59 research outputs found

    Organisasjonskultur og sikkerhetskultur på tvers av landegrenser

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    Gjennom masterforløpet blir vi som studenter ved UIS introdusert for mange rekke fagfelt innen sikkerhetsledelse og risikostyring. Dette gir studentene en unik mulighet til å utvikle en helhetlig forståelse av disse områdene. Formålet med oppgaven er å etablere et sammenligningsgrunnlag mellom Robert Bosch sine organisasjoner i de nordiske landene, med fokus på å identifisere og forklare ulike organisatoriske uttrykk. Problemstillingen for oppgaven er: "Hvilke faktorer forklarer ulike organisatoriske uttrykk i Bosch konsernets lokasjoner i Skandinavia?" Denne problemstillingen danner grunnlaget for forskningsspørsmålene, som er sentrale for å finne svar og forklaringer på de observerte forskjellene. Oppgaven benytter seg av flere teoretiske bidrag, hovedsakelig fra anerkjente teoretikere innen sikkerhetskultur og organisasjonskultur. Den teoretiske rammen har vært under kontinuerlig utvikling gjennom forskningsprosessen, med tillegg av nye teorier og justeringer basert på oppdagelser og innsikter. Dataene som er samlet inn for oppgaven, inkluderer intervjuer, deltagende observasjoner og intern veiledning. Disse metodene har bidratt til å identifisere kulturelle forskjeller, spesielt knyttet til maktavstand, samt likheter i utfordringene med å utvikle en helhetlig sikkerhetskultur. Maktavstand har vist seg å være et sentralt tema i oppgaven, med varierende oppfatninger blant informantene. Noen aksepterer en autoritær lederstil, mens andre ønsker mer demokratiske beslutningsprosesser og økt individuell risikoforståelse i hverdagen. Oppgaven har også avdekket enkelte tilfeller der informantene har kommet med identiske meninger, spesielt når det gjelder behovet for et mer effektivt avvikssystem. Oppgaven gir en beskrivelse og funn av kulturelle forskjeller og likheter i Bosch konsernets nordiske lokasjoner. Gjennom problemstillingen forklares de organisatoriske uttrykkene gjennom identifiserte faktorer, og den peker på områder som krever oppmerksomhet i fremtiden for å styrke kulturen og sikkerhetsforholdene på tvers av organisasjonene.Throughout the master's program, we as students at UIS are introduced to various fields within security management and risk control. This provides students with a unique opportunity to develop a comprehensive understanding of these areas. The purpose of the thesis is to establish a basis for comparison between Robert Bosch's organizations in the Nordic countries, with a focus on identifying and explaining different organizational expressions. The research question for the thesis is: "What factors explain different organizational expressions in Bosch Group's locations in Scandinavia?" This research question forms the basis for the research questions, which are crucial to finding answers and explanations for the observed differences. The thesis utilizes several theoretical contributions, mainly from recognized theorists in safety culture and organizational culture. The theoretical framework has been continuously evolving throughout the research process, with the addition of new theories and adjustments based on discoveries and insights. The data collected for the thesis includes interviews, participant observations, and internal guidance. These methods have contributed to identifying cultural differences, especially related to power distance, as well as similarities in the challenges of developing a comprehensive safety culture. Power distance has proven to be a central theme in the thesis, with varying perceptions among informants. Some accept an authoritarian leadership style, while others prefer more democratic decision-making processes and increased individual risk understanding in everyday life. The thesis has also uncovered some instances where informants have expressed identical opinions, especially regarding the need for a more effective deviation system. The thesis provides a description and findings of cultural differences and similarities in Bosch Group's Nordic locations. Through the research question, the organizational expressions are explained through identified factors, pointing out areas that require attention in the future to strengthen culture and safety conditions across the organizations

    Kinematic and EMG comparison between variations of unilateral squats under different stabilities

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    The purpose of the study was to compare kinematics and muscle activity between two variations of unilateral squats under different stability conditions. Twelve male volunteers (age: 23±5 years, mass: 80±17 kg, height: 1.81±0.11 m, strength-training experience: 4.3±1.9 years) performed four repetitions with the same external load (≈4RM). Two variations (with the non-stance leg forwards vs. backwards) were performed in a Smith-machine and free-weight condition. The variables were barbell velocity, lifting time and surface electromyography activity of the lower extremity and trunk muscles during the descending and ascending phase. The main findings were 1) peak force was higher when performing the unilateral squats in the Smith machine; 2) peak ascending barbell velocity increased from repetition 3–4 with free weight; and 3) muscle activity from the rectus femoris, vastus lateral, biceps femoris, gluteus medius, and erector spinae increased with repetitions, whereas gluteus, and medial vastus and shank muscles were affected by the conditions. It was concluded that more peak force could be produced because of increased stability. However, peak barbell velocity increased from repetition to repetition in free-weight unilateral squats, which was probably because the participants grew more comfortable. Furthermore, increased instability causes more gluteus and vastus medial activation and foot variations mainly affected the calf muscles.publishedVersio

    Comparison of kinematics and electromyographic activity in the last repetition during different repetition maximums in the bench press exercise

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    The barbell bench press is often performed at different repetition maximums (RM). However, little is known about the last repetition of these repetition maximums in terms of movement kinematics and electromyographic activity in the bench press. This study compared kinematics and electromyographic activity during the last repetition of 1-RM, 3-RM, 6-RM, and 10-RM on the barbell bench press. Twelve healthy recreationally bench press-trained males (body mass: 84.3 ± 7.8 kg, age: 23.5 ± 2.6 years, height: 183.8 ± 4.2 cm) performed the bench press with a self-chosen grip width with four different repetition maximums. The participants bench pressed 96.5 ± 14.1, 88.5 ± 13.0, 81.5 ± 12.3, and 72.8 ± 10.5 kg with the 1-RM, 3-RM, 6-RM, and 10-RM. No differences were found between the bench press conditions in kinematic or electromyographic activity, except for the 10-RM, where a higher barbell velocity was observed at peak barbell deacceleration and first minimum barbell velocity (p ≤ 0.05) compared to the 1-RM and 3-RM. Overall, triceps medialis activity increased, whereas biceps brachii activity decreased from the pre-sticking to post-sticking region for all bench conditions (p ≤ 0.05). Since slower barbell velocity was observed in the sticking region for the 1-RM and 3-RM conditions compared to the 10-RM condition, we suggest training with these repetition maximums to learn how to grind through the sticking region due to the principle of specificity when the goal is to enhance maximal strength.publishedVersio

    Prosess for optimalisering av SIS-systemer i drift og vedlikeholdsfasen

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    Denne bacheloroppgaven tar for seg fasene i livssyklusen til sikkerhetsinstrumenterte systems livssyklus som omhandler drift, vedlikehold og modifikasjon. I denne fasen må en vurdere styring for oppfølging av sikkerhetssystemer. Oppgaven har foreslått et rammeverk for å strukturere utstyr i grupper (utstyrs taksonomier) for å forbedre kvaliteten ved rapportering av feil og slik at en kan slå sammen feilfrekvensene for utstyrsgruppene. Ved å strukturere utstyrsgrupper muliggjør dette at en enkelt kan kvantifisere farlige udekterte feil i et anlegg. Ved å ha utarbeidet et forslag til hvordan man kan utføre pålitelighetsanalyse gjennom SIL-oppfølging av sikkerhetsinstrumenterte systemer for å oppnå samsvar med IEC 61508/61511-standardene. Hovedbidragene i rapporten er: • Forskjellige metoder for kalkulasjon for å oppdatere funksjonstestintervall av utstyr av en sikkerhet instrumentert funksjon (SIF). • Forskjellige tilnærminger for estimering av farlige udetekterte feil. • Bruk av partiell operasjon for å bidra til full operasjon av ventiler gjennom funksjonstest. • Estimering av PFD ved votering av flere elementer i en SIF • Forslag til valg av utstyres taksonomier.This thesis addresses the phases operation, maintenance and modification of the life cycle of safety instrumented system. It proposes a framework for structuring equipment in groups (taxonomies) to improve the quality of reporting failures. By structuring equipment groups enables one to quantify dangerous undetected faults in an offshore facility. By having prepared a proposal on how to perform reliability analysis through SIL follow-up of safety-instrumented systems to achieve compliance with the IEC 61508/61511 standards. The main contributions in the report are: • Different methods of calculation to achieve function test intervals of equipment of a safety instrumented function (SIF). • Different approaches for estimating dangerous undetected failures. Use of partial stroke test (PST) to contribute to full stroke test (FST) of valves. • Estimation of PFD with common cause contribution of several elements in a SI
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