2,090 research outputs found

    Towards information literacy indicators

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    From summary: This paper provides a conceptual framework for the identification of indicators of information literacy (IL) and proposes a pathway for cost effective and timely development. The paper includes a definition of IL; a model that links information literacy with other adult competencies including Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills; and a description of IL standards in education. Issues of IL equality and the implications of cultural diversity are identified

    Marco de avaliação global da alfabetização midiática e informacional (AMI): mapeamento das competências midiáticas e informacionais

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    This article explores a literature review on different proposals to assess media and information literacy (MIL) competencies in citizens seeking to define the fundamental MIL skills and competencies to be considered in national curricula and assessment schemes. The study is based on qualitative content analysis to map and systematize the main MIL frameworks, research reports, and their practical applications/experiences. This qualitative technique allows the combination of categories (dimensions) and correlation of individual indicators (skills and capabilities) to group subcategories (components). The study inquires Unesco’s framework, as well as the authors upon which this theoretical approach was built, together with the European Commission’s views on media education. It gathers their principal propositions on media competence assessment and sets a reflection on information literacy and Educommunication as a contribution strongly developed in the Ibero-American context. A broad analysis of digital competencies related to media and information literacy is also included in the study. A new interpretation is given to the studied concepts to draw a structured systematization of competences on media and information literacy that sets a framework to assess and design MIL programs, actions or curricula. Finally, it proposes a map of skills and competences in MIL that allows the future creation of methodologies and strategies for the visibility, promotion, strengthening or evaluation of MIL. Este artículo explora mediante la revisión de diferentes propuestas para la evaluación de las competencias enalfabetización mediática informacional (AMI) en ciudadanos que buscan definir las habilidades AMI fundamentales para ser considerados en los esquemas de evaluación y los currículos nacionales. El estudio está basado en un análisis cualitativo de contenido para mapear y sintetizar los marcos AMI principales, reportes de investigación y sus experiencias/aplicaciones prácticas. Esta técnica cualitativa permite la combinación de categorías (dimensiones) y la correlación de indicadores individuales (habilidades y capacidades) a subcategorías grupales (componentes). El estudio examina el marco de la UNESCO, así como a los autores sobre los que este enfoque teórico está fundamentado, junto a las visiones de la Comisión Europea sobre la educación mediática. El estudio recopila sus principales propuestas sobre la evaluación de competencias mediáticas y sienta una posición reflexiva sobre la alfabetización y la Educomunicación como una contribución fuertemente desarrollada en el contexto Iberoamericano. Un análisis general de las competencias relacionadas con la alfabetización informacional también está incluido en este estudio. Se da una nueva interpretación a los conceptos estudiados para delinear una sistematización estructurada de las competencias mediáticas y la alfabetización informacional que establece un marco para la evaluación y el diseño de programas, acciones y currículos AMI. Finalmente, propone un mapa de habilidades y de competencias AMI que permite la creación de futuras metodologías y estrategias para la visibilización, promoción, fortalecimiento o evaluación de las AMI. Este artigo explora uma revisão da literatura sobre diferentes propostas para avaliar as competências midiáticas e informacionais (AMI) dos cidadãos a fim de definir as habilidades e competências AMI fundamentais para serem consideradas em currículos nacionais e esquemas de avaliação. Este estudo está baseado na análise qualitativa de conteúdo para fazer um mapeamento e síntese dos quadros principais de AMI, relatórios de pesquisa e suas aplicações práticas/experiências. Essa técnica qualitativa permite a combinação de categorias (dimensões) e a correlação de indicadores individuais (habilidades e capacidades) para agrupar subcategorias (componentes). O estudo indaga o marco de avaliação da Unesco, como também autores sobre os quais essa abordagem teórica foi construída, junto com a visão da Comissão Europeia sobre a educação midiática. Reúne suas posturas principais sobre a avaliação da competência midiática e propõe uma reflexão sobre a alfabetização midiática e a Educomunicação como uma contribuição desenvolvida fortemente no contexto ibero-americano. Uma análise ampla das competências digitais relacionadas à alfabetização midiática e informacional também foi incluída no estudo. Uma nova interpretação é dada aos conceitos estudados para desenhar uma sistematização estruturada das competências para a alfabetização midiática e informacional que estabelece um quadro para avaliar e modelar programas de AMI, ações e currículos. Finalmente, propõe um mapa de habilidades e competências na AMI que permite a criação futura de metodologias e estratégias para a visibilidade, a promoção, o fortalecimento ou a avaliação da AMI

    Assessing Spanish-Speaking University Students’ Info-Competencies with iSkills, SAILS, and an In-House Instrument: Challenges and Benefits

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    In its ongoing assessment of information literacy competencies (ILC), CETYS Universidad first developed an in-house instrument and then applied the standardized tests, SAILS and iSkills. This paper analyzes the design of these instruments as well as data gathered from their implementation. This comparison aids in finding similarities in the ILC they measure, describe how they measure them, and study their differences. The objectives of this analysis are to describe the evolution of the Institution’s ILC assessment over the past four years while providing the basis for making an evidence-based decision about improving the in-house instrument and pushing to develop a Spanish-language multi-institutional tool, and/or the continued use of international instruments

    Assessing Spanish-Speaking University Students’ Info-Competencies with iSkills, SAILS, and an In-House Instrument: Challenges and Benefits

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    In its ongoing assessment of information literacy competencies (ILC), CETYS Universidad first developed an in-house instrument and then applied the standardized tests, SAILS and iSkills. This paper analyzes the design of these instruments as well as data gathered from their implementation. This comparison aids in finding similarities in the ILC they measure, describe how they measure them, and study their differences. The objectives of this analysis are to describe the evolution of the Institution’s ILC assessment over the past four years while providing the basis for making an evidence-based decision about improving the in-house instrument and pushing to develop a Spanish-language multi-institutional tool, and/or the continued use of international instruments

    Oportunidad: Herramientas TIC para la Facilitación del Aprendizaje Universitario

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    In the processes of design, revision and execution of the curricular structure of the universities, we must consider aspects such as the subjects or objects of study, their relationships and the ways in which the learning of them can be evaluated. There are also aspects that are transversal to all syllabus, which are the integration of information literacy during the course and the use of different technologies that allow great diversity and innovation in the ways of teaching and learning. This paper presents a rubric that focuses on the use of technology and is divided into three stages that can be applied in the review and execution of syllabus by teachers. These stages are: a) a previous stage, consisting of applications for the use of information, develop the program, prepare learning objects and design the evaluation scheme; B) continuous stage during the course, with applications to carry out conceptual introductions, audiovisual presentations, communicate with students in and out of class, perform exercises and manage motivation and conflict resolution; And c) a closing phase, consisting of tools to evaluate and monitor learning through its progressive and summative evaluation, post-evaluation communication, correction and updating of syllabus and documentation of teaching experience. This work offers the rubric itself for the interested public, especially academics and librarians


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    Soybean is the most commercially cultivated crop in Paraguay, and obtaining high yields requires the application of large amounts of fertilizers, raising the cost of production. Developing strategies for the efficient use of applied nutrients is necessary. Therefore, the study aimed to evaluate the agronomic efficiency of combinations of mineral fertilizers with organic matter and rock powder in the development, nutrition, and yield of soybean. The experiment was carried out in Hernandarias, Paraguay, in the 2016-2017 harvest. The different fertilizers influenced the absorption of Zn, Mg and K, and grain yield. Among the treatments, the highlight was the agronomic efficiency index obtained by the replacement of 30% of mineral fertilizer by humus, presenting grain yield of 3219, 67 kg ha-1. However, it was equal to the mixing 30% of humus + rock powder with 70% of NPK formulation 04:40:10 with grain yield of 3206.50 kg ha-1, and the mixing 20% of humus + rock powder with 80% of NPK formulation 04:40:10 with grain yield of 3165.17 kg ha-1. Thus, it is recommended to use rock powder and humus in soybean production in Paraguay, especially in Latossolos (Oxisols) that have little organic matter and low CTC

    Valorización de Unión de Cervecerías Peruanas Backus Y Johnston S.A.A.

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    El presente documento se realizó para emitir una opinión de compra o venta sobre las acciones de la empresa Unión de Cervecerías Peruanas Backus & Johnston S.A.A. al cierre del año 2020; para ello, se requirió del entendimiento del negocio (historia, líneas de negocio, productos y cadena de valor en general), además de analizar a la industria, el posicionamiento competitivo de la empresa y los riesgos a los cuales se encuentra expuesta, además del análisis de la información financiera de los últimos once años (2010-2020). Esto permitió proyectar resultados y determinar el valor de la compañía y su valor patrimonial bajo el método de flujo de caja descontado, el cual cuenta con la estimación de la tasa de descuento, proyecciones de variables como ventas, costos, inversiones de capital, capital de trabajo, etc., que nacieron de un análisis FODA cruzado, en base a proyecciones demográficas y de producción nacional. Como resultado, el valor de la acción de inversión de Backus (su clase más líquida en la BVL) fue de S/26.08 y el análisis de sensibilidad arroja un valor mínimo de S/21.60; así mismo, se confirmó que la acción se encontraría subvaluada (precio de mercado S/20.15 al cierre de diciembre) utilizando metodologías alternativas como la de múltiplos, por lo que la recomendación del presente trabajo de investigación es la de comprar la acción. Finalmente, el desarrollo del análisis reveló hallazgos importantes, entre los más destacados están las características de mercado en monopolio de cervezas, su bajo ratio de apalancamiento financiero debido a que se financia con proveedores a corto plazo y sus altos indicadores de rentabilidad, liquidez y cobertura de intereses que le permiten obtener un excelente ciclo operativo

    Media and information literate citizens: think critically, click wisely!

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    Can we improve our societies by clicking wisely? Content providers such as libraries, archives, museums, media and digital communications companies can enable inclusive and sustainable development. However, they do not always live up to these ideals, which creates challenges for the users of these services. Content providers of all types open up new opportunities for lifelong learning. But at the same time, they open up challenges such as misinformation and disinformation, hate speech, and infringement of online privacy, among others. Media and information literacy is a set of competencies that help people to maximize advantages and minimize harms. Media and information literacy covers competencies that enable people to critically and effectively engage with: communications content; the institutions that facilitate this content; and the use of digital technologies. Capacities in these areas are indispensable for all citizens regardless of their ages or backgrounds. This pioneering curriculum presents a comprehensive competency framework of media and information literacy and offers educators and learners structured pedagogical suggestions. It features various detailed modules covering the range of competencies needed to navigate today’s communications ecosystem. This resource links media and information literacy to emerging issues, such as artificial intelligence, digital citizenship education, education for sustainable development, cultural literacy and the exponential rise in misinformation and disinformation. With effective use of this media and information literacy curriculum, everyone can become media and information literate as well as peer-educators of media and information literacy