311 research outputs found

    Communicating identities among “others”: experiences of Indonesian graduate students

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    One of the features of today’s globalised living is multiculturalism and the growing internationalization of education that has resulted in greater movements of student population across various cultural boundaries. Most sojourner studies tend to focus on the experiences of immigrants, refugees, and the business communities while the experiences of the growing number of international students have been downplayed. Economic conditions and political situations in the late 1990’s have created educational opportunities for many developing countries including Malaysia. There was an increase in the number of students from developing countries with collectivist cultures studying in more similar cultural environments. Malaysia is the 12th most popular educational destination. It has been assumed theoretically that similarities in the cultural framework between the host culture and that of the international students will allow for a comfortable and more natural adaptation process. However, it is during sojourn that these students claim cultural group membership in the local context. It is here that the cultural identities of a group are negotiated, reinforced and challenged through everyday communication practices. This paper presents focus group findings with 30 Indonesian graduate students that explore their daily living experiences in an effort to unravel their process of enacting and engaging their identities through daily communication. Through their issues, challenges, and strategies for learning, living and adapting in a presumably similar cultural setting, this paper presents an account of their adaptation that reveal the unpacking of labels and norms that distinguishes them from the locals and affirms their cultural identity as Indonesians

    Comparative Studies on Ganoderma (Karst.) from Infected Oil Palm and Coconut Stumps with Special Reference to Their Morphological, Molecular and Isozyme Characteristics

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    The basal stem rot of oil palm caused by Ganoderma i s the most serious disease infecting oil palm in South-east Asia. It is believed that coconut stumps which are colonized by Ganoderma can act as sources of inoculum for i nfection to healthy palms through root contact. However, it is not known whether the Ganoderma infecting oil palm and those colonizing coconut stumps are the same species. Therefore, a comparative study was conducted to determine the similarities and differences between Ganoderma isolates from infected oil palm and coconut stumps, using a multidisciplinary approaches in which morphological. biochemical (intracellular and extracellular enzyme systems) and molecular characteristics (RAPD, RAMS, RFLP and direct sequencing of the ITS regions + 5 . 8 S gene of rDNA) were analysed. Based on the morphological characteristics of the basidiomata, Ganoderma from infected oil palm and coconut stumps conformed to the description of G. boninense in Steyaert's classification system for Ganoderma ( 1 967 and 1975 ). The growth on various media and at different temperatures, and the cultural characteristics of the isolates from infected oil palm and coconut stumps were similar with no significant difference observed between the two groups of Ganoderma. However, the isolates were somatically incompatible with one another, which indicated that they were genotypically distinct individuals and not clones of a genotypic individual. The isozyme profiles from intracellular and extracellular enzyme systems, and the DNA profiles from RAPD, RAMS and RFLP of the ITS regions + 5 . 8 S gene revealed that Ganoderma isolates from infected oil palm and coconut stumps were very variable. Nucleotide sequences of the ITS regions + 5 . 8 S gene of rDNA from a limited number of isolates also showed that the isolates from both groups of Ganoderma were very variable. The Southern hybridization of RAMS gel showed that labelled probes from oil palm and coconut hybridized to the common bands of 1 .2 kb by from primer (CGA)5 and 1 .4 kb band by primer (ACA)5 which indicated that the bands of the same molecular sizes are likely to be homologous. Cluster analysis based on data from biochemical and molecular characters, and phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide sequence showed that the oil palm isolates and the coconut isolates did not cluster separately which indicated that isolates of both groups of Ganoderma are closely related

    A case study on the impacts of COVID-19 on shipping and biosecurity measures implemented in ports to manage the risk of the disease from ships

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    To investigate the relation of hypertension and anthropometric measurement among elderly in Malaysia.

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    This study aimed to determine the association between anthropometric measurement and dyslipidemia and their association with hypertension among older people. A cross sectional study was done among the residents in two old folks homes (Rumah Seri Kenangan Cheras and Little Sisters of the Poor) in urban Malaysia using a pre-tested guided questionnaire. Measurements taken were the blood pressure level, height and weight measurement and lipid profile. There were 92 respondents participated in the study. The prevalence of hypertension was 51.1%. The study found significant association between anthropometric measurement and hypertension although there was no difference in waist hip ratio measurement among hypertensive and normotensive individuals. Level of total cholesterol, LDL-C and triglycerides were significantly higher among hypertensive individuals compared to normotensive individuals. The prevalence rate of hypertension among residents in this study is higher compared to the national prevalence rate among the older adults. Appropriate invention programmes should be reinforced to reduce the complications of hypertension especially among institutionalized elderly

    Morphological and Molecular Diversity of Aspergillus From Corn Grain Used as Livestock Feed

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    The study of Aspergillus from corn grains used as livestock feed is important to ensure the safety of the grains as the occurrence of Aspergillus in the corn grain can give an indication of mycotoxin being produced. Morphological and molecular identifications were applied to identify Aspergillus isolated from corn grains used as livestock feed. Morphologically, six species were tentatively identified, namely Aspergillus niger (Groups I and II), Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus oryzae, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus clavatus and Aspergillus terreus. Isolates of A. niger was divided into two groups based on slight differences of their colony appearances. Molecular identification using internal transcribed spacer and β-tubulin sequences supported morphological identification except isolates for A. niger Group II isolates, which were molecularly identified as Aspergillus tubingensis. Neighbour-joining phylogenetic tree showed that isolates from the same species were grouped in the same clade. The present study showed that diverse species of Aspergillus are prevalent in corn grain used as livestock feed. It is also necessary to correctly identify the Aspergillus species to employ correct treatment of contaminated corn grains. The occurrence of well-known toxigenic species such as A. niger, A. flavus and A. fumigatus suggested the possible risk of mycotoxin contamination of the corn grain

    Supplementary health benefits of linoleic acid by improvement of vaginal cornification of ovariectomized rats

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    Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the possible estrogenic activity of some ingredients of Nigella sativa including Linoleic acid and Gama-Linolenic acid by vaginal cornification assay. Methods: Forty ovariectomized (OVX) rats, aged 16 weeks were allotted randomly to five groups: negative control (taking 1 ml olive oil/ day); positive control (taking 0.2 mg/kg/day Conjucated Equine Estrogen-CEE); experimental groups (taking 50 mg/kg/day Linoleic acid or 10 mg/kg/day Gamma Linolenic acid or 15mg/kg/day Thymoquinone ). All of supplements administered via intragastric gavage for 21 consecutive days. To assess estrogen like activity, vaginal smear was examined daily and serum estradiol was measured at baseline, after 10 days and at the end of experiment. Results: The significant occurrence of vaginal cornification cell (p<0.05) after Linoleic acid supplementation indicated estrogenic activity of Linoleic acid which was in consistency with serum estradiol level, but this effect was not as much as CEE. Gama-Linolenic acid also exist a few cornified cell in smear which was not significantly differ from those control group. Conclusion: Linoleic acid showed the beneficial effects on OVX rats’ reproductive performance, thereby indicating its beneficial role in the treatment of the postmenopausal symptoms

    Presence of vancomycin resistance among enterococcus isolates from stray cats in Universiti Putra Malaysia and selected neighbourhood in Sri Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

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    The present study was undertaken to determine the distribution of Enterococcus species from stray cats in Universiti Putra Malaysia and Seri Serdang and the presence of vancomycin resistance among the isolates. Fifty-five rectal swabs were collected from stray cats found in UPM and around the area of Sri Serdang. The Enterococcus species isolated were inoculated onto vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE) agar supplemented with 8 μg/mL of vancomycin. Biochemical tests such as catalase, bile-aesculin and 6.5% NaCI were conducted to further confirm VRE isolates. Multiplex polymerase chain reaction assay (PCR) were performed for Enterococcus genus and species identification and vancomycin-resistant gene detection. Presence of Enterococcus spp. were demonstrated in every rectal sample tested. Two species were identified: Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) and Enterococcus faecium (E. faecium). Among 55 isolates of Enterococcus tested, none was resistant to vancomycin at 8 μg/mL

    Molecular study of Babesia in canine blood and comparison between conventional and molecular diagnostic methods.

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    A molecular study was conducted to detect the presence and determine the prevalence of Babesia species in stray and pet dogs in Kuala Lumpur using the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method. Seventy dogs, 35 from pet dogs presented to clinics around Kuala Lumpur and 35 from stray dogs from the Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) dog pound, were included in this study. Thin blood films were made, stained with Giemsa and examined under a light microscope for the detection of Babesia organisms. Two out of 70 dogs (2.8%) were positive for canine Babesia. One was identified as Babesiacanis positive and the other Babesiagibsoni positive. Genus-specific screening PCR was performed on DNA extracted from all 70 samples followed by Babesia canis-specific and Babesia gibsoni-specific PCR. Nine out of 70 dogs (12.8%) were positive following genus-specific screening PCR but of the 9, only one was positive for Babesia canis and one for Babesia gibsoni. The two positive samples were the same as those detected using light microscopy. Both of the positive samples were from the stray group. Haematological abnormalities in the two Babesia positive dogs included anemia and thrombocytopaenia. The prevalence rate of canine babesiosis was 5.8% for the stray group and 0% for the pet group. The overall prevalence of canine babesiosis in Kuala Lumpur was found to be 2.85%.This is the first molecular study of canine Babesia in Malaysia

    Characterization and intraspecific variation of Fusarium semitectum (Berkeley and Ravenel) associated with red-fleshed dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus [Weber] Britton and Rose) in Malaysia

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    A total of 79 isolates of Fusarium semitectum were characterized by morphological and IGS-RFLP analysis to assess its intraspecific variation. Based on morphological characteristics, the isolates of F. semitectum were classified into 2 distinct groups, morphotypes I and II. Morphotype I was characterized by longer macroconidia (3 - septate: 31.03 &#177; 2.57 &#236;m; 5 - septate: 40.17 &#177; 1.85 &#236;m), 0 - 7 septate with 5 - septate was the most common, absence of chlamydospores, presence of sporodochia, abundantfloccose mycelium, peach colony appearance, peach to orange pigmentations and fast growing. While isolates of morphotype II produced shorter macroconidia (3 - septate: 24.98 &#177; 1.87 &#236;m; 5 - septate: 35.24&#177; 2.07 &#236;m), 0 - 5 septate with 3 - septate was the most common, with (56%) or without chlamydospores (44%), without sporodochia, abundant-floccose and abundant-powdery mycelium, beige to brown colonies, brown to dark brown pigmentations and slow growing. Corresponding to the morphological characterization, IGS-RFLP analysis indicated that the 79 isolates could be divided into 2 different clusters assigned as RFLP groups I and II. 49 IGS haplotypes were produced by 8 restriction enzymes(AluI, Bsu15I, BsuRI, Eco881, Hin6I, MspI, PstI and TaqI) which indicated a high level of intraspecific variation and polymorphism among the 79 isolates. This is the first report of F. semitectum associated with H. polyrhizus

    Incision choice in laparatomy: a comparison of two incision techniques in ovariectomy of rats

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    The choice of surgical incision in the abdomen is determined by access for surgery. It has been suggested that utilizing a transverse or oblique rather than a midline incision may influence other parameters such as duration of surgery, recovery and complication rates. However, there is a little study as to whether a particular incision confers any advantage. The aim of the study was to determine whether a dorso-lateral incision or a transverse incision confers any advantage to the rats. Ninety five 16 weeks age female Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into two groups. Ovariectomy was preceded either by a single dorso-lateral incision (in the first group, n=45) or a single transverse lateral incision (in the second group, n=50). Animals in group A (vertical incision, n= 45) had a mean weight of 259.11±20.31 and those in group B (transverse incision, n=50) weighted 254.20±20.31 g, There was significant differences in the duration of surgery in the two groups (p<0.001). Although wound healing time for group B was slightly shorter than group A (9.46±0.973 day vs 9.78±1.380 day); none of the distributions of wound length and healing percentage per day showed significant variation between these two groups. The success of a surgery procedure performed through an abdominal incision depends on careful selection of the incision site and proper closure of the wound. In comparison of these two types incision for ovariectomy of rat, the operation as conducted in group B (Transverse Incision) was technically easier, less time consuming and less wound healing duration