553 research outputs found

    An automatic deep learning approach for coronary artery calcium segmentation

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    Coronary artery calcium (CAC) is a significant marker of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular events. In this work we present a system for the automatic quantification of calcium score in ECG-triggered non-contrast enhanced cardiac computed tomography (CT) images. The proposed system uses a supervised deep learning algorithm, i.e. convolutional neural network (CNN) for the segmentation and classification of candidate lesions as coronary or not, previously extracted in the region of the heart using a cardiac atlas. We trained our network with 45 CT volumes; 18 volumes were used to validate the model and 56 to test it. Individual lesions were detected with a sensitivity of 91.24%, a specificity of 95.37% and a positive predicted value (PPV) of 90.5%; comparing calcium score obtained by the system and calcium score manually evaluated by an expert operator, a Pearson coefficient of 0.983 was obtained. A high agreement (Cohen's k = 0.879) between manual and automatic risk prediction was also observed. These results demonstrated that convolutional neural networks can be effectively applied for the automatic segmentation and classification of coronary calcifications

    An attempt to optimize the outcome of penetrating keratoplasty in congenital aniridia-associated keratopathy (AAK)

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    Purpose To propose an optimized microsurgical and medical approach to reduce the risk of complications after penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) in patients with aniridia-associated keratopathy (AAK). Methods Retrospective observational case series of 25 PKP performed in 16 patients with AAK. Preoperative indications were endothelial decompensation and vascularized scars (68%) or graft failure (32%) due to limbal stem cell deficiency. The optimized approach included a combination of a small corneal graft size (around 7.0 mm), interrupted 10–0nylon sutures, simultaneous AMT as a patch, large bandage contact lens, temporary lateral tarsorrhaphy, postoperative autologous serum eye drops, and systemic immunosuppression. Main outcome measures included: visual acuity, transplant survival, and complications encountered during follow-up of 107 weeks on average. Results A complete modified keratoplasty scheme was used in 10 of 25 PKP (group 1), while at least one of the modifications was missing in the other 15 PKP (group 2). After 8 weeks of follow-up, the epithelium was closed in 23 eyes. Visual acuity improved in 19 eyes at 6 months of follow-up, and remained stable in six eyes. None of the eyes showed a decrease in visual acuity. At the last post-operative follow-up, this visual improvement persisted in 14 eyes and graft survival rate after 156 weeks (3 years) was 69% in group 1 versus 44% in group 2 (p = 0.39, log-rank test). Secondary corneal neovascularization (8%), scarring (4%), ulcer (4%), or graft rejection (8%) happened mostly in the second group which was missing at least one of the suggested modifications. Conclusions PKP in congenital aniridia must be considered as a high-risk keratoplasty. An optimized therapeutic approach seems to be promising in order to reduce the postoperative complication rate in these most difficult eyes

    Effects of gamma irradiation on the biomechanical properties of peroneus tendons

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    PURPOSE: This study was designed to investigate the biomechanical properties of nonirradiated (NI) and irradiated (IR) peroneus tendons to determine if they would be suitable allografts, in regards to biomechanical properties, for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction after a dose of 1.5–2.5 Mrad. METHODS: Seven pairs of peroneus longus (PL) and ten pairs of peroneus brevis (PB) tendons were procured from human cadavers. The diameter of each allograft was measured. The left side of each allograft was IR at 1.5–2.5 Mrad, whereas the right side was kept aseptic and NI. The allografts were thawed, kept wet with saline, and attached in a single-strand fashion to custom freeze grips using liquid nitrogen. A preload of 10 N was then applied and, after it had reached steady state, the allografts were pulled at 4 cm/sec. The parameters recorded were the displacement and force. RESULTS: The elongation at the peak load was 10.3±2.3 mm for the PB NI side and 13.5±3.3 mm for the PB IR side. The elongation at the peak load was 17.4±5.3 mm for the PL NI side and 16.3±2.0 mm for the PL IR side. For PL, the ultimate load was 2,091.6±148.7 N for NI and 2,122.8±380.0 N for IR. The ultimate load for the PB tendons was 1,485.7±209.3 N for NI and 1,318.4±296.9 N for the IR group. The ultimate stress calculations for PL were 90.3±11.3 MPa for NI and 94.8±21.0 MPa for IR. For the PB, the ultimate stress was 82.4±19.0 MPa for NI and 72.5±16.6 MPa for the IR group. The structural stiffness was 216.1±59.0 N/mm for the NI PL and 195.7±51.4 N/mm for the IR side. None of these measures were significantly different between the NI and IR groups. The structural stiffness was 232.1±45.7 N/mm for the NI PB and 161.9±74.0 N/mm for the IR side, and this was the only statistically significant difference found in this study (P=0.034). CONCLUSION: Our statistical comparisons found no significant differences in terms of elongation, ultimate load, or ultimate stress between IR and NI PB and PL tendons. Only the PB structural stiffness was affected by irradiation. Thus, sterilizing allografts at 1.5–2.5 Mrad of gamma irradiation does not cause major alterations in the tendons’ biomechanical properties while still providing a suitable amount of sterilization for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

    A proteomics approach to the study of bleomycin- induced lung fibrosis

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    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is the most severe lung fibrotic form and very few pharmacological therapies are available at present. Key events in the onset of the disease are the activation of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts and the production and release of extracellular matrix (ECM) and molecular factors. Primary murine lung fibroblasts were isolated and their activation induced by Bleomycin (BLM) treatment. Extracellular Vesicles (EV) were isolated and protein extracted. Released soluble proteins (Secretome) and EV-derived proteins were reduced, alkylated and trypsin digested. A nano-LC-MS/MS SWATHTM approach was used for the proteomics analyses. Specific proteins with a putative role in the transition from physiological to fibrotic conditions, such as several matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), osteopontin (OPN), chitinase-3-like protein1 (CHI3L1) and CD44 resulted differentially released from BLM-treated fibroblasts as compared with untreated lung fibroblasts. Our results provide further understanding of the pathophysiological features of lung fibrosis, and suggest specific target for pharmacological treatments

    Pathophysiology of aniridia-associated keratopathy: Developmental aspects and unanswered questions

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    Aniridia, a rare congenital disease, is often characterized by a progressive, pronounced limbal insufficiency and ocular surface pathology termed aniridia-associated keratopathy (AAK). Due to the characteristics of AAK and its bilateral nature, clinical management is challenging and complicated by the multiple coexisting ocular and systemic morbidities in aniridia. Although it is primarily assumed that AAK originates from a congenital limbal stem cell deficiency, in recent years AAK and its pathogenesis has been questioned in the light of new evidence and a refined understanding of ocular development and the biology of limbal stem cells (LSCs) and their niche. Here, by consolidating and comparing the latest clinical and preclinical evidence, we discuss key unanswered questions regarding ocular developmental aspects crucial to AAK. We also highlight hypotheses on the potential role of LSCs and the ocular surface microenvironment in AAK. The insights thus gained lead to a greater appreciation for the role of developmental and cellular processes in the emergence of AAK. They also highlight areas for future research to enable a deeper understanding of aniridia, and thereby the potential to develop new treatments for this rare but blinding ocular surface disease

    Controlling the quantum dynamics of a mesoscopic spin bath in diamond

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    Understanding and mitigating decoherence is a key challenge for quantum science and technology. The main source of decoherence for solid-state spin systems is the uncontrolled spin bath environment. Here, we demonstrate quantum control of a mesoscopic spin bath in diamond at room temperature that is composed of electron spins of substitutional nitrogen impurities. The resulting spin bath dynamics are probed using a single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centre electron spin as a magnetic field sensor. We exploit the spin bath control to dynamically suppress dephasing of the NV spin by the spin bath. Furthermore, by combining spin bath control with dynamical decoupling, we directly measure the coherence and temporal correlations of different groups of bath spins. These results uncover a new arena for fundamental studies on decoherence and enable novel avenues for spin-based magnetometry and quantum information processing

    Room-Temperature Quantum Bit Memory Exceeding One Second

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    Stable quantum bits, capable both of storing quantum information for macroscopic time scales and of integration inside small portable devices, are an essential building block for an array of potential applications. We demonstrate high-fidelity control of a solid-state qubit, which preserves its polarization for several minutes and features coherence lifetimes exceeding 1 second at room temperature. The qubit consists of a single ^(13)C nuclear spin in the vicinity of a nitrogen-vacancy color center within an isotopically purified diamond crystal. The long qubit memory time was achieved via a technique involving dissipative decoupling of the single nuclear spin from its local environment. The versatility, robustness, and potential scalability of this system may allow for new applications in quantum information science

    Identification of the regulatory circuit governing corneal epithelial fate determination and disease

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    The transparent corneal epithelium in the eye is maintained through the homeostasis regulated by limbal stem cells (LSCs), while the nontransparent epidermis relies on epidermal keratinocytes for renewal. Despite their cellular similarities, the precise cell fates of these two types of epithelial stem cells, which give rise to functionally distinct epithelia, remain unknown. We performed a multi-omics analysis of human LSCs from the cornea and keratinocytes from the epidermis and characterized their molecular signatures, highlighting their similarities and differences. Through gene regulatory network analyses, we identified shared and cell type-specific transcription factors (TFs) that define specific cell fates and established their regulatory hierarchy. Single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) analyses of the cornea and the epidermis confirmed these shared and cell type-specific TFs. Notably, the shared and LSC-specific TFs can cooperatively target genes associated with corneal opacity. Importantly, we discovered that FOSL2, a direct PAX6 target gene, is a novel candidate associated with corneal opacity, and it regulates genes implicated in corneal diseases. By characterizing molecular signatures, our study unveils the regulatory circuitry governing the LSC fate and its association with corneal opacity

    Full coherent control of nuclear spins in an optically pumped single quantum dot

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    Highly polarized nuclear spins within a semiconductor quantum dot (QD) induce effective magnetic (Overhauser) fields of up to several Tesla acting on the electron spin or up to a few hundred mT for the hole spin. Recently this has been recognized as a resource for intrinsic control of QD-based spin quantum bits. However, only static long-lived Overhauser fields could be used. Here we demonstrate fast redirection on the microsecond time-scale of Overhauser fields of the order of 0.5 T experienced by a single electron spin in an optically pumped GaAs quantum dot. This has been achieved using full coherent control of an ensemble of 10^3-10^4 optically polarized nuclear spins by sequences of short radio-frequency (rf) pulses. These results open the way to a new class of experiments using rf techniques to achieve highly-correlated nuclear spins in quantum dots, such as adiabatic demagnetization in the rotating frame leading to sub-micro K nuclear spin temperatures, rapid adiabatic passage, and spin squeezing
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