584 research outputs found

    International Redistribution of Resource Rents: An alternative perspective on the Kyoto process

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    The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the resource rent distribution aspect of the Kyoto process. The paper focuses on the “battle for resource rents” with oil consuming countries on one side and oil producing countries on the other. Our analysis is carried out within the framework of a theoretical model of resource extraction over time. In particular, it is shown how CO2 emission caps may be used by the oil consuming countries, acting under the realm of the Kyoto process, to maximize the rent acquisition from oil producing countries and how the oil producing countries may constrain this possibility by exercising market power. The paper also compiles data and numerical results regarding the order of magnitudes of resource rents redistribution.Resource rent; environmental taxes; market form

    International Redistribution of Resource Rents: An alternative perspective on the Kyoto process

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    The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the resource rent distribution aspect of the Kyoto process. The paper focuses on the “battle for resource rents” with oil consuming countries on one side and oil producing countries on the other. Our analysis is carried out within the framework of a theoretical model of resource extraction over time. In particular, it is shown how CO2 emission caps may be used by the oil consuming countries, acting under the realm of the Kyoto process, to maximize the rent acquisition from oil producing countries and how the oil producing countries may constrain this possibility by exercising market power. The paper also compiles data and numerical results regarding the order of magnitudes of resource rents redistribution.Resource rents, environmental taxes, market form

    Business Cycle Synchronization in Europe: Evidence from the Scandinavian Currency Union

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    This paper studies business cycle synchronization in the three Scandinavian countries Denmark, Norway and Sweden prior to, during and after the Scandinavian Currency Union 1873-1913. We find that the degree of synchronization tended to increase during the currency union, thus supporting earlier empirical evidence. Estimates of factor models suggest that common Scandinavian shocks are important for these three countries. At the same time we find evidence suggesting that the importance of these shocks does not depend on the monetary regime.european union, eu, denmark, sweden, norway, jonung, bergman, scandinavian currency, union synchronisation of cycles, co-movement of cycles, monetary unions symnetry, symmetry european business cycles

    A Sacred Tree in the Boreal forest: A Narrative About a Sami Shaman, her Tree, and the Forest Landscape

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    Since the early nineteenth century, forest landscapes and socio-economic contexts have significantly changed in northernmost Sweden. These processes include agrarian colonisation, the Christianisation of the indigenous Sami people, and the transfer of land tenure. We aim to analyse how Sami religious practice manifested itself in a time of dramatic social transition in northern Sweden by focussing on the life and religious practice of a Sami woman known as the shaman Guoksik-gummo, 'the Lady of the Siberian Jay.' We analyse a range of historical records and one specific sacred tree related to her to understand this period better and illuminate the changes in land-use religious practice and landscape transformation between the early nineteenth century and the early twenty-first century. We conclude that better documentation, more vital protection by law of Sami cultural traces in northern landscapes, and better consultation with Sami are needed in the future

    The person-oriented approach: A short theoretical and practical guide

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    LĂŒhike ĂŒlevaade indiviidile suunatud kĂ€sitlusviisist (person-oriented approach) koostati juhendmaterjaliks selle meetodi kasutamisest huvitatud uurijatele. Artiklis arutletakse meetodi teoreetiliste, metodoloogiliste ja praktiliste kaalutluste ĂŒle. Esiteks osutatakse mĂ”ningatele ajaloolistele juurtele. Sellele jĂ€rgneb lĂŒhiĂŒlevaade holistlik-interaktsioonilisest uurimisparadigmast, mis moodustab indiviidikeskse kĂ€sitlusviisi ĂŒldise raami. Sellel kĂ€sitlusviisil on olemas nii teoreetiline kui ka metodoloogiline pool. Peale peamiste teoreetiliste tĂ”ekspidamiste tutvustatakse ka enam levinud indiviidikeskseid meetodeid. Indiviidile suunatud kĂ€sitlusviisi tuumaks on sĂŒsteemne vaade, mille kohaselt moodustavad sĂŒsteemi komponendid mustri, mida vĂ”iks pidada jagamatuks. Seda mustrit tuleks mĂ”ista ja uurida ĂŒhe tervikuna, mitte jagada tĂŒkkideks (variaabliteks/muutujateks), et neid tĂŒkke seejĂ€rel eraldiseisvate ĂŒhikutena uurida. Seega kasutatakse selliseid metodoloogilisi vahendeid, mis vĂ”imaldavad analĂŒĂŒsida tervikut (nt klasteranalĂŒĂŒs). Samuti esitatakse empiiriline nĂ€ide koolihinnete arengumustrite uurimise kohta. Full text&nbsp

    Acta zoologica Fennica 39

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