3,845 research outputs found

    Minority Economic Development: The Problem of Business Failures

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    Inflammatory pseudotumour is a rare condition that can affect various organs. The clinical and histologic appearance of the pseudotumour may mimic haematological, lymphoproliferative, paraneoplastic or malignant processes. A previously healthy 39-year-old man presented with nephrotic syndrome. He had a history of headaches, nausea and swollen ankles. Computed tomography of the abdomen revealed a 6-cm mass in the spleen. Following a renal biopsy, a diagnosis of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN) type I was made. Splenectomy was performed and the examination revealed a mixed population of lymphocytes with predominantly T-cells, B-cells and lymphoplasmacytoid cells. Immunostaining confirmed that the small cells were mostly T-cells positive for all T-cell markers including CD2, CD3, CD4, CD5, CD7 and CD8. A diagnosis of inflammatory pseudotumour was established. The removal of the spleen was followed by remission of glomerulonephritis, but it was complicated by a subphrenic abscess and pneumonia. This association between an inflammatory pseudotumour of the spleen and MPGN has not been previously described. Abnormal immune response due to the inflammation leading to secondary glomerulonephritis might be the main pathogenic mechanism

    Survey of damage mechanisms on PVD coated HSS hobs used in Swedish gear manufacturing industry

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    Gear hobbing is widely used for production of cylindrical gears in the Swedish transmission industry. The hob, usually consisting of a homogenous HSS (High Speed Steel) body coated with a ceramic PVD (Physical Vapour Deposition) coating, is designed for regrinding and recoating several times without affecting its cutting geometries. Efficient usage of the tool, considering production costs and gear quality, requires reconditioning before wear starts to affect the gear quality negatively and certainly before tool wear renders reconditioning impossible. Hobs of today generally lack in reliability, making it difficult to judge when they have to be taken out for reconditioning. This work presents a survey of wear as observed on today’s state of the art hobs used by Swedish gear manufactures. It aims to identify damage mechanisms and the common problems in order to enable future production of more reliable hobs. The tools were temporarily borrowed from the production and the analyses were made non-destructively using optical microscopes. This was complemented by destructive cross- sectional analysis on two of the hobs.  Wear was most commonly located on the rake faces and the cutting edges of the cutting teeth. It mainly propagates by discrete fractures which appear to originate at local defects in the coating or at the interface. High intrinsic stress in the coating likely promotes coating spallation and accelerates the wear of the cutting edge

    Visualization, Exploration and Data Analysis of Complex Astrophysical Data

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    In this paper we show how advanced visualization tools can help the researcher in investigating and extracting information from data. The focus is on VisIVO, a novel open source graphics application, which blends high performance multidimensional visualization techniques and up-to-date technologies to cooperate with other applications and to access remote, distributed data archives. VisIVO supports the standards defined by the International Virtual Observatory Alliance in order to make it interoperable with VO data repositories. The paper describes the basic technical details and features of the software and it dedicates a large section to show how VisIVO can be used in several scientific cases.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figures, accepted by PAS

    An M-theory solution generating technique and SL(2,R)

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    In this paper we generalize the O(p+1,p+1) solution generating technique (this is a method used to deform Dp-branes by turning on a NS-NS B-field) to M-theory, in order to be able to deform M5-brane supergravity solutions directly in eleven dimensions, by turning on a non zero three form A. We find that deforming the M5-brane, in some cases, corresponds to performing certain SL(2,R) transformations of the Kahler structure parameter for the three-torus, on which the M5-brane has been compactified. We show that this new M-theory solution generating technique can be reduced to the O(p+1,p+1) solution generating technique with p=4. Further, we find that it implies that the open membrane metric and generalized noncommutativity parameter are manifestly deformation independent for electric and light-like deformations. We also generalize the O(p+1,p+1) method to the type IIA/B NS5-brane in order to be able to deform NS5-branes with RR three and two forms, respectively. In the type IIA case we use the newly obtained solution generating technique and deformation independence to derive a covariant expression for an open D2-brane coupling, relevant for OD2-theory.Comment: 24 pages, Latex. v2:Sections 3.2 and 3.3 improved. v3:Some clarifications added. Version published in JHE

    A reparametrization invariant surface ordering

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    We introduce a notion of a non-Abelian loop gauge field defined on points in loop space. For this purpose we first find an infinite-dimensional tensor product representation of the Lie algebra which is particularly suited for fields on loop space. We define the non-Abelian Wilson surface as a `time' ordered exponential in terms of this loop gauge field and show that it is reparametrization invariant.Comment: 11 pages, clarifications and added ref

    Nitrogen and the Baltic Sea: Managing Nitrogen in Relation to Phosphorus

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    The Baltic is a large, brackish sea (4 x 105 km2) extending from 54â„«N to ~66â„«N, with a fourfold larger drainage area (population 8 x 107). Surface salinity (2 to 8 PSU) and hence biodiversity is low. In the last century, annual nutrient loads increased to 106 metric tons N and 5 x104 ton P. Eutrophication is evident in the N-limited south, where cyanobacteria fix 2 to 4 x 105 ton N each summer, Secchi depths have been halved, and O2-deficient bottom areas have spread. Production remains low in the P-limited north. In nutrient-enriched coastal areas, phytoplankton blooms, toxic at times, and filamentous macroalgae reduce amenity values. Loads need to be reduced of both N, to reduce production, and P, to limit N-fixing cyanobacterial blooms. When large N-load reductions have been achieved locally, algal biomass has declined. So far, P loads have been reduced more than N loads. If this continues, a P-limited Baltic proper may result, very different from previous N-limited conditions. Reaching the management goal of halved anthropogenic N and P loads at minimum cost will require better understanding of biogeochemical nutrient cycles, economic evaluation of proposed measures, and improved stakeholder participation

    Herschel and Odin observations of H2O, CO, CH, CH+, and NII in the barred spiral galaxy NGC 1365. Bar-induced activity in the outer and inner circumnuclear tori

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    The Odin satellite is now into its twentieth year of operation, much surpassing its design life of two years. One of its major pursuits was the search for and study of H2O in the Solar System and the Milky Way galaxy. Herschel has observed the central region of NGC 1365 in two positions, and both its SPIRE and PACS observations are available in the Herschel Science Archive. Herschel PACS images have been produced of the 70 and 160 micron infrared emission from the whole galaxy, and also of the cold dust distribution as obtained from the ratio of the 160 to 70 micron images. The Herschel SPIRE observations have been used to produce maps of the 557 GHz o-H2O, 752 GHz p-H2O, 691 GHz CO(6-5), 1037 GHz CO(9-8), 537 GHz CH, 835 GHz CH+, and the 1461 GHz NII lines; however, these observations have no effective velocity resolution. Odin has recently observed the 557 GHz o-H2O ground state line in the central region with high (5 km/s) spectral resolution. The emission and absorption of H2O at 557 GHz, with a velocity resolution of 5 km/s, has been marginally detected in NGC 1365 with Odin. The H2O is predominantly located in a shocked 15" (1.3 kpc) region near some central compact radio sources and hot-spot HII regions, close to the northeast component of the molecular torus surrounding the nucleus. An analysis of the H2O line intensities and velocities indicates that a shock-region is located here. This is corroborated by a statistical image deconvolution of our SEST CO(3-2) observations, yielding 5" resolution, and a study of our VLA HI absorption observations. Additionally, an enticing 20" HI ridge is found to extend south-southeast from the nucleus, coinciding in position with the southern edge of an OIII outflow cone, emanating from the nucleus. The molecular chemistry of the shocked central region is analyzed with special emphasis on the CO, H2O and CH, CH+ results.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figure

    Light-like noncommutativity and duality from open strings/branes

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    In this paper we perform some non-trivial tests for the recently obtained open membrane/D-brane metrics and `generalized' noncommutativity parameters using Dp/NS5/M5-branes which have been deformed by light-like fields. The results obtained give further evidence that these open membrane/D-brane metrics and `generalized' noncommutativity parameters are correct. Further, we use the open brane data and supergravity duals to obtain more information about non-gravitational theories with light-like noncommutativity, or `generalized' light-like noncommutativity. In particular, we investigate various duality relations (strong coupling limits). In the light-like case we also comment on the relation between open membrane data (open membrane metric etc.) in six dimensions and open string data in five dimensions. Finally, we investigate the strong coupling limit (high energy limit) of five dimensional NCYM with \Theta^{12}=\Theta^{34}. In particular, we find that this NCYM theory can be UV completed by a DLCQ compactification of M-theory.Comment: 24 pages, Latex. v2:Comments and references added. v3:Version published in JHE
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