1,471 research outputs found

    Improving Patient Throughput in Akron General Cleveland Clinic Postpartum Unit

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    Exceeding hospital limitations can impair safety and induce unnecessary health risks for patients and staff. At Akron General Cleveland Clinic (AGCC), current birth rates are double the amount the facility is designed to handle. In order to accommodate increasing numbers, it must be seen that birthing mothers and their infants are not withholding space more than what is deemed required. Patients are permitted to stay 48 to 96 hours proceeding birth, given the type of delivery. However, many are unaware that they can be discharged between 24 and 48 hours post-delivery, so long as a physician has signed off on the matter. Techniques have been implemented to help improve patient throughput in postpartum units. These techniques have proven to significantly decrease both the number of length of stay (LOS) hours and recovery time versus preliminary studies

    Brazen Charm: The Vitality of Homeric Armor

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    Dando boa ciência: Fazendo pesquisa qualitativa no futuro.

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    This article explores the “afterward” for qualitative research in the ruins of NCLB and its failure to deliver. In the space opened up “after” the dominance of the gold standard bullying and “metric mania” of neo-positivism, I articulate a post-retirement project on the weight of sports in U.S. secondary schools out of a re-engagement with the work of Walter Benjamin.  Here my interest is to imagine forward out of troubling the narrow scientism of the recent past of educational research toward a post-qualitative future.Este artículo explora el "después" de la investigación cualitativa en las ruinas de la ley NCLB y su falta de resultados. En el espacio abierto "después de" el predominio del estándar “dorado” y la intimidación "manía métrica" del neo-positivismo, este articulo presenta mi proyecto de jubilación sobre el peso del deporte en las escuelas secundarias de los Estados Unidos, un nuevo acercamiento con el trabajo de Walter Benjamin. Aquí mi interés es de imaginar un futuro fuera de molestar el cientificismo estrecho del pasado reciente de la investigación educativa hacia un futuro post-cualitativo.Este artigo explora o "depois" da pesquisa qualitativa nas ruínas de NCLB e sua falta de resultados. No aberto "depois" a predominância do padrão "dourado" e intimidação "mania métrica" do neo-positivismo, este artigo apresenta espaço meu projeto de aposentadoria no peso de esportes do ensino médio nos Estados Unidos, uma nova aproximar a obra de Walter Benjamin. Aqui o meu interesse é o de imaginar um futuro fora do cientificismo estreito perturbar a pesquisa educacional passado recente em direção a um futuro pós-qualitativa

    Reluctant inscriptions: Social automatisms within the movement “Se Non Ora Quando?”

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    In the course of the production of sociality, the interaction of interests, materialities and rules may occur in unintended and not foreseeable ways. Procedures and norms can establish themselves uncontrollably and contour politics. This paper proposes the application of the concept of social automatisms for the description of such social formation processes of the political, taking as an example the dynamics within the new Italian feminist movement “Se Non Ora Quando?”. Based on an ethnography of the movement (2012-2014), the paper demonstrates how traditions of interaction and the philosophy of the Italian feminists of the 1970s have inscribed themselves in the discourses and practices of Se Non Ora Quando? in line with the concept of social automatisms: through repetition and perpetuation which, although occurring unplanned and partly unconsciously and against the intentions of the actors, cause a consolidation of structures (see Bublitz et al. 2010). These inscription processes have influenced political visions, interaction and protest practices as well as conflicts within the movement.Nel corso della produzione della socialità, spesso gli interessi, i materiali e le regole interagiscono in modi non voluti e non prevedibili. Le procedure e le norme possono affermarsi in modo incontrollato e contornare la politica. Questo saggio propone l’applicazione del concetto di automatismi sociali per la descrizione di tali processi di formazione sociale della politica, prendendo come esempio le dinamiche interne un movimento femminista contemporaneo italiano, “Se Non Ora Quando?”. Basato su un’etnografia del movimento (2012-2014), l’articolo mostra come le tradizioni di interazione e pensieri filosofici dei gruppi diversi del femminismo italiano degli anni Settanta si siano inscritte nei discorsi e nelle pratiche di Se Non Ora Quando? in linea con il concetto di automatismi sociali: attraverso la ripetizione e la perpetuazione che, pur avvenendo in modo non pianificato e in parte inconsapevole e contro le intenzioni degli attori, provocano un consolidamento delle strutture (vedi Bublitz et al. 2010). Questi processi di iscrizione hanno influenzato le visioni politiche, l’interazione e le pratiche di protesta e i conflitti all'interno del movimento

    "This is absolutely gay!" - Homosexuality within the German Armed Forces

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    Drawing on Connell’s theory of hegemonic masculinity and Foucault’s concept of ‘dispositive’, this paper analyses historical and contemporary discourses on homosexuality within the Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces). I argue that the interconnected norms that shape the construction of homosexuality in the Bundeswehr – hegemonic masculinity as a core norm for male as well as female soldiers, and the dispositives of strength and equality – have different impacts on gay men and lesbians, empowering lesbian and devaluating gay soldiers. Through a discourse analysis of legal documents, internet forum discussions, drillmasters’ utterances, and interviews with gay and lesbian soldiers, I show how these gender norms and dispositives reflect the experiences of homosexual soldiers as well as their coping strategies

    Academics against Gender Studies: Science populism as part of an authoritarian anti-feminist hegemony project

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    In Germany, knowledge production by gender researchers has been under attack not only from male rights activists, Christian fundamentalists and right-wing parties and movements, but also from scientists in various fi elds. Based on a discourse analysis of their publications (2009-2017) and a media reception analysis, this essay analyses arguments used by ‘gender’-critical scientists and the socio-political backgrounds to where they position themselves. I show that their arguments do not belong to scientifi c discourse, but can be interpreted as a form of science populism which lends ‘scientific’ authority to the formation of authoritarian, anti-feminist discourses that aims to reify ‘secure’ knowledge about ‘gender’. Accordingly, ‘gender-critical’ scientists are read mainly by non-scientific publics, including right-wing and Christian fundamentalist media and actors. As I will show, the phenomenon of scientists taking action against ‘gender’ can be situated in historical antifeminism, as well as contemporary discourses on the crisis-like character of the dynamics regarding gender knowledge and societal conditions

    Scholarships for Teachers at the NWSA Convention

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    Despite the fact that approximately 70 percent of those being trained in schools of education are women, most schools of education, as Florence Howe has recently pointed out (Harvard Educational Review, Special Issue on Women, vol. 49, no. 4, November 1979), have been resistant to the impact of the women\u27s movement. This situation underscores the mandate of NWSA to reach out to public school educators, who play a crucial role in either perpetuating or counteracting sex stereotyping and the low aspirations of women. The plan to involve more preK-12 teachers in the Second NWSA Convention began with the development of a course for graduate credit in elementary or secondary education. Credit was to be earned through Convention attendance and followup activities designed to help teachers integrate feminist pedagogy into their classrooms. We were successful in securing a grant from the Lilly Foundation which paid for publicity, and for Convention and graduate credit costs for 12 Indiana public school teachers

    Natural vibration of skew plate on different set of boundary conditions with temperature gradient

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    A study is carried out to analyze the natural vibration of non-uniform skew (parallelogram) plate made up of non-homogeneous material on different edge conditions, namely clamped (C), simply supported (S) and free (F), using Rayleigh Ritz method. The thickness and Poisson’s ratio of the plate varies circular in one dimension, while the temperature variation on the plate is viewed to be parabolic in nature. Natural frequencies have been obtained for different combinations of structural parameters involve in the study. The results are compared with the available published results from the open literature