325 research outputs found

    Young Massive Clusters in Non-Interacting Galaxies

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    Young star clusters with masses well in excess of 100.000 Msun have been observed not only in merger galaxies and large-scale starbursts, but also in fairly normal, undisturbed spiral and irregular galaxies. Here we present virial mass estimates for a sample of 7 such clusters and show that the derived mass-to-light ratios are consistent with "normal" Kroupa-type stellar mass distributions.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, to appear in "Starbursts from 30 Doradus to Lyman Break Galaxies'', eds. R. de Grijs, R. M. Gonzalez Delgad

    Continuous star cluster formation in the spiral NGC 45

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    We determined ages for 52 star clusters with masses < 10^6 solar masses in the low surface brightness spiral galaxy NGC 45. Four of these candidates are old globular clusters located in the bulge. The remaining ones span a large age range. The cluster ages suggest a continuous star/cluster formation history without evidence for bursts, consistent with the galaxy being located in a relatively unperturbed environment in the outskirts of the Sculptor group.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. To appear in "Island Universes - Structure and Evolution of Disk Galaxies", Terschelling (Netherlands), July 200

    Modal Interface Automata

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    De Alfaro and Henzinger's Interface Automata (IA) and Nyman et al.'s recent combination IOMTS of IA and Larsen's Modal Transition Systems (MTS) are established frameworks for specifying interfaces of system components. However, neither IA nor IOMTS consider conjunction that is needed in practice when a component shall satisfy multiple interfaces, while Larsen's MTS-conjunction is not closed and Bene\v{s} et al.'s conjunction on disjunctive MTS does not treat internal transitions. In addition, IOMTS-parallel composition exhibits a compositionality defect. This article defines conjunction (and also disjunction) on IA and disjunctive MTS and proves the operators to be 'correct', i.e., the greatest lower bounds (least upper bounds) wrt. IA- and resp. MTS-refinement. As its main contribution, a novel interface theory called Modal Interface Automata (MIA) is introduced: MIA is a rich subset of IOMTS featuring explicit output-must-transitions while input-transitions are always allowed implicitly, is equipped with compositional parallel, conjunction and disjunction operators, and allows a simpler embedding of IA than Nyman's. Thus, it fixes the shortcomings of related work, without restricting designers to deterministic interfaces as Raclet et al.'s modal interface theory does.Comment: 28 page

    Structural Refinement for the Modal nu-Calculus

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    We introduce a new notion of structural refinement, a sound abstraction of logical implication, for the modal nu-calculus. Using new translations between the modal nu-calculus and disjunctive modal transition systems, we show that these two specification formalisms are structurally equivalent. Using our translations, we also transfer the structural operations of composition and quotient from disjunctive modal transition systems to the modal nu-calculus. This shows that the modal nu-calculus supports composition and decomposition of specifications.Comment: Accepted at ICTAC 201

    The Maximum Mass of Star Clusters

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    When an universal untruncated star cluster initial mass function (CIMF) described by a power-law distribution is assumed, the mass of the most massive star cluster in a galaxy (M_max) is the result of the size-of-sample (SoS) effect. This implies a dependence of M_max on the total number of star clusters (N). The SoS effect also implies that M_max within a cluster population increases with equal logarithmic intervals of age. This is because the number of clusters formed in logarithmic age intervals increases (assuming a constant cluster formation rate). This effect has been observed in the SMC and LMC. Based on the maximum pressure (P_int) inside molecular clouds, it has been suggested that a physical maximum mass (M_max[phys]) should exist. The theory predicts that M_max[phys] should be observable, i.e. lower than M_max that follows from statistical arguments, in big galaxies with a high star formation rate. We compare the SoS relations in the SMC and LMC with the ones in M51 and model the integrated cluster luminosity function (CLF) for two cases: 1) M_max is determined by the SoS effect and 2) M_max=M_max[phys]=constant. The observed CLF of M51 and the comparison of the SoS relations with the SMC and LMC both suggest that there exists a M_max[phys] of 5*10^5 M_sun in M51. The CLF of M51 looks very similar to the one observed in the ``Antennae'' galaxies. A direct comparison with our model suggests that there M_max[phys]=2*10^6 M_sun.Comment: 4 pages, contribution to "Globular Clusters: Guides to Galaxies", March 6th-10th, 200

    Hennessy-Milner Logic with Greatest Fixed Points as a Complete Behavioural Specification Theory

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    There are two fundamentally different approaches to specifying and verifying properties of systems. The logical approach makes use of specifications given as formulae of temporal or modal logics and relies on efficient model checking algorithms; the behavioural approach exploits various equivalence or refinement checking methods, provided the specifications are given in the same formalism as implementations. In this paper we provide translations between the logical formalism of Hennessy-Milner logic with greatest fixed points and the behavioural formalism of disjunctive modal transition systems. We also introduce a new operation of quotient for the above equivalent formalisms, which is adjoint to structural composition and allows synthesis of missing specifications from partial implementations. This is a substantial generalisation of the quotient for deterministic modal transition systems defined in earlier papers

    Open String Fluctuations in AdS with and without Torsion

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    The equations of motion and boundary conditions for the fluctuations around a classical open string, in a curved space-time with torsion, are considered in compact and world-sheet covariant form. The rigidly rotating open strings in Anti de Sitter space with and without torsion are investigated in detail. By carefully analyzing the tangential fluctuations at the boundary, we show explicitly that the physical fluctuations (which at the boundary are combinations of normal and tangential fluctuations) are finite, even though the world-sheet is singular there. The divergent 2-curvature thus seems less dangerous than expected, in these cases. The general formalism can be straightforwardly used also to study the (bosonic part of the) fluctuations around the closed strings, recently considered in connection with the AdS/CFT duality, on AdS_5 \times S^5 and AdS_3 \times S^3 \times T^4.Comment: 19 pages, Late

    Detecting metal-rich intermediate-age globular clusters in NGC4570 using K-band photometry

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    “The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com”. Copyright Springer. DOI: 10.1007/s10509-009-0093-8Globular cluster systems (GCSs) of most early-type galaxies feature two peaks in their optical colour distributions. Blue-peak globular clusters (GCs) are believed to be old and metal-poor, whereas the ages, metallicities, and the origin of the red-peak GCs are still being debated. We obtained deep K-band photometry and combined it with Hubble Space Telescope observations in g and z to yield a full spectral energy distribution from the optical to the near-infrared. This now allows us to break the age–metallicity degeneracy. We used our evolutionary synthesis models galev for star clusters to compute a large grid of models with different metallicities and a wide range of ages. Comparing these models to our observations revealed a large population of intermediate-age (1–3 Gyr) and metal-rich (≈solar-metallicity) GCs, that will give us further insights into the formation history of this galaxy.Peer reviewe
