41 research outputs found


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    This article discusses the relationship between Islam and multicultural theology. It employs qualitative research methodology with focusing on library research in getting documents relating to the issue. Islam and multicultural theology are two important disciplines that need to be reconsidered to capture the dimensions of similarities for both of them. Although multicultural theology is originally coined in the history of western countries like America and European countries and it is more likely concerned with Christian theology, it does not mean that Islam and multicultural theology have no relevant connection. The author comes to conclude that these issues are strongly related in the theoretical framework as well as in practical. Issues such as respect, recognition, and tolerance are crucially important for both of them. Islam itself makes those aspects the fundamental philosophy in social interaction, particularly, love and humanism are the key elements of Islam. The last mentioned are not seriously taken into account in multicultural theology which is a more formal or legal relationship

    Wearing Veil in Indonesia Public Schools: Religious awareness or Political Contest

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    This article discusses the reason of wearing veil among Indonesian Students in public schools. It is found that that veil in public schools has three different elements. First of all, veil is identified as the religious awareness among the students. It symbolizes the religious commitment and the strength of local values. The proliferation of veiled women indicated the Islamic movement in Indonesia. Secondly, veil may be identified as the medium of maintaining political interest. The policy of making veil compulsory for students and as school uniform can ignore the pluralism in Indonesia. This policy also leads to make veil as a symbolic than substantive teaching. Finally, veil in public schools should be considered as the social control for the female students in the public sphere. It does not merely focus on the symbolic sphere but it extends to develop the achievement of students

    Multicultural Education In Islamic Boarding School (A Descriptive Study of Pesantren DDI Mangkoso, South Sulawesi)

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    The main objective of this research was to elaborate how pesantren contend with multicultural education.  Qualitative methods including: interviews, focus group discussion (FGD) and detailed observations of the life of pesantren were used. The researcher also examined the wide range of literatures related to the topic. The research focused on pesantren Mangkoso Barru, Indonesia, representing traditional pesantren in the region of South Sulawesi. The data was collected from the teachers, students, kyai (religious leaders) in this particular pesantren. The findings suggest that pesantren have their own understanding regarding multicultural education. Their understandings were mainly based on the holy Koran without learning from western perspectives. They believe that human beings were created on the basis of difference, so people must appreciate one another.  The differences related to language, race, religion, are a must. These concepts have been implemented in the pesantren curricula. The curricula are very inclusive and more opened to any difference. The pesantren provides different materials which come from different sects, and students.  There is no enforcement from pesantren management to just learn from specific sect.  In addition, expanding networks of pesantren is also inclusive. They have already collaborated with different organizations in relation to development of pesantren management.  Another issue considered was its vision of leadership which is perceived as very open. The leader (kyai) are frequently involved in multicultural campaigns, such as seminars, workshops, and bench markings. They perceive that the progress of pesantren depends strongly on the way the kyai deals with contemporary issues, including multiculturalism.             

    A Preliminary Study of Jemaah Islamiyah in Indonesia and The Doctrine of Suicide Bombing

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    The Existence of Jemaah Islamiyah in the world, particularly in Indonesia, cannot be underestimated by the Indonesian government. It is extremely needed a serious attention to tackle this movement. This essay entails a strong network between JI in Indonesia and al-Qaedah Link in Afganistasn. Although the emergence of JI in Indonesia cannot be separated from a former rebellion to the Indonesia New Order which was called Darul Islam, the development of JI has remarkably changed through building strong networking to international link like al-Qaedah. A number of evidence has been provided in this article to strengthen the danger of this organization. The doctrine of jihad through suicide bombing fuels the threat of JI as an international terrorist organization. Jihad was believed as the holy war against the United States, Israel, Europe, and anyone else who oppose their vision of world governed by shariah. JI itself were supported by multitude schools, charitable associations, banks, business activities and Islamic world government


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    This article discusses the principal teachings of Khalwatiah Syekh Yusuf tariqah in South Sulawesi. This tariqah is one of the leading tariqahs in the region since its emergence in the seventeenth century. Khalwatiah Syekh Yusuf has influenced the Muslim's understanding concerning sufism issues. The researcher employs qualitative as a method of research.  The research suggests that Khalwatiah Syekh Yusuf is the integration of different tariqahs which were obtained by Syekh Yusuf during his intellectual journey. The principal teachings of Khalwatiah Syekh Yusuf can be drawn into three elements. They are the concept of inner purity, the understanding of God, and the meaning of insan kamil. These three principal teachings become the foundation of this tariqah as well as become it’s characteristic. Although Syekh Yusuf studied from different Sufis, especially from Ibnu Arabi’s thought, this tariqah is strongly associated with Asyariyah theology that led to this tariqah be a moderate tariqah


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    This paper is trying to elaborate the concept of charismatic leadership, the characteristics, the role and implication to the organization. It is believed that charismatic leadership has large contribution to the development of organization. It can develop creativity and critical thinking to the followers. However, charismatic leadership also poses negative effect in relation to the followers. The followers are vulnerable in blind fanaticism which leads to self-sacrifice. The leaders are often more arrogance and not aware about social responsibilities. In general, charismatic leadership is a good style among the modes of organization, particularly if it combined with transformational leadership. This is relevant and have been applied  at UIN Alauddin Makassar


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    Politics of multiculturalism is an effort to provide a space for the citizens to participate same opportunity in servicing people to fulfill their interests particularly in public spaces. There are two important element that should be considered are justice and equality. The article discusses the politics of multiculturalism as an important discourse in the field of social and politics discipline. Multiculturalism is not only a contested issue which concern on theoretical concept, but more importantly it is strongly associate with the ideology that can change sosial and political inequality particularly regarding diversities. The author employed a qualitative research methodology focusing library research. To obtain data, the author explored a number of references related to multiculturalism which were written by recognized scholars. The data then categorized based on the politics of multiculturalism themes supported by racism materials and culture studies. The author concludes that politics of multiculturalisme should not only regarded as the issue of differences but also it is a celebration of diversities. Politics of multiculturalisme can generate an action which encourages a movement for change in social inequality

    Membumikan Teologi Islam Dalam Kehidupan Modern (Berkaca Dari Mohammed Arkoun)

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    ; Titik kelemahan pemikiran teologi Islam klasik akan tampak dalam ranah realitas jika alur pemikiran tersebut dihadapkan pada Kenyataan atau realitas sosial empiric kehidupan manusia yang selalu tumbuh dan berkembang sejalan dengan pertumbuhan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Mohammed Arkoun adalah intelektual Aljazair yang mencoba membaca ulang bangunan pemikiran Islam secara konfrehensif baik yang menyangkut pemikiran kalam (teologi), tasawuf, fiqih, etika maupun tafsir. Dalam konteks Indonesia, pemikiran Arkoun pertama kali dikenal pada tahun 1987 dalam sebuah diskusi di Yayasan Empati. Adalah Muhammad Nasir Tamara yang memperkenalkannya pertama kali dengan menulis artikel yang berjudul Mohammed Arkoun dan Islamologi Terapan. Dalam beberapa tulisannya tentang modernitas, Arkoun tidak secara tegas merumuskan batasan modernitas, apalagi tantangan yang dibawah olehnya. Menurut Arkoun, modernitas dapat dibagi dua kelompok, yaitu, modernitas “material“ dan modernitas “ intelektual “ atau “ kultural “. Yang pertama berarti berbagai kemajuan yang terjadi pada bingkai luar dari wujud manusia, sedangkan yang kedua mencakup metode, alat analisis, dan siakp intelektual yang memberi kemampuan untuk lebih memahami realitas. Salah satu kegelisahan Arkoun terhadap pemikiran teologi Islam adalah terjadinya pemisahan antara Islam konseptual dengan Islam actual atau pemisahan antara teori dan praktek yang menurutnya adalah warisan Descartes. Membumikan teologi Islam dalam konteks kehidupan modern memang memerlukan strategi dan metodologi yang akurat. Usaha Arkoun dalam konteks rekonstruksi bangunan pemikiran teologi Islam adalah salah satu strateginya. Kata Kunci: Membumikan, Hidup Point inertia classical Islamic theology thought would appear in the realm of reality if the thought process faced with the reality or the reality of empirical social human life is always growing and developing in line with the growth of science and technology. Mohammed Arkoun is Algerian intellectuals who tried to reread the building of Islamic thought in comprehensive both involving thought kalam (theology), Sufism, jurisprudence, ethics and interpretation. In the Indonesian context, Arkoun thought first recognized in 1987 in a discussion on Empathy Foundation. Muhammad Nasir Tamara, who introduced first by writing an article entitled Mohammed Arkoun and Applied Islamology. In some writings about modernity, Arkoun does not explicitly formulate the constraints of modernity, let alone challenge under him. According to Arkoun, modernity can be divided into two groups, namely, modernity "material" and modernity "intellectual" or "cultural". The former means that much progress has occurred in the outer frame of the human form, while the latter includes the methods, analysis tools, and intellectual siakp which gives the ability to better understand the reality. One anxiety Arkoun against Islamic theological thought is the separation between Islam and Islam actual or conceptual separation between theory and practice which he said is the legacy of Descartes. Grounding Islamic theology in the context of modern life does require accurate strategies and methodologies. Arkoun effort in the context of building reconstruction of Islamic theological thought is one of the strategies Keywords: Grounding, Lif


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    This article discusses the role of the al-Jami' Campus Da'wah Institute (LDK) in shaping the religious understanding of UIN Alauddin Makassar (UINAM) students. The type of research used is qualitative by taking case studies on students of UIN Alauddin Makassar. In collecting data, researchers conducted interviews with several LDK student figures and observed various activities carried out by LDK. The results showed that LDK al-Jami' contributed greatly in increasing the literacy of the Qur'an among UINAM students, especially students from general faculties. LDK even teaches students to pray on time and invites students to follow the sunnahs of the Prophet Muhammad. However, the religious spirit that is close-minded has become an important character for elements of the LDK management which in turn has colored the religious character of students. In other words, the religious nature of exclusivism is more dominant than the spirit of inclusiveness in religion. Their motto is to return to classical traditions and to replicate the romance of the progress and glories of Islam in the past.Artikel ini membahas tentang peran Lembaga Dakwah Kampus (LDK) al-Jami' dalam membentuk pemahamaan keagamaan mahasiswa UIN Alauddin makassar (UINAM). Adapun jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan mengambil studi kasus pada mahasiswa UIN Alauddin Makassar. Dalam pengambilan data, peneliti melakukan wawancara kepada beberapa tokoh mahasiswa LDK serta mengobservasi berbagai kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh LDK. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa LDK al-Jami’ berkontribusi sangat besar dalam meningkatkan literasi baca tulis al-Qur’an di kalangan mahasiswa UINAM terutama kepada mahasiswa dari fakultas umum. LDK bahkan mengajarkan mahasiswa untuk melaksanakan ibadah shalat tepat waktu serta mengajak mahasiswa untuk mengikuti sunnah-sunnah Nabi Muhammad saw. Hanya saja, spirit keberagamaan yang close-minded telah menjadi karakter penting bagi elemen-elemen pengurus LDK yang pada gilirannya telah mewarnai karakter keberagamaan mahasiswa. Dengan kata lain sifat keberagamaan ekslusivisme lebih dominan dibandingkan semangat inklusivisme dalam beragama. Motto yang mereka lahirkan adalah kembali ke tradisi-tradisi klasik serta mereplikasi romantika kemajuan dan kegemilangan Islam pada masa lal

    Exploring The Principal Teachings of Khalwatiah Syekh Yusuf Tariqah in South Sulawesi

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    This article discusses the principal teachings of Khalwatiah Syekh Yusuf tariqah in South Sulawesi. This tariqah is one of the leading tariqahs in the region since its emergence in the seventeenth century. Khalwatiah Syekh Yusuf has influenced the Muslim's understanding concerning sufism issues. The researcher employs qualitative as a method of research. The research suggests that Khalwatiah Syekh Yusuf is the integration of different tariqahs which were obtained by Syekh Yusuf during his intellectual journey. The principal teachings of Khalwatiah Syekh Yusuf can be drawn into three elements. They are the concept of inner purity, the understanding of God, and the meaning of insan kamil. These three principal teachings become the foundation of this tariqah as well as become it’s characteristic. Although Syekh Yusuf studied from different Sufis, especially from Ibnu Arabi’s thought, this tariqah is strongly associated with Asyariyah theology that led to this tariqah be a moderate tariqah