23 research outputs found

    Cytoskeletal stability and metabolic alterations in primary human macrophages in long-term microgravity

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    The immune system is one of the most affected systems of the human body during space flight. The cells of the immune system are exceptionally sensitive to microgravity. Thus, serious concerns arise, whether space flight associated weakening of the immune system ultimately precludes the expansion of human presence beyond the Earth's orbit. For human space flight, it is an urgent need to understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which altered gravity influences and changes the functions of immune cells. The CELLBOX-PRIME (= CellBox-Primary Human Macrophages in Microgravity Environment) experiment investigated for the first time microgravity-associated long-term alterations in primary human macrophages, one of the most important effector cells of the immune system. The experiment was conducted in the U.S. National Laboratory on board of the International Space Station ISS using the NanoRacks laboratory and Biorack type I standard CELLBOX EUE type IV containers. Upload and download were performed with the SpaceX CRS-3 and the Dragon spaceship on April 18th, 2014 / May 18th, 2014. Surprisingly, primary human macrophages exhibited neither quantitative nor structural changes of the actin and vimentin cytoskeleton after 11 days in microgravity when compared to 1g controls. Neither CD18 or CD14 surface expression were altered in microgravity, however ICAM-1 expression was reduced. The analysis of 74 metabolites in the cell culture supernatant by GC-TOF-MS, revealed eight metabolites with significantly different quantities when compared to 1g controls. In particular, the significant increase of free fucose in the cell culture supernatant was associated with a significant decrease of cell surface-bound fucose. The reduced ICAM-1 expression and the loss of cell surface-bound fucose may contribute to functional impairments, e.g. the activation of T cells, migration and activation of the innate immune response. We assume that the surprisingly small and non-significant cytoskeletal alterations represent a stable "steady state" after adaptive processes are initiated in the new microgravity environment. Due to the utmost importance of the human macrophage system for the elimination of pathogens and the clearance of apoptotic cells, its apparent robustness to a low gravity environment is crucial for human health and performance during long-term space missions

    Cytoskeletal stability and metabolic alterations in primary human macrophages in long-term microgravity

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    The immune system is one of the most affected systems of the human body during space flight. The cells of the immune system are exceptionally sensitive to microgravity. Thus, serious concerns arise, whether space flight associated weakening of the immune system ultimately precludes the expansion of human presence beyond the Earth's orbit. For human space flight, it is an urgent need to understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which altered gravity influences and changes the functions of immune cells. The CELLBOXPRIME (= CellBox-Primary Human Macrophages in Microgravity Environment) experiment investigated for the first time microgravity-associated long-term alterations in primary human macrophages, one of the most important effector cells of the immune system. The experiment was conducted in the U. S. National Laboratory on board of the International Space Station ISS using the NanoRacks laboratory and Biorack type I standard CELLBOX EUE type IV containers. Upload and download were performed with the SpaceX CRS- 3 and the Dragon spaceship on April 18th, 2014 / May 18th, 2014. Surprisingly, primary human macrophages exhibited neither quantitative nor structural changes of the actin and vimentin cytoskeleton after 11 days in microgravity when compared to 1g controls. Neither CD18 or CD14 surface expression were altered in microgravity, however ICAM-1 expression was reduced. The analysis of 74 metabolites in the cell culture supernatant by GC-TOF-MS, revealed eight metabolites with significantly different quantities when compared to 1g controls. In particular, the significant increase of free fucose in the cell culture supernatant was associated with a significant decrease of cell surface-bound fucose. The reduced ICAM-1 expression and the loss of cell surface-bound fucose may contribute to functional impairments, e.g. the activation of T cells, migration and activation of the innate immune response. We assume that the surprisingly small and non-significant cytoskeletal alterations represent a '' stable-steady state '' after adaptive processes are initiated in the new microgravity environment. Due to the utmost importance of the human macrophage system for the elimination of pathogens and the clearance of apoptotic cells, its apparent robustness to a low gravity environment is crucial for human health and performance during long-term space missions

    Time course of cellular and molecular regulation in the immune system in altered gravity: progressive damage or adaptation?

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    We summarized the current knowledge about adaptation processes of isolated immune cells, animal models and the human body to altered gravity conditions. Many studies indicate an adaptation reaction of the immune system to the new microgravity environment, at least for the T cell system. Animal and human studies indicated adaptation processes starting after two weeks and continuing until 6 month or longer, which was reflected by cytokine concentrations in blood plasma or in stimulation assays. Adaptive reactions regarding IFN-c, TNF-a and IL-2 concentrations were detected after 12 days spaceflight in animal studies and after 2–4 months in human studies, whereas adaptive reactions regarding IL-4, IL-6, IL-8 and IL-10 were found after 6 months spaceflight. Cellular studies were performed mainly as short-term studies, and only a few studies addressed alterations longer than 3 days. However, cross validation between studies is often not possible or indicated conflicting results. Many in vitro studies, mostly done with T lymphocytes, demonstrated extensive cellular and molecular alterations. In contrast, long-term studies with animals and humans are completely lacking this dramatic picture of short-term cellular effects, which indicates a very efficient adaptation process, partially evidenced by new steady state of adaptive response in the human immune system after weeks until months. Therefore, we assume that the human body and its cells are equipped with a robust and efficient adaptation potential when challenged with low gravitational environments

    Rapid Transient Transcriptional Adaptation to Hypergravity in Jurkat T Cells Revealed by Comparative Analysis of Microarray and RNA-Seq Data

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    Cellular responses to micro- and hypergravity are rapid and complex and appear within the first few seconds of exposure. Transcriptomic analyses are a valuable tool to analyze these genome-wide cellular alterations. For a better understanding of the cellular dynamics upon altered gravity exposure, it is important to compare different time points. However, since most of the experiments are designed as endpoint measurements, the combination of cross-experiment meta-studies is inevitable. Microarray and RNA-Seq analyses are two of the main methods to study transcriptomics. In the field of altered gravity research, both methods are frequently used. However, the generation of these data sets is difficult and time-consuming and therefore the number of available data sets in this research field is limited. In this study, we investigated the comparability of microarray and RNA-Seq data and applied the results to a comparison of the transcriptomics dynamics between the hypergravity conditions during two real flight platforms and a centrifuge experiment to identify temporal adaptation processes. We performed a comparative study on an Affymetrix HTA2.0 microarray and a paired-end RNA-Seq data set originating from the same Jurkat T cell RNA samples from a short-term hypergravity experiment. The overall agreeability was high, with better sensitivity of the RNA-Seq analysis. The microarray data set showed weaknesses on the level of single upregulated genes, likely due to its normalization approach. On an aggregated level of biotypes, chromosomal distribution, and gene sets, both technologies performed equally well. The microarray showed better performance on the detection of altered gravity-related splicing events. We found that all initially altered transcripts fully adapted after 15 min to hypergravity and concluded that the altered gene expression response to hypergravity is transient and fully reversible. Based on the combined multiple-platform meta-analysis, we could demonstrate rapid transcriptional adaptation to hypergravity, the differential expression of the ATPase subunits ATP6V1A and ATP6V1D, and the cluster of differentiation (CD) molecules CD1E, CD2AP, CD46, CD47, CD53, CD69, CD96, CD164, and CD226 in hypergravity. We could experimentally demonstrate that it is possible to develop methodological evidence for the meta-analysis of individual data

    Effects of Spaceflight on the Immune System

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    The immune system belongs to the most affected systems during spaceflight, and sensitivity of cells of the human immune system to reduced gravity has been confirmed in numerous studies in real and simulated microgravity. Immune system dysfunction during spaceflight represents a substantial risk for exploration class mission knowledge about the clinical, cellular, and genetic basis of immune system response, and adaptation to altered gravity will provide key information for appropriate risk management, efficient monitoring, and countermeasures against existing limiting factors for human health and performance during manned exploration of the solar system. In spite of the immune system dysregulation, studies indicate an adaptation reaction of the immune system to the new microgravity environment, at least for the T-cell system, starting after 2 weeks and continuing until 6 months or longer, reflected by cytokine concentrations in blood plasma or in stimulation assays. At the cellular level, rapid adaptation responses could be detected as early as after seconds until minutes in T cells and macrophages. Therefore, adaptive responses of cells and the whole organism could be expected under microgravity and altered gravity in general. Preventive countermeasures should therefore consider support and stabilization of the endogenous adaptation programs. Potential countermeasures for risk mitigation are summarized in this chapter. We assume that the immune systems not only have a significant adaptation potential when challenged with low gravitational environments but also provide interesting preventive and therapeutic options for long-term space missions

    Stability of gene expression in human T cells in different gravity environments is clustered in chromosomal region 11p15.4

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    In the last decades, a plethora of in vitro studies with living human cells contributed a vast amount of knowledge about cellular and molecular effects of microgravity. Previous studies focused mostly on the identification of gravity-responsive genes, whereas a multi-platform analysis at an integrative level, which specifically evaluates the extent and robustness of transcriptional response to an altered gravity environment was not performed so far. Therefore, we investigated the stability of gene expression response in non-activated human Jurkat T lymphocytic cells in different gravity environments through the combination of parabolic flights with a suborbital ballistic rocket and 2D clinostat and centrifuge experiments, using strict controls for excluding all possible other factors of influence. We revealed an overall high stability of gene expression in microgravity and identified olfactory gene expression in the chromosomal region 11p15.4 as particularly robust to altered gravity. We identified that classical reference genes ABCA5, GAPDH, HPRT1, PLA2G4A, and RPL13A were stably expressed in all tested gravity conditions and platforms, while ABCA5 and GAPDH were also known to be stably expressed in U937 cells in all gravity conditions. In summary, 10–20% of all transcripts remained totally unchanged in any gravitational environment tested (between 10−4 and 9 g), 20–40% remained unchanged in microgravity (between 10−4 and 10−2 g) and 97–99% were not significantly altered in microgravity if strict exclusion criteria were applied. Therefore, we suppose a high stability of gene expression in microgravity. Comparison with other stressors suggests that microgravity alters gene expression homeostasis not stronger than other environmental factors

    Dynamic gene expression response to altered gravity in human T cells

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    We investigated the dynamics of immediate and initial gene expression response to different gravitational environments in human Jurkat T lymphocytic cells and compared expression profiles to identify potential gravity-regulated genes and adaptation processes. We used the Affymetrix GeneChip® Human Transcriptome Array 2.0 containing 44,699 protein coding genes and 22,829 non-protein coding genes and performed the experiments during a parabolic flight and a suborbital ballistic rocket mission to cross-validate gravity-regulated gene expression through independent research platforms and different sets of control experiments to exclude other factors than alteration of gravity. We found that gene expression in human T cells rapidly responded to altered gravity in the time frame of 20 s and 5 min. The initial response to microgravity involved mostly regulatory RNAs. We identified three gravity-regulated genes which could be cross-validated in both completely independent experiment missions: ATP6V1A/D, a vacuolar H + -ATPase (V-ATPase) responsible for acidification during bone resorption, IGHD3-3/IGHD3-10, diversity genes of the immunoglobulin heavy-chain locus participating in V(D)J recombination, and LINC00837, a long intergenic non-protein coding RNA. Due to the extensive and rapid alteration of gene expression associated with regulatory RNAs, we conclude that human cells are equipped with a robust and efficient adaptation potential when challenged with altered gravitational environments

    Distinct reactivities of interleukin-4-specific antibodies with recombinant and native canine interleukin-4 in various assays

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    Interleukin 4 (IL-4) plays a central role in immune responses to parasites and allergens. IL-4 drives the differentiation of naive T cells into Th2 cells and regulates immunoglobulin class switching to IgE.Little is known about the role of IL-4 in canine allergies and parasite infections. Most of the information derives from measurement of IL-4 mRNA expression in dog tissues, but detection of IL-4 protein has been difficult so far, probably due to low sensitivity of available methods. Antibodies (Ab) specific for canine IL-4 are available from various sources, but these Ab have been produced against recombinant Escherichia coli-expressed canine IL-4 and there is only limited information on their reactivities with native canine IL-4. Therefore, in the present study, we tested six available canine IL-4-specific Ab for their reactivities with recombinant canine IL-4 expressed in E. coli (rec.IL-4) or in mammalian cells (mam.IL-4), and with supernatants from stimulated canine peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) using several detection methods, including Western blotting, ELISA, cytokine bead assay, and intracellular IL-4 staining. Additionally, we tested a bovine IL-4-specific antibody that has been previously shown to cross-react with canine IL-4. All tested Ab except anti-bovine IL-4 reacted with rec.IL-4, and most of them reacted with mam.IL-4. However, only the cytokine bead assay was sensitive enough to allow the detection of IL-4 in supernatants of canine PBMCs