9 research outputs found

    Kaon condensation in CFL quark matter, the Goldstone theorem, and the 2PI Hartree approximation

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    At very high densities, QCD is in the color-flavor-locked phase, which is a color-superconducting phase. The diquark condensates break chiral symmetry in the same way as it is broken in vacuum QCD and gives rise to an octet of pseudo-Goldstone bosons and a superfluid mode. The lightest of these are the charged and neutral kaons. For energies below the superconducting gap, the kaons are described by an O(2)×O(2)O(2)\times O(2)-symmetric effective scalar field theory with chemical potentials. We use this effective theory to study Bose-condensation of kaons and their properties as functions of the temperature and the chemical potentials. We use the 2-particle irreducible effective action formalism in the Hartree approximation. The renormalization of the gap equations and the effective potential is studied in detail and we show that the counterterms are independent of temperature and chemical potentials. We determine the phase diagram and the medium-dependent quasiparticle masses. It is shown that the Goldstone theorem is satisfied to a very good approximation.Comment: Talk given at the 9th Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum conference (QCHS9), Madrid, Spain, 30 Aug-3 Sep 201

    Hard-thermal-loop QCD Thermodynamics

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    Naively resummed perturbative approximations to the thermodynamic functions of QCD do not converge at phenomenologically relevant temperatures. Here we review recent results of a three-loop hard-thermal-loop perturbation theory calculation of the thermodynamic functions of a quark-gluon plasma for general N_c and N_f. We show comparisons of our recent results with lattice data from both the hotQCD and Wuppertal-Budapest groups. We demonstrate that the three-loop hard-thermal-loop perturbation result for QCD thermodynamics agrees with lattice data down to temperatures T ~ 2 T_c.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures; Talk given at the Symposium on "High Energy Strong Interactions", Aug. 9-13, 2010, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan; submitted to Prog. Theor. Phys. Supp

    The QCD trace anomaly

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    In this brief report we compare the predictions of a recent next-to-next-to-leading order hard-thermal-loop perturbation theory (HTLpt) calculation of the QCD trace anomaly to available lattice data. We focus on the trace anomaly scaled by T^2 in two cases: N_f=0 and N_f=3. When using the canonical value of mu = 2 pi T for the renormalization scale, we find that for Yang-Mills theory (N_f=0) agreement between HTLpt and lattice data for the T^2-scaled trace anomaly begins at temperatures on the order of 8 T_c while when including quarks (N_f=3) agreement begins already at temperatures above 2 T_c. In both cases we find that at very high temperatures the T^2-scaled trace anomaly increases with temperature in accordance with the predictions of HTLpt.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures; v3 published versio

    Pressure to order g8log(g)g^8*log(g) in ϕ4\phi^4-theory at weak coupling

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    We calculate the pressure of massless ϕ4\phi^4-theory to order g8log(g)g^8\log(g) at weak coupling. The contributions to the pressure arise from the hard momentum scale of order TT and the soft momentum scale of order gTgT. Effective field theory methods and dimensional reduction are used to separate the contributions from the two momentum scales: The hard contribution can be calculated as a power series in g2g^2 using naive perturbation theory with bare propagators. The soft contribution can be calculated using an effective theory in three dimensions, whose coefficients are power series in g2g^2. This contribution is a power series in gg starting at order g3g^3. The calculation of the hard part to order g6g^6 involves a complicated four-loop sum-integral that was recently calculated by Gynther, Laine, Schr\"oder, Torrero, and Vuorinen. The calculation of the soft part requires calculating the mass parameter in the effective theory to order g6g^6 and the evaluation of five-loop vacuum diagrams in three dimensions. This gives the free energy correct up to order g7g^7. The coefficients of the effective theory satisfy a set of renormalization group equations that can be used to sum up leading and subleading logarithms of T/gTT/gT. We use the solutions to these equations to obtain a result for the free energy which is correct to order g8log(g)g^8\log(g). Finally, we investigate the convergence of the perturbative series.Comment: 29 pages and 12 figs. New version: we have pushed the calculations to g^8*log(g) using the renormalization group to sum up log(g) from higher orders. Published in JHE

    NNLO hard-thermal-loop thermodynamics for QCD

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    We calculate the thermodynamic functions of a quark-gluon plasma for general N_c and N_f to three-loop order using hard-thermal-loop perturbation theory. At this order, all the ultraviolet divergences can be absorbed into renormalizations of the vacuum, the HTL mass parameters, and the strong coupling constant.We show that at three loops, the results for the pressure and trace anomaly are in very good agreement with recent lattice data down to temperatures T~2T_c.Comment: 8 pages, 2 fig

    Three-loop HTL QCD thermodynamics

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    The hard-thermal-loop perturbation theory (HTLpt) framework is used to calculate the thermodynamic functions of a quark-gluon plasma to three-loop order. This is the highest order accessible by finite temperature perturbation theory applied to a non-Abelian gauge theory before the high-temperature infrared catastrophe. All ultraviolet divergences are eliminated by renormalization of the vacuum, the HTL mass parameters, and the strong coupling constant. After choosing a prescription for the mass parameters, the three-loop results for the pressure and trace anomaly are found to be in very good agreement with recent lattice data down to T23TcT \sim 2-3\,T_c, which are temperatures accessible by current and forthcoming heavy-ion collision experiments.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures; corresponds with published version in JHE