16,005 research outputs found

    Cavity state preparation using adiabatic transfer

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    We show how to prepare a variety of cavity field states for multiple cavities. The state preparation technique used is related to the method of stimulated adiabatic Raman passage or STIRAP. The cavity modes are coupled by atoms, making it possible to transfer an arbitrary cavity field state from one cavity to another, and also to prepare non-trivial cavity field states. In particular, we show how to prepare entangled states of two or more cavities, such as an EPR state and a W state, as well as various entangled superpositions of coherent states in different cavities, including Schrodinger cat states. The theoretical considerations are supported by numerical simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures. Accepted in Phys. Rev.

    A constant altitude flight survey method for mapping atmospheric ambient pressures and systematic radar errors

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    The flight test technique described uses controlled survey runs to determine horizontal atmospheric pressure variations and systematic altitude errors that result from space positioning measurements. The survey data can be used not only for improved air data calibrations, but also for studies of atmospheric structure and space positioning accuracy performance. The examples presented cover a wide range of radar tracking conditions for both subsonic and supersonic flight to an altitude of 42,000 ft

    A simplified flight-test method for determining aircraft takeoff performance that includes effects of pilot technique

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    A method for evaluating aircraft takeoff performance from brake release to air-phase height that requires fewer tests than conventionally required is evaluated with data for the XB-70 airplane. The method defines the effects of pilot technique on takeoff performance quantitatively, including the decrease in acceleration from drag due to lift. For a given takeoff weight and throttle setting, a single takeoff provides enough data to establish a standardizing relationship for the distance from brake release to any point where velocity is appropriate to rotation. The lower rotation rates penalized takeoff performance in terms of ground roll distance; the lowest observed rotation rate required a ground roll distance that was 19 percent longer than the highest. Rotations at the minimum rate also resulted in lift-off velocities that were approximately 5 knots lower than the highest rotation rate at any given lift-off distance

    Subsonic tests of an all-flush-pressure-orifice air data system

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    The use of an all-flush-pressure-orifice array as a subsonic air data system was evaluated in flight and wind tunnel tests. Two orifice configurations were investigated. Both used orifices arranged in a cruciform pattern on the airplane nose. One configuration also used orifices on the sides of the fuselage for a source of static pressure. The all-nose-orifice configuration was similar to the shuttle entry air data system (SEADS). The flight data were obtained with a KC-135A airplane. The wind tunnel data were acquired with a 0.035-scale model of the KC-135A airplane. With proper calibration, several orifices on the vertical centerline of the vehicle's nose were found to be satisfactory for the determination of total pressure and angle of attack. Angle of sideslip could be accurately determined from pressure measurements made on the horizontal centerline of the aircraft. Orifice pairs were also found that provided pressure ratio relationships suitable for the determination of Mach number. The accuracy that can be expected for the air data determined with SEADS during subsonic orbiter flight is indicated

    Air data position-error calibration using state reconstruction techniques

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    During the highly maneuverable aircraft technology (HiMAT) flight test program recently completed at NASA Ames Research Center's Dryden Flight Research Facility, numerous problems were experienced in airspeed calibration. This necessitated the use of state reconstruction techniques to arrive at a position-error calibration. For the HiMAT aircraft, most of the calibration effort was expended on flights in which the air data pressure transducers were not performing accurately. Following discovery of this problem, the air data transducers of both aircraft were wrapped in heater blankets to correct the problem. Additional calibration flights were performed, and from the resulting data a satisfactory position-error calibration was obtained. This calibration and data obtained before installation of the heater blankets were used to develop an alternate calibration method. The alternate approach took advantage of high-quality inertial data that was readily available. A linearized Kalman filter (LKF) was used to reconstruct the aircraft's wind-relative trajectory; the trajectory was then used to separate transducer measurement errors from the aircraft position error. This calibration method is accurate and inexpensive. The LKF technique has an inherent advantage of requiring that no flight maneuvers be specially designed for airspeed calibrations. It is of particular use when the measurements of the wind-relative quantities are suspected to have transducer-related errors

    On the rotating wave approximation in the adiabatic limit

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    I revisit a longstanding question in quantum optics; When is the rotating wave approximation justified? In terms of the Jaynes-Cummings and Rabi models I demonstrate that the approximation in general breaks down in the adiabatic limit regardless of system parameters. This is explicitly shown by comparing Berry phases of the two models, where it is found that this geometrical phase is strictly zero in the Rabi model contrary to the non-trivial Berry phase of the Jaynes-Cummings model. The source of this surprising result is traced back to different topologies in the two models.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Quiescent Cores and the Efficiency of Turbulence-Accelerated, Magnetically Regulated Star Formation

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    The efficiency of star formation, defined as the ratio of the stellar to total (gas and stellar) mass, is observed to vary from a few percent in regions of dispersed star formation to about a third in cluster-forming cores. This difference may reflect the relative importance of magnetic fields and turbulence in controlling star formation. We investigate the interplay between supersonic turbulence and magnetic fields using numerical simulations, in a sheet-like geometry. We demonstrate that star formation with an efficiency of a few percent can occur over several gravitational collapse times in moderately magnetically subcritical clouds that are supersonically turbulent. The turbulence accelerates star formation by reducing the time for dense core formation. The dense cores produced are predominantly quiescent, with subsonic internal motions. These cores tend to be moderately supercritical. They have lifetimes long compared with their local gravitational collapse time. Some of the cores collapse to form stars, while others disperse away without star formation. In turbulent clouds that are marginally magnetically supercritical, the star formation efficiency is higher, but can still be consistent with the values inferred for nearby embedded clusters. If not regulated by magnetic fields at all, star formation in a multi-Jeans mass cloud endowed with a strong initial turbulence proceeds rapidly, with the majority of cloud mass converted into stars in a gravitational collapse time. The efficiency is formally higher than the values inferred for nearby cluster-forming cores, indicating that magnetic fields are dynamically important even for cluster formation.Comment: submitted to Ap

    Evaluation of a flow direction probe and a pitot-static probe on the F-14 airplane at high angles of attack and sideslip

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    The measurement performance of a hemispherical flow-angularity probe and a fuselage-mounted pitot-static probe was evaluated at high flow angles as part of a test program on an F-14 airplane. These evaluations were performed using a calibrated pitot-static noseboom equipped with vanes for reference flow direction measurements, and another probe incorporating vanes but mounted on a pod under the fuselage nose. Data are presented for angles of attack up to 63, angles of sideslip from -22 deg to 22 deg, and for Mach numbers from approximately 0.3 to 1.3. During maneuvering flight, the hemispherical flow-angularity probe exhibited flow angle errors that exceeded 2 deg. Pressure measurements with the pitot-static probe resulted in very inaccurate data above a Mach number of 0.87 and exhibited large sensitivities with flow angle

    Prospects for observing ultra-compact binaries with space-based gravitational wave interferometers and optical telescopes

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    Space-based gravitational wave interferometers are sensitive to the galactic population of ultra-compact binaries. An important subset of the ultra-compact binary population are those stars that can be individually resolved by both gravitational wave interferometers and electromagnetic telescopes. The aim of this paper is to quantify the multi-messenger potential of space-based interferometers with arm-lengths between 1 and 5 Gm. The Fisher Information Matrix is used to estimate the number of binaries from a model of the Milky Way which are localized on the sky by the gravitational wave detector to within 1 and 10 square degrees and bright enough to be detected by a magnitude limited survey. We find, depending on the choice of GW detector characteristics, limiting magnitude, and observing strategy, that up to several hundred gravitational wave sources could be detected in electromagnetic follow-up observations.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures Updated to include new results. Submitted to MNRA