20 research outputs found


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    Tulisan ini melihat model pembelajaran agama sebagai salah satu strategi pengajaran pendidikan agama di sekolah yang dapat memberi masukan bagi konstruksi pembelajaran agama yang inklusif, humanis dan toleran. Fenomena kehidupan keagamaan di Indoneisa dengan sistem pendidikan yang lebih menekankan pada aspek intelektual semata telah memberi dampak pada merosotnya sikap prilakusiswa. Sebagai contoh dapat dilihat kekerasan dan intoleransi yang terjadi dikalangan siswa, maupun antar sekolah, Melalui penelusuran konseptual model pembelajaran agama diharapkan dapat memberi konstribusi terhadap sikap toleransi siswa.Artikel ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan pemahaman terhadap pentingnya penggunaan model pembelajaranmodel beyond the wall menjadi pilihan yang cocok dengan sekolah yang plural.Model ini tidak hanya memberi ruang bagi hubungan dialogis dan mengajak siswa beda agama membangun perdamain,dan menghargai perbedaan di ruang publik sekola


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    The communication of teachers in the public room is one of the strategies for transferring the lesson material to the participants. Done through forms of communication so that students are motivated to build dialogue and interaction as part of the learning process. The results of this research show that the teacher's community pattern in the school public room has been effectively and intensely: [1] Process of communication of teachers conducted through observations of behavioral students to know the ins and outs of psychology every learner. Then the teacher seeks to establish good communication with the aim of attracting sympathy. This is done because some learners who are less eager in the learning process, such as: not focused on learning, can not memorize in front of the class, and pay less attention to school assignments. [2] Teacher communication patterns used in learning are: personal and group communication patterns include; [a] Such verbal communication, delivering the material directly to the learners. [b] Non-verbal, such as: demonstrated behavior, neat dressing style, style of speech and the way of dialogue with teachers when delivering material. [3] Media such as: using books relating to the material being taught. With this teacher's communication pattern gives a positive impact on learners so that they can be motivated to follow the subject matter. Keywords: teacher communication pattern, student motivatio

    Urgensi Kemampuan Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Personality (Tpack-P) Pendidik Di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0

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    Revolusi industri 4.0 menuntut semua pendidik untuk mampu beradaptasi dengan kebutuhan serta tuntunan zaman. TPACK termasuk satu dari beberapa skill penting yang wajib dimiliki oleh para pendidik di era 4.0. pada masa revolusi industri 4.0 pendidik didorong untuk mengkonstruksi aktivitas belajar mengajar yang dilakukan dengan mengunakan bantuan teknologi. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah penelitian studi pustaka dengan pendekatan filosofis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pendidikan 4.0 mendorong para pendidik untuk bisa menguasai teknologi supaya bisa diintegrasikan ke dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Kemampuan para pendidik dalam memahami serta menguasai teknologi di bidang pendidikan bisa ditinjau melalui TPaCK “technological pedagogical content knowledge” yang ada pada diri pendidik. TPaCK termasuk kerangka teoritis guna menjalankan integrasi pada teknologi, pedagogik serta materi pelajaran yang terdapat dalam aktivitas belajar mengajar. Artikel ini menganalisa mengenai urgensi kemampuan TPacK pendiddik serta interaksi yang ada pada berbagai unsur TPack dan hubungannya dengan revolusi industri 4.0. Kata kunci: TPaCK, Pendidik, Revolusi Industri 4.

    Relationship between student learning interest and mathematics learning achievement: A meta-analysis

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    Mathematics is regarded as one of the most important lessons that any student must learn. Internal and external factors, in general, influence students' mathematics learning achievement. One of the internal factor variables is students’ learning interest in mathematics. Many research publications show that the variable of interest is strongly related to mathematics learning achievement, so this study aims to prove and quantify the size of the relationship between mathematics learning interest and mathematics learning achievement using quantitative meta-analysis research approaches. The independent variable is student learning interest, and the dependent variable is mathematical learning achievement. The data was acquired from an online database search on Google Scholar within the 2009 to 2019 timeframe. Thirty research publications that satisfied the required criteria were utilized as the sample. Data analysis uses a quantitative meta-analysis approach with a correlation meta-analysis. The findings revealed a favorable and substantial (5% significance level) link between learning interest and student mathematics learning achievement. The average weight value of effect size was 0.540 in the range of 0.430 to 0.640 in the medium category. These findings have demonstrated the consistency of previous researchers' conclusions.


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    Realitas masyarakat Indonesia yang multikultur secara sosiologis membentuk kelompok-kelompok yang kemudian mengidentifikasi diri dalam masing-masing identitas kultural. Proses pembentukan identitas terjadi dalam perjumpaan dengan etnis lain dalam lingkup pergaulan yang intens serta melakukan hubungan lintas budaya dan mengintegrasikan identitas kultural masing-masing. Dibutuhkan keharmonisan hubungan antar agama dan etnik, dengan tetap menghargai keberadaan kelompok etnik dan agama masing-masing. Di Maluku, terjadi konflik di berbagai tempat termasuk di Maluku, yang berdampak pada pola hubungan antaragama dan etnik. Fenomena tersebut berdampak pula terhadap relasi di ruang publik khususnya di perguruan tinggi, sehingga diperlukan pola pendidikan yang baik bagi pembentukan karakter masyarakat. Keyword: Lembaga Pendidikan, Relasi Etni

    Analisis semiotika terhadap aksara penggalan kalender dalam tradisi keagamaan di Hatuhaha dan Ulakan

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    v, 155 halaman; 21c


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    Lately, research on humility has begun to lead to the world of education. This is because relational humility facilitates a dialogic learning process that positively impacts students, namely the formation of religious schemes. Nonetheless, research on this topic has never been conducted on individuals living in post-interfaith conflict areas. Even though individuals who live in post-conflict areas have formed their humility and religious schemes. Does relational humility strongly predict the emergence of student religious schemas in post-conflict areas? This is the question that is explained in this study. This study used ex-post facto research with a sample of 49 students from four universities in Ambon City. The research data were obtained from the subjects' answers on two scales, namely the Rational Humility Scale (RHS) and the Religious Schema Scale (RSS). The results of a simple linear regression test prove that relational humility also predicts the religious schema of students living in post-religious conflict areas. Nonetheless, the predictive magnitude is minimal due to the limitations of the research sample. Therefore, it is recommended that further researchers consider the size of the research sample and the need to examine relational humility and religious schemas as a mediator or moderator variables for tolerant behavior in the educational context


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    When Arab traders traveled to the archipelago, followed by the Portuguese and Dutch in the 16th century and the presence of Arab traders brought religion. Islam. Conflicts in various places including in Maluku, which have an impact on the pattern of inter-religious and ethnic relations. This phenomenon has an impact on relations in the public sphere, especially in universities, so that a good education pattern is needed for the formation of community character. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The purpose of this research is to analyze the role of public education spaces in establishing ethnic and religious relations. The type of research is field research where data collection is done through observation, interviews, and documentation techniques, then analyzed through the stages of data reduction, data display, data interpretation and conclusion drawing. Research result; 1. Educational institutions are effective public spaces for the creation of ethnic and religious relations. This is possible because there are at least three main elements that are always involved in interactions or reciprocal relationships in the education public sphere, namely educators, students and parents. Through the interaction and assimilation of various elements in the education public sphere, everyone knows each other and learns from the diversity they have, individuals are expected to be able to transform themselves to find self-perception in encounters with other groups outside themselves, so as to form better inter-religious and ethnic relations. 2. Strategic educational institutions are used as media to form the character of the community (students) because the essence of education is to humanize humans


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    Desain pembelajaran mencakup tiga aspek: (1) menyusun tujuan pembelajaran, (2) menetapkan materi pembelajaran, (3) menentukan metode yang digunakan, dan (4) menetapkan penilaian yang akan dilakukan. Tujuan pembelajaran dapat diwujudkan dalam menetapkan kompetensi pembelajaran, baik standar kompetensi, kompetensi dasar maupun indicator pembelajaran. Materi pembelajaran berkaitan dengan isi pembelajaran yang disampaikan kepada peserta didik. Metode pembelajaran berkaitan dengan cara melaksanakan tujuan pembelajaran yang telah disusun dalam materi   pembelajaran. Penilaian, evaluasi pembelajaran merupakan alat ukur keberhasilan  kegiatan pembelajaran. Desain pembelajaran yang disebut terakhir ini merupakan alat ukur keberhasilan kegiatan pembelajaran. Desain pembelajaran yang disebut terakhir ini merupakan salah satu aktifitas yang harus dilakukan guru dalam mengakses materi pembelajaran dan mengukur pula keberhasilan guru dalam melaksanakan tugas mengajar.  Keywords: Penilaian, pembelajaran