37 research outputs found

    Magnetic resonance spectral characterization of diffusion with chemical shift resolution

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    We present a modulated gradient spin-echo method (MGSE), which uses a train of sinusoidally shaped gradient pulses separated by 180-degree RF pulses. The RF pulses efficiently refocus chemical shifts and de-phasing due to susceptibility differences, resulting in undistorted, high-resolution diffusion weighted spectra. This allows for simultaneous spectral characterization of diffusion of several molecular components with different chemical shifts. Feasibility of the technique is demonstrated by following the diffusion of water, oil, and water-soluble salt in a highly concentrated water-in-oil emulsion

    Investigations of vesicle gels by pulsed and modulated gradient NMR diffusion techniques

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugĂ€nglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Vesicle gels are surfactant systems that form stiff gels with rather low amounts of surfactant. So far their structures have mostly been investigated using scattering techniques, which are generally appropriate for the study of structures on the nm-length-scale. Here we examine these gels using two complementary diffusion NMR techniques, which are both sensitive to structures on the ÎŒm-scale. The presented results imply structural features on the ÎŒm-scale, indicating a more complex structure than just that of densely packed small vesicles, as previously found for these systems. It is demonstrated that a combination of the diffusion NMR methods, described here, can provide useful insights, when morphological features extend over a wide range of length scales

    Quantification of microscopic diffusion anisotropy disentangles effects of orientation dispersion from microstructure: Applications in healthy volunteers and in brain tumors

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    AbstractThe anisotropy of water diffusion in brain tissue is affected by both disease and development. This change can be detected using diffusion MRI and is often quantified by the fractional anisotropy (FA) derived from diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Although FA is sensitive to anisotropic cell structures, such as axons, it is also sensitive to their orientation dispersion. This is a major limitation to the use of FA as a biomarker for “tissue integrity”, especially in regions of complex microarchitecture. In this work, we seek to circumvent this limitation by disentangling the effects of microscopic diffusion anisotropy from the orientation dispersion.The microscopic fractional anisotropy (ÎŒFA) and the order parameter (OP) were calculated from the contrast between signal prepared with directional and isotropic diffusion encoding, where the latter was achieved by magic angle spinning of the q-vector (qMAS). These parameters were quantified in healthy volunteers and in two patients; one patient with meningioma and one with glioblastoma. Finally, we used simulations to elucidate the relation between FA and ÎŒFA in various micro-architectures.Generally, ÎŒFA was high in the white matter and low in the gray matter. In the white matter, the largest differences between ÎŒFA and FA were found in crossing white matter and in interfaces between large white matter tracts, where ÎŒFA was high while FA was low. Both tumor types exhibited a low FA, in contrast to the ÎŒFA which was high in the meningioma and low in the glioblastoma, indicating that the meningioma contained disordered anisotropic structures, while the glioblastoma did not. This interpretation was confirmed by histological examination.We conclude that FA from DTI reflects both the amount of diffusion anisotropy and orientation dispersion. We suggest that the ÎŒFA and OP may complement FA by independently quantifying the microscopic anisotropy and the level of orientation coherence

    Filter exchange imaging with crusher gradient modelling detects increased blood–brain barrier water permeability in response to mild lung infection

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    Blood–brain barrier (BBB) dysfunction occurs in many brain diseases, and there is increasing evidence to suggest that it is an early process in dementia which may be exacerbated by peripheral infection. Filter-exchange imaging (FEXI) is an MRI technique for measuring trans-membrane water exchange. FEXI data is typically analysed using the apparent exchange rate (AXR) model, yielding estimates of the AXR. Crusher gradients are commonly used to remove unwanted coherence pathways arising from longitudinal storage pulses during the mixing period. We first demonstrate that when using thin slices, as is needed for imaging the rodent brain, crusher gradients result in underestimation of the AXR. To address this, we propose an extended crusher-compensated exchange rate (CCXR) model to account for diffusion-weighting introduced by the crusher gradients, which is able to recover ground truth values of BBB water exchange (kin) in simulated data. When applied to the rat brain, kin estimates obtained using the CCXR model were 3.10 s−1 and 3.49 s−1 compared to AXR estimates of 1.24 s−1 and 0.49 s−1 for slice thicknesses of 4.0 mm and 2.5 mm respectively. We then validated our approach using a clinically relevant Streptococcus pneumoniae lung infection. We observed a significant 70 ± 10% increase in BBB water exchange in rats during active infection (kin = 3.78 ± 0.42 s−1) compared to before infection (kin = 2.72 ± 0.30 s−1; p = 0.02). The BBB water exchange rate during infection was associated with higher levels of plasma von Willebrand factor (VWF), a marker of acute vascular inflammation. We also observed 42% higher expression of perivascular aquaporin-4 (AQP4) in infected animals compared to non-infected controls, while levels of tight junction proteins remain consistent between groups. In summary, we propose a modelling approach for FEXI data which removes the bias in estimated water-exchange rates associated with the use of crusher gradients. Using this approach, we demonstrate the impact of peripheral infection on BBB water exchange, which appears to be mediated by endothelial dysfunction and associated with an increase in perivascular AQP4

    Magnetic resonance spectral characterization of diffusion with chemical shift resolution

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    We present a modulated gradient spin-echo method (MGSE), which uses a train of sinusoidally shaped gradient pulses separated by 180-degree RF pulses. The RF pulses efficiently refocus chemical shifts and de-phasing due to susceptibility differences, resulting in undistorted, high-resolution diffusion weighted spectra. This allows for simultaneous spectral characterization of diffusion of several molecular components with different chemical shifts. Feasibility of the technique is demonstrated by following the diffusion of water, oil, and water-soluble salt in a highly concentrated water-in-oil emulsion

    Magnetic resonance spectral characterization of diffusion with chemical shift resolution

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    We present a modulated gradient spin-echo method (MGSE), which uses a train of sinusoidally shaped gradient pulses separated by 180-degree RF pulses. The RF pulses efficiently refocus chemical shifts and de-phasing due to susceptibility differences, resulting in undistorted, high-resolution diffusion weighted spectra. This allows for simultaneous spectral characterization of diffusion of several molecular components with different chemical shifts. Feasibility of the technique is demonstrated by following the diffusion of water, oil, and water-soluble salt in a highly concentrated water-in-oil emulsion