2,932 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Coordinate Space Renormalization of Quantum Electrodynamics to 2-Loop Order

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    We develop a coordinate space renormalization of massless Quantum Electrodynamics using the powerful method of differential renormalization. Bare one-loop amplitudes are finite at non-coincident external points, but do not accept a Fourier transform into momentum space. The method provides a systematic procedure to obtain one-loop renormalized amplitudes with finite Fourier transforms in strictly four dimensions without the appearance of integrals or the use of a regulator. Higher loops are solved similarly by renormalizing from the inner singularities outwards to the global one. We compute all 1- and 2-loop 1PI diagrams, run renormalization group equations on them and check Ward identities. The method furthermore allows us to discern a particular pattern of renormalization under which certain amplitudes are seen not to contain higher-loop leading logarithms. We finally present the computation of the chiral triangle showing that differential renormalization emerges as a natural scheme to tackle γ5\gamma_5 problems.Comment: 28 pages (figures not included

    Ground state entanglement in quantum spin chains

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    A microscopic calculation of ground state entanglement for the XY and Heisenberg models shows the emergence of universal scaling behavior at quantum phase transitions. Entanglement is thus controlled by conformal symmetry. Away from the critical point, entanglement gets saturated by a mass scale. Results borrowed from conformal field theory imply irreversibility of entanglement loss along renormalization group trajectories. Entanglement does not saturate in higher dimensions which appears to limit the success of the density matrix renormalization group technique. A possible connection between majorization and renormalization group irreversibility emerges from our numerical analysis.Comment: 26 pages, 16 figures, added references, minor changes. Final versio

    A Generic Renormalization Method in Curved Spaces and at Finite Temperature

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    Based only on simple principles of renormalization in coordinate space, we derive closed renormalized amplitudes and renormalization group constants at 1- and 2-loop orders for scalar field theories in general backgrounds. This is achieved through a generic renormalization procedure we develop exploiting the central idea behind differential renormalization, which needs as only inputs the propagator and the appropriate laplacian for the backgrounds in question. We work out this generic coordinate space renormalization in some detail, and subsequently back it up with specific calculations for scalar theories both on curved backgrounds, manifestly preserving diffeomorphism invariance, and at finite temperature.Comment: 15pp., REVTeX, UB-ECM-PF 94/1

    Differential Renormalization of Massive Quantum Field Theories

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    We extend the method of differential renormalization to massive quantum field theories treating in particular \ph4-theory and QED. As in the massless case, the method proves to be simple and powerful, and we are able to find, in particular, compact explicit coordinate space expressions for the finite parts of two notably complicated diagrams, namely, the 2-loop 2-point function in \ph4 and the 1-loop vertex in QED.Comment: 8 pages(LaTex, no figures

    Fine-grained entanglement loss along renormalization group flows

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    We explore entanglement loss along renormalization group trajectories as a basic quantum information property underlying their irreversibility. This analysis is carried out for the quantum Ising chain as a transverse magnetic field is changed. We consider the ground-state entanglement between a large block of spins and the rest of the chain. Entanglement loss is seen to follow from a rigid reordering, satisfying the majorization relation, of the eigenvalues of the reduced density matrix for the spin block. More generally, our results indicate that it may be possible to prove the irreversibility along RG trajectories from the properties of the vacuum only, without need to study the whole hamiltonian.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; minor change

    The Treatment of Low Back Pain and Scientific Evidence

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    Boundary and impurity effects on entanglement of Heisenberg chains

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    We study entanglement of a pair of qubits and the bipartite entanglement between the pair and the rest within open-ended Heisenberg XXXXXX and XY models. The open boundary condition leads to strong oscillations of entanglements with a two-site period, and the two kinds of entanglements are 180 degree out of phase with each other. The mean pairwise entanglement and ground-state energy per site in the XXXXXX model are found to be proportional to each other. We study the effects of a single bulk impurity on entanglement, and find that there exists threshold values of the relative coupling strength between the impurity and its nearest neighbours, after which the impurity becomes pairwise entangled with its nearest neighbours.Comment: 6 pages and 6 figure

    The Hidden Spatial Geometry of Non-Abelian Gauge Theories

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    The Gauss law constraint in the Hamiltonian form of the SU(2)SU(2) gauge theory of gluons is satisfied by any functional of the gauge invariant tensor variable ϕij=BiaBja\phi^{ij} = B^{ia} B^{ja}. Arguments are given that the tensor Gij=(ϕ1)ijdetBG_{ij} = (\phi^{-1})_{ij}\,\det B is a more appropriate variable. When the Hamiltonian is expressed in terms of ϕ\phi or GG, the quantity Γjki\Gamma^i_{jk} appears. The gauge field Bianchi and Ricci identities yield a set of partial differential equations for Γ\Gamma in terms of GG. One can show that Γ\Gamma is a metric-compatible connection for GG with torsion, and that the curvature tensor of Γ\Gamma is that of an Einstein space. A curious 3-dimensional spatial geometry thus underlies the gauge-invariant configuration space of the theory, although the Hamiltonian is not invariant under spatial coordinate transformations. Spatial derivative terms in the energy density are singular when detG=detB=0\det G=\det B=0. These singularities are the analogue of the centrifugal barrier of quantum mechanics, and physical wave-functionals are forced to vanish in a certain manner near detB=0\det B=0. It is argued that such barriers are an inevitable result of the projection on the gauge-invariant subspace of the Hilbert space, and that the barriers are a conspicuous way in which non-abelian gauge theories differ from scalar field theories.Comment: 19 pages, TeX, CTP #223