48 research outputs found

    Kandungan Arsen (as), Berbentuk Suspensi Dan Terlarut, Di Perairan Teluk Manado

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    Penelitian tentang kandungan arsen (As) di Perairan Teluk Manado dan sekitarnya telah dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk: 1) mengukur kandungan As yang terdapat dalam kolom air Teluk Manado, baik berbentuk suspensi maupun terlarut; 2) mengevaluasi kandungan As yang berasal dari Sungai Bailang dan S. Tondano yang masuk ke Perairan Teluk Manado, dan mengevaluasi perbedaan kandungan As antara kedua sungai tersebut; 3) menilai status pencemaran As di Perairan Teluk Manado berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : 1) kandungan As dalam kolom air Perairan Teluk Manado sebesar < 0,0005 ppm; 2) konsentrasi As dalam kolom air yang masuk ke Perairan Teluk Manado sebesar < 0,0005 ppm untuk kedua bentuk As dari S. Bailang; 0,0012 ppm As bentuk suspensi dan 0,0011 ppm As bentuk terlarut dari S. Tondano; 3) status pencemaran As Perairan Teluk Manado masih dalam kondisi “aman”


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    Study on the quality of domestic wastewater in rivers passing through Manado City to Manado bay was done based on organic and inorganic materials. The study aimed to provide suitable information for environmental management of rivers and beaches in the city. Three rivers were selected to be observed, such as S. Bailang, S. Maasing and S. Tondano, using parameter of Biological Oxygen Demand-5 days (BOD5), Phosphate (PO4) and Nitrate (NO3). Water samples were taken from three locations (upper, middle and river mouth parts) in each rivers. The result showed that average concentrations of the parameters, respectively, were 2 mg/L, 0.014 mg/L and 0.388 mg/L in S. Bailang; 17.66 mg/L, 1.858 mg/L and 0.029 mg/L in S. Maasing; and 4 mg/L, 0.289 mg/L and 0.314 mg/L in S. Tondano. In this paper, water quality status of the observed rivers based on current regulation was discussed


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    In general, water conditions surrounding Bunaken Island are not separated from the liquid waste disposal, for example: bathing, washing, latrines, and landfills. Based on this, the research was conducted to determine the content of microorganisms Escherichia coli and coliform derived from liquid waste around Bunaken Island. The result showed the concentrations of E. coli were point (TS) I (<1 MPN / 100 ml), II (<1 MPN / 100 ml), and III (<1 MPN / 100 ml), and at the sampling point (TS) IV (1.0 MPN / 100 ml), V (1.0 MPN / 100 ml), and VI (1.0 MPN / 100 ml). Furthermore, coliform concentration has the similar valueat each sampling points (TS) I, II, III, IV, V, and VI with the amount of 2.0 MPN / 100 ml. The status around the Bunaken island on the comparison table between the this results and the standards of the Sea Quality Standard for Marine Tourism still qualifies or does not exceed the limits which stated in the creed of Minister ofEnviromental Affair Republic of Indonesia number 179 of 2004. Followed by Creed of Minister ofEnviromental Affair number 51 of 2004 on the Quality of Raw Water for Marine Biota, is categorized as the "proper" one of sea water quality for marine biota on the based ofEscherichia coli and coliform ratio.Keywords: Escherichia coli, coliform, air quality, Bunaken Island, North SulawesiPada umumnya, kondisi perairan yang berada di sekitar Pulau Bunaken tidak terlepas dari pembuangan limbah cair, misalnya : mandi, cuci dan kakus, serta tempat pembuangan sampah. Bertolak dari hal tersebut, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji keberadaan kualitas limbah cair dalam aspek mikroorganisme di perairan sekitar pulau Bunaken dengan mengukur konsentrasi Escherichia coli dan coliform.Konsentrasi Escherichia coli berturut-turut pada titik sampling (TS) I (<1 MPN/100 ml), II (<1 MPN/100 ml) , dan III (<1 MPN/100 ml), dan pada titik sampling (TS) IV (1,0 MPN/100 ml), V (1,0 MPN/100 ml) , dan VI (1,0 MPN/100 ml). Coliformmemiliki jumlah konsentrasi yang sama, yaitu berturut-turut pada titik sampling (TS) I, II, III, IV, V, dan VI dengan jumlah 2.0 MPN/100 ml.Status perairan sekitar pulau Bunaken pada tabel perbandingan antara hasil pengukuran dan standart Baku Mutu Air Laut Untuk Wisata Bahari, masih memenuhi syarat atau tidak melewati batas yang ditetapkan dalam KEPMEN L.H. No.179 tahun 2004.Sedangkan berdasarkan KEPMEN L.H. No.51 Tahun 2004 tentang Baku Mutu Air Laut Untuk Biota Laut, berada dalam kategori “layak” sebagai peruntukan air laut untuk biota laut, berdasarkan parameter Escherichia coli dan coliform.Kata Kunci :Escherichia coli, coliform, kualitas air, Pulau Bunaken, Sulawesi Utar

    Predatorism and Cannibalism of Fish Betutu (Oxyeleotris marmorata Blkr.) In Lake Tondano, Minahasa regency, North Sulawesi

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    Aims of this study is to determine the ability of marble goby to prey other fish and other marble goby in Tondano Lake. This research was conducted in August 2017 to December 2017. Measure of aquarium used as container is 120 cm x 40 cm x 40 cm which was divided into 2 parts, equipped with a camera in addition to observe the reaction of predation on marble goby. To know the predation behaviour of marble goby, using sample size is &lt;15 cm and&gt; 15 cm, and the prey fish is used was silver barb (Puntius javanicus) size is 10 cm - 20 cm. To determine the cannibal behaviour is used marble goby size is &lt;15 cm and&gt; 20 cm, and prey another marble goby size is 10-20 cm. The results showed the fastest predatorism reaction of marble goby attack silver barb occurred is 6 minutes after treatment, and the fastest cannibalism reaction of marble goby occurred after 45 minutes.Keywords: Betutu, Lake Tondano, Cannibalism, Predation, Predatorism. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan ikan betutu dalam memangsa ikan lain dan sesama ikan betutu di Danau Tondano. Waktu penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Agustus 2017 sampai Desember 2017. Wadah yang digunakan adalah akuarium berukuran 120 cm x 40 cm x 40 cm yang dibagi menjadi 2 bagian dengan menggunakan sekat, dilengkapi dengan kamera untuk mengamati reaksi pemangsaan ikan betutu. Untuk mengetahui sifat predator ikan betutu digunakan sampel berukuran &lt;15 cm dan &gt;15 cm, dan mangsa yang digunakan adalah ikan tawes (Puntius javanicus) yang berukuran 10 cm - 20 cm. Untuk mengetahui sifat kanibal ikan betutu digunakan ikan betutu berukuran &lt;15 cm dan &gt;20 cm, dan mangsa ikan betutu berukuran 10-20 cm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan reaksi tercepat predatorisme ikan betutu terhadap ikan tawes terjadi setelah 6 menit setelah perlakuan, dan reaksi tercepat kanibalisme ikan betutu terjadi setelah 45 menit.Kata kunci: Betutu, Danau Tondano, Kanibalisme, Pemangsaan, Predatorism

    A Study on Management of Mangrove and the Knowledge of Local Community in Bahoi of West Likupang Subdistrict of North Minahasa District

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    A study on community based mangrove management was conducted in Bahoi of North Minahasa District of North Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. This aims of the study were to examine the management of mangrove including community involvement in the whole processes as well as the institutional settings; to examine knowledge and atitute of the community of Bahoi toward the management processes; to find out its impacts to the community and marine ecosystems. Methods used in this study were interviews and surveys. For the former, all key persons involving in the management including representative of government were interviewed. With the latter, 30 community members or around 10% of total population were randomly selected and requested to fill in questionnaries containing multiple choices questions to meet the objectives of the study. This study revealed that the management of mangrove has been projects driven activities since year 2000. Yet communities were partly involved in the management including during the establishment of organization and village Ordinance, the survey shows that only 30% of respondents actively involved. That is why 63% of respondent argue that the management processes is lacking and 23% recon that it should be improved. Moreover, 100% of respondents claim that they strongly support conservation of mangrove and other coastal resources; 90% of the respondent answer that cultural background (Sangiran ethnicity) drives their attitude about preserving the coastal resources. In terms of implication of the management mangrove and other coastal resources in Bahoi, they argue that it has resulted in improvement of income and a healthy mangrove ecosystem

    Geographic Information System Applications for BeachTourism Area Determination in Bitung City

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    This research was conducted with the aim to determine the suitability of beach tourism area in Bitung city by using Geographic Information System application. This information is necessary to support the provision of geospatial information the beach, so the tourist management in research into more optimum location. Suitability Analysis Zone (spatial) analysis of the suitability of the area is done by using Geographic Information System (GIS), a computer-based geospatial information system involving Arc GIS software 10.1. Based on analysis of the suitability of the area spatially, shows that, for beach tourism area in the area of research, can be divided into 4 (four) classes, namely: (1) land suitability classes by category S1 (Very appropriate) with an area of 376.76 ha (5.87%); (2) land suitability classes with category S2 (Subject) with an area of 262.97 ha (4:10%) (3) land suitability classes with category S3 (In accordance marginal) with an area of 640.48 ha (9.99%) and (4) land suitability classes categories N (Not available) with an area of 5133.79 ha (80.04%


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    ABSTRACT Production of methyl mercury (MeHg) has been shown in laboratory experiments using mercuric chloride (HgCI2Jcompound released into natural-collected sediments with different geochemical conditions. While the HgCI2 concentration was 30 pi of 113ppm of HgCI2,the geochemical conditions [pH, salinity, total organic content (TOC), sulfur] of sampled sediments were A: 8.20, 0.00 ppt, 1.97%, and 0.92 ppt, respectivelyB: 7.90, 2.00 ppt, 4.69%, and 1.98 ppt, respectivelyand C: 8.20, 24.00 ppt, 1.32 %, and 90.90 ppt, respectively. A control was set with no HgCI2.Samples and control were incubated in room temperature of 27 :t:1°C. Observations were done along 9 days with interval of 3 days. While total Hg was measured using mercury analyzer with Cold Vapor-Atomic Absorbtion Spectrophometer (CV-AAS) system, MeHg was measured by using a gas chromatograph with ECD detector after extracted by dithizone-sodium sulfide extraction method. The result shows that MeHg was found in both treatment and control experiments. The concentrations of the MeHg varied according to the geochemical condition of the sampled sediments. Peak production of MeHg occu"ed on the third dayhowever, the production was not significantly affected by the incubation time. Optimum production was found inversely related to the pH, in which highest and lowest the pH formed an ineffectively methylated mercury species. The TOC was significantly correlated to the optimum production. Salinity and sulfate contents were found not correlated to the optimum of MeHg production. Keywords: Methyl mercurymethylation processsedimentbiogeochemistr

    An assessment of water quality along the rivers loading to the Manado Bay, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    In the city of Manado, rivers are used for water drainage and sewer system of various wastewater discharges, including from toilets ; these rivers discharge their load to Manado Bay. Therefore it is extremely important to know the water quality of these rivers. In this study three selected rivers, Sungai Bailang (SB), S. Maasing (SM), and S. Tondano (ST), were assessed in regard to 5-days Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD_5), nitrate (NO_3^-), ortho phosphate (PO^_4), total coliform (TC), Escherichia coli (EC), and total mercury (Hg-tot) to indicate loads of organic matter, inorganic nutrients, bacteria, and metals, respectively. Existing concentrations, variations with seasons (dry and wet), and pollution status of the rivers, are presented and discussed in this paper. Except the levels of TC and EC, which were high in all rivers and seasons, these parameters varied according to space (within the river and among the rivers) and the seasons. Average levels loaded to the bay for (1) organic were 15.30 mg/l of BOD_5 in the dry season and 7.52 mg/l of BOD_5 in wet season ; (2) inorganic of NO^-_3 and PO^_4 were 2.01 mg/l of NO^-_3 and 1.71 mg/l of PO^_4 in the dry season, and 1.44 mg/l of NO^-_3 and 2.20 mg/l of PO^_4 in the wet season ; (3) Hg-tot in the water and the surface sediment of ST was 0.024 mg/l and 0.133 mg/kg in the dry season, and 0.081 mg/l and 0.130 mg/kg in the wet season. The level of Hg-tot accumulated in the marine bivalve, Soletellina sp., ranged between 0.012 and 0.124 mg/kg. Based on these results, the water quality of the rivers was assessed as polluted. This was perhaps attributable to the presence of input of wastewater discharging from residential sources of the city and from the hinterland agricultural area of Minahasa Regency (MR). This condition may further threaten the water quality of Manado Bay ; therefore, management measures are also identified and discussed

    In Vitro Culture of Seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii under Different Formulation of Growth Stimulating Substances and Culture Media

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    This study aims at obtaining a sustainably superior seed stock following the characteristics of the parent plant, determining the best formulation of the growth stimulating substance. In general, cytokinin and auxin combination was used, but this study also added with the combination of cytokinin and giberelin and cytokinin and abscisic acid (AA).Parameters measured were bud length, number of buds, and survival rate. Bacterial Vibrio sp test was also done as a cause of the explant mortality. Results showed that the longest bud was recorded in treatment C (S+A 1:2.5) cultured in a jar, 1.343 mm long, 38% of survival, while the highest number of buds was found in treatment B (S+A 1 : 2) 8.86. The shortest bud was recorded in treatment J (S + AA 1:2.5) cultured in a jar, 0.093 mm long, 2.64 buds, 10% of survival, while the explant cultured in the bottle had a length of 0.051 mm long, 1.50 buds, 4% of survival. As conclusion, the best growth stimulating substance was found in the treatment C for the bud length and the survival rate, while the best number of bud was recorded in the treatment B. The best culture tank was topless bottle (aerated). In vitro culture could also use S + G formulation. The explant mortality was caused by Vibrio charchariae. The use of S + AA formulation had lower growth than that of control treatment.Keywords :in vitro, growth stimulating substance, culture media, Kappaphycus alvarezii, Vibrio charchariae ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh benih unggul secara berkelanjutan yang mengikuti karakteristik dari tanaman induk, menentukan formulasi terbaik dari substansi pertumbuhan merangsang. Secara umum, kombinasi sitokinin dan auksin digunakan, tetapi penelitian ini juga menambahkankombinasi sitokinin, giberelin, sitokinin dan asam absisat (AA). Parameter yang diukur adalah panjang tunas, jumlah tunas, dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup. Bakteri Vibrio Uji sp juga dilakukan sebagai penyebab kematian eksplan . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tunas terpanjang terdapat pada perlakuan C (S + A 1: 2,5)  kultur dalam toples, 1,343 mm, 38% hidup, sementara jumlah tertinggi tunas ditemukan pada perlakuan B (S + A 1: 2) 8.86 . Jumlah tunas paling sedikit terdapat pada perlakuan J (S + AA 1: 2,5) yang dikultur dalam toples, 0,093 mm, 2,64 tunas, 10% hidup, sedangkan eksplan yang dikultur dalam botol memiliki panjang 0.051 mm, 1. 50 tunas , 4% bertahan hidup. Sebagai kesimpulan, pertumbuhan terbaik merangsang zat ditemukan dalam perlakuan C untuk panjang tunas dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup, sementara jumlah tunas terbanyak ditemukan pada perlakuan B. Penggunaan wadah budaya terbaik adalah topless yang diaerasi. Kultur in vitro juga dapat menggunakan formulasi S + G. Kematian eksplan disebabkan oleh Vibrio charchariae . Penggunaan formulasi S + AA memiliki pertumbuhan yang lebih rendah dari pada pengobatan kontrol .Kata kunci : in vitro, zat perangsang tumbuh, media kultur, Kappaphycus alvarezii, Vibrio charcharia