124 research outputs found

    PP-040 Amniotic fluid biochemical and immunological parameters of pregnant women with cytomegalovirus infection

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    Pyrazinamide Effects on Cartilage Type II Collagen Amino Acid Composition

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    Introduction. Current therapeutic regimens with first-line antitubercular agents are associated to a high rate of adverse effects which could cause pronounced changes in collagen's contents and structure. Investigation of these changes is very important for optimization of antitubercular therapy and minimization of treatment-caused harm. The aim of present paper was to investigate potential effect of pyrazinamide on male rats' cartilage type II collagen amino acid composition. Materials and Methods. Wistar albino male rats (160–200 g b.w.) were divided into three groups: I—received pyrazinamide per os at a dose of 1000 mg/kg b.w./day; II—at a dose of 2000 mg/kg b.w./day, in both groups it was given for 60 days; III—control. After 60 days of the experiment, rats of the experimental (groups I and II) and control groups were sacrificed and the amino acids contents of male rat cartilage type II collagens were determined using amino acid analyzer. Results and Discussion. The study of pyrazinamide effects (administered in different doses) on rat cartilage type II collagen amino acid contents demonstrated presence of dose-dependent pyrazinamide-mediated quantitative and qualitative changes in these rat extracellular matrix proteins in comparison with control

    Communicative Methods of Forming Professional Competences of Future Foreign Specialists During Distance Learning of Ukrainian Language in HEIs

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    The COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's military aggression against Ukraine have surely influenced the intensive development of distance learning and showed the difficulties that occurred during the educational process, especially for foreign students. Under such conditions, the use of the latest means of teaching the Ukrainian language has become one of the main priorities for the training of future foreign specialists in higher education institutions. The purpose of the work is to analyze and identify effective methods that will develop communicative abilities of foreign students in the process of learning Ukrainian. During the study, video materials, dictionaries and color schemes were used, and the survey was conducted with second and third year students. The results of the research showed that introducing students to the cultural heritage of Ukraine before the direct study of the language increased their motivation and desire to learn Ukrainian. In addition, due to the use of role/business games and video materials in stages in accordance with their specialization, there was an increase in vocabulary, as indicated by high rates of listening. In case of problems with the perception of information and its adequate understanding (reception), mnemonics were used, which included non-verbal sign language or the principle of situationality. The study also showed that most students have difficulties with learning grammar. Therefore, the method of color schemes was used, which helped to focus on the exceptions and rules with a certain color. The methodology proposed by the authors was used in the study of cases of noun and adjective. At the same time, students independently chose colors and made an association with the concept indicated by the teacher. In addition, during the work it was advisable to use dictionaries, in particular, to search for words of foreign origin, which greatly influenced the process of proper understanding of the educational material by foreigners. The results show positive changes for effective, high-quality and fast learning of Ukrainian language by foreigners

    Losartan effects on liver cytochromes CYP3A, CYP2C and CYP2E1 functioning at metabolic syndrome in young and adult rats

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    CYP450-dependent interactions and toxicological consequences of hypoglycemic and antihypertensivedrugs used in treatment of children with metabolic syndrome (MS) remained unclear. Our aim was to carryout a complex estimation of metabolic syndrome and losartan mediated changes in CYP3A, CYP2C, CYP2E1mRNA expression, corresponding marker enzymes activities, liver antioxidant system and lipid peroxidationparameters of adult and pubertal rats. Wistar albino male rats of two age categories (young animals of 21days age (50–70 g) and adults (160–180 g) were divided into 6 groups (6 animals in each): 1 – Control 1(intact young rats); 2 – Control 2 (intact adult rats); 3 –young rats with MS; 4 – adult rats with MS; 5 – youngrats with MS+losartan; 6 – adult rats with MS+ losartan. The metabolic syndrome model was inducedby full replacement of drinking water with 20% fructose solution (200 g/l). After 60 days of MS modeling,investigation of rat liver CYP3A, CYP2C, CYP2E1 mRNA expression, their marker enzymes activities, lipidperoxidation parameters were carried out. Losartan administration caused increase of CYP3A, CYP2Cand CYP2E1 mRNA expression rates in both age groups. Marker enzymes, glutathione transferase andreductase rates were normalized only in adult rats. In group of pubertal animals losartan administration ledto CYP3A and CYP2C marker enzymes activities normalization. Liver reduced glutathione contents remaineddecreased in both age groups. Thus, losartan demonstrates some age-dependent effectiveness towardsnormalization of CYP450 isoforms expression rates, p-nitrophenol hydroxylase, erythromycin-N-demethylaseand diclofenac hydroxylase activities, but not glutathione system and lipid peroxidation rates


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    Rusk and ring-shaped bakery products relate to the group of long-stored ones. For today it is urgent to use ingredients that give products functional properties in food technologies. The important source of food fibers, full-value protein, unsaturated fatty acids, mineral substances and vitamins are grain and oil-bearing crops. Buckwheat and flax seeds are separated among them due to the valuable chemical composition and positive effect on the human organism. The aim of the work was to establish the influence of buckwheat flour and flax seeds on the technological process course and quality of long-stored bakery products. Buckwheat flour of green and dark buckwheat of TM “Organic-Eco-Product” (Ukraine) is used in the rusk technology. For producing ring-shaped products (ring-shaped crackers), gold flax seeds were used. Research results testify that good quality parameters of bread for producing rusks from it, were achieved at dosing green buckwheat seeds as 20 % and dark ones as 15 % instead of the flour mass. It has been established, that rusks with adding green buckwheat flour have quality parameters, corresponding to requirements of normative documents. It has been proven, that it is not expedient to use dark buckwheat flour in the rusk technology, because ready products have the increased water share and soaking index. It is connected with the influence of the operation of hydrothermal processing of grains that dark buckwheat flour is produced of, its high water-absorbing and water-retaining capacities. For the technology of ring-shaped crackers, enriched with flax seeds, it is recommended to dose flax seeds as 15 % of the flour mass. At such dosage bakery products got the highest number of points by the complex quality parameter and corresponded to requirements of normative documents

    Кореляційно-регресійний аналіз розмірно-масових параметрів насіння плодових кісточкових культур

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    У роботі наведено результати аналізу розмірно- масових параметрів насіння плодових кісточкових культур, визначено коефіцієнти кореляції між параметрами кісточок та встановлені регресійні моделі їх взаємозалежносте

    Цифрові інструменти системи контролю в електронному бізнесі

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    Мета роботи: обговорення переваг та недоліків різних цифрових інструментів системи контролю в Е-бізнесі. Метод дослідження: використано загальнонаукові та спеціальні методи дослідження, метод експертних оцінок. Практична цінність дослідження: систематизовані: інструменти моніторингу та аналізу відвідуваності сайту, аналізу змісту сайту, збору та аналізу поведінкових даних користувачів, електронного контролю документообігу та транзакцій, автоматизованого контролю фінансової звітності тощо. Ці інструменти дозволяють контролювати різні аспекти електронного бізнесу та виявляти можливі порушення в роботі бізнесу. Цінність дослідження: виділяються проблемні питання: (1) яким чином інструментами цифрового контролю можна забезпечувати впровадження інноваційних рішень та стратегій, зокрема, залучати та зберігати клієнтів, аналізувати ринок та конкурентну ситуацію, а також робити більш точні прогнози попиту на товари і послуги; (2) якими інструментами цифрового контролю можна додатково зменшувати витрати на зберігання та управління запасами, що може дозволити підприємствам знизити витрати та підвищити ефективність управління ланцюгом постачання. Тип статті: теоретична

    Аналіз конструкцій решіт для сортування різних матеріалів

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    У статті наведено аналіз конструкцій решіт для сортування різних матеріалів. Розроблено класифікацію решіт, та визначено конструкцію решета, що буде використано для калібрування насіння плодових кісточкових культу

    Effects of Metformin and Preparations With Pleiotropic Effects on Testicular Biochemical Indices of Rats With Juvenile-Onset Metabolic Syndrome

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    Background. Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a complex of disorders characterized by abdominal obesity, insulin resistance and glucose tolerance, arterial hypertension, and all types of metabolic disorders. Taking into account the wide range of symptoms accompanying MS, the use of preparations with pleiotropic effects on metabolic processes in the body could be promising for its treatment. Objective. The aim of this study is comparative estimation of metformin or its combination with vitamins' complex or liposomal preparation treatment effects on DNA, RNA, histones, ATP, ADP, AMP contents, and DNA fragmentation processes in testes of rats with MS induced in juvenile age. Methods. MS model was induced by full replacement of drinking water with 10% fructose solution in Wistar male rats of 21–23 days age (50–70 g). DNA, RNA, histones, ATP, ADP, AMP contents, and DNA fragmentation processes investigations were carried out after 60 days of MS modeling and metformin or its combination with vitamins' complex or liposomal preparation treatment. Results. In experiments with pubertal rats with MS and metformin or its combination vitamins' complex or liposomal preparation treatment, we established partially corrective effects of these medications for DNA, RNA, histones, ATP, ADP, AMP contents, and DNA fragmentation processes changes caused by MS development. Conclusions. A comparative analysis of the studied preparations' effects under MS simulation in the juvenile age showed that none of these drugs was able to completely normalize the disorders in studied indicators caused by MS. However, both combinations of metformin with vitamins' complex or liposomal preparation were still more effective in these negative changes' correction then metformin itself. Metformin with vitamins' complex caused a more pronounced influence on the processes of DNA fragmentation, the levels of adenyl nucleotides, and the energy charge of rat testicular cells, while the corrective effect of metformin with liposomal preparation was more noticeable with respect to the content of chromatin components

    Дослідження форми і розмірів отворів решіт для калібрування посівного матеріалу плодових кісточкових культур

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    Наведено результати пошукових досліджень процесу калібрування насіння плодових кісточкових культур. Отримано значення вихідних параметрів, що будуть використані при розробці макетного зразка установки для калібрування насіння плодових кісточкових культу