23 research outputs found

    Diagnostic moléculaire du Cytomégalovirus (CMV), de l’herpès virus humain de type 6 (HHV6) et d’Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) par PCR en temps réel chez les femmes enceintes VIH séropositives et séronégatives à Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

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    Introduction: les herpès virus EBV, CMV et HHV-6 sont des virus qui évoluent sous le modèle pandémique et sont responsables d’infections congénitales pouvant provoquer des séquelles graves chez les nouveau-nés. L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer les prévalences de CMV, EBV et HHV-6 chez les femmes enceintes VIH(+) et VIH(-) à Ouagadougou. Méthodes: dans cette étude 200 échantillons de plasma sanguin de femmes enceintes dont 100 femmes VIH(+) et 100 femmes VIH(-) ont été diagnostiqués par PCR multiplex en temps réel pour les trois infections (EBV, CMV et HHV-6). Résultats: sur l’ensemble des 200 échantillons analysés, 18 (9,0%) étaient positifs à au moins un des trois virus, 12 (6,0%) étaient positifs au EBV, 13 (6,5%) au CMV et 12 (6,0%) positifs au HHV-6. Parmi les 18 cas d’infections, nous avons trouvé 10 cas (55,6%) de coïnfections dont 90,0% (9/10) d’infection multiple EBV/CMV/HHV6 et 10,0% de coinfection EBV/HHV6. Le taux d’infection HHVs était plus élevé chez les femmes VIH(-) que celles VIH(+) (12,0% versus 6,0%). Parmi les VIH(+), la PCR a révélé 7,1% (soit 6/85) d’infection HHVs chez celles qui n’étaient pas sous ARV contre 0% chez celles sous ARV. Conclusion: les herpès virus sont fréquents chez les femmes enceintes au Burkina Faso et pourraient constituer une menace chez ces dernières à cause des complications et des risques d’infection pour le nouveau-né.The Pan African Medical Journal 2016;2

    Illegals abortions and utero-digestives lesions: retrospective study of 12 cases in the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the Treichville teaching hospital (Abidjan, Cote D’ivoire)

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    Background: Traumatic intestinal digestive damage after abortion by endo-uterine manoeuvres are not uncommon. The purpose of this study is to describe the diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic aspects of these lesions.Methods: This is a retrospective study of 3 years on patients with a uterine lesion associated with a digestive traumatic injury during illegal abortions endo-uterine manoeuvres.Results: 12 patients with a median age of 23, 9 are included. The clinical manifestations are not specific: impairment of the general condition 33.3%; hyperthermia 83.3% (or 10 cases); digestive disorders such as diarrhoea 25%, vomiting 33.3%; abdominal pain 100%; occlusive syndrome 16.7%; acute abdominal syndrome 75%. The seat of traumatic injuries is variable. The lesions were for hail alone in 4 cases (33.3%), colon alone for 2 cases (16.7%), rectum 1 case and epiploon 2 cases. In these 3 cases, the lesions were associated, sitting on both the hail and the colon at a time. All these lesions were associated with uterine perforation of variable siege. The therapeutic management consisted of a small bowel resection with ileostomy in 5 cases or 41.7%; colon resection with colostomy 3 cases or 25%; suture lesions after beveling beiges 5 cases either 41, 7 in 2 cases, we performed haemostasis on the bleeding epiploon. Treatment of the uterine lesion was conservative 75% of the time. The evolution on the 10 patients was favorable, 83.3%. Two patients died early in the operative course after septic shock.Conclusions: The digestive lesions are a factor aggravating the prognosis of post-abortion uterine manoeuvres. Their management must be rapid and requires close collaboration between the digestive surgeon and the Gynecologist

    Linkage between ACE2 Gene Polymorphisms and SARS-CoV-2 infection in Burkina Faso, sub-Saharan Africa

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    The ACE2 gene polymorphisms (rs143936283, rs146676783, and rs4646116) in infected and noninfected persons by SARS-CoV-2 in Burkina Faso. Our cross-sectional study population comprised 137 SARS-CoV-2 infected persons and 181 non-infected persons. Three ACE2 gene polymorphisms rs143936283, rs146676783, and rs4646116, were genotyped using the real-time PCR standard TaqMan allelic discrimination technique. The association between SARS-CoV-2 infection and the polymorphisms were evaluated by a binary logistic regression. There was no association between the polymorphisms rs143936283, rs4646116 haplotypes, and SARS-CoV-2 infection in our study population. However, in the female population, the heterozygous genotype CT of rs146676783 increased by two and half the risk (OR=2.58 95%CI (1.2-5.48), p= 0.014) of being infected by SARS-CoV-2. Additionally, carrying the homozygous minor allele (genotype TT) of rs146676783 increased by more than five and half the risk (OR=5.57 95%CI (1.64-18.78), p=0.006) of being infected by SARS-CoV-2 among females. This study showed that the ACE2 gene variant rs146676783 was associated with an increased risk of being infected by SARS-CoV-2 in females, suggesting a need for further investigation to contribute to a better understanding of the African COVID-19 enigma

    Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 drug resistance in a subset of mothers and their infants receiving antiretroviral treatment in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

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    The emergence of HIV-1 drug resistance (HIVDR) is a public health problem that affects women and children. Local data of HIVDR is critical to improving their care and treatment. So, we investigated HIVDR in mothers and infants receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) at Saint Camille Hospital of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. This study included 50 mothers and 50 infants on ART. CD4 and HIV-1 viral load were determined using FACSCount and Abbott m2000rt respectively. HIVDR was determined in patients with virologic failure using ViroSeq HIV-1 Genotyping System kit on the 3130 Genetic Analyzer. The median age was 37.28 years in mothers and 1.58 year in infants. Sequencing of samples showed subtypes CRF02_AG (55.56%), CRF06_cpx (33.33%) and G (11.11%). M184V was the most frequent and was associated with highlevel resistance to 3TC, FTC, and ABC. Other mutations such as T215F/Y, D67N/E, K70R, and K219Q were associated with intermediate resistance to TDF, AZT, and 3TC. No mutation to LPV/r was detected among mothers and infants. The findings of HIVDR in some mothers and infants suggested the change of treatment for these persons


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    Background/Objective: The receptors of natural killer cells "Killer Cell Immunoglobulin-Like Receptor" (KIR) regulate the activity of Natural killer cells in the innate response against viral infections. To date there is no accurate method to identify high risk groups for cirrhosis and HCC in Sub-Saharan Africa. Therefore, this investigation was undertaken to assess the association between KIR genes frequencies and chronic infection HBV infection in Burkina Faso’s population. Methods: Chronic HBV carriers and healthy patients were selected for this study. The viral load for HBV were performed to confirm the serological status for HBV of the studied cohort. In addition, SSP-PCR was used to characterize the frequencies of KIR genes. Results: The study suggested that inhibitory genes KIR2DL2, KIR2DL3 and activator gene KIR2DS2 (p˂0.001 for all and OR = 2.82; 2.48 and 3.84 respectively) might be associated with chronic stages of HBV infection.  While inhibitory genes KIR3DL1 (p = 0.0018 OR = 0.49), KIR3DL2 (p = 0.005 OR = 0.40), the activator gene KIR2DS1 (p = 0.014 OR = 0.47) and the pseudo gene KIR2DP1 (p = 0.011 OR = 0.49) could be associated with immunity against HBV infection. Patients who carried the KIR3DL2 gene had a high HBV viral load compared to the rest of the study population. Conclusion: Our data showed an evidence of correlation between the propensity of developing chronic HBV infection and certain KIR gene frequencies and that KIR3DL1, KIR3DL2, KIR2DS1 and KIR2DP1 might confer a protective status against chronic HBV infection in Burkina Faso’s patients

    Mutation du rapport au savoir dans un dispositif de formation au sein d’une communauté de pratique de gestion de projet : Cas du MOOC Gestion de Projet

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    The Information Communication and Knowledge Society (ICCS) is characterized by the knowledge economy in which learning becomes the engine of private, professional and organizational lives. The information and communication technologies (ICT) melting pot of such a society have made it possible to democratize access to knowledge so that online education, formerly an education modality, becomes a prominent asset for improving skills, particularly with the advent of massive open online courses (MOOC). Our thesis on these MOOCs assesses such a device in its ability to promote a new relationship to the learning activity with a view to increasing the skills of various audiences engaged in a virtual community or community of practice (CoP) in the sense of Etienne Wenger. Our manuscript got down to a posture of researcher-actor-involved in evaluating the relationship to knowledge in such a community by infiltrating it to flush out the structuring ones while sifting through the central tool of this community that is the MOOC Project management (MOOC GdP). The monographic study of the MOOC Gestion de projet and its online community highlights a change in attitude towards knowledge in a knowledge-based society, urging to improve employability through a proactive and agile attitude in its management of skills. At the end of this study, we show by an inductive approach that the MOOC GdP device can constitute a milestone promoting a proactive attitude coupled with community practices to lifelong learning (ATLV), a sine qua non condition for acquiring the metacompetence of learning to learn which is the basis of the learning society.La société de l’information, de la communication et de la connaissance (SICC) est caractérisée par l’économie du savoir dans laquelle apprendre devient moteur des vies sur le plan privé, professionnel et organisationnel. Les technologies de l’information et communication (TIC), creuset d’une telle société ont permis de démocratiser l’accès aux savoirs de sorte que l’éducation en ligne naguère une modalité d’éducation devient un atout proéminent pour monter en compétences notamment avec l’avènement des cours libres ouverts et massifs (CLOM) ou MOOC en anglais. Notre thèse ayant pour objet ces MOOC (Massive open online courses) évalue un tel dispositif dans sa capacité à favoriser un rapport nouveau à l’activité d’apprentissage dans une visée de montée en compétence de publics variés engagés au sein d’une communauté virtuelle ou communauté de pratique (CoP) dans le sens d’Etienne Wenger. Notre manuscrit s’est attelé dans une posture de chercheur-acteur-impliqué à évaluer le rapport au savoir dans une telle communauté en l’infiltrant pour en débusquer les structurants tout en passant au crible le dispositif central de cette communauté qu’est le MOOC Gestion de projet (MOOC GdP). L’étude monographique du MOOC Gestion de projet et sa communauté en ligne met en exergue un changement d’attitude face au savoir dans une société de connaissance enjoignant à améliorer l’employabilité à travers une attitude proactive et agile dans sa gestion de compétence. Au terme de cette étude, nous montrons par une approche inductive que le dispositif MOOC GdP peut constituer un jalon favorisant une attitude proactive couplé à des pratiques communautiques à un apprentissage tout au long de la vie (ATLV), condition sine qua none d’acquérir la metacompétence de l’apprendre à apprendre qui fonde la société apprenante

    Mutation of the relationship to knowledge in a knowledge mediation system within a project management community of practice : Case of the MOOC Gestion de projet

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    La société de l’information, de la communication et de la connaissance (SICC) est caractérisée par l’économie du savoir dans laquelle apprendre devient moteur des vies sur le plan privé, professionnel et organisationnel. Les technologies de l’information et communication (TIC), creuset d’une telle société ont permis de démocratiser l’accès aux savoirs de sorte que l’éducation en ligne naguère une modalité d’éducation devient un atout proéminent pour monter en compétences notamment avec l’avènement des cours libres ouverts et massifs (CLOM) ou MOOC en anglais. Notre thèse ayant pour objet ces MOOC (Massive open online courses) évalue un tel dispositif dans sa capacité à favoriser un rapport nouveau à l’activité d’apprentissage dans une visée de montée en compétence de publics variés engagés au sein d’une communauté virtuelle ou communauté de pratique (CoP) dans le sens d’Etienne Wenger. Notre manuscrit s’est attelé dans une posture de chercheur-acteur-impliqué à évaluer le rapport au savoir dans une telle communauté en l’infiltrant pour en débusquer les structurants tout en passant au crible le dispositif central de cette communauté qu’est le MOOC Gestion de projet (MOOC GdP). L’étude monographique du MOOC Gestion de projet et sa communauté en ligne met en exergue un changement d’attitude face au savoir dans une société de connaissance enjoignant à améliorer l’employabilité à travers une attitude proactive et agile dans sa gestion de compétence. Au terme de cette étude, nous montrons par une approche inductive que le dispositif MOOC GdP peut constituer un jalon favorisant une attitude proactive couplé à des pratiques communautiques à un apprentissage tout au long de la vie (ATLV), condition sine qua none d’acquérir la metacompétence de l’apprendre à apprendre qui fonde la société apprenante.The Information Communication and Knowledge Society (ICCS) is characterized by the knowledge economy in which learning becomes the engine of private, professional and organizational lives. The information and communication technologies (ICT) melting pot of such a society have made it possible to democratize access to knowledge so that online education, formerly an education modality, becomes a prominent asset for improving skills, particularly with the advent of massive open online courses (MOOC). Our thesis on these MOOCs assesses such a device in its ability to promote a new relationship to the learning activity with a view to increasing the skills of various audiences engaged in a virtual community or community of practice (CoP) in the sense of Etienne Wenger. Our manuscript got down to a posture of researcher-actor-involved in evaluating the relationship to knowledge in such a community by infiltrating it to flush out the structuring ones while sifting through the central tool of this community that is the MOOC Project management (MOOC GdP). The monographic study of the MOOC Gestion de projet and its online community highlights a change in attitude towards knowledge in a knowledge-based society, urging to improve employability through a proactive and agile attitude in its management of skills. At the end of this study, we show by an inductive approach that the MOOC GdP device can constitute a milestone promoting a proactive attitude coupled with community practices to lifelong learning (ATLV), a sine qua non condition for acquiring the metacompetence of learning to learn which is the basis of the learning society

    World Viral Hepatitis Day in Burkina Faso, 2020: awareness, prevention and hepatitis B vaccine to achieve the WHO eradication goal by 2030

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    Running title: Hepatitis B vaccine coverage in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Burkina Faso is located in a region where hepatitis B is endemic with low vaccination coverage. The aim of this study was to evaluate the vaccine coverage during Hepatitis B screening campaign organized by "SOS Hepatitis Burkina"in Ouagadougou in July 2020. A rapid HBsAg detection test (Abon Biopharma Guangzhou, Co., Ltd. China; sensitivity > 99.0%; specificity, 96.8%) was performed on 252 individuals who voluntarily agreed to participate in the study. This study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee of the Centre de recherche Biomoleculaire Pietro Annigoni (CERBA).We included 252 participants aged 2 to 77 years (mean age 31.77±14.07 and 29.67±13.71 for males and females, respectively). The prevalence of HBsAg was 18.25% (46/252) and was slightly high in the age groups 21-30 years (23.71%) and 31-40 years (23.73%). Out of 252 participants, 25 HBV-negative participants were vaccinated, giving a vaccination rate of 9.92%.This study reports a high prevalence of HBV infection in Burkina Faso with low vaccination coverage. The study suggests that more attention should be paid to HBV prevention in Burkina Fas

    Illegals abortions and utero-digestives lesions: retrospective study of 12 cases in the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the Treichville teaching hospital (Abidjan, Cote D’ivoire)

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    Background: Traumatic intestinal digestive damage after abortion by endo-uterine manoeuvres are not uncommon. The purpose of this study is to describe the diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic aspects of these lesions.Methods: This is a retrospective study of 3 years on patients with a uterine lesion associated with a digestive traumatic injury during illegal abortions endo-uterine manoeuvres.Results: 12 patients with a median age of 23, 9 are included. The clinical manifestations are not specific: impairment of the general condition 33.3%; hyperthermia 83.3% (or 10 cases); digestive disorders such as diarrhoea 25%, vomiting 33.3%; abdominal pain 100%; occlusive syndrome 16.7%; acute abdominal syndrome 75%. The seat of traumatic injuries is variable. The lesions were for hail alone in 4 cases (33.3%), colon alone for 2 cases (16.7%), rectum 1 case and epiploon 2 cases. In these 3 cases, the lesions were associated, sitting on both the hail and the colon at a time. All these lesions were associated with uterine perforation of variable siege. The therapeutic management consisted of a small bowel resection with ileostomy in 5 cases or 41.7%; colon resection with colostomy 3 cases or 25%; suture lesions after beveling beiges 5 cases either 41, 7 in 2 cases, we performed haemostasis on the bleeding epiploon. Treatment of the uterine lesion was conservative 75% of the time. The evolution on the 10 patients was favorable, 83.3%. Two patients died early in the operative course after septic shock.Conclusions: The digestive lesions are a factor aggravating the prognosis of post-abortion uterine manoeuvres. Their management must be rapid and requires close collaboration between the digestive surgeon and the Gynecologist