111 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Green Sahara Periods and Their Role in Hominin Evolution

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    Astronomically forced insolation changes have driven monsoon dynamics and recurrent humid episodes in North Africa, resulting in green Sahara Periods (GSPs) with savannah expansion throughout most of the desert. Despite their potential for expanding the area of prime hominin habitats and favouring out-of-Africa dispersals, GSPs have not been incorporated into the narrative of hominin evolution due to poor knowledge of their timing, dynamics and landscape composition at evolutionary timescales. We present a compilation of continental and marine paleoenvironmental records from within and around North Africa, which enables identification of over 230 GSPs within the last 8 million years. By combining the main climatological determinants of woody cover in tropical Africa with paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic data for representative (Holocene and Eemian) GSPs, we estimate precipitation regimes and habitat distributions during GSPs. Their chronology is consistent with the ages of Saharan archeological and fossil hominin sites. Each GSP took 2-3 kyr to develop, peaked over 4-8 kyr, biogeographically connected the African tropics to African and Eurasian mid latitudes, and ended within 2-3 kyr, which resulted in rapid habitat fragmentation. We argue that the well-dated succession of GSPs presented here may have played an important role in migration and evolution of hominins

    Petrological characterization of flint from Montmaneu's Limestones Formation (Eastern sector of the Ebro Basin)

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    Flint from Montmaneu's Limestones Formation of Rupelian age (Oligocene) is being here characterized. The analysis of the compositional texture, mineralogy and geochemical features has revealed this flint is highly pure and of microcrystalline texture, with a significant content of moganite. This flint is product of an early diagenetic replacement of limestone from littoral lacustrine facies. This flint was exploited by human populations in a regional range, especially in the early stages of the NeolithicSe caracteriza el sílex de la Formación calizas de Montmaneu, de edad Rupeliense (Oligoceno). El análisis textural, mineralógico y de sus rasgos geoquímicos indica que se trata de un sílex microcristalino, bastante puro, con una proporción significativa de moganita. Es producto del reemplazamiento diagenético temprano de calizas de facies lacustres litorales. Este sílex fue objeto de una explotación regional, especialmente en los primeros momentos del Neolític

    Mediterranean water in the Atlantic Iberian margin reveals early isolation events during the Messinian Salinity Crisis

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    Recent studies highlight the role of the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW), in the intensification of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and as source of heat and salty water to high latitudes. During the Late Miocene the MOW suffered major changes and likely a total collapse during the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC). In order to study the MOW evolution in the Atlantic margin during the Tortonian-Messinian interval we completed a new high resolution geochemical and stable isotope record for the corresponding interval of the Montemayor-1 and Huelva-1 cores. Both sites are located in the Guadalquivir Basin on the former Atlantic side of the Mediterranean – Atlantic gateways (Iberian Atlantic margin) during the late Miocene. The tuning of this isotope record with astronomical solutions and other global isotope curves has allowed the establishment of an improved chronology and, consequently, to precisely date environmental changes happening on the Atlantic margin of the Iberian peninsula and their link to Mediterranean and global events. At 7.17 Ma, in concomitance with a shallowing of the basin, the residence time, temperature and salinity of the bottom waters increased. These changes were related to a reduction of the MOW reaching the Atlantic side as a consequence of the restriction of the last strand of the Betic corridor that connected the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. This hypothesis is in line with the analogous changes observed in several Mediterranean Sea locations, where from 7.17 Ma onward a reduced Mediterranean – Atlantic connection is observable. Furthermore, the new isotope chronology sheds light, through comparison with other records, on the age of Messinian geomagnetic reversals.</p

    Paleomagnetic and paleoenvironmental implications of magnetofossil occurrences in late Miocene marine sediments from the Guadalquivir Basin, SW Spain

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    Although recent studies have revealed more widespread occurrences of magnetofossils in pre-Quaternary sediments than have been previously reported, their significance for paleomagnetic and paleoenvironmental studies is not fully understood. We present a paleo- and rock-magnetic study of late Miocene marine sediments recovered from the Guadalquivir Basin (SW Spain). Well-defined paleomagnetic directions provide a robust magnetostratigraphic chronology for the two studied sediment cores. Rock magnetic results indicate the dominance of intact magnetosome chains throughout the studied sediments. These results provide a link between the highest-quality paleomagnetic directions and higher magnetofossil abundances. We interpret that bacterial magnetite formed in the surface sediment mixed layer and that these magnetic particles gave rise to a paleomagnetic signal in the same way as detrital grains. They, therefore, carry a magnetization that is essentially identical to a post-depositional remanent magnetization, which we term a bio-depositional remanent magnetization. Some studied polarity reversals record paleomagnetic directions with an apparent 60-70 kyr recording delay. Magnetofossils in these cases are interpreted to carry a biogeochemical remanent magnetization that is locked in at greater depth in the sediment column. A sharp decrease in magnetofossil abundance toward the middle of the studied boreholes coincides broadly with a major rise in sediment accumulation rates near the onset of the Messinian salinity crisis (MSC), an event caused by interruption of the connection between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. This correlation appears to have resulted from dilution of magnetofossils by enhanced terrigenous inputs that were driven, in turn, by sedimentary changes triggered in the basin at the onset of the MSC. Our results highlight the importance of magnetofossils as carriers of high-quality paleomagnetic and paleoenvironmental signals even in dominantly terrigenous sediments.This study was funded by the Guadaltyc project (MINECO, CGL2012–30875), ARC grant DP120103952, and NSFC grant 41374073

    Mediterranean water in the Atlantic Iberian margin reveals early isolation events during the Messinian Salinity Crisis

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    Recent studies highlight the role of the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW), in the intensification of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and as source of heat and salty water to high latitudes. During the Late Miocene the MOW suffered major changes and likely a total collapse during the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC). In order to study the MOW evolution in the Atlantic margin during the Tortonian-Messinian interval we completed a new high resolution geochemical and stable isotope record for the corresponding interval of the Montemayor-1 and Huelva-1 cores. Both sites are located in the Guadalquivir Basin on the former Atlantic side of the Mediterranean – Atlantic gateways (Iberian Atlantic margin) during the late Miocene. The tuning of this isotope record with astronomical solutions and other global isotope curves has allowed the establishment of an improved chronology and, consequently, to precisely date environmental changes happening on the Atlantic margin of the Iberian peninsula and their link to Mediterranean and global events. At 7.17 Ma, in concomitance with a shallowing of the basin, the residence time, temperature and salinity of the bottom waters increased. These changes were related to a reduction of the MOW reaching the Atlantic side as a consequence of the restriction of the last strand of the Betic corridor that connected the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. This hypothesis is in line with the analogous changes observed in several Mediterranean Sea locations, where from 7.17 Ma onward a reduced Mediterranean – Atlantic connection is observable. Furthermore, the new isotope chronology sheds light, through comparison with other records, on the age of Messinian geomagnetic reversals.</p

    Source-to-sink magnetic properties of NE Saharan dust in Eastern Mediterranean marine sediments: review and paleoenvironmental implications

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    We present a review of the magnetic properties of NE Saharan dust that was conducted, following a source-to-sink approach, to unravel the paleoclimatic significance of environmental magnetic records from Eastern Mediterranean marine sediments. Our synthesis indicates that pedogenic hematite, which formed during past wetter Green Sahara periods (GSPs), is the most common magnetic mineral in Eastern Mediterranean marine sediments as a result of its eolian transportation, along with smaller amounts of lithogenic hematite, from the NE Sahara. Coupled with the limited impact of reductive sedimentary diagenesis on hematite abundances in Eastern Mediterranean Sea sediments, this indicates that hematite concentrations provide reliable quantitative estimates of NE Saharan dust supply. Our results indicate that variations in NE Saharan dust supply record an on-off mechanism in which a key control on eolian input is provided by the monsoon-driven spread and retreat of savannah vegetation through the Sahara. Magnetite/maghemite is also a common magnetic mineral in NE Saharan dust, and also formed mainly pedogenically during GSPs but in much smaller amounts compared to hematite. Limited production of magnetite/maghemite in the source area during GSPs, along with the later imprint of diagenetic processes, indicates that magnetite/maghemite abundances cannot be used to estimate dust inputs from the NE Sahara. Goethite cannot be used either to estimate variations in NE Saharan dust supply, because its occurrence in Eastern Mediterranean marine sediments also appears to be linked to fluvial inputs. Our results reinforce the view that a source-to-sink approach should be routinely conducted in environmental magnetic studies to understand the complex combination of processes involved in the production, transportation, sedimentation, and diagenetic evolution of magnetic minerals in sedimentary environments. © 2015 Larrasoaña, Roberts, Liu, Lyons, Oldfield, Rohling and Heslop.A Rand D H gratefully acknowledge support from Australian Research Council grant DP110105419 , and ER acknowledges support from 2012 Australia Laureate Fellowship FL120100050.Peer reviewe

    Mineralogical analysis of the clays of Lower-Middle Miocene transition in Loma Negra section (Bardenas Reales de Navarra, Ebro Basin)

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    A continuous succession of Lower and Middle Miocene continental sediments, ranging from 20.5 to 15.5 Ma, crops out in the Natural Park of Bardenas Reales de Navarra. The good characteristics of the outcrops has favoured numerous studies in the area in order to reconstruct the palaeoenvironmental conditions between the Ramblian and Aragonian, where the beginning Miocene Climatic Optimum is included. This work presents the first results of mineralogical study in the Loma Negra section, which previously has been subject of palaeontological studies. Total rock analyses show that mineralogy reflects changes previously established from lithologic criteria, suggesting an evolution from a distal alluvial environment to the establishment of a shallow lacustrine environment. The clay mineralogy indicates constant environmental conditions in the series, except for the samples LN-64a and b, with a high value of smectite perhaps representing a semiarid environment characterized by short rainy season compared to dry environment represented by illite and chloriteEn el Parque Natural de Las Bardenas Reales de Navarra aflora una serie casi continua de los sedimentos continentales del Mioceno inferior y medio, abarcando desde 20,5 hasta 15,5 Ma. La buena calidad de los afloramientos ha propiciado que en la zona se hayan realizado numerosos estudios con el fin de reconstruir las condiciones paleoambientales entre el Rambliense y el Aragoniense, en el cual se incluye el comienzo del Óptimo Climático del Mioceno. En este trabajo se presentan los primeros resultados del estudio mineralógico de la sección de Loma Negra, que anteriormente ya ha sido objeto de estudios paleontológicos. Los análisis de roca total muestran que la mineralogía refleja los cambios previamente establecidos a partir de criterios litológicos, que marcan una evolución desde un medio aluvial distal hasta la instauración de un medio lacustre somero. La mineralogía de arcillas indica unas condiciones secas poco cambiantes representadas por la illita y la clorita, con excepción de las muestras LN-64a y b, en los que el alto valor de esmectita pudiera indicar un ambiente semiárido caracterizado por una corta estación de lluvia

    Nuevos datos sobre Andegameryx (Mammalia, Ruminantia) del Mioceno Inferior de las Bardenas Reales (Navarra, España)

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    New fossil remains of ruminants from the Lower Miocene (Ramblian, MN3) of the Bardenas Reales (Navarre) are studied in this paper. The material, which comprises dentition, is assigned to Andegameryx aff. andegaviensis Ginsburg, 1971. Morphological and metrical similarities exist between these remains and the Spanish population of Andegameryx andegaviensis from Cetina de Aragón (Zaragoza), which is somewhat larger than the French material of this species. However, there are also some affinities with Andegameryx fossils from other Spanish localities as Loranca del Campo (Cuenca). The new material from the Bardenas Reales allows us to confirm certainly the presence of Andegameryx in the area and to provide the evidence that it was a widespread genus of ruminant in Spain during the early Miocene.En este trabajo se describen los nuevos hallazgos de rumiantes fósiles del Mioceno inferior (Rambliense, MN3) de las Bardenas Reales (Navarra). Este material está compuesto por dentición y ha sido clasificado como Andegameryx aff. andegaviensis Ginsburg, 1971. El estudio morfológico y métrico muestra que los restos de las Bardenas son muy semejantes a los de la población española de Andegameryx andegaviensis de Cetina de Aragón (Zaragoza), de talla algo mayor que las poblaciones francesas de esta especie. Sin embargo, también tiene afinidades con material de Andegameryx procedente de otras localidades españolas como Loranca del Campo (Cuenca). Los nuevos hallazgos permiten confirmar sin dudas la presencia de Andegameryx en las Bardenas Reales (Cuenca del Ebro), poniendo de manifiesto que este género de rumiante estuvo ampliamente extendido en las cuencas interiores de España durante el Mioceno inferior

    Nuevos datos cronoestratigráficos de la Fm. Marismas (Bajo Guadalquivir)

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    La Formación Marismas forma la parte superior del relleno sedimentario del sector SW de la cuenca del Guadalquivir. Los datos previos sobre el sondeo Lebrija, indicaban que la parte más alta de esta formación tenía edades de hasta 9.6 kyr BP y en la parte inferior eran cercanas o fuera del rango del radiocarbono, pero posterior a la reversión Brunhes-Matuyama. En este trabajo se aportan 17 nuevas dataciones realizadas mediante racemización de aminoácidos en valvas de ostrácodos en este mismo sondeo, con el fin de completar la cronología y el modelo de edad de la parte superior e inferior de la Fm Marismas. El resultado indica que el tramo situado por debajo del metro 56, arroja edades que oscilan entre 164685±14110 y 202830±30255, que se correlacionan con los estadios isotópicos marinos MIS 6-7 del Pleistoceno medio, edad sensiblemente más baja a las inferidas para esta formación en otros puntos de la Cuenca del bajo GuadalquivirEste trabajo se ha realizado dentro del proyecto Guadaltyc (Impacto del clima y la tectónica en el registro sedimentario de la Cuenca del Guadalquivir, (CGL2012-30875).Peer Reviewe