85 research outputs found

    Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Partai Politik Dalam Tindak Pidana Korupsi

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    Jika dilihat dari preseden penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi  di Indonesia, ada beberapa indikasi/dugaan kasus korupsi melibatkan anggota partai politik yang hasil perbuatannya mengalir ke partainya, namun belum ada partai politik yang diperiksa maupun dituntut oleh penegak hukum. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pertanggungjawaban pidana partai politik sebagai pelaku tindak pidana korupsi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian dalam penulisan ini, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa adapun pertanggungjawaban pidana partai politik sebagai pelaku tindak pidana korupsi yaitu berupa sanksi pidana yang dapat diberikan hakim terhadap partai politik atau pengurus, atau partai politik dan pengurus, hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan merujuk pada PERMA 13 Tahun 2016, yakni dapat dilakukan baik secara alternatif maupun kumulatif yaitu pidana pokok dan/atau pidana tambahan. Pidana pokok yang dapat dijatuhkan terhadap partai politik yaitu pidana pokok berupa denda dengan ketentuan maksimum pidana ditambah 1/3 (satu per tiga). Untuk pidana tambahan belum ada pengaturannya didalam undang-undang pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi. Sehingga menurut hemat penulis jenis sanksi pidana tambahan terberat yang bisa dijatuhkan adalah pembubaran Partai Politik, sehingga ada efek jera

    Peran Visum Et Repertum Sebagai Alat bukti Dalam Perkara Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Bersama (Studi Putusan No. 348/Pid.B/2021/PN.Amb)

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    Expert testimony is a doctor's statement that can help investigators in providing evidence. The doctor's opinion should be stated in writing in the form of a health report called Visum Et Repertum. The research method used is normative legal research. The nature of the research is descriptive analysis by examining literature material using the Law approach, Concept Approach and Case Approach. The use of legal source materials consists of primary and secondary legal materials to discuss problem formulation. The research results show that: Visum et Repertum does not absolutely have to be present, but in criminal acts where the object is the human body, for example murder, assault, rape, it is best to be equipped with a Visum et Repertum. If several witnesses saw the occurrence of a crime, for example violence or abuse and this is supported by the defendant's statement and the judge is convinced of the defendant's guilt, then the defendant can be sentenced even if it is not accompanied by a Visum et Repertum. However, if there is a lack of evidence, Visum et Repertum can be used as evidence to strengthen the proof of a violent crime committed by someone. The position of post mortem et repertum even though the content is in the form of expert testimony given under oath and outside of a court hearing, and its qualifications are included as documentary evidence and not expert testimony evidence, and the qualifications are included as documentary evidence and not expert testimony evidence. And if the post mortem et repertum is linked to Article 1 stb. 1937 No. 350 can also be considered as expert testimony and expert testimony is valid evidence in article 184 KUHAP

    Penerapan Hukum Pidana Terhadap Warga Negara Asing Yang Melakukan Kejahatan Skimming Di Indonesia

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    Skimming is the act of stealing ATM card information by taking information contained on the magnetic stripe on the card illegally, skimming crimes are committed by installing skimmer devices on ATM machines to obtain data on ATM cards. Skimming crimes are inseparable from the various methods used by the perpetrators, the perpetrator of skimming crimes is a foreign national. Crimes are committed professionally and well organized so that it is easy to commit skimming crimes as a result of skimming crimes there are many losses to customers and banks. Purposes of the Research: to determine the application of criminal law against foreign nationals who commit skimming crimes. Methods of the Research: The type of research used in this research is normative juridical. This type of research is descriptive analytical research. The sources of legal materials are primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. Data collection techniques are carried out through tracing legal materials by reading, seeing, listening, or doing. Results of the Research: Skimming crimes regulated in the Criminal Code and the ITE Law in which the elements in Article 30 of the ITE Law on illegal access have been fulfilled by skimming crimes, namely the element of every person, the element intentionally, the element without the right or against the law and the element of accessing a computer or electronic system. In addition, the results of this study explain that the skimming crimes of the perpetrators are punished based on existing laws in accordance with what has been done, the application of criminal law is of course as a legal provision in tackling crime, anyone who commits a crime will be punished according to applicable law whether it is an Indonesian citizen or a foreign citizen. In addition, the crimes committed can be seen based on the applicable principles relating to skimming crimes are territorial principles or regional principles because legal provisions apply to everyone who commits a crime in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia must be punished according to existing regulations

    Dampak Reviktimisasi Terhadap Penyintas Kekerasan Seksual dalam Proses Penyidikan

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    ABSTRACT: The Police, as the primary institution in the criminal justice system responsible for handling victims of sexual harassment, plays a central role in ensuring the rights of citizens. These rights include accessibility to the criminal justice process and equality before the law. However, the reality of the investigative process often neglects the rights of the victims in formal legal practices, leading to re-victimization during the formal process. The ramifications of legal practices resulting in re-victimization during the formal legal process have widespread impacts on the victims and the community at large. The purpose of this research is to identify and analyze the impact of re-victimization on victims of sexual violence during the investigation process. The research method employed is Normative research, which involves studying available literature materials. The approach to the issue includes legislative approaches, conceptual approaches, and case-based approaches. The collection of legal materials is then analyzed qualitatively. The study reveals that when victims of sexual violence are subjected to re-victimization during the criminal justice process, it has negative psychological effects on them. The term "re-victimization" refers to the experience of being victimized again, this time by the legal system itself. This concept is relatively new in the criminal justice context and should be fully embraced and integrated into the entire criminal justice system to address its impact properly

    Upaya Kepolisian Dalam Menangani Tempat Kejadian Perkara Pembunuhan Di Jembatan Merah Putih

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    According to Perkap 6 of 2019 in article 6 paragraph (1) regulates methods of carrying out investigations, one of which is TKP processing. Related to processing crime scenes to look for evidence, this can also be done in murder cases. Criminal acts of murder often occur in the midst of society. The initial police suspicion was that the victim died by committing suicide by dropping himself from the red and white bridge. However, when the police carried out further investigations, it was discovered that the cause of the victim's death was not suicide, but that the victim was deliberately thrown from the bridge by his two colleagues. This study aims to examine and analyze the efforts of the police in dealing with the crime scene on the red and white bridge and examine and analyze what factors are the obstacles for the police in handling the crime scene on the red and white bridge. This study uses Empirical Juridical Research. To analyze the problem, the Descriptive Analytical analysis technique is used with the technique of collecting and analyzing legal materials, namely Qualitative Analysis. The results of this study indicate that the process of handling a murder case at JMP, began with a public report regarding the discovery of a victim who was allegedly lifeless. again on the foundation of the pillars supporting JMP to Babinkantibmas,. Then the report was forwarded to the Ambon Bay Police. Regarding the processing of the TKP of the murder at JMP, the police referred to the Technical Instructions of the Indonesian National Police Number: 01/II/1982 concerning Handling of Crime Scenes (hereinafter referred to as JUKNIS 01/II/1982)

    Pengembangan SIAP FISIKA (Sistem Informasi Aktivitas Pembelajaran Fisika)

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    Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pengembangan sebuah Sistem Informasi Aktivitas Pembelajaran FISIKA yang disingkat SIAP FISIKA. Penelitian ini termasuk ke dalam bidang penelitian Natural Language Processing (NLP) yang melakukan kerja pemrosesan data teks menggunakan teknologi kecerdasan buatan / Artificial Intelligence (AI). Beberapa algoritma Machine Learning (ML) digunakan untuk memodelkan dan mengklasifikasi teks materi pelajaran dalam kelas “Topik Pelajaran Fisika” yang benar. Selanjutnya dilanjutkan dengan perekomendasian aktivitas belajar yang memiliki nilai cosine similarity > 0.1 dengan teks materi pelajaran. Dari proses pelatihan dan pengujian, algoritma Multinomial Naïve Bayes (MultiNB) memberikan rata – rata nilai akurasi terbaik yaitu sebesar 83.12 %. Akurasi maksimum didapatkan dengan menggunakan kombinasi MultiNB dan teknik ekstraksi fitur unigram yaitu sebesar 88.32 %.In this research, a development of an Information System for PHYSICS Learning Activities, which is abbreviated as SIAP FISIKA, was carried out. The research itself belongs to the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) which performs text data processing using Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. Machine Learning (ML) algorithms were used to model and classify the text of Physics lessons into correct class of topic in Physics. The process then is followed by recommending learning activities that have a cosine similarity value > 0.1 to the text. From the training and test, the Multinomial Naïve Bayes (MultiNB) algorithm gives the best average accuracy of 83.12%. The maximum accuracy is obtained by using a combination of MultiNB and unigram feature extraction technique, which is 88.32

    Evaluasi Hydarulic Fracturing Sumur Id-18, Id-25, dan Id-29 pada Lapangan A

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    Evaluasi Stimulasi hydraulic fracturing pada sumur ID-29, ID-25, ID-18 pada Lapangan Abertujuan untuk mengetahui berhasil atau tidaknya pekerjaan stimulasi tersebut. Stimulasi inibertujuan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas sumur yang mengalami penurunan produksi. Alasandilakukannya hydraulic fracturing pada ketiga sumur ini adalah Kecilnya laju produksi Sumur,Harga Permeabilitas sumur yang kecil <5mD , nilai skin yang positif menunjukkan formationdamage. Stelah dilakukannya perekahan hidrolik sumur ID-29 terjadi peningkatan permeabilitassebesar 777%, sumur ID-25 terjadi peningkatan permeabilitas sebesar 260% dan sumur ID-18terjadi peningkatan permeabilitas sebesar 371.2%. Terdapat dua parameter yang di evaluasi,yaitu evaluasi geometri rekahan dan evaluasi produksi. Evaluasi geometri rekahan disini,penulis melakukan analisa terhadap perbedaan antara hasil desain dengan hasil aktual yangterbentuk di lapangan. Penulis juga melakukan perhitungan ulang geometri rekahan secaramanual dengan model PKN dan KGD 2D.Dari segi produksi sumur ID-29 terjadi penurunan lajuproduksi minyak dari sebelum perekahan sebesar 18.67 BOPD menjadi 7.92 BOPD,sedangkan sumur ID-18 mengalami peningkatan produksi dari sebelum perekahan sebesar 7.32BOPD dan setelah perekahan menjadi sebesar 114.05 BOPD. Produksi minyak pada sumurID-25 dengan dilakukannya perekahan hidrolik yaitu sebesar 177.97 BOPD