14 research outputs found

    Parametrisierte Algorithmen fĂŒr Ganzzahlige Lineare Programme und deren Anwendungen fĂŒr Zuweisungsprobleme

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    This thesis is concerned with solving NP-hard problems. We consider two prominent strategies of coping with such computationally hard questions efficiently. The first approach aims to design approximation algorithms, that is, we are content to find good, but non-optimal solutions in polynomial time. The second strategy is called Fixed-Parameter Tractability (FPT) and considers parameters of the instance to capture the hardness of the problem and by that, obtain efficient algorithms with respect to the remaining input. This thesis employs both strategies jointly to develop efficient approximation and exact algorithms using parameterization and modeling the problem as structured integer linear programs (ILPs), which can be solved in FPT. In the first part of this work, we concentrate on these well-structured ILPs. On the one hand, we develop an efficient algorithm for block-structured integer linear programs called n-fold ILPs. On the other hand, we investigate the similarly block-structured 2-stage stochastic ILPs and prove conditional lower bounds regarding the running time of any algorithm solving them that match the best known upper bounds. We also prove the tightness of certain structural parameters called sensitivity and proximity for ILPs which arise from combinatorial questions such as allocation problems. The second part utilizes n-fold ILPs and structural properties to add to and improve upon known results for Scheduling and Bin Packing problems. We design exact FPT algorithms for the Scheduling With Clique Incompatibilities, Bin Packing, and Multiple Knapsack problems. Further, we provide constant-factor approximation algorithms and polynomial time approximation schemes (PTAS) for the Class Constraint Scheduling problems. Broadening our scope, we also investigate this problem and the closely related Cardinality Constraint Scheduling problem in the online setting and derive lower bounds for the approximation ratios as well as a PTAS for them. Altogether, this thesis contributes to the knowledge about structured ILPs, proves their limits and reaffirms their usefulness for a plethora of allocation problems. In doing so, various new and improved algorithms with respect to the running time or approximation quality emerge

    Near-Linear Time Algorithm for n-fold ILPs via Color Coding

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    We study an important case of ILPs max {c^Tx | Ax = b, l <= x <= u, x in Z^{n t}} with n * t variables and lower and upper bounds l, u in Z^{nt}. In n-fold ILPs non-zero entries only appear in the first r rows of the matrix A and in small blocks of size s x t along the diagonal underneath. Despite this restriction many optimization problems can be expressed in this form. It is known that n-fold ILPs can be solved in FPT time regarding the parameters s, r, and Delta, where Delta is the greatest absolute value of an entry in A. The state-of-the-art technique is a local search algorithm that subsequently moves in an improving direction. Both, the number of iterations and the search for such an improving direction take time Omega(n), leading to a quadratic running time in n. We introduce a technique based on Color Coding, which allows us to compute these improving directions in logarithmic time after a single initialization step. This leads to the first algorithm for n-fold ILPs with a running time that is near-linear in the number nt of variables, namely (rs Delta)^{O(r^2s + s^2)} L^2 * nt log^{O(1)}(nt), where L is the encoding length of the largest integer in the input. In contrast to the algorithms in recent literature, we do not need to solve the LP relaxation in order to handle unbounded variables. Instead, we give a structural lemma to introduce appropriate bounds. If, on the other hand, we are given such an LP solution, the running time can be decreased by a factor of L

    Total Completion Time Minimization for Scheduling with Incompatibility Cliques

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    This paper considers parallel machine scheduling with incompatibilities between jobs. The jobs form a graph and no two jobs connected by an edge are allowed to be assigned to the same machine. In particular, we study the case where the graph is a collection of disjoint cliques. Scheduling with incompatibilities between jobs represents a well-established line of research in scheduling theory and the case of disjoint cliques has received increasing attention in recent years. While the research up to this point has been focused on the makespan objective, we broaden the scope and study the classical total completion time criterion. In the setting without incompatibilities, this objective is well known to admit polynomial time algorithms even for unrelated machines via matching techniques. We show that the introduction of incompatibility cliques results in a richer, more interesting picture. Scheduling on identical machines remains solvable in polynomial time, while scheduling on unrelated machines becomes APX-hard. Furthermore, we study the problem under the paradigm of fixed-parameter tractable algorithms (FPT). In particular, we consider a problem variant with assignment restrictions for the cliques rather than the jobs. We prove that it is NP-hard and can be solved in FPT time with respect to the number of cliques. Moreover, we show that the problem on unrelated machines can be solved in FPT time for reasonable parameters, e.g., the parameter pair: number of machines and maximum processing time. The latter result is a natural extension of known results for the case without incompatibilities and can even be extended to the case of total weighted completion time. All of the FPT results make use of n-fold Integer Programs that recently have received great attention by proving their usefulness for scheduling problems

    Cardinality Constrained Scheduling in Online Models

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    Makespan minimization on parallel identical machines is a classical and intensively studied problem in scheduling, and a classic example for online algorithm analysis with Graham's famous list scheduling algorithm dating back to the 1960s. In this problem, jobs arrive over a list and upon an arrival, the algorithm needs to assign the job to a machine. The goal is to minimize the makespan, that is, the maximum machine load. In this paper, we consider the variant with an additional cardinality constraint: The algorithm may assign at most kk jobs to each machine where kk is part of the input. While the offline (strongly NP-hard) variant of cardinality constrained scheduling is well understood and an EPTAS exists here, no non-trivial results are known for the online variant. We fill this gap by making a comprehensive study of various different online models. First, we show that there is a constant competitive algorithm for the problem and further, present a lower bound of 22 on the competitive ratio of any online algorithm. Motivated by the lower bound, we consider a semi-online variant where upon arrival of a job of size pp, we are allowed to migrate jobs of total size at most a constant times pp. This constant is called the migration factor of the algorithm. Algorithms with small migration factors are a common approach to bridge the performance of online algorithms and offline algorithms. One can obtain algorithms with a constant migration factor by rounding the size of each incoming job and then applying an ordinal algorithm to the resulting rounded instance. With this in mind, we also consider the framework of ordinal algorithms and characterize the competitive ratio that can be achieved using the aforementioned approaches.Comment: An extended abstract will appear in the proceedings of STACS'2

    Tight Vector Bin Packing with Few Small Items via Fast Exact Matching in Multigraphs

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    We solve the Bin Packing problem in O^*(2^k) time, where k is the number of items less or equal to one third of the bin capacity. This parameter measures the distance from the polynomially solvable case of only large (i.e., greater than one third) items. Our algorithm is actually designed to work for a more general Vector Bin Packing problem, in which items are multidimensional vectors. We improve over the previous fastest O^*(k! ? 4^k) time algorithm. Our algorithm works by reducing the problem to finding an exact weight perfect matching in a (multi-)graph with O^*(2^k) edges, whose weights are integers of the order of O^*(2^k). To solve the matching problem in the desired time, we give a variant of the classic Mulmuley-Vazirani-Vazirani algorithm with only a linear dependence on the edge weights and the number of edges - which may be of independent interest. Moreover, we give a tight lower bound, under the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH), showing that the constant 2 in the base of the exponent cannot be further improved for Vector Bin Packing. Our techniques also lead to improved algorithms for Vector Multiple Knapsack, Vector Bin Covering, and Perfect Matching with Hitting Constraints

    Tight Vector Bin Packing with Few Small Items via Fast Exact Matching in Multigraphs

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    We solve the Bin Packing problem in O∗(2k)O^*(2^k) time, where kk is the number of items less or equal to one third of the bin capacity. This parameter measures the distance from the polynomially solvable case of only large (i.e., greater than one third) items. Our algorithm is actually designed to work for a more general Vector Bin Packing problem, in which items are multidimensional vectors. We improve over the previous fastest O∗(k!⋅4k)O^*(k! \cdot 4^k) time algorithm. Our algorithm works by reducing the problem to finding an exact weight perfect matching in a (multi-)graph with O∗(2k)O^*(2^k) edges, whose weights are integers of the order of O∗(2k)O^*(2^k). To solve the matching problem in the desired time, we give a variant of the classic Mulmuley-Vazirani-Vazirani algorithm with only a linear dependence on the edge weights and the number of edges, which may be of independent interest. Moreover, we give a tight lower bound, under the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH), showing that the constant 22 in the base of the exponent cannot be further improved for Vector Bin Packing. Our techniques also lead to improved algorithms for Vector Multiple Knapsack, Vector Bin Covering, and Perfect Matching with Hitting Constraints.Comment: ICALP 202