140 research outputs found

    γ-Secretase modulators show selectivity for γ-secretase–mediated amyloid precursor protein intramembrane processing

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    The aggregation of β-amyloid peptide 42 results in the formation of toxic oligomers and plaques, which plays a pivotal role in Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis. Aβ42 is one of several Aβ peptides, all of Aβ30 to Aβ43 that are produced as a result of γ-secretase–mediated regulated intramembrane proteolysis of the amyloid precursor protein. γ-Secretase modulators (GSMs) represent a promising class of Aβ42-lowering anti-amyloidogenic compounds for the treatment of AD. Gamma-secretase modulators change the relative proportion of secreted Aβ peptides, while sparing the γ-secretase–mediated processing event resulting in the release of the cytoplasmic APP intracellular domain. In this study, we have characterized how GSMs affect the γ-secretase cleavage of three γ-secretase substrates, E-cadherin, ephrin type A receptor 4 (EphA4) and ephrin type B receptor 2 (EphB2), which all are implicated in important contexts of cell signalling. By using a reporter gene assay, we demonstrate that the γ-secretase–dependent generation of EphA4 and EphB2 intracellular domains is unaffected by GSMs. We also show that γ-secretase processing of EphA4 and EphB2 results in the release of several Aβ-like peptides, but that only the production of Aβ-like proteins from EphA4 is modulated by GSMs, but with an order of magnitude lower potency as compared to Aβ modulation. Collectively, these results suggest that GSMs are selective for γ-secretase–mediated Aβ production

    Aspiration–sclerotherapy Results in Effective Control of Liver Volume in Patients with Liver Cysts

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    Purpose To study the extent to which aspiration–sclerotherapy reduces liver volume and whether this therapy results in relief of symptoms. Results Four patients, group I, with isolated large liver cysts, and 11 patients, group II, with polycystic livers, underwent aspiration–sclerotherapy. Average volume of aspirated cyst fluid was 1,044 ml (range 225–2,000 ml) in group I and 1,326 ml (range 40–4,200 ml) in group II. Mean liver volume before the procedure was 2,157 ml (range 1,706–2,841 ml) in group I and 4,086 ml (range 1,553–7,085 ml) in group II. This decreased after the procedure to 1,757 ml (range 1,479–2,187 ml) in group I. In group II there was a statistically significant decrease to 3,347 ml (range 1,249–6,930 ml, P = 0.008). Volume reduction was 17.1% (range −34.7% to −4.1%) and 19.2% (range −53.9% to +2.4%) in groups I and II, respectively. Clinical severity of all symptoms decreased, except for involuntary weight loss and pain in group II. Conclusion Aspiration–sclerotherapy is an effective means of achieving liver volume reduction and relief of symptoms

    Patient-reported outcomes in palliative gastrointestinal stenting: a Norwegian multicenter study

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    Background The clinical effect of stent treatment has been evaluated by mainly physicians; only a limited number of prospective studies have used patient-reported outcomes for this purpose. The aim of this work was to study the clinical effect of self-expanding metal stents in treatment of malignant gastrointestinal obstructions, as evaluated by patient-reported outcomes, and compare the rating of the treatment effect by patients and physicians. Methods Between November 2006 and April 2008, 273 patients treated with SEMS for malignant GI and biliary obstructions were recruited from nine Norwegian hospitals. Patients and physicians assessed symptoms independently at the time of treatment and after 2 weeks using the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) QLQ-C30 questionnaire supplemented with specific questions related to obstruction. Results A total of 162 patients (99 males; median age = 72 years) completed both assessments and were included in the study. A significant improvement in the mean global health score was observed after 2 weeks (from 9 to 18 on a 0–100 scale, P\0.03) for all stent locations. Both patients and physicians reported a significant reduction in all obstruction-related symptoms ([20 on the 0–100 scale, P\0.006) after SEMS treatment. The physicians reported a larger mean improvement in symptoms than did the patients, mainly because they reported more severe symptoms before treatment. Conclusion SEMS treatment is effective in relieving symptoms of malignant GI and biliary obstruction, as reported by patients and physicians. The physicians, however, reported a larger reduction in obstructive symptoms than did the patients. A prospective assessment of patientreported outcomes is important in evaluating SEMS treatment

    Quantification of Alternative Splicing Variants of Human Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase and Correlations with Telomerase Activity in Lung Cancer

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    Telomerase plays important roles in the development and progression of malignant tumors, and its activity is primarily determined by transcriptional regulation of human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT). Several mRNA alternative splicing variants (ASVs) for hTERT have been identified, but it remains unclear whether telomerase activity is directly associated with hTERT splicing transcripts. In this study, we developed novel real-time PCR protocols using molecular beacons and applied to lung carcinoma cell lines and cancerous tissues for quantification of telomerase activity and three essential hTERT deletion transcripts respectively. The results showed that lung carcinoma cell lines consistently demonstrated telomerase activity (14.22–31.43 TPG units per 100 cells) and various hTERT alternative splicing transcripts. For 165 lung cancer cases, telomerase activity showed significant correlation with tumor differentiation (poorly->moderately->well-differentiated, P<0.01) and with histotypes (combined small cell and squamous cell carcinoma>squamous cell carcinoma>adenosquamous carcinoma>adenocarcinoma, P<0.05). Although the overall hTERT transcripts were detected in all the samples, they were not associated with telomerase activity (r = 0.092, P = 0.24). Telomerase activity was significantly correlated with the transcriptional constituent ratio of α-deletion (r = -0.267, P = 0.026), β-deletion (r = -0.693, P = 0.0001) and γ-deletion (r = –0.614, P = 0.001). The positive rate and average constituent ratio of β-deletion transcripts (92.12%, 0.23) were higher than those of α-deletion (41.82%, 0.12) or γ-deletion (16.36%, 0.18) transcripts. The combined small-cell and squamous cell carcinomas expressed less deletion transcripts, especially β-deletion, than other histotypes, which might explain their higher telomerase activity. In conclusion, the molecular beacon-based real-time PCR protocols are rapid, sensitive and specific methods to quantify telomerase activity and hTERT ASVs. Telomerase activity may serve as a reliable and effective molecular marker to assist the evaluation of histological subtype and differentiation of lung carcinomas. Further studies on hTERT deletion splicing transcripts, rather than the overall hTERT transcripts, may improve our understanding of telomerase regulation

    A probe into the acid deposition mitigation path in China over the last four decades and beyond

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    China currently has the highest acid deposition globally, yet research on its status, impacts, causes and controls is lacking. Here, we compiled data and calculated critical loads regarding acid deposition. The results showed that the abatement measures in China have achieved a sharp decline in the emissions of acidifying pollutants and a continuous recovery of precipitation pH, despite the drastic growth in the economy and energy consumption. However, the risk of ecological acidification and eutrophication showed no significant decrease. With similar emission reductions, the decline in areas at risk of acidification in China (7.0%) lags behind those in Europe (20%) or the USA (15%). This was because, unlike Europe and the USA, China's abatement strategies primarily target air quality improvement rather than mitigating ecological impacts. Given that the area with the risk of eutrophication induced by nitrogen deposition remained at 13% of the country even under the scenario of achieving the dual targets of air quality and carbon dioxide mitigation in 2035, we explored an enhanced ammonia abatement pathway. With a further 27% reduction in ammonia by 2035, China could largely eliminate the impacts of acid deposition. This research serves as a valuable reference for China's future acid deposition control and for other nations facing similar challenges

    Improvement in municipal wastewater treatment alters lake nitrogen to phosphorus ratios in populated regions

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    Large-scale and rapid improvement in wastewater treatment is common practice in developing countries, yet this influence on nutrient regimes in receiving waterbodies is rarely examined at broad spatial and temporal scales. Here, we present a study linking decadal nutrient monitoring data in lakes with the corresponding estimates of five major anthropogenic nutrient discharges in their surrounding watersheds over time. Within a continuous monitoring dataset covering the period 2008 to 2017, we find that due to different rates of change in TN and TP concentrations, 24 of 46 lakes, mostly located in China's populated regions, showed increasing TN/TP mass ratios; only 3 lakes showed a decrease. Quantitative relationships between in-lake nutrient concentrations (and their ratios) and anthropogenic nutrient discharges in the surrounding watersheds indicate that increase of lake TN/TP ratios is associated with the rapid improvement in municipal wastewater treatment. Due to the higher removal efficiency of TP compared with TN, TN/TP mass ratios in total municipal wastewater discharge have continued to increase from a median of 10.7 (95% confidence interval, 7.6 to 15.1) in 2008 to 17.7 (95% confidence interval, 13.2 to 27.2) in 2017. Improving municipal wastewater collection and treatment worldwide is an important target within the 17 sustainable development goals set by the United Nations. Given potential ecological impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem function of altered nutrient ratios in wastewater discharge, our results suggest that long-term strategies for domestic wastewater management should not merely focus on total reductions of nutrient discharges but also consider their stoichiometric balance

    Human telomerase activity regulation

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    Telomerase has been recognized as a relevant factor distinguishing cancer cells from normal cells. Thus, it has become a very promising target for anticancer therapy. The cell proliferative potential can be limited by replication end problem, due to telomeres shortening, which is overcome in cancer cells by telomerase activity or by alternative telomeres lengthening (ALT) mechanism. However, this multisubunit enzymatic complex can be regulated at various levels, including expression control but also other factors contributing to the enzyme phosphorylation status, assembling or complex subunits transport. Thus, we show that the telomerase expression targeting cannot be the only possibility to shorten telomeres and induce cell apoptosis. It is important especially since the transcription expression is not always correlated with the enzyme activity which might result in transcription modulation failure or a possibility for the gene therapy to be overcome. This review summarizes the current state of knowledge of numerous telomerase regulation mechanisms that take place after telomerase subunits coding genes transcription. Thus we show the possible mechanisms of telomerase activity regulation which might become attractive anticancer therapy targets