164 research outputs found

    Studies on vibrio cholerae

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    Cholera in one of the most in ortant health problems of rnny area© of Asia. Despite extensive research, workers are still confronted with a number of unsolved problems that etand in the my of control and ultimate eradication of the disease. The ir mediate problems pre! entod by cholera at thin time are related to It© treatment and its practical cor.ti*ol. The clinical and biochemical abnormalities that occur in the cholera patient can bo rapidly and consistently corrected by intravenous administration of fluids approximately equal in volume and electrolyte concentration to the fluids lost via the gastrointestinal route. Although treatment by rehydration in good, specific treatment must wait until we know more regarding the mechanism of pathogenicity In cholera. Alternatively, it may be that phage therapy still is worthy of consideration but this is doubtful. The control of cholera depends on several factors. (i) Improvement of {sanitation, provision of safe water, satisfactory disposal of excreta and health education of the public to improve perso al hygiene nro essentials. (ii) Further investigation of the epidemiology of cholera and cholera like diseases will asait control. This demands more research into cholera plages and genetic mechanisms so that epidemics can be traced and understood. (iii) Finally, active immunization nay achieve control of cholera, but we meanwhile require more knowledge of mechanisms of pathogenicity so that good protective antigens nay be prepared. The writer has therefore investigated the 2 obviously important aspects of (A) The toxins of cholera (B) The phage, and genetics related to cholera. These studies are reported in Sections I and II of this thesis respectively


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    Mastery of teacher competence is a set of capabilities that must mark the teacher in order to realize their performance appropriately and effectively. Competence in this case that the professional and pedagogical influence on teacher performance. In this study aimed to analyze the effects of both the professional competence of teachers and pedagogical competence of teachers on teacher performance at MAN in the city of Palu. To analyze the quantitative, descriptive analysis was used, which outlines the respondent's age, gender,  the length of service and class as well as the competence of teachers affect the performance guru. Whereasto determine the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable,  the namely quantitative analysis used multiple linear regression analysis. The independent variable of professional competence and pedagogical teacher jointly significant effect on the performance of teachers in Madrasah Aliyah in Palu. Partially professional competence variables significantly influence the performance of teachers in Madrasah Aliyah in Palu, while the pedagogical competence not significant effect on the performance of teachers in Madrasah Aliyah in Palu. The results of the regression coefficient (b) indicate that the independent variable professional competence of the dominant influence on the performance of teachers in Madrasah Aliyah in Kota Palu.

    Gene amplification and overexpression of HER2 in renal cell carcinoma

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    Objective To determine the frequency of HER2 genetic abnormalities in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and hence assess the potential suitability of Herceptin(TM) immunotherapy. Patients and methods Tumours from 2 7 patients with RCC were assessed: all patients had undergone nephrectomy. Benign renal tissue from the nephrectomy specimens was studied in seven patients. Gene amplification was assessed using fluorescent in- situ hybridization, and protein over-expression using immunohistochemistry. Results Twenty-four patients had clear cell renal carcinoma, two had papillary renal carcinoma and one a sarcomatoid variant carcinoma. There was no HER2 amplification in the tumours or the benign renal tissue. Polysomy 17 was detected in 11 of 27 tumours (41%) and increased HER2 copy number in seven (26%). Both polysomy 17 and increased HER2 copy number were absent in the benign renal tissue. Three tumours (11%) and six of the seven benign renal tissue samples over-expressed the HER2 protein. Conclusions HER2 amplification is absent and protein over-expression uncommon in RCC. This casts doubt on the suitability of Herceptin(TM) in the treatment of RCC

    Combining ability analysis and evaluation of heterosis in Jatropha curcas L. F1 hybrids.

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    With the aim of estimating genetic parameters and recognizing superior Jatropha curcas L. combinations, ten superior plants were selected based on seed yield and oil content, and were crossed among them in a 10 x 10 half-diallel mating design to produce 45 F1-hybrids. The e xperiment was conducted in nursery stage using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Analysis of variance for the combining ability indicated that GCA and SCA variance were significant at 1% probability for plant height, collar diameter and number of leaves in nursery stage. The low ratio of GCA/SCA exhibited the non-additive effects. Broad sense heritabilies were high for plant height, collar diameter and number of leaves. Estimates for narrow sense heritability of the traits, plant height collar diameter and number of leaves were low. Percentages of heterosis and heterobeltiosis values for plant height, collar diameter and number of leaves ranged from negative to positive. This showed that the existence of dominance or non-additive gene actions might be present in the hybrids. On the basis GCA and SCA effects, parents, Ph1.2 and In2.1 and hybrids Ph1.2 (3) × In1.2 (8), Ph1.1 (9) × My2.2 (10) and My2.1 (1)× My2.2 (10) could be used for future breeding program

    Analisis Resepsi Terhadap Patriarki Dalam Film (Studi Analisis Resepsi Film Kim Ji-Young Born 1982)

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    This study aims to determine and describe the audience's acceptance of patriarchy in the film Kim Ji-young Born 1982. This study uses the theory of Encoding-Decoding by Stuart Hall with three audience acceptance positions, namely Dominant-Hegemonic Position, Negotiated Position, and Oppositional Position. This study method uses a qualitative descriptive approach with purposive sampling technique. In collecting data, researchers conducted in-depth interviews with six people with three categories, namely Korean film enthusiasts, Javanese ethnic informants, and activists on gender issues. In this study, the audience translates and interprets meaning based on their cultural background, personal experience and the influence of people around them. In addition, audience reception is also influenced by their perspective on social reality, as well as individual media consumption. The results obtained 2 positions namely Dominant-Hegemonic Position and Negotiated Position. Most of the informants are in the Dominant-Hegemonic Position, which shows that the audience is in line with the filmmaker and the audience does not agree with the patriarchal content in Kim Ji-young Born 1982. Then the Negotiated Position shows that the audience partially accepts the message content and partially rejects the message content. relating to the patriarchal content in the film Kim Ji-young Born 1928

    Agro-morphological characterization and assessment of variability, heritability, genetic advance and divergence in bacterial blight resistant rice genotypes

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    AbstractGenetic based knowledge of different growth traits including morphological, physiological and developmental plays fundamental role in the improvement of rice. Genetic divergence allows superior recombinants which are essential in any crop development project. Forty-one rice genotypes including bacterial blight (BB) resistant and susceptible checks were assessed for 13 morphological traits. Among the genotypes, almost all the traits exhibited highly significant variation. The higher extent of genotypic (GCV) as well as phenotypic coefficients of variation (PCV) were noticed for number of tillers hill−1, total number of spikelets panicle−1, number of filled grains panicle−1, and yield hill−1. High heritability together with high genetic advance was observed for total number of spikelets panicle−1, number of filled grains panicle−1, and yield hill−1 indicating dominant role of additive gene action in the expression of these traits. Number of filled grains panicle−1 exhibited positive correlation with most of the traits. Yield hill−1 showed a good number of highly significant positive correlations with number of filled grain panicle−1, total number of spikelets panicle−1, 1000 grain weight hill−1, number of panicle hill−1, and panicle length. The UPGMA dendrogram divided all the genotypes in to six major clusters. The PCA showed 13 morphological traits generated about 71% of total variation among all the genotypes under this study. On the basis of 13 morphological traits, genotypes such as IRBB2, IRBB4, IRBB13, IRBB21, and MR263 could be hybridized with genotypes MR84, MR159, MRQ50, MRQ74, PH9 and IR8 in order to develop suitable BB resistant rice genotypes

    Food assimilated by two sympatric populations of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Delphacidae) feeding on different host plants contaminates insect DNA detected by RAPD-PCR analysis.

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    Contamination of insect DNA for RAPD-PCR analysis can be a problem because many primers are non-specific and DNA from parasites or gut contents may be simultaneously extracted along with that of the insect. We measured the quantity of food ingested and assimilated by two sympatric populations of brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens, one from rice and the other from Leersia hexandra (Poaceae), a wetland forage grass, and we also investigated whether host plant DNA contaminates that of herbivore insects in extractions of whole insects. Ingestion and assimilation of food were reduced significantly when individuals derived from one host plant were caged on the other species. The bands, OPA3 (1.25), OPD3 (1.10), OPD3 (0.80), OPD3 (0.60), pUC/M13F (0.35), pUC/M13F (0.20), BOXAIR (0.50), peh#3 (0.50), and peh#3 (0.17) were found in both rice-infesting populations of brown planthopper and its host plant (rice). Similarly, the bands, OPA4 (1.00), OPB10 (0.70), OPD3 (0.90), OPD3 (0.80), OPD3 (0.60), pUC/ M13F (0.35), pUC/M13F (0.20), and BOXAIR (0.50) were found in both Leersia-infesting populations of brown planthopper and the host plant. So, it is clear that the DNA bands amplified in the host plants were also found in the extracts from the insects feeding on them