3 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pengoperasian Jalan Tol Tegal-Pemalang Terhadap Kinerja Lalu Lintas Jalan Pantura Tegal-Pemalang

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    Jalan Tol Tegal-Pemalang direncanakan untuk mengurangi kemacetan di Jalan Pantura Tegal-Pemalang. Pembangunan Jalan Tol Tegal-Pemalang akan mempengaruhi kinerja lalu lintas di ruas Jalan Pantura Tegal-Pemalang. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar dampak yang diakibatkan oleh pengoperasian jalan tol terhadap kinerja lalu lintas jalan pantura dengan membandingkan kinerja lalu lintas jalan pantura sebelum dan sesudah adanya jalan tol. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dan data primer. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei dengan mengumpulkan data di lapangan tentang kinerja lalu lintas jalan pantura sebelum dan sesudah adanya jalan tol kemudian menganalisisnya berdasarkan Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI) serta memprediksi pertumbuhan lalu lintas menggunakan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) menggunakan metode rumus bunga majemuk. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terjadi perubahan kinerja lalu lintas jalan pantura namun tidak signifikan. Menurut hasil analisis tingkat pelayaan sebelum adanya jalan tol memiliki nilai F pada semua ruas jalan yang menunjukan ruas jalan tersebut mengalami kepadatan arus yang tinggi sehingga sering terjadi kemacetan saat jam sibuk. Setelah dibangunnya jalan tol terjadi peningkatan tingkat pelayanan pada ruas jalan pantura dengan nilai E pada ruas jalan arah Tegal dan nilai D pada ruas jalan arah Pemalang. Sedangkan tingkat pertumbuhan lalu lintas jalan pantura selama 10 tahun mendatang mengalami peningkatan sebesar 4266,85 smp/jam arus lalu lintas arah Tegal dan 4135,21 smp/jam arus lalu lintas arah Pemalang

    The Effect of Tegal-Pemalang Toll Road Operation on Traffic Performance of Tegal-Pemalang North Coast Road

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    The Tegal-Pemalang Toll Road is planned to reduce congestion on the Tegal-Pemalang North Coast Road. The construction of the Tegal-Pemalang Toll Road will affect the traffic performance on the Tegal-Pemalang North Coast Road section. Therefore, this research was conducted to find out how much impact caused by the operation of the toll road to the north coast road traffic of performance by comparing the performance of northern coast traffic before and after the toll road. This research uses secondary data and primary data. This method used is a survey method by collecting data in the field about the performance of the north coast traffic before and after the toll road then analyzing it based on the Indonesian Road Capacity Manual (MKJI) and predicting traffic growth using the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) using the compound interest formula method. The results of this research indicate that there is a change in the performance of the traffic on the north coast but not significant. According to the results of the analysis of the level of service before the existence of the toll road has an F value on all roads that indicate the road experiencing high-current density so that congestion often occurs during peak hours. After the construction of the toll road, there was an increase in the level of service on the north coast road with a value of E on the Tegal road and D on the Pemalang road. Whereas the growth rate of the northern coast road traffic over the next 10 years has increased by 4266.85 passenger car unit / hour traffic flows in the direction of Tegal, and 4135.21 passenger car unit / hour traffic flows in Pemalang direction. Keywords: Traffic Performance, Indonesian Road Capacity Manual, The North Coast Road and Traffic Distribution Leve


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    Hospital development dr. Soeselo Tegal Regency is a hospital effort to improve health services. The operation of the hospital building development will attract and stimulate movement. This issue will affect the smooth flow of traffic when the traffic load increases. Traffic impact analysis is an attempt to minimize the problem. This study aims to measure the traffic performance of dr. Soeselo Tegal Regency currently predicts traffic performance after it operates, calculates parking space requirements and provides several traffic scenarios. The analysis method uses PTV Vissim 22 traffic simulation software for road intersections and sections with Indonesian Road Capacity Manual 1997. The analysis results show that the traffic performance of existing conditions or without hospital development on roads and crossroads is still quite good, with the DS value below 0,75. While the results of the long-term analysis for the next five years with an increase in traffic load, there will be a decrease in traffic performance on the affected roads and intersections. So, to improve traffic performance by doing several traffic scenarios using Vissim software. The best scenario is to widen the road and regulate traffic circulation by implementing one-way streets during peak hours to increase traffic performance. The need and availability of parking space have met the demand for parking with the amount of land provided by Regional General Hospital dr. Soeselo