12 research outputs found

    Evaluation of grain yield performance and its stability in various spring barley accessions under condition of different agroclimatic zones of Ukraine

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    Two extremely urgent problems of biological and agronomic research nowadays are ensuring an optimal balance between usage of natural resources to meet rapidly growing needs for food production and preservation of biodiversity. It is also important to extend the genetic diversity of the main crop varieties in agroecosystems. At the same time, modern varieties should be characterized by a combination of high yield and preserving yield stability under variable conditions. Solving the outlined tasks requires comprehensive research and involvement in breeding process of the genetical diversity concentrated in genebanks of the world. Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is one of the most important crops that satisfy the various needs of humanity. In respect to this, in 2020–2022, a multi-environment trial was conducted in three agroclimatic zones of Ukraine (Forest-Steppe, Polissia, and Northern Steppe). We studied 44 spring barley collection accessions of different ecological and geographical origin, different subspecies and groups of botanical varieties which were obtained from the National Center for Plant Genetic Resources of Ukraine. Statistical indices (Hom, Sc) and graphical models (GGE biplot, AMMI) were used to interpret the yield performance and its stability. Both individual ecological sites in different years and combinations of different sites and years of trials were characterized for productivity, discriminating power and representativeness. The environments differed quite strongly among themselves in terms of these indicators. It was established that most of the genotypes were characterized by higher adaptability to individual environmental conditions (stability in different years), compared to adaptability for all agroclimatic zones (wide adaptation). A strong cross-over genotype by environment interaction was found for most studied accessions. Nevertheless, both genotypes with very high stability in only one agroclimatic zone (Amil (UKR), Gateway (CAN)) and genotypes with a combination of high adaptability to one or two ecological niches and relatively higher wide adaptability (Stymul (UKR), Ly-1064 (UKR), Rannij (KAZ), Shedevr (UKR), and Arthur (CZE)) were identified. There were also the accessions which did not show maximum performance in the individual sites, but had relatively higher wide adaptability (Ly-1059 (UKR), Ly-1120 (UKR), Diantus (UKR), and Danielle (CZE)). In general, the naked barley genotypes were inferior to the covered ones in terms of yield potential and wide adaptability, but at the same time, some of them (CDC ExPlus (CAN), CDC Gainer (CAN), and Roseland (CAN)), accordingly to the statistical indicators, had increased stability in certain ecological sites. Among naked barley accessions relatively better wide adaptability according to the graphical analysis was found in the accession CDC McGwire (CAN), and by the statistical parameters CDC ExPlus (CAN) was better than standard. The peculiarities of yield manifestation and its variability in different spring barley genotypes in the multi-environment trial revealed in this study will contribute to the complementation and deepening of existing data in terms of the genotype by environment interaction. Our results can be used in further studies for developing spring barley variety models both with specific and wide adaptation under conditions of different agroclimatic zones of Ukraine. The disitnguished accessions of different origin and botanical affiliation are recommended for creating a new breeding material with the aim of simultaneously increasing yield potential and stability, as well as widening the genetic basis of spring barley varieties

    Instrumentation to measure internal surfaces body parts

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    Наведено різні конструкції контрольно-вимірювальних приладів для заміру внутрішніх кільцевих канавок і поверхонь корпусних деталей машин. Виведено аналітичні залежності для визначення конструктивних параметрів внутрішніх поверхонь і кільцевих канавок корпусних деталей машин. Наведено методику визначення точності контрольних пристроїв, розрахунку й аналізу їх похибок.Given different design of instrumentation for measuring the internal ring grooves and surfaces of cabinet of machine parts. Displaying analytical dependences for determination of structural parameters and internal surfaces of annular grooves case of machine parts. The above method of determining the accuracy of control devices, calculation and analysis of their errors

    The transformation of the higher education system in Ukraine: proposals and perspectives

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    Монографія рекомендована до друку вченою радою СумДУ Протокол № 5 від 17.11.2022Економічні успіхи розвинених країн, як показує практика, досягаються завдяки розвитку освіти та наукових досліджень, які швидко освоюються. Освіту людей можна розглядати як ефективний фактор економічного зростання. Водночас це найважливіша складова людського капіталу, який акумулюється в суспільстві і стає основним економічним ресурсом. Проте її довгостроковий розвиток потребує державної підтримки. Досвід надання державної підтримки та розвитку освіти в передових країнах світу може бути корисним для України, яка потребує реформування системи освіти та побудови інноваційної економіки. Але тут потрібно чітко уявляти собі проблеми, які виникнуть, і шукати шляхи їх вирішення. Вирішення проблем освітнього простору наразі ускладнено повномасштабною війною та пандемічним станом, за якого COVID-19 отримав постійну «прописку» у сучасному світі. Актуальність дослідження визначається зростанням проблем в освіті, зумовлених зовнішніми та внутрішніми факторами, важливістю забезпечення якісної освіти на всіх рівнях та підтримки міжвузівської співпраці. Російська військова агресія, часткове знищення навчального фонду, велика кількість переселенців та багатогодинні відключення електроенергії унеможливлюють процес якісної ініціації, як наживо, так і онлайн. Ця монографія покликана акцентувати увагу на складних і, водночас, важливих викликах освітнього середовища, які, у свою чергу, можуть змінити майбутнє нашої країни.Экономический успех развитых стран, как показывает практика, достигается за счет развития образования и научных исследований, которые быстро осваиваются. Образование людей можно рассматривать как действенный фактор экономического роста. В то же время это важнейшая составляющая человеческого капитала, которая накапливается в обществе и становится основным экономическим ресурсом. Однако его долгосрочное развитие требует государственной поддержки. Опыт государственной поддержки и развития образования в передовых странах мира может быть полезен для Украины, которая нуждается в реформировании системы образования и построении инновационной экономики. Но здесь нужно четко представлять проблемы, которые возникнут, и находить пути их решения. Решение проблем образовательного пространства в настоящее время осложнено полномасштабной войной и состоянием пандемии, при котором COVID-19 получил постоянную «прописку» в современном мире. Актуальность исследования определяется ростом количества проблем в образовании, вызванных внешними и внутренними факторами, важностью обеспечения качественного образования на всех уровнях и поддержки межвузовского сотрудничества. Российская военная агрессия, частичное уничтожение образовательного фонда, большое количество мигрантов и многочасовые отключения электроэнергии делают невозможным процесс качественной инициации как вживую, так и онлайн. Данная монография призвана акцентировать внимание на сложных и в то же время важных задачах образовательной среды, которые, в свою очередь, могут изменить будущее нашей страны.The economic success of developed countries, as practice shows, is achieved due to the development of education and scientific research, which are quickly mastered. Education of people can be considered as an effective factor of economic growth. At the same time, it is the most important component of human capital, which accumulates in society and becomes the main economic resource. However, its long-term development requires state support. The experience of providing state support and development of education in advanced countries of the world can be useful for Ukraine, which needs to reform the education system and build an innovative economy. But here you need to clearly imagine the problems that will arise and find ways to solve them. Solutions to the problems of the educational space are currently complicated by a full-scale war and the pandemic state, under which COVID-19 has received a permanent "registration" in the modern world. The relevance of the study is determined by the growing number of problems in education caused by external and internal factors, the importance of ensuring quality education at all levels and supporting inter-university cooperation. Russian military aggression, the partial destruction of the educational fund, a large number of migrants and many hours of power outages make the process of qualitative initiation impossible, both live and online. This monograph is designed to focus attention on complex and, at the same time, important challenges of the educational environment, which, in turn, can change the future of our country

    Evaluation of breeding material on the basis of morphological and cytological characteristics of the reproductive organs of plants of the genus Miscanthus

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    Purpose. To study in vitro the morphological and cytological characteristics of anthers, pollen and pistils of plants of the genus Miscanthus. Methods. Preparations of pistils, unpollinated seed buds, anthers and pollen, unstained or stained with a solution of carmine (2%) in acetic acid (45%) or methylene blue solution, were examined by light microscopy. Measurements for plants of different Miscanthus species, as well as counting the number of pollen of different diameters, were made in ten replicates. Results. The morphological and cytological characteristics of the reproductive organs of M. sinensis, M. sacchariflorus and M. giganteus species were studied. It was found that the flower of this plant is monoecious, containing both stamens and a pistil. The color of the anthers is yellow or pinkish-yellow, their tissues consist of elongated cells 70–100 µm long. The pistil has a two-column ovary with long (2.0–2.8 mm) pinnate stigmas which vary in color from white to bright pink. The shape of the pistil feather is moderately branched; length – 160–300 µm; width – 20–30 µm; alternate position; the number of small branches is 10–15 pcs. The pollen of different Miscanthus species differ in qualitative and quantitative characteristics, in particular in M. sinensis and M. sacchariflorus it is characterized by a rounded shape, evenness and uniformity (43–48 µm in diameter), whereas in M. giganteus it is more heterogeneous in size (23–45 µm in diameter). The pollen has a rounded, decorated pore with a diameter of 2.7–4.0 µm. Conclusions. According to the results of the conducted research, the morphological and cytological characteristics of the reproductive organs of M. sinensis, M. sacchariflorus and M. giganteus, namely: pistils, anthers and pollen, were provided. The data obtained should be taken into account in future breeding for the production of di- and triploid Miscanthus hybrids