16 research outputs found

    Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Keuangan di Muhammadiyah Boarding School Klaten

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    Financial management in schools must be effective and efficient for the smooth running of school activities. At the Muhammadiyah Boarding School Klaten financial management has not been effective because it still uses ledgers or cash books to carry out financial records. So that errors often occur in the management and recording of financial data and in the preparation of financial recapitulation reports, the financial department must manage the data using Ms.Excel. So a financial management information system was created that could help financial management at the Muhammadiyah Boarding School Klaten. The purpose of making a system is to minimize errors in managing financial data and can facilitate the making of financial recapitulation reports at Muhammadiyah Boarding School Klaten. The method used in analyzing the system is the Waterfall Method. Based on the test results, the blackbox system can be used / function accordingly. And based on the questionnaire testing calculated using the Likert Scale, it can be concluded that 80% agree that financial management information systems can improve effectiveness and efficiency in financial data management and data storage and data security at Muhammadiyah Boarding School Klaten

    The involvement level of extension agent in activities based on rice check technology at IADA Pekan Pahang, Malaysia

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    Rice is a staple food for Malaysian and productivity must be focus upon in order to meet the increasing demand as the country growing population increases. Government had to produce a new and good variety of paddy which is MR219 and also to provide the Technology of Rice check as a manual and guideline to the extension agents to meet the needs of the farmers. However, the current yield at IADA Pekan is only 2.6 mt/ha which is not even up to the half of the potential yield of 10 mt/ha. Therefore, this study aimed to measure the involvement level and work performance of extension agents in objective setting, planning, implementing, and monitoring activities in transfer of technology based on Rice Check in IADA Pekan. The study was conducted in Pekan, Pahang and 137 respondents were considered for the 3 schemes which are Pahang Tua, Ganchong and Pulau Jawa. Questionnaire was used to elicit response from the respondents and the data was analyzed using SPSS. Based on the result obtained, the respondents at IADA Pekan has moderate level of practice toward rice check technology and the relationship between management function and work performance is also moderate


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    Implementation of Islamic religious learning strategies in children with autism in Indonesia

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    Introduction. Important religious education is given to children with autism. Objective. This research aims to analyze teachers’ experience in implementing Islamic religious learning strategies (IRLS) for children with autism. Methods. This research is qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The participants were six Islamic religion teachers from two exceptional schools in Yogyakarta who were selected using a purposive sampling technique. In-depth interviews and observation methods were used in data collection techniques. The coding analysis method, with the stages of data organization, reading data, coding data, determining and connecting themes with descriptions, and interpreting data, was used for data analysis. Results. The research results found that IRLS for children with autism has three stages, namely planning, implementation, and evaluation. Planning is done to determine the preparation that must be done before the learning process. Learning implementation includes reading and writing as well as interpreting the material. The evaluation is carried out to determine the level of success of the learning process that has been carried out. The IRLS carried out by teachers include two-way communication, adequate experience, and innovation skills. Conclusion. The strategies are expected to be further enhanced to reduce constraints in learning


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    SMA Negeri 2 Sleman merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak sekolah yang dipilih untuk pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL. Sekolah ini mengusung sekolah berbasis religi. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dari penggunaan jilbab bagi siswa putri yang beragama Islam, pembacaan Asmaul Husna 15 menit sebelum pelajaran dimulai, sholat dhuha dan dhuhur berjamaah, serta kegiatan kerohanian lainnya. Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan mata kuliah wajib bernilai 3 SKS yang harus ditempuh oleh setiap mahasiswa kependidikan di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan ini bertujuan mendapatkan pengalaman tentang proses pembelajaran dan kegiatan persekolahan lainnya yang digunakan sebagai bekal untuk menjadi calon tenaga pendidik. Praktikan diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kompetensinya sebagai calon pendidik. Praktikan juga diharapkan mampu untuk memiliki nilai, sikap, pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan sebagai seorang pendidik. Pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL dimulai dari observasi hingga pelaksanaan PPL yang terbagi menjadi beberapa tahap yaitu persiapan mengajar, pelaksanaan mengajar, dan evaluasi hasil mengajar. Kegiatan mengajar dilaksanakan setelah konsultasi Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) kepada guru pembimbing terlebih dahulu. Pelaksanaan praktik mengajar dilaksanakan di kelas X MIA 1, X MIA 2, X IIS 1, dan X IIS 2. Dalam pelaksanaannya, praktikan daapat menerapkan ilmu pengetahuan dan prakter keguruan dalam bidang Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris yang diperoleh di bangku perkuliahan. Hambatan yang diteMui praktikan dalam melaksanakan PPL yakni praktikan masih kurang dalam penguasaan kelas karena kondisi siswa yang cukup ramai dan tidak memperhatikan. Praktikan masih kesulitan dalam mengontrol siswa dalam kegiatan kelompok ketika membagi kelompok, siswa masih kurang serius. Ketika diberi umpan balik, untuk menanyakan kejelasan dan ketidakjelasan siswa terhadap materi, hanya sedikit siswa yang memberikan respon. Praktikan menyadari bahwa munculnya hambatan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL adalah hal yang wajar. Karena hal ini merupakan salah satu tantangan yang harus dihadapi praktikan selama kegiatan PPL

    The involvement of extension agent in planning, implementing and monitoring activities base on the rice check at IADA Pekan, Pahang

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    Rice is the most cultivated and consumed cereal in Malaysia. In order to fulfil the rice demand for the growing population and with the rice self-sufficiency of 70%, Malaysia has to increase its rice productivity in a sufficient and sustainable manner to meet the increasing demand. Government has made many efforts such as to support a local research by MARDI to produce a new and good variety of paddy which is MR219 and also provide the Technology of Rice check by Department of Agriculture, (DOA) since 2002 as a manual and guideline to the extension agents and also respondents for their needs. The major problem is the current yield at IADA Pekan is only 2.6 mt/ha and the performance of paddy yield is not even half than the potential yield which is 10 mt/ha. Besides that, this study aimed to measure the involvement level and work performance of extension agents in objective setting, planning, implementing, and monitoring activities in transfer of technology based on Rice Check in IADA Pekan. This study was conducted in Pekan, Pahang and the selection of respondent is by using stratified randomized method. The respondents consisted of 141 respondents from 3 schemes which are Pahang Tua, Ganchong and Pulau Jawa based on yield range of 2.1-3.1 mt/ha. The data collected were analyzed by using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21.0. In this study, three types of statistic procedure were used to analyse the data which are descriptive, correlation and regression analysis. Based on result obtained, the respondents at IADA Pekan has moderate level of practice toward rice check technology and the relationship between management function and work performance is moderate. Based on regression analysis, objective setting and monitoring activities is important and strongly influenced the work performance in IADA Pekan. So, to conclude, extension agents at IADA Pekan need to improve and focussing in objective setting, planning, implementing, and monitoring activities to achieve the aim and goal which is to get higher yield for next planting season. As a recommendation, all the respondents need to follow the Rice Check in paddy plantation and extension agents need to guide them for planning, implementing, and monitoring activities