56 research outputs found

    Gluten gabeko dieta: Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko pertsona zeliakoen dieta ohiturak

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    312 p.Gaixotasun zeliakoa (GZa) oinarri immunologikoa duen patologia bat da, glutena hartzeak sortzen duena genetikoki joera duten pertsonetan. Glutena prolaminen taldeko proteina da, zenbait zerealen hazietan dagoena. Datuen arabera, munduan zeliakiaren prebalentzia %1-2 da eta gaur egun, GZri aurre egiteko dagoen tratamendu bakarra bizitza osoan glutenik gabeko dieta (GGD) zorrotza egitea da. Halere dieta orekatuaren gomendioak betetzea eragozten du, izan ere, glutena zerealen osagaia da, dietako funtsezko elikagai taldea dena, dieta osasungarriaren oinarria hain zuzen ere. Halaber, glutendun homologoak ordezkatzeko, zerealen taldeko GGP espezifikoak sortu dira baina azken hauek ez dira nutrizionalki glutendunekin konparagarriak.Lan honen helburuak Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko (EAEko) populazio zeliakoaren nutrizio-egoera eta elikadura ohiturak aztertzea eta GGPen nutrizio-osaera aztertzea eta horiek GGDn duten eraginaebaluatzea izan dira.Oro har, pertsona zeliakoek jarraitzen duten GGD desorekatua da, bai kuantitatiboki eta baita kualitatiboki ere. Dietaren akats gehienak populazio orokorrean ere gertatzen dira, gizarte osoaren ohituraezegokiak arazoen abiapuntu izanik. Desorekak, hein batean gutxienez, GGPen ahorakin altuari leporatu dakizkieke, GGDren zenbait ezaugarri, gehiegizko lipido-kontsumoa eta horien profil-ezegokia batez ere, desorekak areagotzen baitituzte. Hortaz, egoerari aurre egiteko aholku dietetiko espezifiko eraginkorra ematea gomendatzen da.Tradizionalki gluten eza ziurtatzea izan da elikadura industriaren kezka. Egun, GGPen osagaiak seguruagoak izanik, industria produktuon nutrizio-kalitateari ere erreparatzen hasi zaio. Zenbait elikagai eta nutrienteetan hobekuntza esanguratsuak lortu diren arren, erronka honi eustea ezinbestekoa da detektatutako nutrizio-beharrak asetzeko. Gainera, lan hori guztia gizarteratzen ahalegina egin behar da, elikagaien etiketetako informazioa osatuz, adibidez.Amaitzeko aipagarri da egungo dietak baloratzeko eta diseinatzeko tresnak ez direla erabilgarriak zeliakoentzat; izan ere, hauen oinarri diren elikagaien datu-baseek ez baitituzte zeliakoentzat espezifikoak diren GGPen informazio nutrizionala biltzen. Beraz, zeliakoen ongizatea, bizi-kalitatea eta osasuna elikaduraren menpe daudenez zuzenean, populazio honentzako tresna zuzenak garatu dira jarraibide dietetiko espezifikoak eman eta dieta zehatzagoak diseinatu ahal izateko

    Analysing the Temperature Effect on the Competitiveness of the Amine Addition versus the Amidation Reaction in the Epoxidized Oil/Amine System by MCR-ALS of FTIR Data

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    The evaluation of the temperature effect on the competitiveness between the amine addition and the amidation reaction in a model cure acid-catalysed reaction between the epoxidized methyl oleate (EMO), obtained from high oleic sunflower oil, and aniline is reported. The study was carried out analysing the kinetic profiles of the chemical species involved in the system, which were obtained applying multivariate curve resolution-alternating least squares (MCR-ALS) to the Fourier transform infrared spectra data obtained from the reaction monitoring at two different temperatures (60°C and 30°C). At both experimental temperatures, two mechanisms were postulated: non-autocatalytic and autocatalytic. The different behaviour was discussed considering not only the influence of the temperature on the amidation reaction kinetic, but also the presence of the homopolymerization of the EMO reagent

    Influence of 1,3-dimethylimidazolium chloride on the solubility of lithium bromide in water for absorption refrigeration and heat pumps

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    The effect of the 1,3-dimethylimidazolium chloride ([Dmim][Cl]) on the solubility of lithium bromide (LiBr) in water is analyzed. The solubility curve of ternary water/(LiBr+[Dmim][ Cl]), with 3 % and 6 % of [Dmim][Cl] in the absorbent, has been determined using a visual- polythermal method in the range from (0 to 90) ºC. To explain the role of the ionic liquid in the solubility of the LiBr, a multivariant curve resolution method was applied to near-infrared spectra of the ternary solutions and H2O/LiBr at room temperature within a wide composition range. The solubility results show that, in the range from 0.60 to 0.65 in absorbent mass faction, corresponding to the typical composition in the absorber inlet, the temperature decrease between 11 ºC and 13 ºC with 3 % of IL, and between 15 ºC and 20 ºC with 6 % of IL. Spectral calculation results show that in the ternary mixture, the amount of water that remains as bulk water in the presence of LiBr is higher than in the binary mixture. This suggests interactions between both species.The authors are grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2020- 119004RB-C21), the Diputació de Tarragona, and the Universitat Rovira i Virgili for financial support

    Characterization of Catalan red wines by pattern recognition methods

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    52 red wines produced in the Tarragona province (Catalonia, Spain), 1983 vintage, belonging to 4 different regions, namely Priorat, Terra Alta, Camp de Tarragona and Falset, have been characterized and differentiated according to their geographic origin on the basis of 17 parameters measured for each sample and 3 pattern recognition methods: Statistical Quadratic Discriminant Analysis, K-Nearest Neighbour and Linear Learning Machine. The meta! ions manganese, magnesium, iron and sodium, along with the enological parameters ethanol content, alkalinity of ashes and titratable acidity have been found as the most relevant ones in this study. The lack of varietal differences together with quite similar climatic and cultural conditions due to the geographic contiguity of the studied zones leads to a maximum prediction ability of 87 % with the Linear Learning Machine method

    Nutritional Imbalances in Adult Celiac Patients Following a Gluten-Free Diet

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    Celiac disease (CD) is a chronic autoimmune disorder of the small intestine, whose only effective treatment is a gluten-free diet (GFD). It is characterized by the atrophy of the intestinal villi that leads to altered nutrient absorption. This study describes the nutritional imbalances which may be found in adults with CD following a GFD. During the first year of treatment, deficiencies will overcome as the intestinal mucosa recovers. Thus, biochemical data will show this progression, together with the decrease in symptoms. In contrast, in the long term, when a strict GFD is followed and mucosal recovery is achieved, analyzing nutrient intake makes more sense. Macronutrient consumption is characterized by its low complex carbohydrate and fiber intakes, and high fat (especially SFA) and sugar intakes. This profile has been related to the consumption of GFP and their nutritional composition, in addition to unbalanced dietary habits. The most notable deficiencies in micronutrients are usually those of iron, calcium and magnesium and vitamin D, E and some of group B. It is necessary to follow up patients with CD and to promote nutritional education among them, since it could help not only to achieve a gluten free but also a balanced diet.Gesala Perez-Junkera and Maialen Vázquez-Polo are fellowships of the Basque Government and the University of the Basque Country respectively. The GLUTEN3S research group is supported by a grant (GIU 18/78) from the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU

    Celiac Male’s Gluten-Free Diet Profile: Comparison to that of the Control Population and Celiac Women

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    The aim of the present work was to analyze the body composition and dietary profile of Spanish celiac men and to compare them to control men and celiac women from our previous studies. Forty-two celiac men (31.5 +/- 11.9 years) were recruited and anthropometric measurements were taken. Analysis of energy consumption, macro-and micronutrient intake and food frequency consumption was carried out. Celiac men were more overweight and obese than celiac women, but less than the control population, reporting the same energy intake and macronutrient distribution. Most micronutrient deficiencies in celiac men were not directly related to a gluten free diet; these were also observed for the entire population. The least adherence to Dietary Reference Intakes in women was reported for iron, iodine, potassium and selenium, whereas magnesium intake was higher than in men. Among celiac participants (both genders), cereal, vegetable and legume consumption was poor and meat intake was contrastingly excessive. In conclusion, the dietary profile of celiac men is as unbalanced as that of control men but slightly more than that of celiac women. General nutritional education should be given to both general and celiac populations, and specific advices to celiac men, in order to decrease the risk of celiac disease-related pathologies.Idoia Larretxi is a fellowship of the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU (Euskararen eta Etengabeko Prestakuntzaren arloko Errektoreordetza). This research was funded by University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Basque Government, grant numbers US12/10 and GV2008111042, respectively. We thank the participation of all patients, and the collaboration of "Asociacion de Celiacos de Euskadi (EZE)", specifically that of Mireia Apraiz, Beatriz Zulueta, Nerea Segura, Estibaliz Olabarri Elena Perez-Estevez, Lissette Delgado, Aranzazu Sainz-Espiga, Sagrario Martinez and Lorea Martinez-Indart

    Gluten and FODMAPs Relationship with Mental Disorders: Systematic Review

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    Nowadays, gluten and FODMAP food components (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols) are increasingly studied due to their possible relation with extraintestinal-associated conditions. In recent years, gluten-free diets (GFD) and low-FODMAP diets (LFD) are becoming more popular not only in order to avoid the food components that cause intolerances or allergies in some people, but also due to the direct influence of marketing movements or diet trends on feeding habits. Likewise, neurological and psychiatric diseases are currently of increasing importance in developed countries. For this reason, a bibliographic systematic review has been carried out to analyse whether there is a pathophysiological relationship between the dietary intake of gluten or FODMAPs with mental disorders. This review collects 13 clinical and randomized controlled trials, based on the PRISMA statement, which have been published in the last ten years. Based on these results, limiting or ruling out gluten or FODMAPs in the diet might be beneficial for symptoms such as depression, anxiety (7 out of 7 articles found any positive effect), or cognition deficiency (improvements in several cognition test measurements in one trial), and to a lesser extent for schizophrenia and the autism spectrum. Nevertheless, further studies are needed to obtain completely reliable conclusions.Silvia Matias is IKASIKER fellowships of the Education Department of the Basque Government. The GLUTEN3S research group is supported by a grant (GIU 18/78) from the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU

    Uncovering the Concerns and Needs of Individuals with Celiac Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    The treatment for celiac disease (CD) involves a strict gluten-free diet, which can be challenging and lead to questions for patients. Pinpointing these uncertainties can enable the creation of efficient educational resources. In this study, a questionnaire was specifically designed to gain insights into the knowledge, concerns, and needs of individuals with CD and their supporters. The questionnaire was distributed through the Instagram social network and received adequate responses from 300 participants, 258 (86%) being female and 152 (50.7%) falling in the age range of 25–44 years. The concerns of individuals with celiac disease and celiac supporters were rated on a 1–4 scale, with a mean score of 3.5 indicating significant concern. A total of 255 (85%) of all participants expressed that their principal concern was the social limitations they faced, such as difficulties in eating out and sharing food with others. Every participant evaluated their overall disease knowledge, averaging at 2.92 out of 4, indicating a reasonable level of awareness. When asked if they believed that improving general knowledge about CD in the general population would enhance their quality of life, the vast majority responded affirmatively. This finding underscores the importance of not only educating individuals with CD but also reaching out to the wider population, especially those who have a direct impact on the daily lives of individuals with CD, such as family members, friends, and food service providers.Maialen Vázquez-Polo and Gesala Perez-Junkera are fellowships of the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU, and the Basque Government, respectively. The GLUTEN3S research group is supported by a grant (GIU18/78, GIU21/053) from the UPV/EHU, and it is recognized by the Basque Government (IT-1419-19). This research was funded by two grants from the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU (University-Society US20/16 and US22/22)

    New Software for Gluten-Free Diet Evaluation and Nutritional Education

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    Following a gluten-free diet (GFD) is the only treatment for celiac disease. This diet must ensure the absence of gluten but also needs to be nutritionally balanced. Dietitians working in this field cannot properly evaluate energy and nutrient intake of celiac people because dietary programs available on the market do not contain the nutritional composition of gluten-free products (GFP). Here we present a new GFD evaluation software that contains more than 700 gluten-free rendered foodstuffs and their macronutrient composition. Apart from diet evaluation and design, the software represents a tool for nutritional education as well, since it shows diet appropriacy and indicates how to promote balanced self-care. Moreover, anthropometric and biochemical data or symptoms presence and diet adherence can be recorded and evaluated. This open free software, can be downloaded in its app format for mobiles and tablets. Software evaluation indicated its correct functionality and the importance of assessing a GFD with GFP instead of with their gluten-containing analogues. Thus, this software represents an essential e-Health tool, not only for proper GFD evaluation, but also for improving life quality of celiac and gluten sensitive people.This research was supported by two grants from the University of the Basque Country, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain (UPV/EHU) (University-Society US15/06 and US18/15)

    Determinación de la composición de disoluciones acuosas de LiBr para sistemas de refrigeración por absorción. estudio comparativo de diferentes técnicas

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    En este trabajo se han medido la densidad, el índice de refracción, la velocidad del sonido, la conductividad eléctrica y la absorbancia entre 950nm y 1050 nm de 15 disoluciones acuosas de bromuro de litioenun rango de fracción másicade sal entre 0.45 y 0.65, ya temperaturas comprendidas entre 323.15 y 343.15 K. La experimentación ha sido planificada siguiendo un diseño factorial 22, con 5 niveles para la fracción másica de bromuro de litio y 3 niveles para la temperatura. El efecto de la concentración y de la temperatura en los valores de cada medida ha sido evaluado por medio del análisis de la varianza (ANOVA), previo al establecimiento de los modelos de regresión. Excepto en el caso del índice de refracción, la relación entre la propiedad y la cantidad de LiBr en la disolución es cuadrática, mientras que con la temperatura la relación es lineal, no existiendo efectos de interacción entre ambas variables. Con fines comparativos, y como una primera aproximación, la trazabilidad de los resultados que se obtienen con los modelos establecidos se evalúa utilizando datos experimentales encontrados en la bibliografía. Desviaciones de entre (0.005-0.20) g/cm³ fueron calculadas para la densidad, entre 0.0027 y 0.0111 para el índice de refracción, entre (2-4) m/s para la velocidad del sonido y entre 22mS/cm y 178 mS/cm para la conductividad eléctrica. Asumiendo como valores de referencia el valor del contenido de bromuro de litio en las muestras preparadas, la exactitud de las técnicas se calcula en términos de RMSD. Los valores calculados fueron: (XLiBr= 0.004) para la densimetría de tubo vibrante; (XLiBr= 0.005) para la velocidad del sonido; (XLiBr= 0.007) para la refractometría y conductimetría eléctrica y (XLiBr = 0.009) para la espectroscopia de infrarrojo cercano.Ministerio de Economía y Competitivida