489 research outputs found

    Modeling and Prediction of Radio Channels for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing

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    In a wireless communication system, the channel is ever changing due to multipath properties such as excess delays and constructive and destructive interference. In a step to optimize system performance, it would be beneficial to have access to channel state information of both present subchannels' future development and subchannels outside the currently used frequency interval. In this thesis, radio channels for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is concerned. Channels are modelled and a prediction algorithm appli-cable in time or frequency direction of the frequency response is developed. The algorithm derives an autoregressive (AR) model of the channel and exploits the close connection between prediction of a time discrete signal and an autoregres-sive process. The great over sampling at the receiver, compared to the maximum Doppler shift or maximum excess delay of the channel, yields it feasible to derive the model with decreased sampling rate and thus only use pilot symbols. This rate reduction gives longer accurate predictions but also an interpolation issue that is solved by Wiener filters. The mean performance of the approach is evaluated by calculating the root mean square error (RMSE) of predictions as functions of various channel and algorithm parameters. Simulations show that the algorithm is able to predict several coherence times or coherence bandwidths of a channel. The algorithm is also extended to use several OFDM symbols and an averaging finite impulse response (FIR) filter, yielding a considerable increase in prediction performance. It is also appraised as a tool for adaptive symbol mapping in a frequency interval not currently used. Results show an opportunity of substantially higher data throughput than for a mapping scheme based on the mean SNR of the channel

    Construction and Control of an Educational Lab Process - The Gantry Crane

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    In this paper, we describe the construction and control of a gantry crane that is used in courses at the Department of Automatic Control, Lund university. Two different models of the crane are developed. A thorough example of path following, including on-line time-varying input/state-transformations and LQG control, used in a laboratory exercise is shown together with experimental results. Time-optimal trajectories for position control, with constraints on positions, load angles, and control signals are computed using Modelica and Optimica

    Relations Between Control Signal Properties and Robustness Measures

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    In this paper we consider control signal properties, such as maximum magnitude and activity, as well as system robustness measures. We derive an ideal controller and control signal for exponential disturbance rejection for a first order process with time delay. For the resulting closed-loop system, it is shown analytically that there are strong interconnections between robustness measures and control signal properties regarding load disturbance attenuation. The results imply that popular controller design methods implicitly take control signal properties into consideration

    The expression signature of in vitro senescence resembles mouse but not human aging

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    BACKGROUND: The biological mechanisms that underlie aging have not yet been fully identified. Senescence, a phenomenon occurring in vitro, limits the number of cell divisions in mammalian cell cultures and has been suggested to contribute to aging. RESULTS: We investigated whether the changes in gene expression that occur during mammalian aging and induction of cellular senescence are similar. We compared changes of gene expression in seven microarray datasets from aging human, mouse and rat, as well as four microarray datasets from senescent cells of man and mouse. The datasets were publicly available or obtained from other laboratories. Correlation measures were used to establish similarities of the expression profiles and gene ontology analyses to identify functional groups of genes that are co-regulated. Robust similarities were established between aging in different species and tissues, indicating that there is an aging transcriptome. Although some cross-species comparisons displayed high correlation, intra-species similarities were more reliable. Similarly, a senescence transcriptome was demonstrated that is conserved across cell types. A similarity between the expression signatures of cellular senescence and aging could be established in mouse, but not in human. CONCLUSION: Our study is the first to use microarray data from several studies and laboratories for dissection of a complex biological phenotype. We demonstrate the presence of a mammalian aging transcriptome, and discuss why similarity between cellular senescence and aging is apparent in aging mice only

    Promoting an image of independence: An institutional perspective on nonprofit organizational strategies

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    This article focuses on how the alleged value of independence in nonprofit organizations should be conceptualized, researched, and advanced. Through the conceptualization of independence as an institutional norm, the article makes several contributions to research on strategies for independence in nonprofit organizations. Rather than focusing on independence as a tangible organizational quality, the article studies and analyzes overarching strategies with which nonprofit organizations promote an image of independence. Recategorizations of results from previous research and illustrations from case studies of Swedish nonprofit ecolabeling serve as the main empirical material. By conceptualizing how nonprofit organizations employ multiple, and sometimes even contradictory, organizational strategies for being perceived as independent, the scope of research is broadened and the roles of institutional contexts and processes are highlighted

    Soffliggare för ett bÀttre samhÀlle? En studie om att skapa socialt kapital

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    Social capital is the key to an effective and well functioning liberal democracy according to Robert D. Putnam in the theory about Making democracy work, and Bo Rothstein in the theory about the Logic of the social trap. The solution to create social capital is according to Putnam a high level of participation in civic communities in the civic society and according to Rothstein the need of universal and equal political institutions. Couchsurfing is a social network and a community for sharing couches with others while traveling. This thesis addresses the question if Couchsurfing is able to produce social capital, and if so affect the society in a positive way. With a qualitative approach to the question, the collected material I'm looking for to analyze is extracted from interviews by members within the Couchsurfing community. The material is analyzed according to categories developed from the theories. The result and answer to the addressed question is that Couchsurfing possesses many of the qualities described in the theories. According to that is Couchsurfing a network that is creating social capital, and then also according to the theories able influence the society it operates in

    Considerations when using the significance analysis of microarrays (SAM) algorithm

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    BACKGROUND: Users of microarray technology typically strive to use universally acceptable data analysis strategies to determine significant expression changes in their experiments. One of the most frequently utilised methods for gene expression data analysis is SAM (significance analysis of microarrays). The impact of selection thresholds, on the output from SAM, may critically alter the conclusion of a study, yet this consideration has not been systematically evaluated in any publication. RESULTS: We have examined the effect of discrete data selection criteria (qualification criteria for inclusion) and response thresholds (out-put filtering) on the number of significant genes reported by SAM. The use of a reduced data set by applying arbitrary restrictions vis-Ă -vis abundance calls (e.g. from D-chip) or application of the fold change (FC) option within SAM (named the FC hurdle hereafter), can substantially alter the significant gene list when running SAM in Microsoft Excel. We determined that for a given final FC criteria (e.g. 1.5 fold change) the FC hurdle applied within Microsoft Excel SAM alters the number of reported genes above the final FC criteria. The reason is that the FC hurdle changes the composition of the control data set, such that a different significance level (q-value) is obtained for any given gene. This effect can be so large that it changes subsequent post hoc analysis interpretation, such as ontology overrepresentation analysis. CONCLUSION: Our results argue for caution when using SAM. All data sets analysed with SAM could be reanalysed taking into account the potential impact of the use of arbitrary thresholds to trim data sets before significance testing

    Staten och det civila samhÀllet. Idétraditioner och tankemodeller i den statliga bidragsgivningen till ideella organisationer

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    IdĂ©burna eller ideella organisationer som formellt stĂ„r utanför sĂ„vĂ€l statsapparat som nĂ€ringsliv finns idag inom alla delar av det svenska samhĂ€llet. Vi Ă„terfinner dem inom allt frĂ„n rikets styrning och försvar till omrĂ„den som religion, kultur och fritid men Ă€ven i vĂ„rden och omsorgen. Inom de flesta omrĂ„den (förutom till exempel idrotten och den omfattande folkbildningen) utgör organisationerna en relativt liten del av den totala verksamheten. Tagna samman till en ideell sektor representerar de dĂ€remot en viktig resurs och speciell organisatorisk domĂ€n i det svenska samhĂ€llet. I denna typ av organisationer skapas utrymme för andra synsĂ€tt och alternativa praktiker. Vidare kanaliserar de en betydande del av det ideella engagemanget, bĂ„de i form av gĂ„vor och medlemsavgifter och det ideella arbete som utförs varje Ă„r. Trots denna betydelse i samhĂ€llet Ă€r vĂ„r kunskap idag fortfarande förvĂ„nansvĂ€rt begrĂ€nsad nĂ€r det gĂ€ller organisationerna, deras verksamheter och de betingelser de verkar under. NĂ„gra av de allra viktigaste aktörerna nĂ€r det gĂ€ller organisationernas verksamhet och möjligheter att verka Ă€r den svenska statsapparaten och dess myndigheter. De olika former av statliga och kommunala bidrag och ersĂ€ttningar som idag gĂ„r till de ideella och idĂ©burna organisationerna överstiger gott och vĂ€l tio miljarder kronor Ă„rligen. Det handlar möjligen om sĂ„ mycket som det dubbla vĂ€rdet. Vidare spelar olika former av indirekta subventioner och skattelĂ€ttnader stor roll för mĂ„nga organisationer. Trots det vet vi för det första inte sĂ€rskilt mycket om hur dessa system Ă€r utformade eller vilka effekter de har pĂ„ organisationerna. För det andra antyder tidigare studier att det inte finns nĂ„gon samlad politik eller övergripande strategi frĂ„n statens sida nĂ€r det gĂ€ller det civila samhĂ€llet och dess organisationer i sin helhet. Vi kan i denna rapport i stora drag bekrĂ€fta dessa tidigare analyser av den statliga bidragsgivningen. Det finns idag pĂ„ en övergripande nivĂ„ inte nĂ„gon medveten eller sammanhĂ„llen strategi för den samlade statliga bidragsgivningen till ideella eller idĂ©burna organisationer. Detsamma gĂ€ller för övriga offentliga ekonomiska system som riktar sig till eller pĂ„verkar dessa organisationer. Detta har vi har valt att illustrera med en relativt komplex, men schematisk, skiss över situationen som den ser ut utifrĂ„n organisationernas horisont (kapitel 1). I studien visar vi att det inom vissa, i ekonomiska termer, mer omfattande delfĂ€lt kan existera nĂ„got av en mer medveten och genomtĂ€nkt hĂ„llning gentemot organisationerna. Det gĂ€ller till exempel de frivilliga försvarsorganisationerna respektive de enskilda bistĂ„ndsorganisationerna (kapitel 5). Även inom dessa relativt vĂ€l sammanhĂ„llna omrĂ„den tycks det dock som om det kan förekomma bidrag och ersĂ€ttningar och dĂ€rtill kopplade styrsystem som innehĂ„ller tankegods ur flera av de idĂ©traditioner vi har identifierat i denna studie (kapitel 2-4). För denna rapport har vi alltsĂ„ valt att stĂ€lla oss delvis utanför statsapparatens perspektiv. Vid ett par tillfĂ€llen har vi istĂ€llet medvetet valt att anvĂ€nda oss av ett de ideella organisationernas perspektiv. Hittills har effekterna inte undersökts pĂ„ ett mer systematiskt sĂ€tt nĂ€r det gĂ€ller den pĂ„verkan statsapparatens system har pĂ„ organisationerna. Detta Ă€r ocksĂ„ nĂ„got som till exempel Tommy Lundström vid Socialhögskolan i Stockholm uppmĂ€rksammar nĂ€r det gĂ€ller effekterna pĂ„ organisationerna av de senaste inslagen i New Public Management-traditionen (Lundström 2004). Han skriver dĂ€r bland annat: ”Det Ă€r vĂ€rt att understryka att trots en del forskning vet vi mycket litet om kontraktskulturens effekter pĂ„ de socialt inriktade frivilligorganisationerna. Det gĂ€ller hur denna kultur pĂ„verkat sĂ„vĂ€l det organisatoriska landskapet som organisationernas inre liv, inklusive medlemmarnas aktiviteter.” (s. 49) Organisationernas perspektiv Ă€r dĂ€rför en viktig utgĂ„ngspunkt för vĂ„r analys. Detta eftersom de samlade svenska kunskaperna inom omrĂ„det idag fortsatt Ă€r mycket fragmentariska och endast svagt sammanhĂ„llna. Se dock till exempel (Lundström och Wijkström 1995; Olsson 1998; Olsson 2000; Johansson 2001; Söderholm och Wijkström 2001; Wijkström och Lundström 2002; Johansson 2003). Samtidigt menar vi att det Ă€r viktigt att understryka att huvudansvaret för organisationernas organisering, ledning, styrning och ekonomi vilar pĂ„ de ideella organisationerna sjĂ€lva. Det finns ibland en tendens att lĂ€gga ansvaret för organisationernas utveckling pĂ„ statliga eller kommunala bidragsgivare och bidragssystem, vilket vi menar Ă€r ett skevt perspektiv. PĂ„ samma gĂ„ng Ă€r det vĂ€rt att notera att de statliga styr- och kontrollsystem som kopplats till olika bidrag och ersĂ€ttningar Ă€r av stor vikt för mĂ„nga organisationer. Vi kan i vĂ„ra analyser dĂ€rför inte heller helt bortse ifrĂ„n effekterna pĂ„ organisationerna (se speciellt kapitel 7).civil society; government subsidies; national budget; popular movement; foundations; Sweden; nonprofit; voluntary

    KubeNow: A Cloud Agnostic Platform for Microservice-Oriented Applications

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    KubeNow is a platform for rapid and continuous deployment of microservice-based applications over cloud infrastructure. Within the field of software engineering, the microservice-based architecture is a methodology in which complex applications are divided into smaller, more narrow services. These services are independently deployable and compatible with each other like building blocks. These blocks can be combined in multiple ways, according to specific use cases. Microservices are designed around a few concepts: they offer a minimal and complete set of features, they are portable and platform independent, they are accessible through language agnostic APIs and they are encouraged to use standard data formats. These characteristics promote separation of concerns, isolation and interoperability, while coupling nicely with test-driven development. Among many others, some well-known companies that build their software around microservices are: Google, Amazon, PayPal Holdings Inc. and Netflix [11]
