7 research outputs found

    On the role of entanglement in the formation and stability of composite bosons

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    Wydzia艂 FizykiBozony z艂o偶one to uk艂ady wielocia艂owe powsta艂e z wielu podstawowych bozon贸w lub z parzystej liczby podstawowych fermion贸w. W ostatnich czasach zasugerowano, 偶e wielko艣ci膮 odpowiedzialn膮 za bozonow膮 w艂asno艣膰 najprostrzych uk艂ad贸w tego typu jest spl膮tanie kwantowe. Ten pomys艂 zapocz膮tkowa艂 nowy kierunek bada艅: analiz臋 w艂asno艣ci cz膮stek z艂o偶onych w j臋zyku teorii informacji kwantowej. Poka偶emy, 偶e w szczeg贸lnych przypadkach, dwa spl膮tane fermiony mog膮 wykazywa膰 bozonowe w艂a艣ciwo艣ci nawet je艣li znajduj膮 si臋 w dw贸ch odleg艂ych miejscach. Zaproponujemy metod臋 pozwalaj膮c膮 na przekszta艂cenie stanu dw贸ch par spl膮tanych fermion贸w w dwucz膮stkowy bozonowy stan Foka. Nast臋pnie poka偶emy, 偶e czasami spl膮tanie mo偶e zapewni膰 stabilno艣膰 cz膮stki z艂o偶onej. W tym przypadku dynamika nieodzia艂uj膮cej pary spl膮tanych cz膮stek przypomina dynamik臋 dw贸ch oddzia艂uj膮cych cz膮stek. Ponadto, zbadamy mo偶liwe przyczyny ogranicze艅 wp艂ywu spl膮tania na zachowanie si臋 cz膮stek z艂o偶onych. Zasada braku sygnalizowania odgrywa tutaj kluczow膮 rol臋, co sugeruje, 偶e oddzia艂ywanie mi臋dzy cz膮stkami mo偶e by膰 czasem niezb臋dne. Ponadto, zaproponuj臋 metod臋 badania bozonowej w艂asno艣ci wielocz膮stkowych uk艂ad贸w fermionowych, kt贸ra jest oparta na spl膮taniu wielocia艂owym. Ta metoda zostanie u偶yta do zbadania bozonowo艣ci stanu podstawowego rozszerzonego modelu Hubbarda w sytuacji kiedy si艂a oddzia艂ywa艅 pomi臋dzy cz膮stkami ro艣nie.Composite bosons are many-body systems made of many elementary bosons, or an even number of elementary fermions. Recently, it was suggested that quantum entanglement can be understood as the origin of the bosonic character of the simplest systems of this type. This idea motivated a new direction of research: quantum information oriented study of composite particles. We show that, in some special situations, two entangled fermions can exhibit bosonic behaviour while being specially separated. We propose a nonlocal scheme that leads two pairs of entangled fermions to form an analogue of a two-partite bosonic Fock state. Also, we show that in some situations entanglement can provide stability for a composite particle. In this case, the interaction-free dynamics of an entangled bipartite system appear to mimic the behaviour of two interacting particles. In addition, we discuss the possible reasons that can limit the influence of entanglement on the behaviour of composite particles. The no-signalling condition seems to play a crucial role, which suggests that interactions in some situations become necessary. Moreover, I present an entanglement-based method to study the bosonic quality of fermionic multipartite systems. Using this method, I examine the bosonic quality of the ground state of the extended one-dimensional Hubbard model while tuning the strength of interactions

    Nonlocal bunching of composite bosons

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    Sculpting bosonic states with arithmetic subtractions

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    Continuous-variable (CV) encoding allows information to be processed compactly and efficiently on quantum processors. Recently developed techniques such as controlled beam-splitter operations and the near deterministic phonon subtractions make trapped ion systems attractive for exploring CV quantum computing. Here we propose a probabilistic scheme based on the boson sculpting technique for generating multipartite highly entangled states of motional modes of trapped ion systems. We also investigate the effects of decoherence on the fidelity of the generated state by performing numerical simulations with realistic noise parameters. Our work is a step towards generating multipartite CV entanglement