated Average Treatment Effects (ATE) of patronizing permit instead of the informal market is N142,701.8.Movingfromtheinformalmarkettotheauction,theestimatedATEisN142,701.8. Moving from the informal market to the auction, the estimated ATE is N224,547; also for a movement from the Informal market to the abattoir ATE is N605,810.8.Resultsshowthatamongthefarmerswhomarketedatthealternativemarkets,thereisanincreaseintheirgrossmarginsalesfromtheaverageofN605,810.8. Results show that among the farmers who marketed at the alternative markets, there is an increase in their gross margin sales from the average of N142,012.1 to N145,343.4forpermitsales,N145,343.4 for permit sales, N236,677.8 for auction sales and N$578,671.3 for the abattoir sales. Quantile estimates of the potential outcome distribution were also calculated to determine whether the treatment affects those farmers at the lower end of the distribution differently from those at the middle or upper end. The result of the quantile estimate was found to be consistent with that of the conditional mean. Overall, the study found that upstream markets are more gross profit enhancing than the downstream markets ceteris paribus. Keywords: treatment effects, average treatment effects, potential outcome framework, potential outcome mean, upstream market, quantile effects

    Viewership footprint for a low-resource, student-centred collaborative video platform to teach orthopaedics in southern Africa

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    Background. Institutions are increasingly using technology to augment the class learning experience of medical students. Especially in Africa, local content is key to allow insights and knowledge to emerge and build transformative capacity for students and patients. There is currently no peer-reviewed video content produced by students with the aim of providing education on orthopaedic topics for medical students and patients in this region.Objectives. To evaluate the demographic and geographical viewership as well as video-specific statistics of orthopaedic teaching videos for medical students on a YouTube channel, with the expressed aim of informing future content production.Methods. Videos were produced by South African (SA) medical students as a problem-based collaborative project. Student-owned smartphones and various types of free video editing software were used to produce these videos, which were then assessed by a group of orthopaedic specialists and uploaded onto a YouTube channel (UCTeach). The analytical reports of this channel generated by Google and YouTube were analysed regarding watch time per day (minutes), average view duration (minutes), most watched videos, top geographies, age and gender.Results. A total of 83 videos were uploaded to the UCTeach Ortho channel during a 2-year period, with a total watch time of 857 062 minutes and 337 983 views. The majority of viewers were between the ages of 18 and 34 years (85%). India had the most views (n=69 089), followed by the USA (n=66 257) and SA (n=21 882). Most of the videos were watched on mobile phones (n=183 299) and computers (n=128 228). The most watched video, produced in April 2016, was on physiological and pathological gait, with 51 314 views.Conclusions. Our study provides proof of concept for a new educational material creation and dissemination strategy. A low-cost local collaborative orthopaedic video project by medical students for medical students can lead to high view counts and watch time on YouTube. It is accessible to audiences in low-, middle- and high-income countries. The students’ educational videos also reached a global audience consistently over a 3-year period

    Virosaurus A Reference to Explore and Capture Virus Genetic Diversity.

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    The huge genetic diversity of circulating viruses is a challenge for diagnostic assays for emerging or rare viral diseases. High-throughput technology offers a new opportunity to explore the global virome of patients without preconception about the culpable pathogens. It requires a solid reference dataset to be accurate. Virosaurus has been designed to offer a non-biased, automatized and annotated database for clinical metagenomics studies and diagnosis. Raw viral sequences have been extracted from GenBank, and cleaned up to remove potentially erroneous sequences. Complete sequences have been identified for all genera infecting vertebrates, plants and other eukaryotes (insect, fungus, etc.). To facilitate the analysis of clinically relevant viruses, we have annotated all sequences with official and common virus names, acronym, genotypes, and genomic features (linear, circular, DNA, RNA, etc.). Sequences have been clustered to remove redundancy at 90% or 98% identity. The analysis of clustering results reveals the state of the virus genetic landscape knowledge. Because herpes and poxviruses were under-represented in complete genomes considering their potential diversity in nature, we used genes instead of complete genomes for those in Virosaurus

    Merging Galaxies in the SDSS EDR

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    We present a new catalog of merging galaxies obtained through an automated systematic search routine. The 1479 new pairs of merging galaxies were found in approximately 462 sq deg of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Early Data Release (SDSS EDR; Stoughton et al. 2002) photometric data, and the pair catalog is complete for galaxies in the magnitude range 16.0 <= g* <= 20. The selection algorithm, implementing a variation on the original Karachentsev (1972) criteria, proved to be very efficient and fast. Merging galaxies were selected such that the inter-galaxy separations were less than the sum of the component galaxies' radii. We discuss the characteristics of the sample in terms of completeness, pair separation, and the Holmberg effect. We also present an online atlas of images for the SDSS EDR pairs obtained using the corrected frames from the SDSS EDR database. The atlas images also include the relevant data for each pair member. This catalog will be useful for conducting studies of the general characteristics of merging galaxies, their environments, and their component galaxies. The redshifts for a subset of the interacting and merging galaxies and the distribution of angular sizes for these systems indicate the SDSS provides a much deeper sample than almost any other wide-area catalog to date.Comment: 58 pages, which includes 15 figures and 6 tables. Figures 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, and 14 are provided as JPEG files. For online atlas, see http://home.fnal.gov/~sallam/MergePair/ . Accepted for publication in A

    Emerging trends in non-communicable disease mortality in South Africa, 1997 - 2010

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    Objectives. National trends in age-standardised death rates (ASDRs) for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in South Africa (SA) were identified between 1997 and 2010.Methods. As part of the second National Burden of Disease Study, vital registration data were used after validity checks, proportional redistribution of missing age, sex and population group, demographic adjustments for registration incompleteness, and identification of misclassified AIDS deaths. Garbage codes were redistributed proportionally to specified codes by age, sex and population group. ASDRs were calculated using mid-year population estimates and the World Health Organization world standard.Results. Of 594 071 deaths in 2010, 38.9% were due to NCDs (42.6% females). ASDRs were 287/100 000 for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), 114/100 000 for cancers (malignant neoplasms), 58/100 000 for chronic respiratory conditions and 52/100 000 for diabetes mellitus. An overall annual decrease of 0.4% was observed resulting from declines in stroke, ischaemic heart disease, oesophageal and lung cancer, asthma and chronic respiratory disease, while increases were observed for diabetes, renal disease, endocrine and nutritional disorders, and breast and prostate cancers. Stroke was the leading NCD cause of death, accounting for 17.5% of total NCD deaths. Compared with those for whites, NCD mortality rates for other population groups were higher at 1.3 for black Africans, 1.4 for Indians and 1.4 for coloureds, but varied by condition.Conclusions. NCDs contribute to premature mortality in SA, threatening socioeconomic development. While NCD mortality rates have decreased slightly, it is necessary to strengthen prevention and healthcare provision and monitor emerging trends in cause-specific mortality to inform these strategies if the target of 2% annual decline is to be achieved