46 research outputs found

    Analysis of the professional burnout syndrome in selected groups

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    The research was to analyze representations of burnout syndrome in four groups of professionals, including sex, age and susceptibility to stressful factors. The research was conducted out among: teachers, banks’ employees, building administration employees, employees of renovation and construction companies. The highest rate of stress was observed among teachers and bank employees, but connected to the national sector, because of increased contact with multitudinous people. The stressful factors that were encountered: burden of work, conflicts with co-workers and superiors. Low income, fear from being judged were predominant causes in cases of teachers and bank employees; family issues were a stressful factor in a teacher’s profession. The main components of burnout syndrome were distinguished among teachers and employees of renovation and construction companies between the age of 31-40 and bank employees and building administration employees between the age of 41-50

    Epidemiology of road traffic accidents in adults. A systematic review

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    Road accidents are a serious problem of the modern world. They are one of the main causes of injuries and are the third most numerous cause of death. Every year, about one million people, adults and children, die on the roads and several millions are injured. Mortality rate due to injuries from road accidents amounts to 2,2% of all deaths in the world.The research presents a mechanism of traffic accidents, pathophysiology of injury, partition of car accidents and characterized the insults of victims in various types of automobile accidents.Injuries resulting from road accidents have numerous substantial consequences as they are related with releasing large amounts of kinetic energy which must be absorbed. Kinetic energy absorbing is the basic mechanism of injury arising during road accidents.In apprising an automobile accident should take into consideration the type of the car accident and the extent of damage to the vehicle People participating in road accidents of high energy are especially endangered with substantial injuries. There is a close relationship between the rate of vehicle damages and seriousness of casualties' injuries

    Child abuse: will the doctor report?

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    The phenomenon of child abuse is a very important social issue, not only globally, but also in Poland. There is a silent consent in the Polish society for violence against children. The research presents the issues of the children abuse issue and forms. The most important are: physical abuse, mental abuse, sexual abuse and negligence. Also research presents the legal instruments governing the obligation to report cases of violence against children including medical confidentiality It is still necessary to sensitize the doctors, and especially the paediatricians about the abused child issues, as well as to educate and broaden knowledge in the scope of recognizing such phenomena. The doctors’ involvement and their will to act towards the social and legal direction, by helping the family and the child are also important. In the current situation, reporting of abuse cases and non-medical actions regarding this issue is mainly a moral and professional obligation of a doctor, coming mainly from the care about patient’s health

    Evacuation of victims in mass events and disasters

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    The tasks of health in mass events, disasters and emergency Situations ensue from the specific nature of each event, which determines the scale of the needs and difficulties needed to refrain. Emergency medical procedures at the mass event and disasters called the doctrine of conduct mass loss, requires a complete change in thinking and withdrawal from the Generally Accepted Principles of treatment From the efficient organization of the rescue operation depends on the success of the entire treatment process. The aid time and providing the victims of the accident to the hospital usually we decides about the fate of the victim. The article presents the medical rescue activities used during mass accidents and disasters and discusses the Principles of evacuation

    Tasks of the hospital emergency department during disasters

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    Hospital emergency departments with emergency medical teams are the basic units of the National Medical Rescue System. Hospital emergency department is an independent organizational unit within the meaning of the hospital health care facilities, providing the benefits of health care that persons in a state of sudden health threat, satisfying the Requirements of the Act of 8 September 2006 about the National Medical Rescue System. In research presents the procedure of dealing in the situation of a disaster of the hospital emergency department. Characterized in details the mobilization personnel system, the role of hospital emergency staff and hospital staff jobs in emergency department in the situation of disaster

    In Case of Emergency Card - support of the emergency services and victims on accident site as a part of the campaigns to improve road safety

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    Emergency medical services, police, firefighters and all others who provide first aid on-site emergency many times have hardness when they have to inform family or people related with victims. Some years ago italian medical rescuers suggest to mark some number in mobile phone in a special way to make contact with family easier. In the opinions of the Italian rescuers the best way to mark this number is to name it I.C.E. (In Case of Emergency). This kind of mark would make job of medical rescuers easier. More than one number in mobile phone should be called ICE1, ICE2, ICE3, etc. ICE begin in 2005 along the world. Its common in England, Italy, German. In Poland is popular from this year. I.C.E. is promoted by Polish Red Cross

    A early rehabilitation trial for ischemic stroke

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    An apoplectic stroke is an urgent state requiring conservative treatment and sometimes even operational. A patient should be rehabilitated from the very first days in hospital. The main aim of early rehabilitating is obtaining maximally possible movements efficiency of a patient, improvement of his or her communicating abilities and abilities of independent living. Early rehabilitation should also include prevention from complications resulting from patient's immobility. A rehabilitation program should be prepared individually for every patient. A patient after stroke should have psychological care provided which aim is to prevent from depression and abandonment that have influence on rehabilitation success. Apart from physicians and nurses who directly take care of a patient, also a rehabilitating multi-specialization team should take part in treatment. Such team should be composed of a physiotherapist, a logopedist, a clinical psychologist and an occupational therapis

    Targeting the hypoxia pathway in malignant plasma cells by using 17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) is characterized as a clonal expansion of malignant plasma cells in the bone marrow, which is often associated with pancytopenia and osteolytic bone disease. Interestingly, myeloma-infiltrated bone marrow is considered to be hypoxic, providing selection pressure for a developing tumour. Since HSP90 was shown to participate in stabilization of the subunit of the key transcription factor HIF-1, which controls the hypoxic response, the aim of this study was to investigate the influence of a HSP90 inhibitor 17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin (17-AAG), on MM cells cultured under low oxygenation conditions. We confirmed that 17-AAG inhibits hypoxic induction of the HIF-1 target genes in malignant plasma cells and demonstrate the concentration range of severe hypoxia-specific cytotoxicity. Next, we selected the malignant plasma cells under severe hypoxia/re-oxygenation culture conditions in the presence or absence of 17-AAG and subsequently, the cells which survived were further expanded and analyzed. Interestingly, we have noticed significant changes in the survival and the response to anti-MM drugs between the parental cell lines and those selected in cyclic severe hypoxia in the presence and absence of 17-AAG. Importantly, we also observed that the lack of oxygen itself, irrespectively of HIF-1 inhibition, is the main/pivotal factor driving the selection process in the experiments presented here

    Functional features of gene expression profiles differentiating gastrointestinal stromal tumours according to KIT mutations and expression

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs) represent a heterogeneous group of tumours of mesenchymal origin characterized by gain-of-function mutations in <it>KIT </it>or <it>PDGFRA </it>of the type III receptor tyrosine kinase family. Although mutations in either receptor are thought to drive an early oncogenic event through similar pathways, two previous studies reported the mutation-specific gene expression profiles. However, their further conclusions were rather discordant. To clarify the molecular characteristics of differentially expressed genes according to GIST receptor mutations, we combined microarray-based analysis with detailed functional annotations.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Total RNA was isolated from 29 frozen gastric GISTs and processed for hybridization on GENECHIP<sup>® </sup>HG-U133 Plus 2.0 microarrays (Affymetrix). <it>KIT </it>and <it>PDGFRA </it>were analyzed by sequencing, while related mRNA levels were analyzed by quantitative RT-PCR.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fifteen and eleven tumours possessed mutations in <it>KIT </it>and <it>PDGFRA</it>, respectively; no mutation was found in three tumours. Gene expression analysis identified no discriminative profiles associated with clinical or pathological parameters, even though expression of hundreds of genes differentiated tumour receptor mutation and expression status. Functional features of genes differentially expressed between the two groups of GISTs suggested alterations in angiogenesis and G-protein-related and calcium signalling.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our study has identified novel molecular elements likely to be involved in receptor-dependent GIST development and allowed confirmation of previously published results. These elements may be potential therapeutic targets and novel markers of <it>KIT </it>mutation status.</p

    Alcohol and the Risk of Railway Suicide

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    Suicide is one of the ten most common causes of death in the world. Of all deaths from suicide, 22% can be attributed to the use of alcohol, which means that every fifth suicide would not occur if alcohol were not consumed by the population. People under the influence of alcohol choose more radical and effective methods of dying by suicide, e.g., throwing themselves under a moving vehicle, such as a train. The presented analysis aimed to determine important risk factors affecting railway suicide in Poland and their relation to the state of alcohol intoxication of the victims, and the relationship between ethyl alcohol consumption and the phenomenon of suicide. Documentation obtained from the Department of Forensic Medicine at the Medical University of Warsaw, in the form of death registers and forensic medical records concerning examination and autopsy, was analyzed. This made it possible to identify suicide victims from among pedestrian victims of railway accidents recorded during the period under study. The research was carried out using unidimensional and multidimensional statistical analyses with IBM SPSS Statistics, version 25. Sober suicide victims were statistically significantly older than victims under the influence of alcohol; alcohol concentration was correlated with the age of the victims&mdash;the older the victims were, the higher the alcohol concentration. A significantly higher number of deaths attributed to suicide by sober victims was observed in autumn compared to other seasons. Multidimensional analysis showed a statistically significant effect of age and season on the probability of dying by suicide under the influence of alcohol&mdash;this probability decreases with the age of the victims and is also significantly lower in autumn. The observed relationship between age and the presence of alcohol in suicide victims can be the cause of railway suicides. Knowledge of the mechanisms of seasonal variability of suicidal behavior can help to develop effective strategies to prevent railway suicides. It is necessary to improve the system of reporting railway suicides, as only reliable statistics provide the possibility of assessing both the scale of the problem and the effectiveness of actions taken