1,561 research outputs found

    Finite-size scaling exponents and entanglement in the two-level BCS model

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    We analyze the finite-size properties of the two-level BCS model. Using the continuous unitary transformation technique, we show that nontrivial scaling exponents arise at the quantum critical point for various observables such as the magnetization or the spin-spin correlation functions. We also discuss the entanglement properties of the ground state through the concurrence which appears to be singular at the transition.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, published versio

    Violation of area-law scaling for the entanglement entropy in spin 1/2 chains

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    Entanglement entropy obeys area law scaling for typical physical quantum systems. This may naively be argued to follow from locality of interactions. We show that this is not the case by constructing an explicit simple spin chain Hamiltonian with nearest neighbor interactions that presents an entanglement volume scaling law. This non-translational model is contrived to have couplings that force the accumulation of singlet bonds across the half chain. Our result is complementary to the known relation between non-translational invariant, nearest neighbor interacting Hamiltonians and QMA complete problems.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Matrix Product States Algorithms and Continuous Systems

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    A generic method to investigate many-body continuous-variable systems is pedagogically presented. It is based on the notion of matrix product states (so-called MPS) and the algorithms thereof. The method is quite versatile and can be applied to a wide variety of situations. As a first test, we show how it provides reliable results in the computation of fundamental properties of a chain of quantum harmonic oscillators achieving off-critical and critical relative errors of the order of 10^(-8) and 10^(-4) respectively. Next, we use it to study the ground state properties of the quantum rotor model in one spatial dimension, a model that can be mapped to the Mott insulator limit of the 1-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model. At the quantum critical point, the central charge associated to the underlying conformal field theory can be computed with good accuracy by measuring the finite-size corrections of the ground state energy. Examples of MPS-computations both in the finite-size regime and in the thermodynamic limit are given. The precision of our results are found to be comparable to those previously encountered in the MPS studies of, for instance, quantum spin chains. Finally, we present a spin-off application: an iterative technique to efficiently get numerical solutions of partial differential equations of many variables. We illustrate this technique by solving Poisson-like equations with precisions of the order of 10^(-7).Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures, final versio

    A Generic Renormalization Method in Curved Spaces and at Finite Temperature

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    Based only on simple principles of renormalization in coordinate space, we derive closed renormalized amplitudes and renormalization group constants at 1- and 2-loop orders for scalar field theories in general backgrounds. This is achieved through a generic renormalization procedure we develop exploiting the central idea behind differential renormalization, which needs as only inputs the propagator and the appropriate laplacian for the backgrounds in question. We work out this generic coordinate space renormalization in some detail, and subsequently back it up with specific calculations for scalar theories both on curved backgrounds, manifestly preserving diffeomorphism invariance, and at finite temperature.Comment: 15pp., REVTeX, UB-ECM-PF 94/1

    Ground state entanglement in quantum spin chains

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    A microscopic calculation of ground state entanglement for the XY and Heisenberg models shows the emergence of universal scaling behavior at quantum phase transitions. Entanglement is thus controlled by conformal symmetry. Away from the critical point, entanglement gets saturated by a mass scale. Results borrowed from conformal field theory imply irreversibility of entanglement loss along renormalization group trajectories. Entanglement does not saturate in higher dimensions which appears to limit the success of the density matrix renormalization group technique. A possible connection between majorization and renormalization group irreversibility emerges from our numerical analysis.Comment: 26 pages, 16 figures, added references, minor changes. Final versio

    Time-optimal Hamiltonian simulation and gate synthesis using homogeneous local unitaries

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    Motivated by experimental limitations commonly met in the design of solid state quantum computers, we study the problems of non-local Hamiltonian simulation and non-local gate synthesis when only homogeneous local unitaries are performed in order to tailor the available interaction. Homogeneous (i.e. identical for all subsystems) local manipulation implies a more refined classification of interaction Hamiltonians than the inhomogeneous case, as well as the loss of universality in Hamiltonian simulation. For the case of symmetric two-qubit interactions, we provide time-optimal protocols for both Hamiltonian simulation and gate synthesis.Comment: 7 page

    Area law and vacuum reordering in harmonic networks

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    We review a number of ideas related to area law scaling of the geometric entropy from the point of view of condensed matter, quantum field theory and quantum information. An explicit computation in arbitrary dimensions of the geometric entropy of the ground state of a discretized scalar free field theory shows the expected area law result. In this case, area law scaling is a manifestation of a deeper reordering of the vacuum produced by majorization relations. Furthermore, the explicit control on all the eigenvalues of the reduced density matrix allows for a verification of entropy loss along the renormalization group trajectory driven by the mass term. A further result of our computation shows that single-copy entanglement also obeys area law scaling, majorization relations and decreases along renormalization group flows.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures; typos correcte

    Simulation of many-qubit quantum computation with matrix product states

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    Matrix product states provide a natural entanglement basis to represent a quantum register and operate quantum gates on it. This scheme can be materialized to simulate a quantum adiabatic algorithm solving hard instances of a NP-Complete problem. Errors inherent to truncations of the exact action of interacting gates are controlled by the size of the matrices in the representation. The property of finding the right solution for an instance and the expected value of the energy are found to be remarkably robust against these errors. As a symbolic example, we simulate the algorithm solving a 100-qubit hard instance, that is, finding the correct product state out of ~ 10^30 possibilities. Accumulated statistics for up to 60 qubits point at a slow growth of the average minimum time to solve hard instances with highly-truncated simulations of adiabatic quantum evolution.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, final versio
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