1,129 research outputs found

    A new look at nonnegativity on closed sets and polynomial optimization

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    We first show that a continuous function f is nonnegative on a closed set K⊆RnK\subseteq R^n if and only if (countably many) moment matrices of some signed measure dÎœ=fdÎŒd\nu =fd\mu with support equal to K, are all positive semidefinite (if KK is compact ÎŒ\mu is an arbitrary finite Borel measure with support equal to K. In particular, we obtain a convergent explicit hierarchy of semidefinite (outer) approximations with {\it no} lifting, of the cone of nonnegative polynomials of degree at most dd. Wen used in polynomial optimization on certain simple closed sets \K (like e.g., the whole space Rn\R^n, the positive orthant, a box, a simplex, or the vertices of the hypercube), it provides a nonincreasing sequence of upper bounds which converges to the global minimum by solving a hierarchy of semidefinite programs with only one variable. This convergent sequence of upper bounds complements the convergent sequence of lower bounds obtained by solving a hierarchy of semidefinite relaxations

    A discrete Farkas lemma

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    Given A∈Zm×nA\in \Z^{m\times n} and b∈Zmb\in\Z^m, we consider the issue of existence of a nonnegative integral solution x∈Nnx\in \N^n to the system of linear equations Ax=bAx=b. We provide a discrete and explicit analogue of the celebrated Farkas lemma for linear systems in Rn\R^n and prove that checking existence of integral solutions reduces to solving an explicit linear programming problem of fixed dimension, known in advance.Comment: 9 pages; ICCSA 2003 conference, Montreal, May 200

    Correction Bounds on measures satisfying moment conditions

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    The Annals of Applied Probability (2002) 12 1114-113

    A Positivstellensatz which Preserves the Coupling Pattern of Variables

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    We specialize Schm\"udgen's Positivstellensatz and its Putinar and Jacobi and Prestel refinement, to the case of a polynomial f∈R[X,Y]+R[Y,Z]f\in R[X,Y]+R[Y,Z], positive on a compact basic semi algebraic set KK described by polynomials in R[X,Y]R[X,Y] and R[Y,Z]R[Y,Z] only, or in R[X]R[X] and R[Y,Z]R[Y,Z] only (i.e. KK is a cartesian product). In particular, we show that the preordering P(g,h)P(g,h) (resp. quadratic module Q(g,h)Q(g,h)) generated by the polynomials {gj}⊂R[X,Y]\{g_j\}\subset R[X,Y] and {hk}⊂R[Y,Z]\{h_k\}\subset R[Y,Z] that describe KK, is replaced with P(g)+P(h)P(g)+P(h) (resp. Q(g)+Q(h)Q(g)+Q(h)), so that the absence of coupling between XX and ZZ is also preserved in the representation. A similar result applies with Krivine's Positivstellensatz involving the cone generated by {gj,hk}\{g_j,h_k\}.Comment: 11 page

    Certificates of convexity for basic semi-algebraic sets

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    We provide two certificates of convexity for arbitrary basic semi-algebraic sets of Rn\R^n. The first one is based on a necessary and sufficient condition whereas the second one is based on a sufficient (but simpler) condition only. Both certificates are obtained from any feasible solution of a related semidefinite program and so can be obtained numerically (however, up to machine precision).Comment: 6 pages; To appear in Applied Mathematics Letter
