367 research outputs found

    Formation of supermassive black hole seeds

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    The detection of quasars at z>6z>6 unveils the presence of supermassive black holes (BHs) of a few billion solar masses. The rapid formation process of these extreme objects remains a fascinating and open issue. Such discovery implies that seed black holes must have formed early on, and grown via either rapid accretion or BH/galaxy mergers. In this theoretical review, we discuss in detail various BH seed formation mechanisms and the physical processes at play during their assembly. We discuss the three most popular BH formation scenarios, involving the (i) core-collapse of massive stars, (ii) dynamical evolution of dense nuclear star clusters, (iii) collapse of a protogalactic metal free gas cloud. This article aims at giving a broad introduction and an overview of the most advanced research in the field.Comment: Invited review accepted for publication in PASA, comments are still welcom

    Magnetic fields in primordial accretion disks

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    Magnetic fields are considered as a vital ingredient of contemporary star formation, and may have been important during the formation of the first stars in the presence of an efficient amplification mechanism. Initial seed fields are provided via plasma fluctuations, and are subsequently amplified by the small-scale dynamo, leading to a strong tangled magnetic field. Here we explore how the magnetic field provided by the small-scale dynamo is further amplified via the αΩ\alpha-\Omega dynamo in a protostellar disk and assess its implications. For this purpose, we consider two characteristic cases, a typical Pop.~III star with 1010~M_\odot and an accretion rate of 10310^{-3}~M_\odot~yr1^{-1}, and a supermassive star with 10510^5~M_\odot and an accretion rate of 10110^{-1}~M_\odot~yr1^{-1}. For the 1010~M_\odot Pop.~III star, we find that coherent magnetic fields can be produced on scales of at least 100100~AU, which are sufficient to drive a jet with a luminosity of 100100~L_\odot and a mass outflow rate of 103.710^{-3.7}~M_\odot~yr1^{-1}. For the supermassive star, the dynamical timescales in its environment are even shorter, implying smaller orbital timescales and an efficient magnetization out to at least 10001000~AU. The jet luminosity corresponds to 106.0\sim10^{6.0}~L_\odot, and a mass outflow rate of 102.110^{-2.1}~M_\odot~yr1^{-1}. We expect that the feedback from the supermassive star can have a relevant impact on its host galaxy.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, comments are still welcom

    Witnessing the birth of a supermassive protostar

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    The detection of z>6\rm z>6 quasars reveals the existence of supermassive black holes of a few 109 M\rm 10^9~M_{\odot}. One of the potential pathways to explain their formation in the infant universe is the so-called direct collapse model which provides massive seeds of 105106 M\rm 10^5-10^6~M_{\odot}. An isothermal direct collapse mandates that halos should be of a primordial composition and the formation of molecular hydrogen remains suppressed in the presence of a strong Lyman Werner flux. In this study, we perform high resolution cosmological simulations for two massive primordial halos employing a detailed chemical model which includes H\rm H^- cooling as well as realistic opacities for both the bound-free H\rm H^- emission and the Rayleigh scattering of hydrogen atoms. We are able to resolve the collapse up to unprecedentedly high densities of 103 g/cm3\rm \sim 10^{-3}~g/cm^3 and to scales of about 104\rm 10^{-4} AU. Our results show that the gas cools down to \rm \sim 5000 K in the presence of H\rm H^- cooling, and induces fragmentation at scales of about 8000 AU in one of the two simulated halos, which may lead to the formation of a binary. In addition, fragmentation also occurs on the AU scale in one of the halos but the clumps are expected to merge on short time scales. Our results confirm that H\rm H^- cooling does not prevent the formation of a supermassive star and the trapping of cooling radiation stabilises the collapse on small scales.Comment: Accpeted version, to appear in MNRAS, comments are still welcome and high resolution version is available at http://www2.iap.fr/users/latif/DCBH.pd

    The chemical evolution of self-gravitating primordial disks

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    Numerical simulations show the formation of self-gravitating primordial disks during the assembly of the first structures in the Universe, in particular during the formation of Pop.~III and supermassive stars. Their subsequent evolution is expected to be crucial to determine the mass scale of the first cosmological objects, which depends on the temperature of the gas and the dominant cooling mechanism. Here, we derive a one-zone framework to explore the chemical evolution of such disks and show that viscous heating leads to the collisional dissociation of an initially molecular gas. The effect is relevant on scales of 10 AU (1000 AU) for a central mass of 10 M_sun (10^4 M_sun) at an accretion rate of 10^{-1} M_sun yr^{-1}, and provides a substantial heat input to stabilize the disk. If the gas is initially atomic, it remains atomic during the further evolution, and the effect of viscous heating is less significant. The additional thermal support is particularly relevant for the formation of very massive objects, such as the progenitors of the first supermassive black holes. The stabilizing impact of viscous heating thus alleviates the need for a strong radiation background as a means of keeping the gas atomic.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 6 tables, accepted at A&

    The birth of binary direct-collapse black holes

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    Supermassive primordial stars forming during catastrophic baryon collapse in atomically-cooling halos at zz \sim 15 - 20 may be the origin of the first quasars in the universe. However, no simulation to date has followed the evolution of these halos at resolutions that are high enough or for times that are long enough to determine if collapse actually produces SMSs. Here we report new cosmological simulations of baryon collapse in atomically-cooled halos for times that are long enough for SMSs to form and die as direct-collapse black holes (DCBHs). We find that the high infall rates required to build up such stars do persist until the end of their lives and could fuel the rapid growth of their BHs thereafter. Our simulations also demonstrate that binary and even small multiples of SMSs can form in low-spin and high-spin halos, respectively. This discovery raises the exciting prospect of detecting gravitational waves from DCBH mergers with LISA and tidal disruption events in the near infrared with the {\em James Webb Space Telescope} and ground-based telescopes in the coming decade.Comment: Published in ApJL, https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/ab7c6