12 research outputs found

    Évaluation de l’impact d’un plan pharmaceutique personnalisĂ© sur la durĂ©e de traitement par opioĂŻdes de palier 3 dans des douleurs rhumatologiques non cancĂ©reuses – PPP-Care : rĂ©sultats prĂ©liminaires

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    De nombreux traitements par opioĂŻdes de palier 3 selon l’organisation mondiale de la santĂ© sont instaurĂ©s dans le service de rhumatologie, dans le cadre de douleurs de l’appareil locomoteur non traumatiques et non cancĂ©reuses. La durĂ©e de ce traitement prescrit Ă  la sortie est souvent non maitrisĂ©e et peut ĂȘtre Ă  l’origine d’iatrogĂ©nie mĂ©dicamenteuse. Les recommandations locales prĂ©conisent une durĂ©e moyenne de 28 jours dans ce type de douleurs. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude monocentrique prospective randomisĂ©e est d’évaluer si les patients bĂ©nĂ©ficiant d’un plan pharmaceutique personnalisĂ© (PPP) durant leur hospitalisation, leur permettant d’ĂȘtre informĂ©s et sensibilisĂ©s, sont traitĂ©s pendant une pĂ©riode plus courte par opioĂŻdes forts avec un risque minorĂ© de dĂ©pendance comparativement Ă  une prise en charge habituelle. Ce travail prĂ©sente la mise en place du protocole pharmaceutique au sein du service de rhumatologie du centre hospitalier universitaire de Rouen, ainsi que les rĂ©sultats obtenus au cours d’une analyse prĂ©liminaire. Trente patients ont Ă©tĂ© inclus. La durĂ©e moyenne de traitement par opioĂŻdes forts Ă©tait de 45,1 jours dans le groupe contrĂŽle et 28,4 jours dans le groupe PPP. Les patients du groupe A Ă©taient plus souvent Ă  l’initiative de l’arrĂȘt du traitement (67%) que les patients du groupe B (29%). Dans le groupe PPP, on constatait Ă©galement une amĂ©lioration significative (pLes rĂ©sultats prĂ©liminaires de cette Ă©tude sont, bien que non significatifs du fait d’un manque de puissance statistique, en faveur d’un impact du PPP sur la prise en charge des patients ; sur la durĂ©e de traitement mais Ă©galement sur les connaissances des patients. L’intervention du pharmacien durant l’hospitalisation pourrait lors de l’initiation d’un traitement morphinique, rĂ©duire le risque de mĂ©susage, et augmenter l’investissement du patient dans sa prise en charge

    Monitoring of antivitamin K-dependent anticoagulation in rodents – Towards an evolution of the methodology to detect resistance in rodents

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    International audienceVitamin K antagonists are used as rodenticides for pest control management. In rodents, prothrombin time is used to monitor their effect despite its limits and the emergence of many coagulation methods. The aim of this study is to explore different coagulation monitoring methods in order to propose the best method and the best parameter to monitor vitamin K antagonists effect in rodents. The coagulation function was thus monitored with global coagulation assays and specialty assays after difethialone administration in rats. Despite many parameters obtained by thromboelastometry, only clotting time and clot formation time obtained by ExTEM were modified. Their evolution was fast with doubling time 1 respectively of 4.0h and 3.7h but their increases were delayed with a lag time higher than 8h. Conversely, prothrombin time evolution presented a lag time of only 2h, but a higher doubling time of 7.2h. The measurements of factor VII and X activities were the most sensitive assays to monitor vitamin K antagonists effect with almost no lag time and the fastest evolution. Nevertheless, factor X was shown to be the only key factor driving prothrombin time. Monitoring factor X activity enables to follow most effectively the anticoagulation status in rats after rodenticides administration

    Study of the efficiency of anticoagulant rodenticides to control Mus musculus domesticus introgressed with Mus spretus Vkorc1 Running title: Resistance to rodenticides due to Vkorc1 spr genotype in Mus musculus domesticus

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Antivitamin K anticoagulant (AVK) rodenticides are commonly used to control rodent pests worldwide. They specifically inhibit the VKORC1 enzyme essential for the recycling of vitamin K, and thus prevent blood clotting and cause death by haemorrhage. Numerous mutations or polymorphisms of the Vkorc1 gene were reported in rodents, and some led to resistance to rodenticides. In house mice (Mus musculus domesticus), adaptive introgression of the Vkorc1 gene from the Algerian mouse (Mus spretus) was reported. This adaptive introgression causes the substitution of four amino acids in M. musculus domesticus.RESULTS: The consequences of introgression were assessed by (i) the characterisation of the in vivo resistant phenotype of adaptive Vkorc1spr-introgressed mice, (ii) the characterisation of the ex vivo resistance phenotype of the liver VKOR activity and (iii) the comparison of these results with the properties of recombinant VKORC1spr protein expressed in yeast. The resistance factor (from 1 to 120) induced by the four introgressed polymorphisms obtained using these three approaches was dependent on the AVKs used but were highly correlated among the three approaches.CONCLUSION: The four introgressed polymorphisms were clearly the cause of the strong resistant phenotype observed in the field. In the context of strong selection pressure due to the extensive use of AVKs, this resistant phenotype may explain the widespread distribution of this genotype from Spain to Germany

    Anti-Carbamylated Fibrinogen Antibodies Might Be Associated With a Specific Rheumatoid Phenotype and Include a Subset Recognizing In Vivo Epitopes of Its gamma Chain One of Which Is Not Cross Reactive With Anti-Citrullinated Protein Antibodies

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    International audienceTo identify the targets recognized by anti-carbamylated protein antibodies (anti-CarP) in patients with early Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), to study the cross-reactivity between anti-CarP and anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA) and to evaluate their prognostic value. 331 patients (184 RA and 147 other rheumatisms) from the Very Early Arthritis (VErA) French cohort were analyzed. We performed mass spectrometry analysis of RA sera displaying anti-CarP activity and epitope mapping of the carbamylated fibrinogen gamma chain to identify immunodominant peptides. The specificity of these targets was studied using competition assays with the major antigens recognized by ACPA. The prognostic value of anti-carbamylated fibrinogen IgG antibodies (ACa-Fib IgG) was compared to that of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies (anti-CCP) and anti-CarP using an in-house ELISA. Besides the alpha chain, the gamma chain of fibrinogen, particularly one immunodominant epitope that has a specific reactivity, was identified as a circulating carbamylated target in sera. The prevalence of ACa-Fib was 37% at baseline and 10.9% for anti-CCP-negative RA. In anti-CCP-negative patients, ACa-Fib positivity was associated with a more inflammatory and erosive disease at baseline but not with rapid radiological progression, which remains strongly related to anti-CCP antibodies. Fibrinogen seems to be one of the antigens recognized in vivo by the anti-CarP response, particularly 2 epitopes of the gamma chain, one of which is not cross reactive with ACPA. This specificity might be associated with a distinct clinical phenotype since ACa-Fib IgG were shown to be linked to systemic inflammation in very early RA but not to rapid radiological progression

    Synthesis and biological evaluation of C-3 aliphatic coumarins as vitamin K antagonists

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    Since the discovery of Warfarin in the 1940s, the design of new warfarin-derived anticoagulants for rodent management has been challenging, with mainly structural modifications performed on the C3 position of the coumarin skeleton. In order to better understand the pharmacomodulation of such derivatives, we have synthesized a family of C3 (linear and branched) alkyl-4-hydroxycoumarins, which led to the identification of compounds 5e and 5f as potential short-term active anticoagulants

    Laser Processing For 3D Junctionless Transistor Fabrication

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    International audienceTo take fully advantage of Junctionless transistor (JLT) low cost and low temperature feature we investigate a 475°C process to create onto a wafer a thin poly-Si layer on insulator. We fabricated a 13nm doped (Phosphorous, 10 19 at/cm 3) poly-silicon film featuring excellent roughness values (R max = 1.6nm and RMS=0.2nm). Guidelines for grain size optimization with nanosecond (ns) laser annealing are given. 3D monolithic integration; Junction-less transistor; poly-si

    L'Allemagne unifiée 20 ans aprÚs la chute du Mur

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    Le 9 novembre 1989 tombe le Mur de Berlin. En Europe et ailleurs circulent de nombreuses hypothĂšses sur le devenir de l’Allemagne Ă  court et moyen terme – des « paysages florissants » promis aux Allemands de l’Est par le Chancelier Kohl, Ă  la crainte d’une domination Ă©conomique allemande accrue sur l’Europe, en passant par des inquiĂ©tudes concernant la pĂ©rennitĂ© de l’engagement europĂ©en et atlantique de la RĂ©publique fĂ©dĂ©rale. Vingt ans aprĂšs, oĂč en est l’Allemagne ? Quels ont Ă©tĂ© les changements les plus significatifs ? Quels sont les Ă©lĂ©ments de continuitĂ©, d’inflexion, de rupture ? Le processus d’unification et l’intĂ©gration des nouveaux LĂ€nder ont entraĂźnĂ© des changements structurels. Mais d’autres facteurs, internes et externes, ont jouĂ© un rĂŽle dĂ©terminant dans l’évolution du pays : l’intĂ©gration europĂ©enne, le bouleversement du contexte international, les mutations de la sociĂ©tĂ© allemande elle-mĂȘme. À l’Est comme Ă  l’Ouest, l’Allemagne est profondĂ©ment transformĂ©e. Dans le champ Ă©conomique et social, l’unification a pesĂ© lourd, mais la mondialisation et les rĂ©gulations europĂ©ennes ont eu elles aussi un impact considĂ©rable. L’ensemble de ces facteurs influe Ă©galement sur le fonctionnement de la vie politique et du fĂ©dĂ©ralisme allemands. Pour les relations internationales enfin, la place et la politique de la RFA sont liĂ©es Ă  son nouveau statut, mais elles sont aussi conditionnĂ©es par la profonde mutation des Ă©quilibres et des enjeux internationaux ces vingt derniĂšres annĂ©es