111 research outputs found

    Keputusan Pengguna Gopay dari Aspek E-Service Quality, Promosi dan Harga

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of e-service quality, promotion and price on the decision to use Gopay. This study uses a causal analysis design with quantitative research methods. The population in this study is ITB Nobel Indonesia students using the Gopay application whose number is not known with certainty, while the sampling method uses non-probability sampling with purposive sampling technique with respondent criteria 1) respondents know about Gopay; 2) respondents have used the Gopay application more than 2 times. The number of samples used in this study were 100 respondents. The data in this study were directly obtained from filling out a questionnaire (questionnaire) given to respondents in the form of closure which would then be answered by the respondent. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive analysis, classical assumption test and multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study found that e-service quality and promotion had a positive and significant effect on the decision to use Gopay. While the price has no positive and insignificant effect on the decision to use Gopay

    Role of Dietary Carotenoids in Different Etiologies of Chronic Liver Diseases

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    Carotenoids are tetraterpenoid organic pigments synthesized by a variety of plants and microorganisms. Dietary carotenoids, taken by animals through food, play an essential role in cell differentiation, morphogenesis, vision, prevention of cancer, atherosclerosis, and age-related macular degeneration in humans due to their potential to suppress oxidative stress. As reactive oxygen species and oxidative damage to biomolecules have been found to be involved in the causation and progression of chronic liver diseases (CLDs), including hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), which is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Therefore, dietary antioxidants, which inactivate reactive oxygen species and obstruct oxidative damage, are considered as vital prophylactic strategic molecules. Data from various epidemiological studies and clinical trials strongly validate the observation that adequate carotenoid supplementation may significantly reduce the risk of several liver disorders. This chapter, thus, provides a comprehensive account of dietary carotenoids and includes the recent information with respect to their role in prevention of liver diseases

    Cake Business Development through a SWOT Analysis Approach

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    This SWOT analysis can be used as a basis for business actors to achieve their business targets.This research aims to analyze and examine the development of the Al Fatih KItcken cake business.The research uses descriptive qualitative methods. The data sources in this research are:The primary data obtained was obtained from Al Fatih Kitchen through interviews, observation and documentation. The analysis method used is SWOT matrix analysis. The SWOT analysis method consists of combining the elements of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The research results found that the SO strategy used by the medium-sized business Al Fatih Kitchen ismaintainquality and guaranteed production raw materials,medetermine the time and production plan in a well-scheduled manner; The ST strategy used by Al Fatih Kitchen ishave superior products as a characteristic of the business, Procurement of stock of raw materials needed to support the production process; The WO strategy used by Al Fatih Kitchen isPay attention to product attributesincludes taste, color, appearance, texture and aroma, mincreasethe entrepreneur's ability to carry out digital marketing and manage social media; The WT strategy used by Al Fatih Kitchen is to diversify the types of products offered and sold to consumers, carry out quality checking and control measures to ensure product quality


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    The distribution of Sosial Assistance (BANSOS) in Molombulahe Village remains to experience various issues where its one of them is the village has yet to indicate a significant change for the recipients of Social Assistance according to the data from Central Bureau of Statistics. In addition, the process of distribution for this assistance is still redundant at two types of assistance, while the selection process for the assistance recipients is still timeconsuming in regards to data processing so that an individual may take in more than one type of Social Assistance Dealing with the previos issues, a decision support system for recipients og Social Assistance by using the implementation of Fuzzy AHP method is required which could facilitate in data collection process and decision making in determining decent recipients of Social Assistance, so that there is no mare redundancy for the Assistance distribution in molumbulahe Village. Therefore, the distribution process of Social Assistence through applying the implementation of Fuzzy AHP method in the Decision Support System of Social Assistance Recipients could help the government of Molombulahe Village in the data management for proposed recipients of Social Assistance in the assistance distribution process. Therefore, the determination of decent Social Assistance recipients could be more accurate anf right on target.Keywords Decision Support System, Social Assistence, Implementation Of Fuzzy AH

    The Influence Of Entrepreneurial Knowledge, Adversity Intelligence, And Self-Efficacy On Students' Entrepreneurial Intentions

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    This research aims to find out how entrepreneurial knowledge influences entrepreneurial intentions among ITB Nobel Indonesia students; to find out how advertising intelligence influences entrepreneurial intentions among ITB Nobel Indonesia students and to find out how self-efficacy influences entrepreneurial intentions among ITB Nobel Indonesia students.This research uses a causal analysis design with quantitative research methods. The population in this study was 277 students from the ITB Nobel Indonesia management study program. Determining the sample size used the Slovin formula with simple random sampling to obtain a sample size of 73 students. The data analysis technique is to use multiple regression analysis. The research results found thatEntrepreneurship knowledge, advertising intelligence and self-efficacy towards entrepreneurial intentions among ITB Nobel Indonesia students


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    Objective: Self-medication is a worldwide practice in which individuals, families, and/or communities choose pharmaceuticals to address health conditions without consulting a doctor. It impacts the health of people both negatively as well as positively. This study aims to determine the prevalence of self-medication for COVID-19 like symptoms during the pandemic. Methods: This is an online questionnaire-based survey on the perceptions and use of certain drugs for COVID-like symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic. 168 people responded to the questionnaire. Results: Out of 168 respondents, 53.0% were males. 71.4% were below 30 years of age and, 25.6% were 31–60 years. The majority (72.6%) were unmarried. 50.0% had studied up to university level. 49.4% were unemployed. 39.9% were healthcare workers. 59.9% had suffered from respiratory symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic. All those who developed symptoms had self-medicated. The most commonly used drugs were Paracetamol (85.0%), Azithromycin (58.0%), Expectorants (30.0%), Ivermectin (18.0%), Doxycycline (16.0%), Corticosteroids (7.0%), and Hydroxychloroquine (4.0%). The major sources of information about the disease and drugs were pharmacists (46.6%) and the internet (28.0%). Conclusion: There were significant percentages of self-medication during the COVID-19 pandemic, including the drugs without sufficient scientific evidence

    Modal Manusia dan Kaitannya dengan Kinerja: Suatu Kajian Terhadap Gudang Manufaktur Berlisensi di Semenanjung Malaysia

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    Firm resources are fundamental drivers of performance. It can be classified into three categories: physical capital, organizational capital and human capital. Human capital has been considered a major asset to warehouse operations, but has not been tested empirically. A study was conducted to test the relationship between human capital and warehousing performance has been conducted on the Licensed Manufacturing Warehouse (LMW) in Peninsular Malaysia. There are 1958 manufactureres with LMW and 800 were randomly selected. During data collection, this study received 107 responses and 102 responses were used. The result showed that, human capital has a positive relationship and significantly influential on the performance of warehousing. This study has provided information that any additional value to human capital can lead to better performance. For the future, studies should be done on the relationship between other resources to the performance of organizations. Such studies can help to increase knowledge about the phenomenon of the relationship between resources and performance


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    Dalam pembelajaran yang harus diketahui bahwa siswa memiliki cara memahami dan menyerap suatu informasi yang berbeda-beda yaitu gaya belajar. Ada siswa yang senang menulis hal-hal yang disampaikan guru ketika proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Adapula siswa yang lebih sering mendengarkan materi yang disampaikan oleh guru, serta adapula siswa yang lebih senang praktek secara langsung. Ada berbagai teori yang memodelkan gaya belajar, salah satunya adalah teori gaya belajar Felder-Silverman. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran pemrograman berorientasi objek. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode penelitian Pre-eksperimental. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah desain One-Group Pretest-Posttest design. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI RPL di SMK Negeri 1 Limboto dengan jumlah 12 orang siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket gaya belajar adaptasi dari ILS (Index of Learning Style) Felder-Silverman dan soal tes Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek pada KD Menerapkan collection sebagai media penyimpanan data. Hasil penilaian tanggapan siswa (respon siswa) terhadap penerapan gaya belajar dan model pembelajaran diperoleh skor rata-rata 86,90% siswa menjawab positif. serta hasil observasi pada aktivitas siswa pada pembelajaran rata-rata persentasi yaitu sebanyak 77% siswa yang aktif dalam pembelajaran, berdasarkan hasil uji paired sample t-test menunjukkan bahwa nilai Sig. (2-tailed) yang diperoleh 0,000. Sesuai dengan dasar pedoman pengambilan keputusan yang ada, Jika nilai Sig. (2-tailed) 0,05, maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar antara nilai pretest dengan posttest, sehingga gaya belajar berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran pemrograman berorientasi objek di SMK Negeri 1 Limboto. Kata kunci: Hasil Belajar; Gaya Belaja

    Orang-Orang Panggung Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Buku Orang-orang Panggung Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dilakukan berdasarkan laporan penyusunan ”Biografi Orang-orang Panggung di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta” (2015) yang dilakukan oleh Herry Mardianto (ketua tim), Ahmad Zamzuri (anggota), Siti Ajar Ismiyati (anggota), dan Latief S. Nugraha (pembantu). Dalam penerbitan ini terdapat penambahan informasi, baik menyangkut tokoh, kelompok teater, dan (terutama) contoh naskah yang pernah ditulis/dipentaskan. Naskah-naskah tersebut disertakan dengan tidak banyak mengubah bentuk aslinya, sehingga tersaji beragam bentuk teks naskah pementasan. Kita menyadari bahwa kerumpangan kehidupan berkesenian (termasuk di dalamnya berkesastraan) di Yogyakarta, salah satunya disebabkan oleh kurangnya kesadaran berbagai pihak dalam mendokumentasikan tulisan mengenai tokoh-tokoh maupun aktivitas kegiatan berkesastraan yang turut meramaikan kehidupan bersastra di Yogyakarta. Penyusunan buku Orang-orang Panggung Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta berkeinginan menutupi kerumpangan tersebut sekaligus menyediakan referensi mengenai siapa saja tokoh-tokoh yang terlibat dalam dunia pemanggungan dan apa yang mereka perbuat untuk menumbuhkembangkan dunia pemanggungan, baik penggerak kelompok teater, sutradara, aktor, penulis naskah, penata musik, penata panggung, maupun “aktor-aktor” lainnya. Dengan demikian, diharapkan buku ini dapat memberikan informasi mengenai tokoh-tokoh yang terlibat dalam dunia pemanggungan di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dan naskah apa saja yang sempat mereka tulis/pentaskan
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